- 2 -
The Original of this reconciliation form must be filed with the address and Lisbon Income Tax Withholding account number
VILLAGE OF LISBON, P.O. Box 42, LISBON, OH 44432 of employer. An adding machine tape, or some other type of
on or before January 31, list, listing the amount of Lisbon income tax withheld, as
unless a written request for extension has been made to and indicated by individual employee’s statements, should be
granted by City Income Tax Office. This form must be attached thereto. A legible copy of commercially printed W-
accompanied by copies of employee’s statements (Form W-2) 2 Forms will be accepted by this office without specific
showing: 1) name and address of employer; 2) social securi- approval, if the forms have been approved by the Internal
ty number; 3) gross earnings paid before any payroll deduc- Revenue Service and contain the required information for
tions; 4) amount of income tax withheld; and 5) name, Lisbon income tax purposes.
If the difference between lines 2 and 4 indicates a balance due, the amount thereof should accompany this return; if the difference indicates an over-
payment, attach an explanation.
The Original of this reconciliation form must be filed with the address and Lisbon Income Tax Withholding account number
VILLAGE OF LISBON, P.O. Box 42, LISBON, OH 44432 of employer. An adding machine tape, or some other type of
on or before January 31, list, listing the amount of Lisbon income tax withheld, as
unless a written request for extension has been made to and indicated by individual employee’s statements, should be
granted by City Income Tax Office. This form must be attached thereto. A legible copy of commercially printed W-
accompanied by copies of employee’s statements (Form W-2) 2 Forms will be accepted by this office without specific
showing: 1) name and address of employer; 2) social securi- approval, if the forms have been approved by the Internal
ty number; 3) gross earnings paid before any payroll deduc- Revenue Service and contain the required information for
tions; 4) amount of income tax withheld; and 5) name, Lisbon income tax purposes.
If the difference between lines 2 and 4 indicates a balance due, the amount thereof should accompany this return; if the difference indicates an over-
payment, attach an explanation.