![]() | Staple W-2(s) and the front page of the 1040 to the back of this page City of Englewood, Income Tax Division Form IR 1- City Income Tax Return For Individuals Tax Year ____ Acct # Check the appropriate box if: Primary’s Social Security Number REFUND for(Anthisamountreturnmustto bebeconsideredplaced onaLinevalid8B Primary’s First Name and Middle Initial Last Name refund request) If Joint, Spouse’s First Name and Initial Last Name Spouse’s Social Security Number AMENDED For Tax Year _____________ Home Address (number and street) Resident Single Non-Resident Married—Filing Jointly Partial Year Complete PART E section 3 Married—Filing Separately City State Zip Code PART A TAX CALCULATION Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G Box 5 or 18 from the W2 PART E or Colume B Limited to 1.75% List each Employer Separately (whichever amount is higher) Adjustments to Wages Tax (C) times 1.75% Englewood Other City (D) less (E) and (F) EMPLOYER Wages (W2 Income) Taxable Wages Rate Tax Due Tax Withheld Tax Credit Balance Due 1.75% 1.75% 1.75% 1 TOTAL TAX DUE FROM W2 INCOME Total Wages Total Taxable Wages Total Tax Due WithheldTotal Englewood Total Other City Credit 1 2 TOTAL TAX DUE FROM OTHER INCOME (PART B Line 12) …………………………………………………………………………….… 2 3 GRAND TOTAL OF TAX DUE FROM ALL SOURCES OF INCOME (Total of Line 1 and 2) …………………………………………………………..…………… 3 4 LESS CREDITS FOR ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENTS AND OVERPAYMENT FROM PRIOR YEAR RETURN ONLY …………… 4 5 BALANCE DUE (Line 3 less Line 4) (If line 4 is greater than Line 3, enter amount here and carry to Line 8) ……………………………….………………….………….. 5 6 PENALTY $________________ INTEREST $_______________ LATE CHARGE $_______________ …..………………………………………………. 6 7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (add Lines 5 and 6) If amount due is $10 or less no payment is required …………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 8 OVERPAYMENT CLAIMED (if Line 4 exceeds Line 3) ………………………………………………………………………………...……… 8 A Enter the amount from Line 8 you want CREDITED to your next year tax estimate ……………………….. 8A B Enter the amount from Line 8 you want REFUNDED (must be greater than $10.00) …………………………………………………………….. 8B PART B OTHER INCOME Income from sources other than W2(s) See PART F or PART G or SCHEDULE Y for additional schedules Column H Column I Column J Column K Column L INCOME (OR LOSS) FROM RENTAL INCOME (OR LOSS) OTHER INCOME DESCRIPTION PART F OR SCHEDULE Y PART G OTHER INCOME GAMBLING WINNINGS TOTAL 9 TOTAL OTHER INCOME (Total of Column L) ………………………………………………………………………………………………...………….. 9 10 TOTAL TAX DUE (Total of Column L times 1.75% tax rate) ……………………………………………………………………………………………...... 10 11 CREDIT FOR TAXES PAID TO OTHER CITIES (limited to 1.75% of taxed income per activity) ……………………….………………………………. 11 12 TOTAL TAX DUE ON OTHER INCOME (Line 10 less Line 11 ) (Place this amount on Line 2 above) …………………………………………………………... 12 PART C DECLARATION OF ESTIMATED CITY INCOME TAX - If you owe more than $200 on line 5 you must complete this section 13 TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME FROM WAGES AND OTHER INCOME ………………..……………………………………………...………….. 13 14 TOTAL TAX DUE (Line 13 times 1.75% tax rate) (if under $200, there is no need to proceed) …………………………………………………...……...... 14 15 CREDIT FOR TAXES PAID TO OTHER CITIES or ENGLEWOOD or ON THE ACCOUNT (Limited to 1.75% of taxed income per activity) ………. 15 16 TOTAL AMOUNT OF DECLARATION FOR TAX YEAR (Line 14 less Line 15 ) …………….…………….…....…………………………………… 16 17 QUARTERLY PAYMENTS DUE (Line 16 divided by 4)…………………………………………………………………………………………………... 17 PART D SIGNATURES The undersigned declares that this return (and accompanying schedules) is a true, correct and complete return for the taxable period stated and that the figures used herein are the same as used for Federal income tax purposes, adjusted to the ordinance requirements for local tax purposes, and if an audit of the Federal return is made which affects the tax liability shown on the return an amended return is required to be filed within three months. Sign Primary’s Date Email theByCitycheckingto communicatethis box I giveto mepermissionat this email.to Here Signature If a joint return Spouse’s Date Email theByCitycheckingto communicatethis box I giveto mepermissionat this email.to both must sign Signature Preparer’s Preparer’s Phone Number CONTACT INFORMATION Use Only Signature 333 W National Rd Englewood, OH 45322 Third Do you want to allow another person to discuss this matter with the City of Englewood? (see instructions) YES Complete the following NO 937-836-5106 Party Designee’s Name Phone Number tax@englewood.oh.us Designee |
![]() | Name(s) as shown on Page 1 Primary Social Security Address during the Period Covered by this Claim: Adjustments to Wages and Claim for Refund PART E ADJUSTMENTS TO WAGES - List these figures on Page 1 in Column C of PART A Section 1 Under the age of 16 Withholding 4 If you were under the age of 16 for all or part of the year, enter your total wages for the year (the larger of box 5 or 18 from W2) .. 4 5 Wages earned while under the age of 16. ATTACH A COPY of your birth certificate or a copy of your driver’s license…………….. 5 6 Taxable Wages (Subtract Line 5 from 4) List this figure on Page 1 in Column C of PART A ……………………….…………………………………………………... 6 Section 2 Partial Year Residents Resident Dates from ______________________ to ___________________ 7 Enter your total wages from employer (the larger of box 5 or 18 from W2) ……………………………………………………………….. 7 8 Wages earned while not a resident of Englewood ATTACH A COPY of a paystub close to your move in date …………………….. 8 9 Taxable Wages for Partial Year Residents ( Subtract Line 8 from 7) List this figure on Page 1 in Column C of PART A ………………………………….…………. 9 Section 3 Tax Withholding Correction 10 If city tax was improperly withheld from your wages, enter your total wages from that employer (the larger of box 5 or 18 from W2) 10 11 Income upon which tax was improperly withheld by employer. MUST COMPLETE CERTIFICATION BELOW ………………………. 11 12 Taxable Wages (Subtract Line 11 from 10) List this figure on Page 1 in Column C of PART A 12 Section 4 Non Resident Over-the-Road Truck Drivers, Air Carrier Employees or Railroad Employees 13 If you were a nonresident over-the-road truck driver or nonresident railroad employee assigned duties only within Ohio, enter your total wages here (the larger of box 5 or 18 from W2) …………………………………………………………………………………... 13 14 Enter the amount of 2106 expenses related to this income ATTACH A COPY of the 2106 and Federal Schedule A ………………... 14 15 Subtract Line 14 from 13. If less than zero, enter zero …………………………………………………………………………………….. 15 16 Multiple Line 15 by 10% (.10). List this figure on Page 1 in Column C of PART A MUST COMPLETE CERTIFICATION BELOW 16 Section 5 Non Resident working outside the city limits with Englewood withholdings 17 Enter the total number of vacation days taken during the entire year ………………………………………………………………... 17 18 Enter the total number of holidays for the entire year ………………………………………………………………………………….. 18 19 Enter the total number of sick leave days taken for the entire year …………………………………………………………………... 19 20 Add Lines 17 through 19 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 20 21 Total Days Available to be outside of city — Subtract Line 20 from 260 days (total workdays in a year) (see instructions) …………... 21 22 Enter your total wages for this job for the year (the larger of box 5 or 18 from W2) ………………………………………………………. 22 23 Enter the amount of 2106 expenses related to this income ATTACH A COPY of the 2106 and Federal Schedule A ………………... 23 24 Subtract Line 23 from 22. If less than zero, enter zero …………………………………………………………………………………….. 24 25 Divide Line 24 by the number of days shown on Line 21 ……………………………………………………………………………… 25 26 Enter the number of days worked in the city (Line 21 less total days worked out) ………………………………………………………... 26 27 Multiple Line 25 by Line 26. List this figure on Page 1 in Column C of PART A MUST COMPLETE CERTIFICATION BELOW……………………………………… 27 Certification by Employer regarding Adjustments to Wages Employer certification is required to claim adjustments on Lines 10 through 27 above. Your request for refund will not be considered valid without a completed employer certification. A separate certification is required for each job for which you are claiming adjustments on Lines 10 through 27 above. I/We certify that the employee referenced on this form was employed by the undersigned during the year referenced on this tax return; that the employee was either not working inside the corporate limits of the City of Englewood or Englewood tax was improperly withheld; that no portion of the tax withheld has been or will be refunded to the employee; and that no adjustment has been or will be made in remitting taxes withheld to the City of Englewood. Phone Number Date Name of Employer Official’s Name Printed Official’ s Signature Official’s Job Title |
![]() | Name(s) as shown on Page 1 Primary Social Security STOP: If your only source of income is from wages, do not complete the remainder of this page. Return to Page 1. Copies of your Federal Schedule C, E and F may be attached to your city return in lieu of completing the schedules below. PARTIf you conductedF SCHEDULEbusiness inCmore— INCOME than one(LOSS)city, youFROMmustSELFallocateEMPLOYMENT-income on Schedule Y (below) Business Name: Business Address: Has City income tax been withheld from and remitted for all taxable employees dur- Nature of Business: ing the period covered by this return? Federal ID (if any): Yes No (if NO, explain on an attached statement) Date Business Began in Englewood: Section 1 INCOME 1 Total Receipts Less Allowances, Rebates and Returns …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 2 Less Cost of Goods Sold or Cost of Operations ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 3 Gross Profit (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 4 Dividends _____________________ + Interest _________________+ Royalties ___________________= …………………………………….. 4 5 Rents Received ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 6 Other Business Income (attach schedule) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 7 Gross Income (Add Lines 3 through 6) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………... 7 Section 2 EXPENSES 8 Advertising and Promotion ………………………….. 8 14 Repairs ………………………………………………. 14 9 Bad Debts …………………………………………….. 9 15 Salaries and Wages ………………………………... 15 10 Car & Truck Expenses ………………………………. 10 16 Compensation of Officers ………………………….. 16 11 Depreciation/Amortization/Depletion ………………. 11 17 Commissions (attached 1099s) ……………………. 17 12 Interest of Business Indebtedness …………………. 12 18 Taxes & Licenses …………………………………. 18 13 Rents ………………………………………………….. 13 19 Other—attached schedule if over $5,000 ……….. 19 20 Total Expenses (Add Lines 8 through 19) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………. 20 21 Net Profit (Loss) from Business or Professions (Subtract Line 20 from Line 7) -Carry this figure to Page 1 in PART B in Column H ………………..…….. 21 PART G SCHEDULE E — RENTAL INCOME (LOSS) Carry these figures to Page 1 in PART B in Column I Property A Property B Property C Property D 22 Address of Property (Street/City/State) …………………………………….…..…….. 22 23 Rents Received ………………………………………………………………………. 23 24 Total Expenses ……………………………………………………………………….. 24 25 Net Income (Loss) - Carry this figure to PART B on Page 1 ………………………………….. 25 26 Local Tax Paid (limited to 1.75% of Line 6) Carry this figure on Page 1 in PART B on Line 11 ….. 26 27 Name of City that Taxes were paid to — ATTACH A COPY of the other city tax return …….. 27 SCHEDULE Y BUSINESS ALLOCATION FORMULA Use this schedule if engaged in business in more than one city and you do not have books and records which will disclose with reasonable accuracy what portion of the net profits is attributed to that part of the business done within the boundaries of the city or cities involved. A. LOCATED B. LOCATED IN PERCENTAGE EVERYWHERE ENGLEWOOD (B ÷ A) STEP 1 Original Cost of Real & Tangible Personal Property …………………. $ $ Gross Annual Rentals Paid Multiplied by 8 ……………………………. $ $ Total Step 1 ………………………………………………………………. $ $ % STEP 2 Gross Receipts from Sales made and/or work performed ………….. $ $ % STEP 3 Wages, Salaries and other Compensation paid ……………………... $ $ % STEP 4 Total Percentages ………………………………………………………. $ $ % STEP 5 Average Percentages (divide total percentages by number of percentages used) ……………………………………………………...…………. % STEP 6 Total Net income multiplied by Average Percentage (STEP 5) -Transfer Total to PART B …………………………………………………...…... $ |