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All residents of Brookville that are 18 years of age or over, whether or not any Net rental earnings from all types of real estate or other property are taxable for
income was earned or any tax due, are required to file an annual return. All residents regardless of where the rental is located. Net rental earnings derived
non-residents that earn or receive income within Brookville that is not fully within the city are taxable to the property owners without regard for their place
withheld upon are required to file a return. All resident business entities of residence. An annual return is required even though a loss may be incurred.
including trusts, corporations, S-corporations, partnerships and other
unincorporated businesses are required to file an annual return on an entity 10. BUSINESS INCOME
basis. Non-resident business entities that conduct business, perform services, Income derived from a profession, sole proprietorship, joint venture,
have a location or have income earned in Brookville are required to file on an partnership or similar business endeavor is taxable to residents no matter where
entity basis. For corporations, partnerships and other taxable entities, a that income is earned. Non-residents receiving such income derived within a
Business income tax return will be needed. city are taxable without regard to their place of residence. A return is necessary
NOTE: Anyone receiving a notification letter has an active account and will even though a loss may have been incurred.
need to file a return. All accounts remain in active status until a “final” return
Residents of a city who work in and pay tax to another city may take a credit
2. UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE against their city tax liability for other city tax paid up to a maximum of 2% of
You may be eligible for a refund if Brookville taxes were withheld on income taxable income earned in the other city. A proration of taxable income will
earned prior to your 18 thbirthday. If you are under 18 or if you turned 18 years result in a proration of the other city tax credit. In some instances, an adjustment
of age during the year, only the income earned after your 18 th birthday is subject of credit may be necessary if the tax paid or withheld for another city is
to Brookville tax. Submit verification of your date of birth (photocopy of incorrect. When claiming a credit for other city taxes paid, verification, such
driver’s license or birth certificate) and verification/computation of your as W-2s or other city tax returns, must be submitted with the income tax return.
taxable/non-taxable earnings.
3. PART-YEAR RESIDENTS Every taxpayer who anticipates having income tax due of $200.00 or more that
Part-year residents will need to allocate their income and any deductions and is not fully withheld must file an annual declaration of estimated tax. At least
credits based on the amount of time they lived in each city. 90% of the current year tax liability or 100% of the previous year liability must
Verification/computation (pay stubs, etc.) will need to be submitted with the be paid either through employer withholding and/or estimated payments by
return. Those living in Brookville for any part of the year are required to file a January 15 thfollowing the taxable year. In the case of any underpayment of
return. College students, even though they may reside away from home for a any portion of a tax liability, penalty and interest may be imposed on the amount
portion of the year, are required to file if their permanent residence is within of underpayment. Quarterly statements are available on our website:
Brookville. www.vandaliaohio.org.
Returns are due by April 15th following the close of the calendar year, or within Corporations, S-corporations, partnerships, trusts, joint ventures and similar
3½ months of the end of the year for those businesses on a fiscal year basis. business entities having a location or doing business in Brookville are required
The due date may vary slightly depending on weekends and/or federal holidays. to file annual income tax returns on an entity basis. Such entities will need to
obtain a Business income tax return. Distributions from S-corporations should
5. EXTENSIONS not be included on individual tax returns. Individuals who receive payments
Extensions may be granted on an automatic basis if an automatic six-month from partnerships should only include those on their individual return when the
extension was requested for filing the federal income tax return. A copy of the distributing partnership is not doing business in or located in their city of
federal extension must accompany the municipal income tax return when filed residence.
by the extended due date. An extension of the time to file does not extend the
time to pay the tax. Penalty and interest charges may be imposed on any tax 14. BUSINESS LOSSES
remaining unpaid after the original due date. Additionally, there is no provision Net business losses including rental losses may be deducted from net gains of
for extending the current year first quarter estimated payment. Extension other businesses and rentals. Such losses may not be used to offset wage
request forms may be obtained from the Tax Office or our website: income.
6. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION For taxable years beginning in 2018, a person may deduct any net operating
Documentation is necessary to verify all amounts of taxable and non-taxable loss incurred in a taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2017. The
incomes, expenses, deductions and credits. All of the Internal Revenue Service amount of such net operating loss shall be deducted from the net profit to the
Form W-2s (Wage and Tax Statements) and the Internal Revenue Service Form extent necessary to reduce taxable income to zero, with any remaining unused
1040 (including Schedule 1, if applicable) are required to be included with each portion of the net operating loss carried forward for five consecutive taxable
annual return, amended return, or request for refund. Those taxpayers claiming years or until fully utilized. Net operating loss carryforwards are permitted
deductions for commissions paid, contract labor and the like must provide a beginning in tax year 2023 at 100% of the current year’s income.
schedule showing a breakdown of amounts paid, how much of said work was
in each city, names to whom paid with addresses and social security (or federal 16. LATE FILING FEE, PENALTIES AND INTEREST
identification) numbers. Copies of Form 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC may be sent When returns are filed after the due date by Brookville residents or by
in lieu of the schedule. businesses performing services in Brookville, a late filing fee of $25.00 is
imposed without regard for the amount of tax due. Late filing fees may apply
7. TAXABLE WAGES even though no tax may be due. In addition, for taxable year 2023, any
Income subject to taxation includes, but is not limited to, qualifying wages, Brookville income tax remaining unpaid after the due date may be charged a
commissions, bonuses, incentive programs and other compensation received, penalty of 15% and interest of 0.83% per month (10% annually).
accrued or in any other way set apart. Note: The qualifying wage for city
purposes is generally the same amount as the federal Medicare wage amount. 17. VISA/MASTERCARD
A more complete listing of examples of taxable and non-taxable income is City taxes may be paid online with your credit card or by electronic check.
available on the Application for Extension form on our website: Please refer to the City of Vandalia’s website, www.vandaliaohio.org, to access
www.vandaliaohio.org. the online payment center. Credit card payments are now accepted in person in
the tax office as well.
A married couple may file either joint or separate returns. The filing status will
not affect the amount of tax due.