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Instructions for
Form IT-11 Remitting withheld tax
You must remit the tax:
Monthly if the total taxes withheld or required to
Employer’s Quarterly Return of City be withheld exceeded $2,399 last calendar year
or $200 during any month of the prior quarter
Tax Withheld Semi-monthly if the total taxes withheld or
required to be withheld exceeded $11,999 last
Use to prepare returns for tax year calendar year or $1,000 during any month in the
preceding calendar year.
All other employers must remit the tax quarterly with Form
Do I Need to File?
You must file Form IT-11 if, during a quarter, you have Payments can be made on CRISP ( crisp.columbus.gov)
one or more employees performing work or services in or by using the payment voucher WH-PV.
Columbus (including field employees reporting to an office
located in Columbus) whose compensation is subject to
Completing Form IT-11
withholding per the Columbus City Income Tax Codes.
Form IT-11 must include any Columbus tax withheld as a
courtesy based on Columbus residency.
CITIES: Report tax due on wages earned within
Columbus on the “Columbus” line.
If you temporarily discontinue paying wages but anticipate
future wages, you must still file Form IT-11.
Report any residential tax due to
Columbus on the “Alternate Columbus”
If you no longer expect to pay wages subject to the tax
reportable on Form IT-11, you must file a final Form IT-11
by checking “YES” for whether the account should be
QUALIFIED WAGES: All Ohio municipalities must
assess payroll withholding tax on
“qualifying wages” as defined in
Form IT-11 can be filed online using the Columbus
§718.01(R) of the Ohio Revised Code. In
Revenue Information Service Portal (CRISP) at
general “qualifying wages” are Medicare
wages reduced by any Section 125
cafeteria plan amounts included in
Medicare wages, such as adoption
General Instructions
assistance (if offered) or cash (if
employees can choose cash as one of
Withholding local income tax
the plan benefits). Employee deferrals
Employers must withhold and remit City tax to the
into a 401(k) remain taxable for city
municipalities in which their employees work. Employees
purposes even if offered through a
may also have a liability to the municipality in which they
Section 125 cafeteria plan. If you have
reside. If the credit allowed by the employee’s city of
any employees that are exempt from
residence for tax paid to the city of employment is less
Medicare taxes, you must calculate their
than the employee’s liability to the city in which the
“qualifying wages” as if they were subject
employee resides, the employee will either have to
to Medicare taxes. Compensation arising
request that their employer withhold the additional tax due
from the sale, exchange, or other
to the city of residence, or make estimated tax payments
disposition of a stock option, the exercise
to the city of residence.
of a stock option, or the sale, exchange
or other disposition of stock purchased
Collection and filing responsibility
under a stock option is taxable in
Employers are liable for the tax required to be withheld
qualified wages. Please consult your tax
even if the employer fails to withhold the tax. Officers of
advisor regarding your specific
a corporation are personally liable for the failure to remit
compensation program and its effect on
the tax required to be withheld whether or not the tax was
calculating “qualifying wages”.
withheld. Dissolution of a corporation does not discharge
an officer’s liability for a failure of the corporation to remit
the tax due.