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 The original of this reconciliation form must be filed with       Where furnishing this information will create a hardship 
the CITY OF ALLIANCE,  P.O.  BOX 2025,  ALLIANCE OHIO              the employer may provide a list of employees subject to the 
44601 on or before January 31, following calendar  year  or        tax. The list shall show the employee’s full name, last known 
reporting  of the  next calendar  year, unless a  written  request address, social security number, gross amount of taxable 
for extension has  been made to and  granted  by  the City In-     compensation paid during the  year and the amount of mu-
come Tax Office. This form must be accompanied by copies           nicipal income tax withheld. 
of employee’s statements (Form W-2). A legible copy of com-        Employers contracting individuals, businesses, employ 
mercially printed  W-2 Forms will be accepted  by this office      ers, brokers, or others dOing business either on a commis 
without specific approval, if the forms have been approved by      sion basis; or as independent contractors, and are not sub 
the Internal  Revenue  Service and contain the  required           ject to’w’ithholding shall indicate the total amount of earn 
information for Alliance income tax purposes.                      ings, payments, commissions and bonuses to such as are 
                                                                   residents of the City of Alliance or who do business in the 
                                                                   City of Alliance copies of Federal Form 1099 0r shall attach a 
                                                                   list which shall indicate sociai security, numbers, names, 
                                                                   addresses and amounts paid. 

 If the difference between lines 2 and 4 indicates a balance due, the amount, thereof should accompany this return; if the 
difference indicates an overpayment, attach an explanation. 
 The original of this reconciliation form  must be filed           Where  furnishing this information will  create a  hardship 
with the CITY OF ALLIANCE, P.O. BOX 2025, ALLIANCE                 the employer may provide a list of employees subject to the 
OHIO 44601 on or before January 31, following calendar             tax. The list shall show the employee’s full name, last known 
year or reporting of the next calendar year, unless a written      address, social security  number, gross amount of  taxable 
request for extension has been made to and granted by the          compensation paid during  the year and  the amount  of  mu-
City  In-come  Tax Office. This form  must be accompanied          nicipal income tax withheld. 
by copies of employee’s statements (Form W-2). A legible           Employers contracting individuals, businesses, employ 
copy of com-mercially printed W-2 Forms will be accepted           ers, brokers, or others dOing business either on a commis 
by  this office without specific approval, if the forms have       sion basis; or as independent contractors, and are not sub 
been  approved by  the Internal Revenue  Service and               ject to’w’ithholding shall indicate the total amount of earn ings, 
contain the required information for Alliance income tax           payments, commissions and bonuses to such as are 
purposes.                                                          residents of the City of Alliance or who do business in the City 
                                                                   of Alliance copies of Federal Form 1099 0r shall attach a list 
                                                                   which shall indicate sociai security, numbers, names, 
                                                                   addresses and amounts paid. 

 If the difference between lines 2 and 4 indicates a balance due, the amount, thereof should accompany this return; if the 
difference indicates an overpayment, attach an explanation. 
 The original of this reconciliation form must be filed with       Where furnishing this information will create a hardship 
the CITY OF ALLIANCE,  P.O.  BOX 2025,  ALLIANCE OHIO              the employer may provide a list of employees subject to the 
44601 on or before January 31, following calendar  year  or        tax. The list shall show the employee’s full name, last known 
reporting  of the  next calendar  year, unless a  written  request address, social security number, gross amount of taxable 
for extension has  been made to and  granted  by  the City In-     compensation paid during the  year and the amount of mu-
come Tax Office. This form must be accompanied by copies           nicipal income tax withheld. 
of employee’s statements (Form W-2). A legible copy of com-        Employers contracting individuals, businesses, employ 
mercially printed  W-2 Forms will be accepted  by this office      ers, brokers, or others dOing business either on a commis 
without specific approval, if the forms have been approved by      sion basis; or as independent contractors, and are not sub 
the Internal  Revenue  Service and contain the  required           ject to’w’ithholding shall indicate the total amount of earn 
information for Alliance income tax purposes.                      ings, payments, commissions and bonuses to such as are 
                                                                   residents of the City of Alliance or who do business in the 
                                                                   City of Alliance copies of Federal Form 1099 0r shall attach a 
                                                                   list which shall indicate sociai security, numbers, names, 
                                                                   addresses and amounts paid. 

 If the difference between lines 2 and 4 indicates a balance due, the amount, thereof should accompany this return; if the 
difference indicates an overpayment, attach an explanation. 

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