INCOME TAX DIVISION Telephone: 330-375-2290 Fax: 330-375-2112 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Email: 1 Cascade Plaza - Suite 100 Akron, Ohio 44308-1161 Donald W Smith, CPA Tax Commissioner Dear Taxpayer, Use the Non-Resident Employee Refund Application if your request is for days worked outside of Akron. You must complete the entire form. Then have the days worked in Akron verified for accuracy by your employer. (The appropriate individual is one who has legal authority to sign for the company and knows your work schedule.) In addition, please be advised that we will be notifying your resident city. It appears that one of the intentions of the new State law is to hold the employee responsible to pay either the city where the work was performed or the base city of employment, when both are taxing municipalities. Since you are receiving a refund of taxes withheld for your base city of employment, the city of residence may elect to pursue recovery of these dollars. Refunds are issued within 90 days after the City has receipt of the correctly completed Refund Application and itinerary forms, or after receipt of the employer’s correct AW-3 reconciliation form, including all W-2 information, whichever is later. Sincerely, Income Tax Division Refund Section 330-375-2039 Revised: 1/2024 |
For Tax Year ______ NON-RESIDENT EMPLOYEE REFUND APPLICATION For Days Worked Out of Akron Or Taxes Over Withheld by Employer ☐During the year _____, my employment with __________________________________________ located in the City of Akron, required me to perform services both inside and outside the corporate boundaries of the City as follows: Total Days Paid 52 Weeks @ 5 Days per Week or 260 Working Days: (or dates of employment -beginning ________________ thru ________________ ) Number of Working Days Outside Akron ____________ To be Refunded Number of Working Days In Akron ____________ (Attach itinerary) OR ☐During the year _____, my employer ______________________________________ over withheld Akron city income taxes for the following reason: Work from home Withheld in error Over withheld OTR driver Other _________________________ Under penalties of perjury I hereby certify that the information provided herein is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Print Employee’s Name Date Employee’s Signature Social Security Number Employee’s Street Address Daytime Phone Number Employee’s City, State, Zip City of Residence You must attach copies of W-2’s showing Akron wages and Akron income taxes withheld. We will calculate and issue a refund (if any) based on the information provided. Payment will be made within 90 days of receipt of the completed refund request and receipt of a completed employer annual withholding return OR within 90 days of April 15th of the year following the tax year at issue, whichever is later. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EMPLOYER’ S VERIFICATION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The number of days work in Akron shown above reflect actual working days at principal place of work. Additionally, no refund of withheld taxes have been paid to employee. Employer’s / Manager’s Signature Date Print Employer’s / Manager’s Name Title Employer’s / Manager’s Phone Number and Extension Please mail completed form and copy of W-2 to: Income Tax Division -1 Cascade Plaza – Suite 100 -Akron, OH 44308 Forms are available at or by calling 330-375-2039. |
Date ___________________________ Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days ITINERARY FOR DAYS WORKED OUT OF AKRON Purpose of Trip LOCATION CITY, STATE To Date From Name ______________________________________________________ PAGE TOTAL Do Not Include Vacation, Sick, Holiday, Weekends or Other Paid Non-Working Days. |