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                                                                  When filing using CRISP at    crisp.columbus.gov you will 
                                                                  upload W-2s as an attachment to your Form IT-13 using 
Instructions for                                                  one of the following formats: 
                                                                       Fixed-Width W-2 file: This must be in a .txt format. 
Form IT-13 
                                                                        Your  fixed-width  file  must  comply  with  the 
                                                                        Instructions for W-2 data via Fixed Width File that 
Reconciliation of Quarterly Returns of                                  are      available     on      our website      at 
Income Tax Withheld from Wages 
                                                                       Images of W-2s: These must be in a .doc, .docx, 
 Use to prepare returns for tax year                                    .jpeg, .pdf, .png, .bmp, .gif, .tif, or .tiff.  
                                                                  Paper copies of W-2s 
  What’s New 
                                                                  You may submit paper copies of the W-2 forms issued to 
                                                                  the  employees.  Copies  submitted  must  be  legible.    In 
 We strongly recommend you file with our new online               addition, make sure that the W-2 forms show all Federal, 
 tax  portal,  CRISP  at crisp.columbus.gov.  On  CRISP           Ohio  and  Columbus  City  wage  and  withholding 
 you can electronically complete your Form IT-13 and              information. 
 upload copies of your W-2s or a fixed-width W-2 file.              
                                                                  Paper report 
                                                                  Employers submitting W-2 information on a paper report 
 Do I Need to File?                                               must insure that the report submitted contains:  
                                                                     1.  the  employer’s  name,  address  and  Federal 
Employers  are  required  to  file  Form  IT-13  annually  to           identification number,  
transmit W-2 information for all employees who were paid             2.  each  employee’s  name,  address  and  social 
qualifying wages upon which Columbus income tax was                     security number, 
required to be withheld or from whose wages you withheld             3.  the total amount of salaries, wages, commissions 
Columbus  tax  as  a  courtesy  based  on  Columbus                     and  other  compensation  paid  each  employee 
residency. The annual filing requirement for Form IT-13 is              during the year, 
similar to that of Federal Form W-3. 
                                                                     4.  Medicare wages,  
                                                                     5.  the  Ohio  taxable  wages  as  reported  on  each 
Filing  Form  IT-13  does  not  take  the  place  of  filing  any 
Form  IT-11  (Quarterly  Returns  of  Tax Withheld),  which             employee’s paper W-2, 
must be filed separately.                                            6.  the Columbus wages, and  
                                                                     7.  the  Columbus  taxes  as  reported  on  each 
Form  IT-13  cannot  be  used  to  request  a  refund  of               employee’s paper W-2.  
withholding  taxes.  If  you  wish  to  request  a  refund  of  a  
credit in your withholding tax account, select “Request a         The format of the report must be such that the information 
Refund” from your CRISP logon at crisp.columbus.gov or            related to a specific employee is not spread over multiple 
complete Form IT-6W.                                              pages;  however,  we  encourage  presenting  the 
                                                                  information for multiple employees on each page. 
 General Instructions                                               Filing the Return 
You must submit W-2 information for all employees who             Form IT-13 and employees’ W-2 information must be filed 
were  paid  qualifying  wages  upon  which  Columbus  City        with the Columbus Income Tax Division on or before the 
Income Tax was required to be withheld.  This information         last day of February.   
must be provided whether or not you withheld the required          
Columbus  tax  from  their  wages.    In  addition,  you  must    An extension of up to 30 days to file Form IT-13 and W-2 
submit  W-2  information  for  all  employees  from  whose        information  may  be  granted  at  the  discretion  of  the 
wages you withheld Columbus tax as a courtesy.                    Income Tax Division.  To apply for an extension of time to 
The W-2 information that must accompany the filing of this        file, your written request must be received by our office on 
form  must  be  submitted  using  one  of  the  following         or before the last day of February.  

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A  late  filing  fee  of  $25  per  month  up  to  $150  may  be 
charged for failure to file Form IT-13 and/or corresponding 
W-2 data by the due date.  
If filing by paper, mail to: 
 Columbus Income Tax Division 
 PO Box 182437 
 Columbus, Ohio 43218-2437 
                              Rev. 01/12/2023 

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