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Name of A pplicant _____________________________________ _
Current A ddress ______________________________________ _
City State & Z ip _____________________________________ _
Social Security Number ___________________ _
Tax Year ------- Salary$ _ ____ _ Tax Withheld $ _______ _
_______ _ Days worked out (Attach list of dates & locations)
Vacation __ _ days + Holiday ___ days + Sick leave_ days Total (1) __ _
260 days less (1) ___ _ = (2) ____ days worked
$ _____ _ Salary/ (2) (3) ____ _ average rate per day worked
(2) _ ___ less ___ days worked out of Westerville (4) ___ days in Westerville
(4) __ _ X (3) __ _ ( 5 )$ _ __ _ taxable wages for Westerville
(5 )$ __ _ X (**Year s=Tax Rate) _ _____ Westerville tax due$ ______ _
REFUND DUE $ ______ _
Claimant declares that after examining this form that it is to the best of his/her knowledge, true, correct and complete. Claimant further states
that said refund has not been received by him/her.
Signed ____________________ Date _______ _ Phone _________ _
Employer Certification
I/We Herby certify that the above employee was employed by the undersigned during the period for which employee makes claim for refund
and that the total amount of$ ___ was withheld for the year __ ; that during the period claimed above said employee was not working
inside the corporate limits of the City; that no portion of said tax withheld has been or will be refunded to said employee, and that no adjustment
has been or will be made in remitting taxes withheld to the City.
Name of Employer FID# Date Phone
Name of Authorized Personnel Signature & Title of Authorized Personnel
Mail completed request & supporting documentation for refund to: City of Westerville, Income Tax Division
PO Box 130
Westerville OH 43086-0130
Tel# (614) 901-6420 Fax# 901-6820
NOTICE: This refund may result in a balance due to your resident City and/or
Federal & State tax return.
Employer Certification is required by City of Westerville
(Rev 12/21) Please allow 90 days for processing of your refund request fro mthe due date.