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City of Westerville
Business Registration
The information requested on this form is essential to the establishment of your account and will be held in strict confidence. Please complete, sign
and return to the City of Westerville Income Tax Division, PO Box 130, Westerville, OH 43086-0130 within 10 days. If you have any questions,
please contact the Income Tax Division @ (614) 901-6420 or by email at incometax@westerville.org.
Type of Organization
Corporation Partnership Non-Profit Trust Other (please explain) _____________________
LLC- Partnership LLC- Corporate LLC- Single Member- List Name and SSN __________________________
Business Information
Federal ID # _________________________________ Type of Business _______________________________________
Business Name _______________________________ dba __________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________ City ____________________ State __________Zip ___________
Telephone # __________________________________ Fax # ______________________________________
List Social Security Number and Name(s) of Corporate Officer(s) or owner(s):
Name _________________________________________ SSN ______________________________________________
Address _______________________________________ City _________________State ________ Zip _____________
Name _________________________________________ SSN ______________________________________________
Address _______________________________________ City _________________State ________ Zip _____________
Are you conducting activity or do you have a business location within the city limits of Westerville? Yes No
If yes, please give the Westerville address of activity or business location. If not sure, call (614) 901-6420 to verify.
Address _______________________________ City __________________ State _____________ Zip _______________
Date operations will begin in Westerville? __________________
Number of employees at Westerville location? _________
(Over) (Rev 01/22)
P.O. Box 130 ⁕ Westerville, Ohio 43086-0130 ⁕ 614.901.6420 ⁕ Fax 614.901.6820
Council-Manager Government Since 1916