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Regional Income Tax Agency
FORM Business Registration Form
Access ritaohio.com to register electronically using MyAccount. Login to
MyAccount to Add a Municipality or Add Subcontractor. These features allow
you to report a new location or new subcontractor project electronically.
Business Type Reason for Registration
Corporation Non-Profit Courtesy withholding for an employee's resident municipality
S-Corp Estate & Trust Doing business within the municipality this year (temporary)
LLC Sole Proprietor / LLC Approx. # of days Start Date
Business with a fixed location
Partnership Date business began at this location
Company Information (List physical address of work performed within this municipality)
Name: Federal ID #:
Address: SSN :
(required if sole proprietor)
Mailing Address (for withholding tax forms / if different from above) Mailing Address (for net profit tax forms / if different from above)
*Please note that your Federal Identification Number will serve as your RITA account number.
Filing Status:
Calendar year Fiscal year / month ending
Do you have any employees? Yes No
Number of employees at RITA location
My withholding is filed under a 3rd party account (PEO or common paymaster) Yes No
If yes, list Federal ID #
Monthly gross payroll at RITA location $
I am a small employer (under $500,000 in gross revenue during previous year) Yes No
I am a contractor Yes No
Will you be using sub-contractors? Yes No
If yes, complete page 2.
Total contract amount of the project $
The Information Hereby Submitted is True and Correct.
Print Name Title Phone Number
/ /
Signature Date
Please complete and sign this Registration Form and return within 10 business days. Please be advised that failure to timely register with RITA may result in delays in the
processing of any required income tax filings or may result in future penalty and interest charges, if applicable. If you have any questions please contact the Registration
Department at the number below.
Mail to:RITA Call: 800.860.7482, ext. 5008
ATTN: BUSINESS REGISTRATION ritaohio.com TDD: 440.526.5332
P.O. BOX 477900 Fax: 440.922.3536