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                                          2023 NET PROFIT INCOME TAX 

                     FORM 27 INSTRUCTION BOOKLET 

Filing Requirements                                                                                  Alternate Method 
Every corporation,  partnership,  trust,  or  estate  that  conducts  business  in  a  RITA          Check this box if you are requesting a method other than the prescribed three 
municipality must  file  a  return  and  pay  tax  on net profit earned in the municipality.  A      factor  formula  for  apportioning  net  profits.  The  request  must  be  in  writing, 
disregarded entity or qualifying subchapter S subsidiary for federal income tax purposes             attached  to this  return,  and contain an explanation as to why an  alternate 
is not considered the “taxpayer” under Ohio law.  Instead, the “taxpayer” includes any               method is being requested.    
other person who owns the disregarded entity or qualifying subchapter S subsidiary. 
                                                                                                     Small Employer 
When to File                                                                                         Check this box if the taxpayer is a small employer.  A small employer is an Ohio 
Generally,  a  business  must  file  its  income  tax return  on  or  before  the  fifteenth  (15th) employer that had total gross revenue of less than $500,000.  A small employer 
day of the fourth (4th) month following the end of the taxpayer’s taxable year.                      does not include the federal  government, any state government, including  any 
Note: Calendar year end filers due April 15, 2024.                                                   state agency or instrumentality; any political subdivision; or any entity treated as 
                                                                                                     a  government for financial  accounting and reporting  purposes.  See  ORC 
                                                                                                     §718.01 (TT).
Where to File 
Forms may be mailed with payment to:  RITA, P.O. Box 94582, Cleveland, OH 44101-
4582; without payment to:  RITA, P.O. Box 89475, Cleveland, OH 44101-6475; or with                   ORC 718.021 Election 
refund to: RITA, P.O. Box 94652, Cleveland, OH 4410-4652.  Please visit ritaohio.com                 Check this box if electing to apportion income based on the guidelines in ORC 
for office locations and business hours.                                                             718.021  and will be  situsing any payroll,  property or  sales  from a qualifying 
                                                                                                     remote employee or owner at the individual’s qualifying remote work location to 
                                                                                                     that individual’s qualifying reporting location.  
When a Return is Not Required 
Nonprofits (as  defined  in  IRC  Section  501c)  are  not  required  to  file  an annual return 
if a copy of the  organization’s  approved  IRS determination letter is  on file  with  RITA.        Line 1. Federal Taxable Income 
However,  should  a  nonprofit  have  unrelated  business  income, said  nonprofit  is               Indicate your C Corporation Federal Taxable Income (“FTI”), or the equivalent on 
required to file a municipal return and pay tax thereon.                                             Line  1.  Refer  to  the  AFTI  worksheet  found  on  Page  3  of  Form  27  or  at 
                                                                                                     ritaohio.com to determine the starting point for FTI. A taxpayer that is not a C 
                                                                                                     Corporation and is not an individual, must compute FTI as if the taxpayer were 
Extensions of Time to File                                                                           a C Corporation. 
Effective  with tax  year 2023 for calendar  year filers  (effective tax  year 2022 for fiscal 
year filers) a federal extension extends the municipal due date to the fifteenth day of the 
eleventh month after the last day of the taxable year.  For tax years prior to 2023 for              Line 3B.  Checkbox 
calendar year filers and 2022 for fiscal filers, a federal extension extends the municipal           Check this  box  when using  different  Net Operating Loss  amounts  for  different 
due date to the fifteenth day of the tenth month after the last day of the taxable year to           municipalities and attach your Net Operating Losses worksheet.  
which the return relates.  It is not necessary to file a copy of the federal extension with 
RITA by the annual filing due  date.    Attach  a  copy  of  the  federal  extension  when           For Tax Year 2023, only two RITA municipalities allow a net operating loss to be 
filing the Net Profit annual return on or before the     extended due  date.  If you have            carried forward greater than five (5) years for tax years beginning prior to 1/1/17. 
not requested or received a federal extension you may receive an extension for the filing            JEWETT  allows  a  net  operating  loss  to  be  carried  forward  for  a  maximum  of 
of the Net Profit annual return by completing Form 20-EXT Net Profit Estimated Income                seven (7) years for tax years beginning prior to 1/1/17. 
Tax  and/or  Extension  of  Time  to  File  which  is  due by  the  annual  filing  due  date.  An 
extension to file is not an extension to pay – the tax owed must be paid by the annual               MCDONALD allows a net operating loss to be carried forward for a maximum of 
filing due date. Remit Form 20-EXT to pay the tax balance due.                                       ten (10) years for tax years beginning prior to 1/1/17.  
        Extensions of time to file have no effect on the due dates of estimated                      A municipality specific worksheet or schedule is required to support a net 
        taxes. If the return is on extension, use Form 20-EXT to pay first quarter                   operating loss carryforward claimed on the return. 
       estimated taxes on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the fourth (4th) 
        month of the tax year.  
Caution                                                                                              Line 3Bi.  This line is intentionally left blank 

Rounding Off to Whole Dollars                                                                        Line  3Bii.  Pre-Apportioned Losses from 
A business may round off cents on its return and schedules. Eliminate any amount less                Tax Years Beginning on or  After 1/1/18 
than fifty cents and increase any amount from fifty cents through ninety-nine cents to the 
next higher dollar.                                                                                  Utilized in this Tax Year   
                                                                                                     Enter the total amount of pre-apportioned net operating loss being used. If you 
                                                                                                     select the Line 3B checkbox and used different amounts of a net operating loss 
Penalty and Interest                                                                                 for various municipalities, enter the greatest value amount of the net operating 
In  accordance  with  the law,  penalty and interest is charged  on taxes  (including                loss used on this Line. Attach the Net Operating Loss schedule to the form for 
estimated taxes) paid late, even if an extension of time to file is granted. Penalties may           additional support documentation.  
also be charged for failing to file a  return  when due. A fee will be charged to your 
account  for  a dishonored check or  a check/electronic debit  that  cannot be 
processed.    RITA  may  choose  to  redeposit  your  returned  item  electronically.                Line 3C. Percent Allocable to RITA 
Additionally,  you understand  and  agree that we may collect a returned item                        If the business operates strictly within one RITA municipality, enter 100% as the 
processing fee as allowed by state law. Electronic filers assume all responsibility                  percentage  on  Line  3C.  Otherwise,  enter  the  total  average  percentage  from 
for the accuracy of the information submitted and are, therefore, subject to any                     Page 4, Schedule Y, Step 5. The Ohio Revised Code requires that Schedule Y 
charged fees described above for any errors.                                                         be the default method used to determine the percentage of income attributable 
                                                                                                     to  RITA  municipalities  by  business  entities  conducting  business  activity  both 
                                                                                                     within and outside RITA municipalities. 
Uniform Definition of Net Profit 
Ohio  law  provides  a  uniform  definition  of  taxable  income  for  net  profit  tax  returns,    Line 4 Amount Subject to Municipal Income 
“Adjusted Federal Taxable  Income”  (AFTI). This definition can  be  found under Ohio 
Revised Code (ORC) §718.01. Refer to the AFTI worksheet found on Page 3 of Form 27                   Tax 
or  at ritaohio.com  to  determine  AFTI  as  it  pertains  to  a  taxpayer  that  is  not  a C      Enter the amount of Line 3b(iii) multiplied by 3C (the percentage) on Line 4. Note 
Corporation and is not an individual, and who must compute Federal Taxable Income                    if you checked the 3B checkbox you will need to calculate the income for each 
(FTI) as if the taxpayer were a C Corporation.                                                       municipality separately and enter the total.  
                                                                                                     Per ORC  §718.02  (G)  when  computing  taxable  income  allocable  to  Brooklyn, 
                                                                                                     Jackson,  Lagrange,  Niles,  Oberlin,  Spencerville,  Walton  Hills  and  Wintersville, 
Name and Address                                                                                     add back to the income apportioned to each of these municipalities the amount 
Print your company name, address, and federal identification number.                                 of the stock option income that is exempt from each municipality’s withholding 
                                                                                                     (attach schedule). 

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Schedule B – Distribution of Tax within                                                               Line C. Charitable Contribution Adjustment 
                                                                                                      Add charitable contributions in excess of what would be allowed for federal tax 
RITA Municipalities                                                                                   purposes if the taxpayer were a C Corporation.  Excess charitable contributions 
If the amount of income (loss) and tax reported on Lines 4 and 5 of this form is to be                should be carried forward to subsequent years.  Subtract charitable contributions 
allocated  to  any  RITA municipality,  you must fill in the names of all the  RITA                   carried  over  from  prior  years  to  the  same  extent  as  would  be  allowed  if  a  C 
municipalities in  which  you conducted business  along  with the amount  of taxable                  Corporation.  Attach a schedule showing  your carry forwards for municipal tax 
income (loss) and tax due for each. If tax due is $10 or less for a municipality, enter               purposes. 
zero in the Tax Due field of Schedule B for that municipality.  The total tax distribution in          
Schedule B must equal the total tax due shown on Page 1, Line 5.  Attach a schedule if 
you need more space.                                                                                  Line D. Other 
                                                                                                      Each taxpayer, who is not an individual, must compute net profit as if the entity 
                                                                                                      were a C corporation.  As such, in addition to the adjustments required for Lines 
Schedule X – Reconciliation with Federal                                                              B and C on this worksheet, the taxpayer must also make the following applicable 
Income Tax Return                                                                                     adjustments on Line D of this worksheet:  
This schedule is used to make adjustments when total income (Line 1) includes income                   •  Add back any distribution deduction claimed on IRS form 1041 (estates 
not taxable and/or items not deductible for municipal purposes. Enter the amounts of                    and trusts only). 
any such items in Schedule X and carry totals from Line G and Line Q respectively, to                  •  Add  back the additional  deductions,  if  any  (generally, depreciation 
Lines (2A) and (2B).                                                                                    expense  deductions)  claimed  on  the  IRS  form  1065  on  account  of  the 
                                                                                                        election described in  IRC  section 743 or section 754 (partnerships and 
                                                                                                        LLCs treated as partnerships only).   
Line A. Section 1221 and 1231 Losses                                                                   •  Add the amount of recapture income described in IRC section 291.  
Report all losses (ordinary and capital) directly related to the sale, exchange, or other              •  Add the amount of interest expense otherwise deducted to the extent that 
disposition of an asset described in Section 1221 or 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code                  deduction is not allowed to a C corporation under IRC section 163 (j). 
(IRC). Losses related to Section 1221 assets are usually reported on Federal Schedule                  •  Add  back all other items of income  and  deductions to the  extent those 
D  while  losses  related  to  Section  1231  assets  are  usually  reported  on  Federal  Form         items (i) are not listed above, (ii)  are not  already included in the 
4797.                                                                                                   computation  of  net  profit,  and  (iii)  would  be  taxable  or  nondeductible, 
                                                                                                        respectively, if the taxpayer were a C corporation.  
Line B. Taxes Based on Income                                                                          •  Subtract any amount otherwise included in computation of net profit to the 
Include foreign, state, local, and other taxes based on income.                                         extent that amount  would  either  be nontaxable or  deductible  if the 
                                                                                                        taxpayer were a C corporation.  
Line C. 5% of Certain Intangible Income 
Multiply  Schedule  X,  Line  O,  (if  used)  by  5%.   (Line C is not applicable to  Wickliffe;      Schedule Y – Business Apportionment 
intangible income is taxable to the city of Wickliffe).                                               Formula 
                                                                                                      A  Business  Apportionment  Formula  consisting  of  the  average  original  cost  of 
Line D. Certain Owner Compensation                                                                    real  and  tangible  personal  property,  gross  receipts,  and  wages  paid  must  be 
For  use  by  taxpayers  that  are  not  C  Corporations  and  are  not  individuals.  Ohio  law      used by business entities not required to pay tax on entire net profits by reason 
prohibits  taxpayers  that  are  not  C  Corporations  and  not  individuals  from  claiming  a       of  doing  business  both  within  and  without  of  RITA  municipalities.  (ORC  § 
deduction  for  payments  to  a  qualified  self-employed  retirement  plan,  payments  for           718.02) However, if the Business Apportionment Formula does not produce an 
health  or  life  insurance  for  an  owner  or  owner-employee,  or  federal self-employment         equitable  result,  another  basis  (for  example  Books  and  Records)  may  be 
tax. Report all such payments here.                                                                   substituted following the process outlined in Section 3(F)(3)(b) of RITA’s Rules 
                                                                                                      and Regulations. 
                                                                                                      NOTE: Check  the  ORC 718.021 Election  box  on  page  1  if  the taxpayer has 
Line E. REIT and RIC Adjustments                                                                      elected to apportion income based on the guidelines in ORC 718.021 and will be 
A  real  estate  investment  trust  or  regulated  investment  company  must  report  all             situsing  any  payroll,  property  or sales from a qualifying remote employee or 
dividends,  distributions,  or  amounts  set  aside  for  the  benefit  of  investors  included  in   owner at that  individual’s  qualifying  remote  work  location  to  that  individual’s 
Page 1, Line 1.                                                                                       qualifying reporting location.  
Line N. Certain Section 1221 and 1231 Gains                                                           Step 1. Property 
Report all income and gains directly related to the sale, exchange, or other disposition              The average original cost of real property and tangible personal property within 
of  an  asset  described  in  Section  1221  or  1231  of  the  IRC.    (Note:  Do  not  include      RITA municipalities. Annual rental on rented or leased real and tangible personal 
income  or  gain(s)  described  in  Section  1245  or  1250  of  the  IRC.   ORC  §718.01  (E)        property situated within the RITA municipality multiplied by 8. 
requires all S-Corporations and partnerships to increase their Section 1250 gains by the               
adjustment all C Corporations must make under IRC Section 291.)                                       Property  at  a qualifying remote  employee or owner’s  qualifying  remote  work 
                                                                                                      location may be sitused to a qualifying reporting location under ORC 718.021.  If 
Line P. Other Items Not Taxable                                                                       making  this  election  note  that  it  applies  to  all  municipalities  and  the  ORC 
Use  this  line  to  report  pass-through  income/(loss)  from  another  entity.  Indicate  the       718.021 Election box on Page 1 must be selected.  
Federal Identification Number of the business that originated the pass-through income                  
and include a copy of the K-1 issued. Do not include or take credit for tax paid by the               Step 2. Wages and Salaries 
business that generated the pass-through income.                                                      Wages, salaries and other compensation paid during the taxable period to W-2 
                                                                                                      employees for  services performed within  RITA municipalities,  excluding 
Also use  this  line to  report  any  other  income  RITA municipalities are specifically             compensation  from  which  taxes are  not required to be  withheld under  ORC  § 
prohibited from taxing that is not required to be reported on another line of Schedule X              718.011.  If your business is considered a “Small Employer” as defined on page 
or on the AFTI Worksheet. Note: Cancellation of indebtedness and wage adjustments                     1 of these instructions or your business is impacted by the 20 day rule, allocate 
associated with federal work and job credits are included as income under federal code.               wages and salaries in the same manner in which they were withheld.  
AFTI (ORC §718.01(E)) does not permit deductions for cancellation of indebtedness or                   
for wage adjustments associated with federal work and job credits                                     Wages, salaries and  other compensation earned  at a  qualifying remote 
                                                                                                      employee  or  owner’s  qualifying  remote  work  location  may  be  sitused  to  a 
AFTI Worksheet                                                                                        qualifying reporting location under  ORC 718.021.   If making this  election note 
Ohio  law  creates  a  uniform  definition  of  taxable  income  for  net  profit  tax  returns,      that it applies to all municipalities and the ORC 718.021 Election box on Page 1 
Adjusted  Federal Taxable  Income (AFTI).  The  definition  of AFTI  is  found  at  ORC               must be selected.  
§718.01(E). A taxpayer that is not a C Corporation and is not an individual must make                  
the adjustments in Lines B, C and/or Line D below.                                                    Step 3. Gross Receipts 
                                                                                                      Total gross receipts of the business or profession from sales and rentals made 
Line B. Section 179 Adjustment                                                                        and services performed during the taxable period in the municipal corporation to 
Add federal Section 179 depreciation in excess of what would be allowed for federal tax               total gross receipts of the business or profession during the same period from 
purposes if the taxpayer were a C Corporation. Excess Section 179 expenses should                     sales, rentals and services, wherever made or performed.  
be carried forward to subsequent years. Subtract Section 179 depreciation carried over                 
from prior years to the same extent as would be allowed if a C Corporation.  Estates                  Sales or services at a qualifying remote employee or owner’s qualifying remote 
and trusts can claim the IRC section 179 deduction to the extent the deduction would                  work location may  be  sitused to a  qualifying reporting location under  ORC 
be allowed if the estate or trust were a C corporation.  Attach a schedule showing your               718.021.  If making this election note that it applies to all municipalities and the 
carryforwards for municipal tax purposes.                                                             ORC 718.021 Election box on Page 1 must be selected.  

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 Step 3. Gross Receipts (continued)                                                                       Line 6B. Amount of Previous Year Credits 
 Sales and gross receipts in RITA municipalities means:                                                   Enter credit from prior year(s). (This should be the overpayment you indicated on 
 (1)  Gross receipts from the sale of tangible personal property shall be sitused to the                  the prior year return to be credited against this year’s tax). 
      municipal corporation only if, regardless of where title passes, the property meets                   
      either of the following criteria:                                                                   Line 7A. Balance Due 
      a)    The  property  is shipped to or  delivered  within the municipal corporation                  If Line 5 is greater  than Line  6C, enter the difference here. Remittance in this 
      from      a stock of goods located within the municipal corporation.                                amount must accompany the return when filed.  A business may round off cents.      
      b) The property is delivered within the municipal corporation from a location                       
      outside the municipal corporation, provided the taxpayer is regularly engaged                                                                             
      through its own employees in the solicitation or promotion of sales within such                     Line 7B. Overpayment Claimed
                                                                                                          If Line 6C is greater than Line 5, enter the difference here. This amount will be 
      municipal     corporation and the sales result from such solicitation or promotion.                 transferred as a credit unless you request a refund. Amounts $10 or less will not 
 (2)  Gross  receipts from the sale  of services shall  be sitused to the municipal                       be refunded.  If  requesting  a  refund, please  check  the  refund  box  on  return 
      corporation to the extent that such  services are  performed in the municipal                       envelope to expedite processing of the refund. 
 (3)  To  the  extent  included  in income,  gross  receipts  from the  sale of  real  property 
      located in the municipal corporation shall be sitused to the municipal corporation.                 Line 8. Computation of Estimated Tax 
                                                                                                          Estimated tax  payments are due on the  fifteenth (15th) day  of the  fourth 
 (4)  To the extent included in income, gross receipts from rents and royalties from real                 (4th) sixth (6th), ninth (9th) and twelfth (12th) months of each fiscal year.  
      property located in  the municipal corporation shall  be sitused to the municipal                   
      corporation.                                                                                        A. Enter the estimated taxable income and tax for each municipality in the space 
 (5)  Gross  receipts from  rents and royalties from tangible personal  property  shall be                provided  next to  the name of that municipality. Then place the total estimated 
      sitused to the municipal corporation based upon the extent to which the tangible                    taxes on Line 8A. 
      personal property is used in the municipal corporation.                                             
                                                                                                          B.  Credit from prior  year: If  upon completion  of  your annual net  profit 
                                                                                                          Form 27 you have accrued a credit and did not request a refund, you may 
 Schedule  Y-1.  Reconciliation  of  S c h ed u l e                                                       take that credit on Line 8B. Otherwise, place a zero on this line. 
 Y  Wages  to Withholding Returns                                                                         D.  Enter  the  amount  of  estimated  tax  to  be  paid  with  this  return.  For  your 
  Use  this  schedule  to  reconcile  workplace  wages,  salaries,  etc.  allocated  to  RITA             convenience, you may pay the full amount of total estimated tax due, (Line 8C) 
  municipalities  on  Schedule  Y  with  the  amounts  reported  on  your  withholding  returns           with this declaration. Otherwise, at least 1/4 of the estimated tax due, less any 
  filed for the tax year covered by this return.                                                          credit carryforward,  must  be  remitted  with this  declaration  and  the 
                                                                                                          remaining amount will be billed. If the return is filed on extension, more than ¼ of 
 Line 1. Withholding Return Wages                                                                         the estimated tax may be due.  
  A  calendar  year  taxpayer  must  use  the  workplace  wages  reported  on  their  annual               
  Reconciliation of Income Tax Withheld (Form 17). A fiscal year taxpayer must use the                    For each RITA municipality owed, if your estimated payments are not 90% 
  sum of the wages reported on the Form 11 withholding statements that correspond to                      of the tax due or are not equal to or greater than your prior year’s total tax 
  the fiscal year.                                                                                        liability,  you  will  be  subject  to  penalty  and  interest  charges.  Quarterly 
                                                                                                          payments of estimated tax must be made to each RITA municipality if the 
                                                                                                          anticipated amount owed is greater than or equal to $200. 
 Line 2. Explanation of Discrepancy                                                                        
  Attach  an  explanation  if  the  overall  discrepancy  is:  (1)  greater  than  10%  of  the  total 
  workplace wages reported; and (2) greater than $5,000. If you are reporting workplace                   Line 9. Total Due 
  wages  for  multiple  RITA  municipalities  apply  the  10%  /  $5,000  thresholds  to  each            Print your federal employer identification number on your check or money order 
  municipality.                                                                                           and  make  it  payable  to  RITA.  Sign  and  date  Form  27  in  the  space  provided. 
                                                                                                          Enclose your check or money order with the Form 27 along with a copy of the 
                                                                                                          federal return and supporting schedules as indicated below. 
 Line 3. Other Company Information                                                                         
  Provide the Company  Name and Federal  Identification Number  under  which the 
  withholding tax was remitted if different than the FEIN reported on page 1 of the Form                  WHAT TO ATTACH TO YOUR RETURN: 
  27.                                                                                                     Attach a complete copy of the Federal Form 1041, 1065, 1120, 1120-A, 1120-
                                                                                                          REIT, or 1120S as appropriate. Also attach copies of Schedule D, Schedule E, 
                                                                                                          Form 1125-A,  Form  4562,  Form  4797,  Form  8825,  and  any  supporting 
 Schedule Z. Pass-Through Distributive Shares                                                             statements for “other income”, “taxes and licenses”, “other expenses”, and Form 
                                                                                                          1125-A “other costs”. If applicable, attach copies of any K-1 schedules issued or 
 of Net Income                                                                                            received.  If  filing a  consolidated  return,  attach copies  of  your  federal 
  All  pass-through  entities  must  attach  a  schedule  showing  each  partner/shareholder              consolidation  schedules.  If  you  issued  any 1099-NEC  forms,  please  attach 
  name, social security number, distributive  share,  guaranteed payments (if applicable)                 copies of those issued to Ohio residents.  Note: The federal return MUST be 
  and  ownership  percentage.  The  amounts  reported  on  this schedule  must  correspond                attached  to  be  considered a  complete  tax  return.    Please  also  attach  all 
  with the amounts reported on your federal return.                                                       applicable schedules and 1099-NEC to avoid delays in processing. 
 Schedule ZZ: Consolidated Returns                                                                        Joint Economic Districts (JEDDs) or Joint 
  Taxpayers  filing  consolidated  returns  must  attach Federal Form 851 or a  schedule 
  listing the name, address and employer identification number of each affiliate included                 Economic Development Districts (JEDZs)  
  in the consolidated return when filing their Form 27. Once an election is made to file a                Most RITA revenue sharing districts (JEDDs and JEDZs) require taxpayers to file 
  consolidated  return,  permission  is  needed  to  file separately in future  years.  For tax           annual Net Profit returns separately from the related municipal  tax authority, 
  years beginning on or after January 1, 2016, consolidated filers have a five year opt-                  meaning net profits  must  be  allocated  to  revenue  sharing  districts  as  if  the 
  in/out  window  for changing  from  consolidated  to  single  filing,  or  vice  versa,  and  can       districts are separate, stand-alone municipalities.  However, the following JEDDs 
  elect each  year to include  or  exclude income from 80% PTE ownership  from the                        or  JEDZ  require  that  you  file  the  annual  Net  Profit  return  with  the  related  tax 
  consolidated group.  Please see ORC  §718.06 for more information  on municipal                         authority  
  income tax consolidated return requirements.                                                              JEDD or JEDZ               ______            Tax Authority  
                                                                                                            Beachwood East JEDD                          Beachwood  
 Line 5. Municipal Tax Due                                                                                  Beachwood West JEDD                          Beachwood  
 You must complete Schedule B on Page  2 for  any amount shown on Line 5.  See                              Orange Chagrin Highland JEDD                 Orange 
 ritaohio.com to obtain current tax rates.                                                                                                                
 Line 6A. Payments on Declarations of                                                                      
 Estimated Municipal Tax                                                                                    
 Enter estimated payments made to RITA municipalities for this taxable year. 

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