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  City of Englewood 
  Income Tax Department 

  Instructions for Form IR-1 
  Individual Return 
  For use in preparing 

  2022              Returns

These instructions are applicable  to the City of Englewood. If  you  have  any questions           
about completing any of our forms and/or need tax  forms, please call  (937)836-5106.              What is taxable income? 
All  forms and instructions are also available on-line at www.englewood.oh.us.                      
                                                                                                   For RESIDENTS, taxable income includes all salaries, wages, commissions, and other 
Do I need to file?                                                                                 compensation regardless of  where it  was  earned. The income is  taxable whether paid 
You need to file if any of the following apply:                                                    in  cash,  property,  or  other  consideration. This includes the reasonable value of meals, 
▪     You are a resident of the City of Englewood during any part of the tax year and              lodging, and the like.  
      are 18 years of age or older.                                                                 
▪     You  earned  income  in  the City of Englewood which Englewood income tax was                Taxable income also includes the net profits of all unincorporated businesses, such as: 
      not fully and/or correctly withheld.                                                         real estate  and  equipment  rentals, sole  proprietorships, trusts and a resident’s share 
▪     You were not a resident of the City of Englewood, but you engaged in a                       of partnership income (whether distributed or not).   These unincorporated business 
      business or profession within the city limits; whether the business showed a profit          profits are taxable regardless of  where business  was  conducted. You may  be 
      or loss.                                                                                     entitled  to  a  credit  for  taxes  paid  to  the  city where your income was earned. 
▪     You were not a resident of the City of Englewood, but you own/owned property                 Beginning in tax year 2018, up to 50% of the previously unused 2017 or after net loss 
      in the city and collect rent from a resident; whether the business showed a profit or        can be used to offset the current year taxable income. This offset is limited to the lesser 
      loss.                                                                                        of 50% the total available net loss or 50% of the current year profits before net operating 
                                                                                                   loss carry forward is applied. Starting in tax year 2022 100% Net operating loss carry 
Can we file a joint return?                                                                        forward may be used to offset the net profit. 
A married couple may file a joint return regardless of the filing method used on their              
federal return. Joint returns must be signed by both spouses and include both social               For NON-RESIDENTS, taxable income includes all salaries, wages, commissions, and 
security numbers.                                                                                  other compensation earned in the City of Englewood. Taxable income also includes 
                                                                                                   net profits of all unincorporated businesses such as real estate and equipment rentals, 
Can I use Form IR-1?                                                                               sole proprietorships, trusts, and your share of partnership income (whether distributed 
                                                                                                   or not) if the business was conducted in the City of Englewood. 
You  can  use  Form  IR-1  if  you  had  income (loss)  taxable  to the city. Corporations          
(including S-corporations), partnerships, joint ventures, and fiduciaries (estates and             The City of Englewood taxable wages are calculated before any deduction for  things 
trusts) must file using Form BR-1.                                                                 such as 401(k) deferrals.  
When and where do I file?                                                                          Determine net profits from unincorporated business in accordance with the accounting 
•     This return must be filed on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month                 method used for Federal income  tax  purposes. Any  expenses  claimed  must  be 
      following the close of the tax year.  For calendar year taxpayers, this means the            ordinary and necessary. Passive activity losses are deducted the year incurred: PAL 
      return is due April 15  th unless the IRS or the State of Ohio extends the filing date.      carry forwards are not allowed for city tax purposes. In addition, net operating loss 
•     Any taxpayer that has requested an extension for filing their Federal income tax             carry forwards and carry backs are not permitted for tax years 2017 and prior. 
      return shall automatically receive the same extension for filing of the City tax return.     Beginning in tax year 2018, up to 50% of the previously unused 2017 or after net loss 
      Taxpayers who have not received or requested a Federal extension may request an              can be used to offset the current year taxable income before apportionment. This offset 
      extension from the City provided the request is received before the original due date        is limited to the lesser of 50% the total available net loss or 50% of the current year 
      of the return.  An extension of time to file is NOT an extension of time to pay any tax      taxable income before net operating loss carry forward is applied. Starting in tax year 
      due.                                                                                         2022 100% Net operating loss carry forward may be used to offset the net profit. 
•     Mail to:      Englewood Income Tax Department                                                 
                    333 W National Rd                                                              If you are engaged in two or more unincorporated businesses in the same city, the net 
                    Englewood, Ohio 45322                                                          loss of one unincorporated business may be used to offset the profits of another for 
                                                                                                   purposes of arriving at overall net profits from unincorporated businesses for that city.  
What if I file or pay late?                                                                         
The City of Englewood imposes penalties and interest on taxes remaining unpaid after               City taxable income does not include proceeds of insurance policies if the employee 
April 15 thand on estimated taxes that were underpaid. Thus, if you are unable to pay the          paid all the premiums. City taxable income also does not include compensation for 
full amount of  tax  owed,  you should still file  your  return along with payment of as           personal injury and property damages. Expenses, costs, and losses incurred in 
much as possible.                                                                                  connection with income not subject  to  city  income  tax  may  not  be  used  to  reduce 
                                                                                                   city taxable income. 
The city also has a late filing charge of $25.00 per month with a maximum charge of                 
$150 per return for all returns filed after the due date, except estimated tax returns.            See Appendix A – Taxable and Non-Taxable Income – for a list of examples of different 
                                                                                                   types of income and whether they are taxable.  This list is intended for reference 
Are there any special rules for refunds?                                                           purposes only.  It may not be all inclusive and is subject to revision without notice. 
•     Refunds resulting from an overpayment of estimated tax or the deduction of 
      employee  business  expenses  may  be  requested  using this form. You  must                 What are unincorporated businesses? 
      attach  a  copy  of  your  Federal Form  2106  and  Federal Schedule A  to  claim                 Sole  proprietorships  –  Schedule  C,  Federal  Form 1040 
      employee business expenses on Form IR-1. Federal Form 2106 which has                              Rental properties - Schedule E, Federal Form 1040  
      expenses reported on Line 4 only are not required to be filed with IRS and will not               Partnerships, Joint Ventures, and other type associations (These businesses file 
      be allowed on the city return.  The 2% AGI floor on the Federal return will apply to              their own returns using Form BR- 1; however, you must report  your  share  of 
      any 2106 expense.                                                                                 their  city  taxable  income  on your individual return if you are a partner).           
•     A refund must be greater than $10 to be issued. 
•     There  is  a  three  (3)  year  statute  of  limitations for claiming a refund or  credit of 
      any overpayment of city tax. 

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                                                                                                        PART B: OTHER INCOME 
                                                                                                        Column H – Enter  net  profit  (or  loss)  from  PART  F, Line 23, or from Schedule Y if you 
COMPLETING FORM IR-1                                                                                    are allocating your income. Schedule Y is used only if you engaged in business in 
                                                                                                        more than one taxing district. If  you attached a  copy  of  your  Federal  Schedule  C  in 
▪ Please enter the information in the spaces provided for name, current address,                        lieu of completing PART F on Page 3, enter your net profit (Line 31) from Schedule C.  
  Englewood account number, and SSN.  If you are filing a joint return, provide your 
  spouse’s name and SSN.                                                                                Column I - Enter  net  income  (or  loss)  from  PART  G , Line 27, or from your Federal 
▪ If you are amending a tax year, place an “X” in the box marked AMENDED and be                         Schedule E if attached in lieu of completing PART G or Schedule Y. Individual 
  sure to indicate the tax year that you are amending in the space provided. If you                     taxpayers who report more than one rental property on Federal Schedule E are 
  are amending the city return based  upon  an  amended  return  that  you  filed                       considered by the Department to be in the business of renting property. Per §718.02 of 
  with the IRS, you must include a copy of the amended Federal return, including                        the Ohio Revised Code a business or profession conducted within and without the 
  any applicable schedules pertaining to the amendment. If you are filing  an                           boundaries of a municipal corporation is required to use the three part allocation 
  amended city  return  based  upon  an  audit that the IRS conducted, you must                         formula  when  calculating  net  profits  for municipal taxation (Schedule Y). 
  include documentation pertaining to the audit and note any changes that were 
  made by the IRS to reduce or increase your taxable income.                                            Column J – Enter any other income. 
▪ Indicate your filing status. 
▪ If you moved, enter the date of your move. If you  are  allocating income  as  a                      Column K – Enter gambling winnings. 
  result of your move, you will need to complete PART E: Section 3. Attach a 
  copy of a paystub dated closest to your move date or an explanation of the 
  method used to determine the allocation.                                                              Column L – Total of Columns H through K. 
                                                                                                        Line 9 – Total of Column L. 
PART A: TAX CALCULATION                                                                                 Line 10 – Column L times 1.75% (tax rate). 
Column A - Indicate your employer(s). Attach an additional page if more space is                        Line 11 – Credits for taxes paid to other cities – the credit is limited to 1.75% of income 
needed.                                                                                                 taxes paid per activity and per city.  Attach a copy of the other cities tax return that will 
                                                                                                        provide the necessary proof of the credit taken. 
Column B - Indicate city W2 wages from each employer. 
                                                                                                        Line 12 – Line 10 less Line 11 (This amount gets carried up to Line 2 in PART A).  If line 
Column C - Complete PART E for adjustments to W2 wages otherwise Column C will                          11 is greater than Line 10, enter $0. 
equal Column B.                                                                                          
Wages for city tax purposes may differ from the Federal Medicare wages reported on Box 5 of the W2 
as adjusted under §718.03 of the  Ohio  Revised  Code. City  taxable  wages include all wages that      PART C: DECLARATION OF ESTIMATED CITY INCOME TAX 
may be deferred or excluded from Federal and State taxable wages under §401 of the Internal 
Revenue Code. These  deferrals  appear  in  Box  12  of your  W-2  with  codes  D,  E,  F,  G,  and  S. • Taxpayers (resident or nonresident) who anticipate owing city tax more than $200 
You may be subject to additional tax due to residency  if your employer  does not collect and remit       must complete PART C of this form.  
courtesy withholding or your employer has incorrectly reported taxable income.  
                                                                                                        • The  declaration  should  be  filed with the tax return by  April 15th.  
Column D – Column C times 1.75%.                                                                        • Your  first  quarter  payment  should  be  submitted with the declaration. 
                                                                                                        • No extensions of time to file or pay will  be granted. 
Column E – Englewood local taxes withheld in Box 19 of the W-2 only. (Must say                          • Each  subsequent  quarterly  payment should be paid using one of the 
Englewood in box 20 of the W-2.)                                                                          estimated tax payment coupons. Your  second, third and fourth payments are 
                                                                                                          due  on  June 15, September 15 and January 15, respectively. 
Column F – Credit for taxes paid to other cities is limited to 1.75% of wages taxed for                 • We will also consider your estimated taxes as filed in good faith if  t h e   t i m el y  
each city on the W2.                                                                                      q u ar t e rl y   payments equal or exceed 100% of the tax shown on your prior year 
Column G – Column D less Column E less Column F. (Column G can only show an                             • Failure to make timely quarterly declaration tax payments may result in penalty 
overpayment/negative amount if Column E exceeds Column D. Column F cannot exceed                          and interest assessments. 
Column D.                                                                                                
                                                                                                        Line 13 – Total estimated wages or other income for the upcoming year. 
Line 1 – Total of Column G. 
                                                                                                        Line 14 – Line 13 times 1.75%. 
Line 2 – Total of PART B Line 12. 
                                                                                                        Line 15 – Credits that will be allowed for taxes paid to other cities limited to 1.75%.  
Line 3 – Total of above Line 1 and Line 2. 
                                                                                                        Line 16 – Line 14 less Line 15. 
Line 4 – Enter all declaration payments made during the current tax year and any 
overpayment carried forward from the prior year. Do not enter tax withheld or paid by a                 Line 17 – Line 16 divided by 4 quarters. 
partnership on your behalf.                                                                              

Line 5 – Line 3 less Line 4 (If Line 4 is greater than Line 3, enter amount here and carry to           PART D: SIGNATURES 
Line 8). 
                                                                                                        Sign and Date Your Return 
Line 6 – Enter penalty, interest, and late filing fees here.                                            Form IR-1 is not considered a complete return unless you sign it and attach all W-2 
                                                                                                        statements and applicable federal  tax  documents. If  you  are  filing  a  joint  return, 
Line 7 – Add Line 5 and Line 6 (No payment is due if balance is $10 or less).                           your spouse must also sign. 
                                                                                                        If you wish the City of Englewood to communicate with you about questions or 
Line 8 – If Line 4 exceeds Line 3 enter the excess here.                                                adjustments to your return using a secured email system, check the box in this section.  
                                                                                                        If you are filing a joint return, your spouse must also check a box.  You do not have to 
Line 8A – Enter the amount of Line 8 you want credited to your next year tax estimate.                  provide two separate email accounts.  
Line 8B – Enter the amount of Line 8 you want refunded (no refund for amounts $10 or                    Paid Preparers Must Sign Your Return. Anyone you pay to prepare your return 
less).                                                                                                  must sign and date it in the space provided, and provide their Paid Preparer Tax 
                                                                                                        Identification Number (PTIN). 

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Third Party Designee                                                                         

If you want to allow a friend, family member, or any other person you choose to discuss     PART G: SCHEDULE E  RENTAL INCOME (LOSS) 
your tax return with the City of Englewood, check the “YES” box in the “Third Party         •     Enter  income  (loss)  produced  from  rental  property  by providing the detailed 
Designee” area of your return. Enter the designee’s  name and  phone  number.                     information in the appropriate columns. 
                                                                                            •     Federal  Form  1040,  Schedule  E  will be accepted in lieu of complete of PART G 
If  you want to  allow the paid  preparer who  signed  your return to discuss it with the         on Form IR-1. 
City of Englewood, just enter “Preparer” in the space for the designee’s name.  You do      •     Individual  taxpayers who  report  more  than  one  rental  property  on  Federal 
not have to provide the other information requested.                                              Schedule E  are  considered by the tax department to  be  in  the business  of 
                                                                                                  renting  property and thus should use Schedule Y – Business Allocation Formula 
If you check the “YES” box, you and your spouse, if filing a joint return, are authorizing        to calculate the portion of income or loss. 
the City of Englewood to call the designee to answer any questions that may arise           •     Rental  income  is  taxed  first  to  the  city where the income has been allocated, 
during the processing of your return. You are also authorizing the designee to:                   and then paid to the city of residence (if the allowable credit for taxes paid to the 
•  Provide the City of  Englewood any information that is missing from your return.               city where the income has been allocated is not equal to or  greater  than  tax  due 
•  Communicate with the City of Englewood about the processing  of your  return  or               to your  city  of  residence). 
   the  status  of your refund or payment(s).                                               •     If  the property is not located in any taxing district, income is taxed to the owner’s 
•  Receive copies of  notices or transcripts related to your return.                              city of residence. 
•  Respond to certain City of Englewood notices about math errors, offsets, and              
   return preparation. 
You are not authorizing the designee to receive a refund check, bind you to anything        SCHEDULE Y – BUSINESS ALLOCATION FORMULA 
(including additional tax liability), or otherwise represent you before the  City  of        
Englewood. The  authorization  will  remain  in effect for the specific return and tax year STEP 1- List the average original cost of all real  and  tangible  personal  property 
on which it appears,  unless  rescinded  on  a  subsequent  return  for the same tax        owned  or  used  by the taxpayer.  Also list the gross annual rental income multiplied 
year, or in writing by the taxpayer.                                                        by 8. 
                                                                                            STEP 2- List the gross receipts from sales made or services performed. 
PART E: ADJUSTMENTS TO WAGES                                                                STEP 3- List  the  wages,  salaries,  and  other compensation paid to W-2 employees 
                                                                                            for services performed. 
Section 1 – Under the age of 16 Withholding                                                  
•  You may reduce your taxable wages by the amount of wages you earned while                STEP 4- Total the percentages from each STEP. 
   under the age of 16.                                                                      
•  You must attach a copy of your driver’s license  or  birth  certificate. Do  not  send   STEP 5- Divide STEP 4, by the number of STEPS used in this Schedule. 
   originals   — they will not be returned.                                                  
                                                                                            STEP 6- Multiply STEP 5 by the total income produced for this business.  Transfer this 
Section 2 – Partial Year Residents                                                          total to PART B. 
•  Enter the dates you were a resident on the first line.                                    
•  You may reduce your taxable wages by the amount of wages earned while you                 
   were not a resident of Englewood.  
•  If you are using a paystub to calculate this allocation, please attach.                   
•  If you are using any other method of allocation, please explain. 
Section 3 – Tax Withholding Correction 
▪  You MUST attach W-2(s) and supporting documentation.  
Section 4 – Non Resident Over-the-Road, Air Carriers, Railroad Employees 
▪  Use these lines only if you are a nonresident employee working in one of these 
   industries and are regularly assigned duties within Ohio only.  
▪  Be sure to complete Certification by Employer regarding Adjustments to Wages 
Section 5 – Non Resident working outside the city limits    
▪  Lines 17-27 guide you through a formula based on a work year consisting  of  260 
▪  The 260 days represent  five days  per week  times 52  weeks. 
▪  Sick, vacation, and  holiday pay are days within Englewood. 
▪  Be sure to attach a list of all the dates you worked outside of Englewood, along 
   with  the  locations  (city  and  state)  at  which work was performed. 
▪  Credit for taxes withheld for a workplace cannot exceed: 
            o  The workplace city taxable income times Englewood’s tax rate.  
▪  Be sure to complete Certification by Employer regarding Adjustments to Wages. 
•  The  questions  on  Schedule  C  should  be  answered  in full. List income and 
   subtract expenses to determine net profit  or  loss  from  business  or  profession. 
•  A  copy  of your Federal Form 1040,  Schedule  C will be accepted  in lieu of 
   completion of PART F on Form IR-1. 
•  A separate PART F should be completed for each Schedule C reporting. 
•  All schedules and/or forms supporting the information listed should be attached 
   to your return. 

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WHAT IS TAXABLE INCOME?                                          WHAT INCOME IS NOT TAXABLE? 
• Bonuses                                                        • Alimony 
• Compensation paid in property or the use thereof at fair       • Annuities - at time of distribution 
  market value to the same extent as taxable for federal tax     • Capital gains 
  purposes and so indicated on the W-2 form                      • Dividends 
• Contributions made by or on behalf of employees to qualified   • Housing allowances for clergy to the extent that the 
  deferral plan (401K and the like) – taxed in  year earned,       allowance is used to provide a home 
  deferrals are not permitted. Exception: employer  matching     • Income earned while under 16 years of age 
  contributions  offered  under  a cafeteria plans are not       • Income from  serving as  a  precinct election official if less 
  taxable.                                                         than $1,000 
• Contributions made by, or on behalf of employees to a tax-     • Income from qualified pension plans 
  deferred annuity or stock purchase plan (includes any plan     • Interest income 
  where employee has the option to defer)                        • Long-term disability payments 
• Contributions made by, or on behalf of employees to a non-     • Meals and lodging required on premises 
  qualified deferred compensation plan.                          • Military pay including active and reserve pay. 
• Cost of  group term life insurance over $50,000 (unless part   • Nonresident subchapter S corporation income to a resident 
  of a cafeteria plan)                                             shareholder (effective 1/1/03) is no longer taxable 
• Director's fees                                                • Patent and copyright income 
• Excess employee discounts                                      • Pension income - includes lump sum distributions 
• Executor fees                                                  • Proceeds of life insurance 
• Farm Net Income - Schedule F, Federal Form 1040                • Royalties - if derived from intangible property 
• Gambling/Lottery winnings                                      • Section 125 Cafeteria Plans 
• Golden parachute payments                                      • Social Security benefits 
• Income from guaranteed annual wage contracts                   • State unemployment benefits 
• Income from jury duty                                          • Tax-exempt  tangible  or  intangible  property  or  tax- exempt 
• Income from wage continuation plans (includes retirement         activities 
  incentive plans and buy-outs)                                  • Third Party sick pay 
• Income received as a result of a covenant or agreement not     • Welfare payments 
  to compete, relating to employee wages                         • Worker’s Compensation 
• Interest on below market loans 
• Moving  expense  reimbursements  (follow  Federal rules but 
  non-reimbursed expenses are not deductible) 
• Pre-retirement distributions  from  retirement  plans (except 
  previously taxed income from deferred plans) 
• Prizes, awards, and gifts –  if connected with employment 
• Prizes  and  winnings  from  sweepstakes 
• Profit Sharing 
• Royalties (unless derived from registered copyrights, patents 
  or trademarks) 
• Severance pay 
• Sick and/or vacation pay (Third Party sick pay is not taxable) 
• Stipends  –  if  work  required  (vow  of  poverty  not 
• Stock bonus incentive plans 
• Stock options 
• Strike benefits paid by employer 
• Supplemental unemployment pay paid by employer 
• Taxes paid by employer on employee's behalf 
• Tips 
• Uniforms, automobile, moving and travel allowances 
• Union steward fees and strike pay 
• Wages, salaries, other compensation, bonuses, stipends, tip 
  income, vacation pay, stock options, sick pay, strike pay, 
  commissions, fees, and other earned income. 

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