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JOINT  ECONOMIC  DEVELOPMENT  DISTRICTS                                 WHEN  TO  FILE:   
                                                                        File no later than APRIL 18th if you are a calendar 
Instructions for                                                        year filer.  Fiscal filers must file by the 15  day of the 
                                                                        fourth month following the close of their fiscal tax year. 
Form  JR                                                                DECLARATION  OF  ESTIMATED  INCOME  TAX:   
JEDD  Business Return 
                                                                        Please  note  the  due  dates  for  Estimated  Tax  payments.    Due 
                                                                        dates  for calendar year-end taxpayers are:
Note:    The  Income  Tax  Ordinance  for  tax  years  through          The income tax rate changed from 2.25% to 2.50% effective January 1, 2018
December  31,  2015  has  not  changed  and  is  posted  at             Tax             % of Estimated     Due
www.akronohio.gov/1040.    The  required  new  Income  Tax              Form               Tax Due         Date
Ordinance,  in  accordance  with  the  amended  Ohio  Revised 
Code Section 718, for tax years beginning  on and after January         JD-1  (Voucher  1) 22.5%           April 15th
1, 2016 is also posted on the website.                                  JQ-1 (Voucher 2)        45%        June 15th 
                                                                        JQ-1  (Voucher  3) 67.5%           September 15th 
                                                                        JQ-1 (Voucher 4)          90%      December 15th
For use in preparing JR  Returns
                                                                        For fiscal year-end filers, the corresponding voucher due dates 
The JEDD income tax is governed by the City of Akron 
                                                                        are: the fifteenth day of the fourth month, the fifteenth day of the 
Income Tax Ordinance, and tax issues are handled
                                                                        sixth  month,  the  fifteenth  day  of  the  ninth  month  and  the 
through the Akron Income Tax Division.  The mailing
                                                                        fifteenth day of the twelfth month.
address for JEDD forms and correspondence is
1  Cascade  Plaza  Suite  100,  Akron  OH  44308  If  you               If  the  amount  payable  as  estimated  taxes  is  at  least  two 
have any questions or need JEDD forms, please call                      hundred dollars, payments must be at least 100% of the prior 
330-375-2539.    Forms,  instructions,  tax  FAQs  and  lists  of       year  tax  liability or  at  least  90%  of  the  current  year  tax 
taxable & non-taxable income are also available at                      liability to avoid penalty and interest charges.
www.AkronOhio.gov/1040.                                                 WHAT CONSTITUTES NET PROFITS:   
                                                                        Net profits  are based  on Adjusted Federal Taxable 
1. The  income  tax  rate  is  2.50%  effective  January  1,            Income, as  is determined under the municipal code 
     2018.  Prior to January 1, 2018, the rate was 2.25%.               (Ohio Revised Code Section 718.01), which is 
2. Accompanying WORKSHEETS  must be                                     available on-line at  http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/718 .   
     completed and used in your calculations for                        SIGNATURES:   
     Form JR.                                                           A tax return has not been “filed” within the meaning of 
3. Loss carryforward amounts must be reported                           the law, until it is signed by the taxpayer or an agent 
     on WORKSHEET F, found on Page 1.                                   legally authorized to sign.  If the return is prepared by 
                                                                        someone other than the taxpayer, the preparer  must 
4. A business that is not a C corporation and is                        also sign and date the return, along with the preparer’s 
     not an individual, must file as if it is a C cor-                  phone, address and Social Security Number or federal 
     poration  [OH  Revised  Code  718.01(E)(1 )].0                     EIN. (Preparers who are pre-registered with the City of 
     WORKSHEET X is designed to help with                               Akron may use their name and city-issued 3-digit 
     those calculations.                                                Preparer ID instead.) 
5. Enter the federal Principal Business Activity                        EXTENSIONS: 
     Code on the bottom of Form JR, Page 1.                             Any  taxpayer  that  has  duly  requested  an  automatic  six-
6. WORKSHEET W must be completed if you                                 month  extension  for  filing  the  taxpayer's  federal  income 
     had employees working in the JEDD or if you                        tax return shall automatically receive an extension for the 
     leased any employees who worked in the                             filing of a municipal income tax return.  The extended due 
     JEDD.  However, fiscal filers are  exempted                        date  of  the  municipal  income  tax  return  shall  be  the 
     from filing WORKSHEET W.                                           fifteenth day of the tenth month after the last day of the 
                                                                        taxable year to which the return relates.  An extension of 
                                                                        time  to  file  is  not  an  extension  of  the  time  to  pay.    A 
                                                                        taxpayer that has not requested or received a six-month 
                                                                        extension  for  filing  the  taxpa er's y  federal  income  tax 
WHO MUST FILE THIS FORM:                                                return  may  request  that  the  tax  administrator  grant  the 
Associations (including  S  corporations), C corpora-                   taxpayer a six-month extension of the date for filing the 
tions, partnerships and any other entity that has                       taxpayer's municipal income tax return.  If the request is 
income which is taxable to the JEDD must  file Form                     received  by  the  tax  administrator  on  or  before  the  date 
JR.  Also, individuals who file Form 1040 and  have                     the  municipal  income  tax  return  is  due,  the  tax 
JEDD business income from self-employment or rental                     administrator  shall  grant  the  taxpayer's  requested 
activity (reported on Schedules C,  E or F), must file                  extension.    Even  if  you  are  unable  to  pay  your  taxes 
Form JR.                                                                owed  when  they  are  due,  you  should  file  your  return 
                                                                        timely  to  avoid  Failure-to-file  charges  of  $25.00  to 
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LOSS CARRIED FORWARD:                                                            11. Enter your Principal Business Activity Code at the
                                                                                     bottom of Page 1 under the signatures. (Same
Loss  carryforwards  incurred    in  2017  and  forward may  be  carried             number you report on your federal tax return)
forward  for  a  maximum  of  5  years  and  are  subject  to  limitations 
per  Chapter  718  of  the  Ohio  Revised  Code.  See  website  for 
additional  details.  Multiple  municipalities  or  JEDDs  must  be              12. Finally, be sure to sign and date your return.
allocated  in  the same manner as taxable net profits. WORKSHEET 
F  on  the  bottom  of  Page  1  must  be  completed  to  receive  credit,       WORKSHEET  INSTRUCTIONS 
subject  to  ORC  718 limitations, for losses used. Losses cannot be 
carried  back.  Attach  a  schedule  to  show  the  detail  of  your 
calculations.                                                                    WORKSHEET  X:   Reconciliation  with Federal 
GENERAL  INSTRUCTIONS                                                            When this worksheet is completed correctly, no 
1. Please review all of the pre-printed information on
                                                                                 amount should be added or deducted more than once 
Form JR and make corrections as needed.
                                                                                 to arrive at  JEDD net profits.  Section 718.01 of  the 
                                                                                 Ohio Revised Code (ORC) requires that all taxpayers 
2. Fiscal  filers must indicate the beginning and
                                                                                 that are not filing as individuals must file their JEDD 
ending dates of their fiscal year.  THE TAX YEAR
                                                                                 tax returns  as if they  are C corporations.  This will 
                                                                                 mean that the “bottom line” of your federal tax return 
WHICH THE FISCAL TERM                         ENDS.  This differs
                                                                                 may not mirror the reportable taxable income for 
from the tax year used for your federal tax return.
                                                                                 municipal purposes if your business is not a C 
3. Those anticipating a JEDD refund this year must
check      the box marked REFUND.  Note: Line 12
                                                                                 Line 1   –    Enter the total of all self-employment
must also show that a refund is due.
                                                                                 and rental income reported on Schedules C – Line
                                                                                 31, and  E  –  Line  2 . 6(If  you  have  multiple  self-
4. If  you are filing on extension please check
                                                                                 employment     or rental       locations  where      various
              the box marked EXTENSION ATTACHED
                                                                                 allocations apply, please call for assistance.) 
and staple a copy of your  extension to the back
of Form JR.
                                                                                 JEDD income from federal Schedules C, E and F can 
                                                                                 be combined by a  single taxpayer. All  other 
5. Next, check the box  showing your tax filing
                                                                                 businesses must file separate tax returns, as entities. 
status... Self-Employment, Rentals, C Corp, S
                                                                                 (Check with  the Income  Tax Division concerning  any 
Corp, Partnership or Other.  An LLC should check
                                                                                 filings of consolidated tax returns.)  
the box showing how it files with the IRS.
                                                                                 Line 2  – Enter your BASE INCOME from the specific
6. If your business has moved into or out of the JEDD                            federal form or schedule line number that is listed
in 2020 mark the box and enter your move date.                                   below. For instance,   S corporations     must enter the
                                                                                 figure  found  on Page  4  -   Line  18  of  Form  1120S  - 
7. If your mailing address is not the same as the                                Schedule  K;  partnerships, enter the figure found on 
physical location where the JEDD business activity                               Line 1 of Form 1065 – Schedule K - “Analysis of Net 
takes place, or if the mailing address is a P.O. Box,                            Income  (Loss)”;  LLC’s filing as a C corporation,
enter the street address  of your JEDD business                                  enter the figure found  on  Line  28  of  Form  1120 ...  
activity in the box provided.                                                    and so on.    
                                                                                 Line 3 - Enter the result from Line 8J.   These are the 
8. If your business has taxable  business activity in
                                                                                 items on your federal tax return that are not deductible 
more than one JEDD, you will need to file Form JR
                                                                                 on your JEDD tax return.  This amount will be added 
for each JEDD.  Check the box showing the JEDD
                                                                                 back to your federal BASE INCOME figure from Lines 
activity reported on this form.
                                                                                 1 or 2. 
9. When using the services of a tax preparer, our
                                                                                 Line 4 - Enter the result from Line 9D.  These are the 
office may need to discuss your tax  matters with
                                                                                 items on your federal tax return that are not taxable on 
him or her.  IF YOU  WISH TO  GRANT SUCH
                                                                                 your JEDD tax return.  This amount will be subtracted 
PERMISSION, check      the box above Worksheet
                                                                                 from your federal BASE INCOME figure from Lines 1 
F, on Page 1 of Form JR.
                                                                                 or 2. 
10. If this is a final return, write the words FINAL
                                                                                 Line 5 - Subtract Line 4 from Line 3 to find the total 
RETURN on the top of Page 1.  If  the business
                                                                                 adjustments to your BASE INCOME.  If the result is a 
was sold, provide the name, address and phone
                                                                                 negative number, place it in parentheses to denote its 
number of the purchaser on a separate
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Line 6   - If you have other income that is taxable to the              I –  Enter other non-deductible expenses and attach
JEDD, enter it here.                                                    documentation and/or explanation for this entry. 

Line 7 - Add Line 1 or  2 to Lines 5 & 6 to find your 
taxable JEDD Net Profit or Loss.                                        J – Total entries 8A thru 8I and enter this figure
                                                                        on Line 3 of  Worksheet  X. 
        If you have income that must be allocated
        between          multiple   taxing          jurisdictions,
        complete WORKSHEET Y.  If your income is                        Line 9 - ITEMS NOT TAXABLE            - amounts that will
O       allocated 100% to the JEDD and Line 7 is                        be deducted from the BASE INCOME.   
        greater than zero, enter this figure on Page
 T      1, Line 1 of the return.  If Line 7 is a negative 
                                                                        A  – Enter the capital gains that directly relate to the
 E      number, enter it in the “TAX YR OF FILING” 
                                                                        sale, exchange or other disposition of Section 1221
        column  of    WORKSHEET  F  on  Page  1.            If          and 1231 assets. [ORC 718.01(E)(4 a)( )] 
        allocation  is  required,  complete  Worksheet 
Line 8 - ITEMS           NOT  DEDUCTIBLE            - these are         B  – Include intangible income such as
amounts that must be added  to the BASE INCOME.                         interest, dividends, patents, etc. [ORC 718.01( )(1)]  E

A  –  Enter  your  capital  losses,  including  losses                  C  – Enter    other    exempt      income      and attach
directly  related  to  the  sale,  exchange  or  other                  documentation and/or explanation for this entry. 
disposition of an asset described in Section 1221 or
1231 of the IRC. [ORC 718.01( )(E)]3                
                                                                        D  – Total entries 9A thru 9C and enter this figure on
B – Add 5% of the amount deducted as intangible                         Line 4 of  Worksheet  X.  
income (9B), but not the portion related to the sale,
exchange or disposition of property described in IRC
Section 1221.  [ORC 718.01(E)(2)]  
                                                                         WORKSHEET  Y:  Business Allocation 
C – Enter Guaranteed payments to partners, retired or 
former partners, members or other owners, if not                        All businesses that derive income from locations both 
included in “net profits.”[ORC 718.01(E)(1 )]0                          inside and outside the JEDD, must allocate their total 
                                                                        net income (or loss) as to the portion attributable to the 
D  –  Add  back  all  taxes  that  are  based  on  income,              JEDD and to the portion attributable elsewhere.  [ORC 
such as state and local income taxes.[ORC 718.01( )E                    718.02(A)]  WORKSHEET Y must be used to arrive at 
(5)]                                                                    these figures.   

E  Except for a C Corporation, with respect to a partner,              Line 1  –  Under column A, enter the figure that 
former partner, shareholder, former shareholder, member,                represents the total original cost of the real and 
or  former  member  of  the  taxpayer:  amounts paid   or               tangible property that your company held  during the 
accrued to a qualified self-employed retirement plan, paid              current taxable year at all locations.  Under column B, 
to  or  accrued  to  or  for  health  insurance,  and paid  to  or      enter a similar figure representing only the original cost 
accrued to or for life insurance, shall not be allowed as a             of properties located in the JEDD.   On the second part 
deduction.                                 [ORC 718.01(E)(10)]          of Line 1, multiply the gross annual rents paid by your 
                                                                        company by 8 and enter the results under the 
F – As     with   C      corporations,     the      deduction for       appropriate columns.  Finally, total Line 1, columns A 
charitable contributions is limited to 10%. Enter any                   and B. 
amount claimed that exceeds this limit.   
                                                                        Line 2 – Under column A, enter the company’s total 
G  –  If  business or rental property is sold,  exchanged               wages, commissions and other compensation paid to 
or otherwise disposed, you must calculate the JEDD’s                    all employees located everywhere.  Under column B, 
“Recovery of Depreciation” as if the business were a C                  enter only  those wages,  commissions and other 
corporation.  [ORC 718.01(E)(4)(b)]                                     compensation paid to employees working in the JEDD. 

                                                                        Line 3 – Under column A, enter the company’s gross
H  -  For  real  estate  investment  trusts  and  regulated             receipts   received    from   all  sales  and  services
investment  companies,  all  dividends,  distributions  or 
                                                                        performed everywhere.       Under column B, enter  the 
amonts set aside or credited to the benefit of investors                amount  as  identified  under “Sales” on Page 4 of the 
must be entered on this line.  [ORC 718.01 (E)(6)]                      instructions. 

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Column C    – Calculate the allocation percentage of                4.   To the extent included in income, gross receipts 
each  of  the  three  categories  from  Lines  1,  2  and  3             from  rents  and  royalties  from  real  property 
by  dividing the JEDD figures (column B) by those                        located  in  the  municipal  corporation  shall  be 
from   everywhere  (column  A).    Since  this  is                       sitused to the municipal corporation.
represented  as  a  percentage, be sure to multiply                 5.   Gross  receipts  from  rents  and  royalties  from 
the  result by 100     before  entering  the  figure  in 
                                                                         tangible  personal  property  shall  be  sitused  to 
column C.   
                                                                         the  municipal  corporation  based  upon  the 
Line 4 – Total the percentages from Lines 1, 2 and 3                     extent to which the tangible personal property 
of column C.                                                             is used in the municipal corporation.
Line 5 – Calculate the average percentage, dividing                 The  net  profit  received  by  an  individual  taxpayer  from 
Line 4 by the number of percentages used.                In         the rental of real estate owned directly by the individual 
determining the average percentage, a factor is not                 or by a disregarded entity owned by the individual shall 
excluded from the computation merely because it is                  be  subject  to  tax  only  by  the  municipal  corporation  in 
found to be allocable entirely outside the JEDD.            A       which  the  property  generating  the  net  profit  is  located 
factor is excluded only when it does not exist                      and  the  municipal  corporation  in  which  the  individual 
anywhere.    Enter  the  resulting  allocation  percentage          taxpayer that receives the net profit resides.
figure between the brackets on Line 2, Page 1. 
                                                                    WORKSHEET  W:   Reconciling Wages, Salaries & 
Line 6 -  If the result is greater than zero, enter it on           Other Compensation 
Page  1,  Line  2.  If  the  result  is  a  negative  number, 
                                                                    If you are  a calendar year filer  and if  you had 
enter  the  negative  on  Worksheet  F,  Page  1,  in  the 
                                                                    employees who worked in the JEDD or if you leased 
"TAX YR OF FILING" column and enter zero on Page 
                                                                    employees  who  worked in the JEDD, you  must 
1, Line 2.
                                                                    complete WORKSHEET W.   
"Municipal  corporation"  includes  a  joint  economic 
development district (JEDD).                [ORC718.01(AA)]         Line 1  - Enter the total wage figure from your attached 
SALES  For  the  purposes  of  this  section,  receipts                      federal return or from Line 2, column B of 
                                                                             WORKSHEET Y.   
from  sales  and  rentals  made  and  services 
performed  shall  be  sitused  to  a  municipal 
                                                                    Line 2  - Enter the total JEDD wages that you reported 
corporation  as  follows:  [ORC718.02(D)] 
                                                                    on         your          JEDD                 Withholding
    1.    Gross  receipts  from  the  sale  of  tangible            Reconciliation (Form JW-3),  line  3. Also enter your
          personal  property  shall  be  sitused  to  the           JEDD withholding tax account number, which starts 
          municipal  corporation  only  if,  regardless  of         with # 2  ___________ __     
          where title passes, the property meets either of 
          the following criteria:                                   Please explain any differences between Lines 1 and 2 
          (a) The  property  is  shipped  to  or  delivered         in this Worksheet.  
          within the municipal corporation from a stock
          of  goods  located  within  the  municipal                Next, complete the employer information section
          corporation.                                              concerning any leased employees you had during
          (b) The  property  is  delivered  within  the             tax  year  along  with  the  leasing  company  name, 
          municipal corporation from a location outside             address,  Fed  EIN, and  approximate          number  of
          the  municipal  corporation,  provided  the               employees leased. 
          taxpayer  is  regularly  engaged  through  its
          own  employees  in  the  solicitation  or
          promotion  of  sales  within  such  municipal             WORKSHEET  F:   Loss Carryforward Calculation  
          corporation  and  the  sales  result  from  such
                                                                    If  you  have  unused  qualified  loss  carryforward  amounts 
          solicitation or promotion.
                                                                    from the last three tax years, enter these in the first row of 
    2. Gross receipts from the sale of services shall               WORKSHEET F.  Write the amount being used from each 
       be sitused to the municipal corporation to the               year, subject to the provisions in ORC 718.  See website 
       extent  that  such  services  are  performed  in             for  additional  details.    Attach  a  schedule  to  show  the 
       the municipal corporation.                                   detail of your calculations and enter the result on Line 3 of 
                                                                    Form  JR,  Page  1.    You  will  be  required  to  substantiate 
3.        To  the  extent  included  in  income,  gross             losses claimed.
          receipts  from  the  sale  of  real  property 
          located in the municipal corporation shall be 
          sitused to the municipal corporation.

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