City of Warren, Ohio Income Tax Division BUSINESS QUESTIONNAIRE This Questionnaire must be completed and returned to this office Upon receipt, whether or not there is any liability for Warren City Income Tax (Ordinance 9126/81). BUSINESS NAME: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ If all tax is being paid under another name, list name, address and account number below: 1. Date your business started (or will start ) in Warren ________________________________ (To set up a Courtesy Withholding account for a Warren resident, proceed to question 4.) How acquired (Check one) □ New Business □ Purchased □ Reorganization □ Other List name of former owner, if any, below: ___________________________________ 2. List actual address of your Warren business: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 3. Principal business activities:__________________________ 4. Do you have employees? □ Yes □ No If yes, how many? _____ Date you first had employees ___/___/___ Approximate monthly payroll applicable to the City of Warren $_____________ (You are required to make monthly withholding payments if your liability exceeds $200.00 per month. The Warren city tax rate is 2.5 %.) For ** COURTESY ONLY ** Address of employee:__________________________ **If using a Payroll Service, indicate which one: _____________________________ 5. Federal Employer Identification Number: _________________________ 1 |
6. Account period used: (Check one. If fiscal, write ending date.) □ Calendar year ending December 31 □ Fiscal year ending _____________________ 7. State whether business is: □ Individual Proprietorship □ Partnership □ Corporation □ Nonprofit Corporation □ Sub Chapter S Corporation □ LLC (Not an individual) □ Single Member LLC, filing as an Individual □ Other (state type) ___________________________ 8. Name, address and Social Security Number(s) of owner, partners or officers (President and Treasurer) Name ________________________ Name __________________________ Address_______________________ Address ________________________ City __________________________ City ___________________________ State _____________ Zip _________ State ____________ Zip ___________ Title __________________________ Title ___________________________ SSN __________________________ SSN ___________________________ 9. Person this office should contact concerning city tax matters. (Do not list outside Accountants.) Name __________________________ Phone ___________________________ Fax ___________________________ I CERTIFY THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT: NAME (Type or print) _____________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________ DATE ____________ TITLE __________________________________ PHONE NO. _______________ THIS DEPARTMENT MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CHANGES IN ADDRESS, OWNERSHIP, OR TERMINATION OF BUSINESS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS QUESTIONNAIRE, PLEASE CALL 330- 841-2624 OR FAX US AT 330-841-2626. ALL FORMS ARE LISTED ON OUR WEB SITE AT THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. CITY OF WARREN, OHIO INCOME TAX DIVISION PO BOX 230 WARREN, OHIO 44482 2 |