Enlarge image | JEDD BUSINESS REGISTRATION JOINT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS TAX OFFICE USE ONLY 1 Cascade Plaza - Suite 100 Account# Akron, OH 44308-1161 Account# (330) 375-2539 - Profit/Loss incometax@akronohio.gov - Profit/Loss Auditor Date Issued (330) 375-2497 - Withholding onlinetax@akronohio.gov - Withholding (330) 375-2456 - Fax The following information is necessary for our records. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS. FED ID # BATH-AKRON-FAIRLAWN JEDD FEDERAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY CODE COPLEY-AKRON JEDD NATURE OF BUSINESS COVENTRY-AKRON JEDD TELEPHONE # SPRINGFIELD-AKRON JEDD JEDD TELEPHONE # BUSINESS NAME TRADE NAME (if any) BUSINESS ADDRESS (Mailing address for tax purposes) JEDD ADDRESS BEGINNING DATE OF JEDD ACTIVITY IS JEDD THE HOME OFFICE? BRANCH OFFICE? If no JEDD address, are any net profits attributable to the JEDD? YES NO WHO IS YOUR PAYROLL PROVIDER? TYPE OF ORGANIZATION : Sole Proprietorship S Corp C Corp Partnership 501c3 If you’re an LLC please select one of the following from above. OWNERS NAME ADDRESS SOC SEC NUMBER OWNERS NAME ADDRESS SOC SEC NUMBER NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING IN JEDD DATE FIRST EMPLOYEE WAS HIRED ACCOUNTING PERIOD USED: CALENDAR YEAR FISCAL YEAR (Fiscal Year Ending _ ) Do you own rental property in the JEDD? YES NO (If yes, what is the total annual gross income? ) Address Date Purchased Address Date Purchased Do you operate more than one place of business in the JEDD? YES NO Address Trade Name Address Trade Name IF CURRENT BUSINESS IS THE SUCCESSOR TO A PRE-EXISTING BUSINESS, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Name/s of previous owner/s and trade name, if any Mailing Address Former Business Type : Sole Proprietorship S Corp C Corp Partnership LLC Under penalties of perjury, I certify that all information and statements herein are true and correct. Print Name & Title Signature Date 10/2023 |