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                                                      ASHLAND MUNICIPAL INCOME TAX
 Instructions on Bottom Panel     EMPLOYER'S MONTHLY/QUARTERLY RETURN OF TAX WITHHELD                                                   PART  1      FINAL
Number of taxable Employees                                              DOLLARS CENTS         Please submit an explanation for any difference between lines 2 and 3
1.  Taxable earnings paid all Employees subject                          
       to Ashland City Income Tax                                     $                        I hereby certify that the information and statements contained herein
2.  MULTIPLIED BY 1.5%                                                $  0                     are true and correct.
3.  Actual Tax Withheld this Month/Quarter                            $                        (Signed)__________________________________________________
4. Adjustment of Tax for prior month/quarter (see instructions)                                (Offical Title)_______________________________Date___________
5.  Interest: (see below for interest rate breakdown)                                          THIS RETURN MUST BE FILED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE SHOWN BELOW
6.  Penalty (50% of amount not timely paid)                                                    Penalty ( 50% of amount owed plus the federal short ter rate plus 5%
7.  TOTAL                                                             $                                                                               per annun) If Delinquent
                      ( If no withholding - return form stasting NONE                                                             MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO
                       If business ceasd or job completed so advise)                                             ASHLAND MUNICIPAL INCOME TAX
          NAME                                                                                                               MAIL TO:   ASHLAND MUNICIPAL INCOME TAX
                                                                         FOR MONTH/MONTHS OF:                                       218 LUTHER STREET
          ADDRESS                                                                                                           ASHLAND, OHIO 44805-3128
                                                                             DUE ON OR BEFORE

                                                                                                   ACCOUNT NUMBER
Notify income tax Division promptly of any change in ownership or                If receipt is desired, return taxpayer copy if this
name and address shown above.                                                    form and enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

                                                      ASHLAND MUNICIPAL INCOME TAX
 Instructions on Bottom Panel     EMPLOYER'S MONTHLY/QUARTERLY RETURN OF TAX WITHHELD                                                   PART  2      FINAL
Number of taxable Employees                                              DOLLARS CENTS         Please submit an explanation for any difference between lines 2 and 3
1.  Taxable earnings paid all Employees subject                          
       to Ashland City Income Tax                                     $                        I hereby certify that the information and statements contained herein
2.  MULTIPLIED BY 1.5%                                                $  0                     are true and correct.
3.  Actual Tax Withheld this Month/Quarter                            $                        (Signed)__________________________________________________
4. Adjustment of Tax for prior month/quarter (see instructions)                                (Offical Title)_______________________________Date___________
5.  Interest: (see below for interest rate breakdown)                                          THIS RETURN MUST BE FILED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE SHOWN BELOW
6.  Penalty (50% of amount not timely paid)                                                    Penalty ( 50% of amount owed plus the federal short ter rate plus 5%
7.  TOTAL                                                             $                                                                               per annum) If Delinquent
                      ( If no withholding - return form stating NONE                                                              MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO
                       If business ceasd or job completed so advise)                                             ASHLAND MUNICIPAL INCOME TAX
          NAME                                                                                                               MAIL TO:   ASHLAND MUNICIPAL INCOME TAX
                                                                          FOR MONTH/MONTHS OF:                                      218 LUTHER STREET
          ADDRESS                                                                                                           ASHLAND, OHIO 44805-3128
                                                                            DUE ON OR BEFORE

                                                                                                   ACCOUNT NUMBER
Notify income tax Division promptly of any change in ownership or                If receipt is desired, return taxpayer copy if this
name and address shown above.                                                    form and enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
                                                FORM W-1 INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS
Who Must File:                                                                   How to Prepare This Form:
  Each employer within the City of Ashland, Ohio who employs
one or more persons, is required to withhold the tax of 1 1/2                    Line 1 - Enter total compensation paid to all taxable employees during
percent (1.5%) from all compensation paid taxable employees at the                             the month/quarter for which return is made.  If no
time such compensation is paid, and to file Form W-1 and remit                                 compensation was paid during the month/quarter,
the tax to the City Income Tax Dept. on or before the 15th day                                 so indicate and return form.
after the last day of the month the tax is due whether monthly                   Line 2 - Multiply Line 1 by 1.5%
or quarterly                                                                     Line 3 - Enter actual tax withheld from taxable employees during
                                                                                               the month/quarter for City of Ashland, Ohio - Income Tax.
Who Must Pay                                                                     Line 4- To adjust current payment of actual tax withheld for under-
  All persons 18 years of age or older must pay City Income                                    payment of over payment in previous month/quarter.
Tax, as it may apply.                                                            Line 5 ,6, & 7 - Follow instructions.
                                                                              Failure to File and or Pay Tax:
  Any taxpayer who shall fail to withhold or fail to pay  Ashland City Income Tax due shall be charged Interest at the Federal Short Term Rate
rounded to the nearest dollar plus 5% per annum.  Additionally a penalty of 50% shall be charged on any amount not paid or timely filed. 
  If an assessment is made for non filing, non payment or refusing to permit the Tax Administrator to examine the books or shall knowingly
make any incomplete, false or fraudlent return, or who shall attempt to avoid the payment of tax shall be guilty of a  misdemeanor and
shall be fined not more than$1,000.00 or imprisoned for not more than six (6) months, or both. The failure of any taxpayer to receive a  
withholding form shall not excuse them from filing or paying the tax due if any.

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