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                                                                PARTNERSHIP DECLARATION OF                                                                                                                                    2023
                                                  5UB           ESTIMATED UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS TAX

                                                                        For CALENDAR YEAR 2023 or FISCAL YEAR beginning _________________ , _______  and ending __________________ , ________
                                t  Business name                                                                                                                             Name                                            Employer Identification Number 
                                                                                                                                                                             Change  n
                                   In Care of 

               Print or Type       Business address (number and street)                                                                                                      Address                                                                         
                                t                                                                                                                                            Change  n                                    Business Code Number as per Federal Return
                                   City and State                                             Zip Code                                                              Country (if not US)  
                                     Business Telephone Number                                Taxpayer’s Email Address

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Payment Amount
A.                                  Payment              Amount included with form - Make payable to: NYC Department of Finance..A.

1.                                  Estimate of 2023 tax............................................................................................................................  1.   
2.                                  Amount to be paid with this declaration (Payable to: NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE)................................. 2.  

Signature of taxpayer:                            _________________________________________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________                                      Date: ____________________________
To receive proper credit, you must enter your correct Employer Identification Number on your declaration and remittance. 

                                                                        ESTIMATED TAX WORKSHEET 
                                                                  t KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS t

1.                                  Net income from business expected in 2023 (see instructions) ....................................................................                                                     1. 
2. Exemption (see instructions).........................................................................................................................................................                                  2. 
3.                                  Line 1 less line 2 (estimated taxable business income) ...............................................................................                                                3. 
4.  Tax - enter 4% of line 3 (see instructions)                                          ................................................................................................................................ 4. 
5a.                                 Business Tax Credit (4)  (Check applicable box below and enter credit amount) 
                                    q Tax on line 4 is $3,400 or less. Your credit is the entire amount of tax on line 4.                                                                                                     
                                    q Tax on line 4 is $5,400 or over. No credit is allowed. Enter "0".                                                                                                                       
                                    q Tax on line 4 is over $3,400 but less than $5,400, use formula for credit amount: 
                                      Tax on line 4 x ($5,400 minus tax on line 4)       ................................................................5a. 
5b.                                 Other credits (see instructions) ..........................................................................................5b.  
5c.                                 Total credits (add lines 5a and 5b) ...................................................................................................................................... 5c.  
6.                                  Estimated 2023 Unincorporated Business Tax (line 4 less line 5c) 
                                    Enter here, on line 7b, and on line 1 of declaration above  .......................................................................................................... 6.
7a.                                 Partnership's 2022 Unincorporated Business Tax   7a.                                               7b. Estimate of 2023 tax from line 6....7b. 
                                    COMPUTATION   OF INSTALLMENT -(4) Check proper box below and enter amount indicated. Fiscal year taxpayers see instructions. 
8.                                  If this declaration n      April 18, 2023, enter 1/4 of line 7b                         n Sept. 15, 2023, enter 1/2 of line 7b ............ 
                                    is due on:          n      June 15, 2023, enter 1/3 of line 7b                          n Jan. 16, 2024, enter amount of line 7b...} 8. 
9.                                  Enter amount of overpayment on 2022 return which you elected to have applied as a credit against 2023 estimated tax. 9. 
10.                                 Amount to be paid with this declaration (line 8 less line 9) (Payable to:                      NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE).10.

                                                                                                                                                                    MAILING INSTRUCTIONS 
                                    Make remittance payable to the order of:                                                                                      MAIL YOUR DECLARATION FORM TO:  
                                      NYC DEPARTMENT           OF FINANCE                                                                                           NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 
                                    Payment must be made in U.S. dollars,                                                                                           UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS TAX 
                                                  drawn on a U.S. bank.                                                                                                 P. O. BOX 3923 
                                                                                                                                                                    NEW YORK, NY 10008-3923                                                                         NYC-5UB 2023

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Form NYC-5UB - 2023 - Instructions                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 2
NOTE                                                                                                                                why an additional charge should not be made. 
If any due date falls on Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, filing will be timely if made                                            
by  the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or holiday.                                                                        PENALTIES  
                                                                                                                                    The law imposes penalties for failure to make a declaration or pay estimated tax due or for 
PURPOSE OF DECLARATION                                                                                                              making a false or fraudulent declaration or certification. 
This declaration form provides a means of paying Unincorporated Business Tax on a current                                            
basis for partnerships, joint ventures and similar entities (other than individuals, estates and                                    FISCAL YEAR TAXPAYERS 
trusts) engaged in carrying on an unincorporated business or profession, as defined in Sec-                                         In the case of a partnership that files its Unincorporated Business Tax Return on a fiscal year 
tion 11-502 of the Administrative Code. Individuals, estates and trusts use Form NYC-5UBTI                                          basis, substitute the corresponding fiscal year months for the months specified in the in-
for filing their declarations.                                                                                                      structions. For example, if the fiscal year begins on April 3, 2023, the Declaration of Esti-
Every unincorporated business must file an income tax return after the close of its taxable year                                    mated Unincorporated Business Tax will be due on July 14, 2023, together with payment of 
and pay any balance of tax due. If the tax has been overpaid, adjustment will be made only                                          first quarter estimated tax. In this case, equal installments will be due on or before Septem-
                                                                                                                                    ber 15, 2023, December 15, 2023, and April 15, 2024. 
after  the return has been filed.                                                                                                    
WHO MUST MAKE A DECLARATION                                                                                                         CHANGES IN INCOME  
A 2023 declaration must be made by every partnership carrying on an unincorporated busi-                                            Even though on April 14, 2023, a partnership does not expect its unincorporated business tax 
ness or profession in New York City if its estimated tax (line 6 of tax computation schedule)                                       to exceed $3,400, a change in income, allocation or exemption may require that a declaration 
can reasonably be expected to exceed $3,400 for the calendar year 2023 (or, in the case of a                                        be filed later. In this event the requirements are as follows: 
 fiscal year taxpayer, for the partnership fiscal year beginning in 2023).  
                                                                                                                                                                                         File      Amount of         Installment  
WHEN AND WHERE TO FILE DECLARATION                                                                                                      If requirement for filing occurs:           declaration      estimated      payment  
You must file the declaration for the calendar year 2023 on or before April 18, 2023, or on                                                                                              by:         tax due           dates
                                                                                                                                        after ............................but before
 theMail   applicableyour declarationlater datesformspecifiedwithinorthesewithoutinstructions.remittance to:                         April 3, 2023  ................June 1, 2023    June 15, 2023    1/3        (1) June 15, 2023 
       NYC Department of Finance                                                                                                     .......................................                                    (2) Sept. 15, 2023 
       Unincorporated Business Tax                                                                                                   .......................................                                    (3) Jan. 15, 2024 
       P. O. Box 3923                                                             
                                                                                                                                     June 1, 2023 ..................Sept. 1, 2023   Sept. 15, 2023   1/2        (1) Sept. 15, 2023 
       New York, NY 10008-3923                                                                                                       .......................................                                    (2) Jan. 15, 2024 
Fiscal year taxpayers, read instructions opposite regarding filing dates. 
                                                                                                                                     Sept. 1, 2023..................Jan. 1, 2024    Jan. 16, 2024    100%        None  
HOW TO ESTIMATE UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS TAX                                                                                          
The worksheet on the front of this form will help you in estimating the tax for 2023.                                               If the partnership files its 2023 Unincorporated Business Tax Return by February 15, 2024, 
                                                                                                                                    and pays the full balance of tax due, it need not: (a) file an amended declaration or an origi-
LINE 1   -                                                                                                                          nal declaration otherwise due for the first time on January 16, 2024, or    (b) pay the last in-
The term “net income from business expected in 2023” means the amount the partnership es-                                           stallment of estimated tax otherwise due and payable on January 16, 2024. 
timates to be its income for 2023 computed before the specific exemption. Refer to Sched-                                            
ule    A, line 14 of the 2022 Partnership Return (Form NYC-204) and related instructions.                                           CAUTION 
LINE 2 - EXEMPTION                                                                                                                  An extension of time to file your federal tax return or New York State partnership informa-
The amount of the allowable exemption may be determined by referring to the instructions                                            tion return does NOT extend the filing date of your New York City tax return. 
for the 2022 Form NYC-204, Schedule A, line 15.                                                                                      
LINE 4 - UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS TAX                                                                                                Filing a declaration or an amended declaration, or payment of the last installment on January 
If you expect to receive a refund or credit in 2023 of any sales or compensating use tax for                                        15, 2024, or filing a tax return by February 15, 2024, will not satisfy the filing requirements if 
which a credit was claimed in a prior year under Administrative Code Section 11-503 (k)                                             the partnership failed to file or pay an estimated tax which was due earlier in the taxable year. 
(sales and use tax credit), the amount of the estimated refund or credit must be added to the                                        
                                                                                                                                    ELECTRONIC FILING 
tax    shown on line 4 of the tax computation schedule.                                                                             Note: Register for electronic filing.  It is an easy, secure and convenient was to file a declara-
LINE 5b - OTHER CREDITS                                                                                                             tion and an extension and pay taxes on-line.   
Enter on line 5b the amount estimated to be the sum of any credits allowable for 2023 under                                          
Administrative Code Sections 11-503(e) (Real Estate Tax Escalation Credit), 11-503(f) (Em-                                          For more information log on to  NYC.gov/eservices.
ployment Opportunity Relocation Costs Credit), 11-503(i) (Relocation and Employment As-
sistance Program (REAP) Credit), 11-503(j) (UBT Paid Credit), 11-503(l) (Lower Manhattan 
REAP Credit), 11-503(n) (Industrial Business Zone Credit) and 11-503(p) (Beer Production 
Credit).  (For additional details concerning these credits, refer to instructions for Forms NYC-
 114.5, NYC-114.6, NYC-114.7, NYC-114.8 and NYC-114.12.) 
Make remittance payable to NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE.  All remittances must be 
payable in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank.  Checks                              drawn on foreign          banks will be rejected 
and returned. A separate check for the declaration will expedite processing of the payment. 
If, after a declaration is filed, the estimated tax increases or decreases because of a change in 
income, deductions, or allocation, you should file an amended declaration on or before the 
next date for payment of an installment of estimated tax.  
A charge is imposed for underpayment of an installment of estimated tax for 2023.  For in-
formation regarding interest rates, call 311.  If calling from outside of the five NYC bor-
oughs, please call 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675). The Administrative Code follows 
provisions similar to the Internal Revenue Code with respect to underpayments of estimated 
tax.  Form NYC-221 may be used to determine if any charge for underpayment is due or if 
any exceptions apply.  If it appears that there was an underpayment of any installment of es-
timated tax, a completed copy of Form NYC-221 may be attached to the return explaining 

           To receive proper credit, you must enter your correct Employer Identification Number on your declaration and remittance. 

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