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                                                           SCHEDULE OF NEW YORK CITY DEPRECIATION ADJUSTMENTS
                                                          DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO REPORT  ADJUSTMENTS RELATING TO BONUS 
                                                          DEPRECIATION ALLOWED BY IRC SECTION 168(k) OR THE SPECIAL DEPRECIATION 
                                                          ADJUSTMENTS FOR CERTAIN SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES.  USE FORM NYC-399Z.

                        For CALENDAR YEAR _________ or FISCAL YEAR beginning __________________________ and ending _________________________

                        Name (Print or Type)                                                                EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION                  NUMBER 
             *00512091*                                                                                                                     OR    
                            Federal Form 4562 must accompany this form.                                           SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER
                        s This schedule must be attached to your applicable New York City tax return. 
                            See instructions.
SCHEDULE A                   Computation of allowable New York City depreciation for current year                 Attach rider if necessary
    A                       B              C         D                          E                    F      G                               H             I 
    Description             Class of  Date Placed    Cost            Accumulated NYC       Federal ACRS    Method of                        Life     Allowable  
         of                 Property   in Service:    or             Depreciation Taken         Deduction  Figuring NYC                     or    New York City 
    Property                (ACRS)    mm-dd-yy        Other Basis     in Prior Years                        Depreciation                     Rate    Depreciation

1.  Total columns D, E, F, and I .........
Enter total of columns F and I on line 4 and line 5 of Schedule C below.  (See instructions on back.)
SCHEDULE B                  Disposition adjustment for property acquired on or after January 1, 1981                  Attach rider if necessary
For each item of property listed below, determine the difference between federal ACRS and New York City depreciation used in the computation of 
federal and New York City taxable income in prior years. 
  u If ACRS deduction exceeds New York City depreciation, subtract column E from column D and enter in column F. 
  u If New York City depreciation exceeds ACRS, subtract column D from column E and enter in column G.

    A                       B              C              D                             E                   F                                        G 
    Description             Class of  Date Placed    Total ACRS                      Total NYC             Adjustment                             Adjustment 
    of Property              Property    in Service: Deduction Taken              Depreciation Taken      (D minus E)                             (E minus D)
                            (ACRS)     mm-dd-yy

2.  Total excess ACRS deductions over NYC depreciation deductions (see instructions)                   .. 
3. Total excess NYC depreciation deductions over ACRS deductions (see instructions)                    .....................................
SCHEDULE C                        Computation of adjustments to New York City income
                                                                                           A. Federal                     B. New York City
4.  Enter amount from Schedule A, line 1, column F ....................... 
5.  Enter amount from Schedule A, line 1, column I......................... 
6. Enter amount from Schedule B, line 2........................................ 
7. Enter amount from Schedule B, line 3........................................ 
8. Totals: column A, lines 4 and 7;  column B, lines 5 and 6...........
Enter the amount on line 8, column A, the federal adjustment, as an addition and the amount on line 8, column B, the New York City 
adjustment, as a deduction on the applicable New York City return. 
00512091                                                                                                                                             NYC-399   -  2020

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Form NYC-399 - 2020                                                                                                                                              Page 2

                                                             ness, or two or more such businesses, which is          Column G 
GENERAL INFORMATION                                          placed in service in taxable years beginning be-        Indicate the depreciation method selected for the com-
                                                             fore January 1, 1989, or after December 31, 1993.       putation of the New York City allowable depreciation 
DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO REPORT  AD-                                                                                  deduction. Any method used to compute depreciation 
JUSTMENTS RELATING TO BONUS DEPRECI-                      WHO MUST USE THIS FORM                                     that would have been allowed under IRC Section 167 
ATION    ALLOWED            UNDER       FEDERAL                                                                      will be acceptable.  This includes such methods as 
                                                         A corporation or unincorporated business must use Form 
LEGISLATION ENACTED IN 2002 AND LATER.                                                                               straight line depreciation, declining balance deprecia-
                                                         NYC-399 if it claims an ACRS or MACRS deduction 
DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR THE SPECIAL                                                                                 tion, sum-of-the-years-digits method or any other con-
                                                         for property for federal purposes that does not fall within 
DEPRECIATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR CERTAIN                                                                                 sistent method. 
                                                         the exceptions above, and it files or is included in one of 
SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES.  USE FORM NYC-                                                                                
                                                         the following New York City tax reports: 
399Z.                                                                                                                Column  I 
                                                         l   NYC-3A, NYC-3L or NYC-4S                                Enter depreciation computed by the method indicated in 
For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1982,     General Business Corporations                           column G. Total of this column will be the depreciation 
and before January 1, 1994, the federal depreciation de-  
duction permitted under Internal Revenue Code Sec-       l   NYC-202, NYC-202EIN or NYC-204                          allowable as a deduction for New York City. Enter the 
                                                             Unincorporated Businesses                               total amount on the appropriate line of your New York 
tion 168 (the Accelerated Cost Recovery System -                                                                     City tax return. 
ACRS or Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System        l   NYC-1                                                                         
- MACRS) was not permitted to be used in determining         Banking Corporations                                     LINE 1 
taxable income for General Corporation Tax, Banking                                                                   Enter total of columns F and I on lines 4 and 5 of 
Corporation Tax and Unincorporated Business Tax pur-     l   NYC-2, NYC-2S or NYC-2A                                  Schedule C. If you have disposed of “recovery prop-
                                                             Business Corporations
poses. (See exceptions below.) In place of the federal                                                                erty” you must complete Schedule B. 
ACRS or MACRS depreciation deduction, a deprecia-                                                                      
tion deduction computed by any other method permit-                                                                   SCHEDULE  B  
ted under IRC Section 167 (as such section would have    SPECIFIC         INSTRUCTIONS                               Column  A 
applied to property placed in service on December 31,                                                                Enter each item of property separately. Attach a rider if 
1980) was allowed.  For property placed in service out-   SCHEDULE  A                                                additional room is needed. 
side New York State for tax years beginning after De-    The purpose of this schedule is to compute the allow-
                                                                                                                     Column  D  
cember 31, 1984 but before January 1, 1994, The New      able New York City depreciation deduction. This form 
                                                                                                                     Enter for each item the total amount of  ACRS or 
York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, in R.J.    has been designed to be used with the federal depreci-
                                                                                                                     MACRS deductions used in the computation of the 
Reynolds Tobacco Co. v City of New York Department       ation schedule, Form 4562. A copy of the federal form 
                                                                                                                     prior year’s federal taxable income. 
of Finance, 237 A.D. 2d 6, 667 N.Y.S.2d 4 (1st Dept.     must accompany this Form NYC-399.                            
                                                                                                                     Column  E  
1997), held that the New York City provision disallow-   Only property placed in service in taxable years be-        Enter for each item the total amount of New York City 
ing the use of ACRS or MACRS was unconstitutional.       ginning after December 31, 1980, but before January         depreciation deductions used in the computation of 
Accordingly, taxpayers will now be allowed to claim      1, 1985, and property placed in service outside New         prior years’ entire net income. For 1981 recovery prop-
the same depreciation as was claimed on the federal tax  York State in taxable years beginning after Decem-          erty, the New York City depreciation deduction was the 
return for property placed in service outside New York   ber 31, 1984, and before January 1, 1994 for which          same as the ACRS or MACRS deduction and must be 
State in those tax years as provided in Finance Memo-    the taxpayer DOES NOT intend to use ACRS or                 included in this column. 
randum 99-4 “Depreciation for Property Placed in Serv-   MACRS depreciation (see the second bulleted excep-
ice Outside New York After 1984 and before 1994”.        tion above), (except for Section 280-F property and         Column  F
                                                         property of a taxpayer subject to the General Cor-          If the total ACRS or MACRS deduction exceeds total 
 Exceptions                                              poration Tax or Business Corporation Tax principally        New York City depreciation, subtract column E from 
A depreciation deduction computed under ACRS or          engaged in the conduct of an aviation, steamboat,           column D and enter the excess in this column. 
MACRS    may be used for:                                ferry or navigation business, or two or more such           Column  G  
l property placed in service in New York State in        businesses, which is placed in service before taxable       If the total New York City depreciation exceeds ACRS 
  taxable years beginning on or after January 1,         years beginning in 1989 or after 1993) should be en-        or MACRS deductions, subtract column D from col-
  1985;                                                  tered in this schedule.                                     umn E and enter the excess in this column. 
l property placed in service outside New York State      Column  A                                                   LINE 2  
  in taxable years beginning after 1984 and before       Enter a brief description of each item of property de-      Total column F and enter amount on line 6,  
  1994 for which the taxpayer intends to use ACRS or     scribed above included in part III, federal Form 4562.      Schedule C. 
  MACRS depreciation as provided in Finance Mem-                                                                      
  orandum 99-4 “Depreciation for Property Placed in      Column  B                                                   LINE 3 
  Service Outside New York State After 1984 and Be-      For each item of property listed in column A, indicate      Total column G and enter amount on line 7, Schedule C. 
                                                         the “class of property” used in computation of the fed-
  fore 1994”.                                                                                                          
                                                         eral ACRS or MACRS deduction. Use “UPM” for                  SCHEDULE C 
l property placed in service outside of New York         property placed in service after December 31, 1980,         LINE 8
  State in taxable years beginning on or after Janu-     which is depreciated under the unit of production           Enter the amount on line 8A, the federal adjustment, as 
  ary 1, 1994;                                           method provided in IRC Section 168(f)(1).                   an addition and the amount on line 8B, the New York 
l recovery property subject to the provisions of IRC      
  Section 280-F (such as luxury automobiles) for         Column D                                                    City adjustment, as a deduction on the applicable New 
                                                         The cost or other basis entered in this column must be      York City tax return.
  taxable years ending after June 18, 1984;              the same amount used for federal purposes. Property 
l property of a taxpayer subject to the General Cor-     placed in service in 1981 must be shown at the original 
  poration Tax principally engaged in the conduct        cost and should not be reduced by any depreciation 
  of an aviation, steamboat, ferry or navigation busi-   claimed in 1981. 

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