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Signature Authorization for
579-BCT E-Filed Banking Corporation Tax Return
n NYC-400B (2023) n NYC-EXT n NYC-EXT.1
Part A — Declaration and authorization of corporate officer
Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I am an officer of the banking corporation authorized to act on behalf of the above-named banking corporation, and that I
have examined the information on its 2022 New York City electronically filed Form NYC-EXT, NYC-EXT.1 and/or 2023 electronically filed NYC-400B, as indicated
above, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the electronically filed Application for an Extension to File a Return and/or Declaration of Estimated Tax is true,
correct, and complete. The ERO has my consent to send the 2022 New York City electronically filed Application for an Extension to File a Return and/or 2023 Dec-
laration of Estimated Tax to New York City Department of Finance through the Internal Revenue Service. I authorize the ERO to enter my PIN as my signature on
the 2022 New York City electronically filed Application for an Extension to File a Return and/or 2023 Declaration of Estimated Tax, or I will enter my PIN as my sig-
nature on the New York City electronically filed Application for an Extension to File a Return and/or 2023 Declaration of Estimated Tax. If I am paying the New York
City banking corporation tax owed by electronic funds withdrawal, I authorize the New York City Department of Finance and its designated financial agents to ini-
tiate an electronic funds withdrawal from the financial institution account indicated on the banking corporation’s 2022 New York City electronically filed Application
for an Extension to File a Return and/or 2023 Declaration of Estimated Tax, and I authorize the financial institution to debit the amount from that account.
Officer’s PIN (mark an X in one box only)
n I authorize ___________________________________________________ to enter my PIN:
as my signature on the corporation’s 2022 electronically filed NYC-EXT, NYC-EXT.1 and/or 2023 NYC-400B, as indicated above.
n As an authorized person of the corporation, I will enter my PIN as my signature on the banking corporation’s 2022 elec-
tronically filed NYC-EXT, NYC-EXT.1 and/or 2023 NYC-400B, as indicated above.
________________________________________ _________________________ ____________________
Signature of authorized person Official title Date
Part B — Declaration of electronic return originator (ERO) and paid preparer
Under penalty of perjury, I declare that the information contained in the above-named banking corporation’s 2022 New York City electronically filed NYC-EXT,
NYC-EXT.1 and/or 2023 Declaration of Estimated Tax, as indicated above, is the information furnished to me by the banking corporation’s authorized officer. If
the corporate officer furnished me with a completed 2022 New York City paper Application for an Extension to File a Return signed by a paid preparer or a paper
Declaration of Estimated Tax, I declare that the information contained in the banking corporation’s 2022 New York City electronically filed Application for an Ex-
tension to File a Return or 2023 Declaration of Estimated Tax is identical to that contained in the paper return. If I am the paid preparer, under penalty of perjury
I declare that I have examined this 2022 New York City electronically filed Application for an Extension to File a Return and/or 2023 Declaration of Estimated
Tax, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the return is true, correct, and complete. I have based this declaration on all information available to me.
ERO EFIN/PIN: Enter your six-digit EFIN followed by your five digit PIN:
_________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________
ERO’s Signature Print Name Date
_________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________
Paid Preparer’s Signature Print Name Date
PURPOSE - A completed Form NYC-579-BCT provides documentation that an ERO has been authorized to electronically file Form(s) NYC-EXT, NYC-EXT.1 and/or NYC-
400B. The officer of the corporation who is authorized to sign the corporationʼs returns may designate the ERO to electronically sign the Form(s) NYC-EXT, NYC-EXT.1
and/or NYC-400B, by entering the officerʼs personal identification number (PIN). The form also authorizes payment of tax due on an electronically submitted return or re-
port by an automatic clearing house (ACH) debit from a designated checking or savings account of the corporation. You cannot revoke this authorization.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - Part A must be completed by an officer of the corporation who is authorized to sign the corporation’s return or report before the ERO trans-
mits the electronically filed NYC-EXT (Application for 6-month Extension to File Business Income Tax Return); or NYC-EXT.1 (Application for Additional Extension); or
NYC-400B (Declaration of Estimated Tax)
EROs/paid preparers must complete Part B prior to transmitting an electronically filed Application for an Extension to File a Return (Forms NYC-EXT or NYC-EXT.1) or Dec-
laration of Estimated Tax (NYC-400B). Both the paid preparer and the ERO are required to sign Part B. However, if an individual performs as both the paid preparer and
the ERO, he or she is only required to sign as the paid preparer. It is not necessary to include the ERO signature in this case.
Do not mail Form NYC-579-BCT to the Department of TheFinance.EROs/paid preparers must keep the completed Form NYC-579-BCT for three years from the due
date of the return or report or the date the return or report was filed, whichever is later, and must present it to the Department of Finance upon request.
NYC-579-BCT 2022