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                                                                   -4S               GENERAL CORPORATION TAX RETURN                                                                           2020
                                                                                     To be filed by S Corporations only.  All C Corporations must file Form NYC-2, NYC-2S or NYC-2A
                                                                                     For CALENDAR YEAR 2020 or FISCAL YEAR beginning _______________ 2020 and ending _________________ 
                                                       Name                                                                             Name                               Taxpayer’s Email Address: 
                                                                                                                                        Change  n
                                                  In Care Of 
                                                                                                                                                                   EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER  
                                             TYPE Address (number and street)                                                                                                             
                                             OR                                                                                         Address                                           
                                                                                                                                        Change  n
                                             PRINT City and State                                 Zip Code              Country (if not US) 
                                                                                                                                                      BUSINESS CODE NUMBER AS PER FEDERAL RETURN
                                                  Business Telephone Number          Date business began in NYC       Date business ended in NYC

                                                      n Final return - Check this box if you have ceased operations in NYC        n          Filing a 52- 53-week taxable year 
                                                      n Special short period return (See Instr.)                                  n          A pro-forma federal return is attached 
                                                      n Claim any 9/11/01-related federal tax benefits (see inst.)                nn Enter 2‑character special condition code, if applicable (see inst.)   
                                                      n Amended return        If the purpose of the amended return is to report a n      IRS change                  Date of Final 
                                                    CHECK ALL THAT APPLY      federal or state change, check the appropriate box:        NYS change                                  nn nn nnnn- -
SCHEDULE A                                         Computation of Tax                                   BEGIN WITH SCHEDULES B THROUGH E ON PAGE 2. TRANSFER APPLICABLEPaymentAMOUNTSAmount   TO SCHEDULE A. 
A.  Payment                                  Amount being paid electronically with this return.....................................................................  A.
1.                    Net income (from Schedule B, line 8)..................................    1.                                                X .0885               1. 
2a.                   Total capital (from Schedule C, line 7) (see instr.)    ...............   2a.                                               X .0015             2a. 
2b.                   Total capital - Cooperative Housing Corps. (see instr.) .......   2b.                                                       X .0004            2b. 
2c.                   Cooperatives -  enter:          BORO                               BLOCK                                LOT 
3a.                   Compensation of stockholders  (from Schedule D, line 1)...........  3a. 
3b.                   Alternative tax (see instructions)...................................................................................................   3b. 
4.                    Minimum    tax (see instructions)   -  NYC Gross Receipts:                                                                       .......        4.                                          
5.                    Tax (line 1, 2a, 2b, 3b or 4, whichever is largest) ..........................................................................   5. 
6.                    First installment of estimated tax for period following that covered by this return: 
                      (a) If application for extension has been filed, enter amount from line 2 of Form NYC-EXT...................   6a. 
                      (b) If application for extension has not been filed and line 5 exceeds $1,000, 
                         enter 25% of line 5 (see instructions)........................................................................................   6b. 
7.                    Total before prepayments (add lines 5 and 6a or 6b).....................................................................   7. 
8.                    Prepayments (from Prepayments Schedule, line G) (see instructions)..........................................   8. 
9.                    Balance due (line 7 less line 8).......................................................................................................   9. 
10.                   Overpayment (line 8 less line 7) ...................................................................................................   10. 
11a.                  Interest(see instructions) .............................................................     11a. 
11b.                  Additional charges (see instructions)............................................            11b. 
11c.                  Penalty for underpayment of estimated tax (attach Form NYC-222)........     11c. 
12.                   Total of lines 11a, 11b and 11c......................................................................................................   12. 
13.                   Net overpayment (line 10 less line 12)..........................................................................................   13. 
14.                   Amount of line 13 to be: (a) Refunded  - n Direct deposit - fill out line 14c    OR    n                      Paper check .......             14a. 
                                                     (b) Credited to 2021 estimated tax  .........................................................                  14b. 
14c.                  Routing                                      Account                                                              ACCOUNT TYPE                
                      Number                                       Number                                                    Checking  n   Savings  n                  
                      TOTAL REMITTANCE DUE (see instr.) ....................................................................................... 
15.                                                                                                                                                                    15. 
16.                   NYC rent deducted on federal tax return (see instr.) ....................................   16. 
17.                   Gross receipts or sales from federal return..................................................................................... 17. 
18.                   Total assets from federal return....................................................................................................... 18.
                                                     CERTIFICATION OF AN ELECTED OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION
                      I hereby certify that this return, including any accompanying rider, is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete. Firm's Email Address: 
                      I authorize the Dept. of Finance to discuss this return with the preparer listed below. (see instructions)...YES                n              ____________________________________  
                      Officer’s                                                                                                                                           Preparer's Social Security Number or PTIN
      SIGN HERE       signature:                                                                Title:                                   Date:
                                                                                                                   Check if self-                
   '                  Preparer's                                      Preparer’s 
                                                                                                                   employed:        n
                ONLY  signature:                                      printed name:                                                      Date:                              Firm's Employer Identification Number
 PREPARER S     USE        
                      s Firm's name (or yours, if self-employed)                                s Address                                       s Zip Code
30412091                                                                                                                                                                                      NYC-4S - 2020

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Form NYC-4S - 2020      NAME  _____________________________________________________________                            EIN  __________________________                                           Page 2
SCHEDULE B                         Computation of NYC Taxable Net Income
1.  Federal taxable income efore net operating loss deduction and special deductions (see instructions)                     ......    1.
2.  Interest on federal, state, municipal and other obligations not included in line 1 ..............................                             2.
3a. NYS Franchise Tax and other income taxes, including MTA taxes, deducted on federal return (attach rider) (see instr.)  3a. 
3b. NYC General Corporation Tax deducted on federal return                        (see instructions) .................................           3b. 
4.  ACRS depreciation and/or adjustment (attach Form NYC-399 and/or NYC-399Z) (see instructions).........                                         4.
5.  Total (sum of lines 1 through 4).........................................................................................................     5.
6a. New York City net operating loss deduction (see instructions)...................         6a. 
6b. Depreciation and/or adjustment calculated under pre-ACRS or  
    pre - 9/11/01 rules(attach Form NYC-399 and/or NYC-399Z) (see instr.).....               6b. 
6c. NYC and NYS tax refunds included in Schedule B, line 1 (see instr.).....  6c. 
7.  Total (sum of lines 6a through 6c)........................................................................................................    7. 
8.  Taxable net income (line 5 less line 7) (enter on page 1, Schedule A, line 1)                (see instructions)................  8.
SCHEDULE C                        Total Capital
Basis used to determine average value in column C. Check one. (Attach detailed schedule) 
    n - Annually               n - Semi-annually      n - Quarterly                          COLUMN A                  COLUMN B                                                            COLUMN C 
                                                                                             Beginning of Year         End of Year                                                         Average Value 
    n - Monthly                n - Weekly             n - Daily                      
1.  Total assets from federal return ......................................      1.  
2.  Real property and marketable securities included in line 1 2. ...  
3.  Subtract line 2 from line 1 .......................................................    3.
4.  Real property and marketable securitiesfairatmarket value ....               4. 
5.  Adjusted total assets (add lines 3 and 4) ...............................    5.
6.  Total liabilities(see instructions) .............................................  6. 
7.  Total capital (column C, line 5 less column C, line 6)  (enter on page 1, Schedule A, line 2a or 2b)  (see Instr.) .........l 7.
SCHEDULE D                        Certain Stockholders
Include all stockholders owning in excess of       5% of taxpayer's issued capital stock who received any compensation, including commissions.
                       Name, Country and US Zip Code                                           Social Security              Official                 Salary & All Other Compensation Received 
                        (Attach rider if necessary)                                              Number                     Title                    from Corporation  (If none, enter "0")

1.  Total, including any amount on rider (enter on page 1, Schedule A, line 3a)...................................                                1.
    SCHEDULE E                    The following information must be entered for this return to be complete
1.  New York City principal business activity:_____________________________________________________________________________________ 
2.  Does the corporation have an interest in real property located in New York City? (see instructions)...............................................................  YES n                    NO n 
3.  If "YES":       (a)  Attach a schedule of such property, including street address, borough, block and lot number. 
                    (b)  Was a controlling economic interest in this corporation (i.e., 50% or more of stock ownership) transferred during the tax year?...  YES n                               NO n 
4.  Does the corporation have one or more qualified subchapter s subsidiaries (QSSS)?....................................................................................                  YESn  NOn 
                    If "YES" Attach a schedule showing the name, address and EIN, if any, of each QSSS and indicate whether  
                    the QSSS filed or was required to file a City business income tax return.  See instructions. 
5.  Enter the number of Fed K1 returns attached:______________________________________ 
6.  Does this taxpayer pay rent greater than $200,000 for any premises in NYC in the borough of Manhattan south of 
    96th Street for the purpose of carrying on any trade, business, profession, vocation or commercial activity?.................................................  YES n                         NO n  
7.  If "YES", were all required Commercial Rent Tax Returns filed? ......................................................................................................................  YES n NO n 
    Please enter Employer Identification Number which was used on the Commercial Rent Tax Return: ___________________________
                               PREPAYMENTS CLAIMED ON SCHEDULE  ,A LINE               8                                DATE                                                              AMOUNT 
                        A. Mandatory first installment paid with preceding year's tax.............. 
                        B. Payment with Declaration, Form NYC-400 (1) ............................. 
                        C. Payment with Notice of Estimated Tax Due (2) ............................ 
                        D. Payment with Notice of Estimated Tax Due (3) ............................ 
                        E. Payment with extension, Form NYC-EXT..................................... 
                        F. Overpayment from preceding year credited to this year............... 
                        G. TOTAL of A through F (enter on Schedule A, line 8) .......................
                                                                                  MAILING INSTRUCTIONS
                        ALL RETURNS EXCEPT REFUND RETURNS                                    REMITTANCES                                           RETURNS CLAIMING REFUNDS 
                                                                                 PAY ONLINE WITH FORM NYC-200V 
                       NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE                                    AT NYC.GOV/ESERVICES                                          NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 
                       GENERAL CORPORATION TAX                                                   OR                                               GENERAL CORPORATION TAX 
                       P.O. BOX 5564                            Mail Payment and Form NYC-200V ONLY to:                                           P.O. BOX 5563 
                                                                                    NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 
                       BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5564                                             P.O. BOX 3933                                        BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5563
                                                                                          NEW YORK, NY 10008-3933
                                                              The due date for the calendar year 2020 return is on or before March 15, 2021. 
                       30422091                    For fiscal years beginning in 2020, file on the 15th day of the third month after the close of fiscal year. 

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