12 errors in a row - Error: Page or file not found

Bookmark: RPD-41369
URL: https://www.google.com/url?client=internal-element-cse&cx=002725609392132588253:zwern7tg8we&q=http://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjypt7Hiuf4AhVsEGIAHQuNCrQQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw2Rb6NhHqrCH2qPs6nxaEgG

Open saved file:
  • New version (15-Jul-2024)
  • Old version (15-Jul-2024)

  • Logfile:

    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - Wsw_BeforeCheck> Adjust pagetype and checkmethod
    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - WebSite-Watcher 2024 (24.4) - Build:
    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - checkid: 940377764-1.21032008.20240628092244
    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - date: 2024-07-15 17:34:40
    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - bookmark: RPD-41369
    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - filename: 2023081016212482762962.htm
    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - check webpage (automatic method): https://www.google.com/url?client=internal-element-cse&cx=002725609392132588253:zwern7tg8we&q=http://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjypt7Hiuf4AhVsEGIAHQuNCrQQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw2Rb6NhHqrCH2qPs6nxaEgG
    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - WSW> Get content with Edge: https://www.google.com/url?client=internal-element-cse&cx=002725609392132588253:zwern7tg8we&q=http://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjypt7Hiuf4AhVsEGIAHQuNCrQQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw2Rb6NhHqrCH2qPs6nxaEgG
    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - WSW> Execute Edge
    2024-07-15 17:34:40 - WSW> Start wswedge.exe
    2024-07-15 17:34:42 - WSW> Start wait loop
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSW> wait loop .exit file detected
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSW> Stop wait loop
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSW> Read data
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - Log from WSWEDGE:
    2024-07-15 17:34:47 - WSWEDGE> CheckSinglePage begin
    2024-07-15 17:34:47 - WSWEDGE> Open URL: https://www.google.com/url?client=internal-element-cse&cx=002725609392132588253:zwern7tg8we&q=http://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjypt7Hiuf4AhVsEGIAHQuNCrQQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw2Rb6NhHqrCH2qPs6nxaEgG
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> cache-control: private
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> content-length: 248
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    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 21:34:50 GMT
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> location: http://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> p3p: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See g.co/p3phelp for more info."
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> permissions-policy: unload=()
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> server: gws
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> set-cookie: NID=515=UPtjQLyIHfflUDJ1qufntnBRW8XciozhDALYGcnrTfUvmZZtYe1Ffh9WdJTRrXUASyBUDhG5awCfixazUzZ1uYv1idfIyEYsc7lD5Zv9qb0JfJUEDgHbbboyxDJJeGGEZNMoto_9-o9jnNwowMiIQm62miMwv4fGNCDb9clHln8; expires=Tue, 14-Jan-2025 21:34:50 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=none
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - hdr> x-xss-protection: 0
    2024-07-15 17:34:48 - Statuscode: 307
    2024-07-15 17:34:50 - WSWEDGE> Open URL complete
    2024-07-15 17:34:50 - WSWEDGE> Wait delay: 1sec
    2024-07-15 17:34:51 - WSWEDGE> Wait delay done
    2024-07-15 17:34:52 - WSWEDGE> URL after check: https://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Get PDF from cache folder
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Could not read PDF from cache folder, try to get PDF from memory
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Save PDF to temp file
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Save PDF to temp file - done(0)
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Check done
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Current URL: https://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Manual error status code available
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Write ini files
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Write dat files
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Set done flag
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Close page - start
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Close page - stop
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> CheckSinglePage end
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Save .exit file
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSW> Status: ERROR
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - Status: Error: Page or file not found
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - Wsw_BeforeCheck> Adjust pagetype and checkmethod
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - === Second check ===
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WebSite-Watcher 2024 (24.4) - Build:
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - checkid: 940377764-1.21032008.20240628092244
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - date: 2024-07-15 17:34:58
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - bookmark: RPD-41369
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - filename: 2023081016212482762962.htm
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - check webpage (automatic method): https://www.google.com/url?client=internal-element-cse&cx=002725609392132588253:zwern7tg8we&q=http://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjypt7Hiuf4AhVsEGIAHQuNCrQQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw2Rb6NhHqrCH2qPs6nxaEgG
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSW> Get content with Edge: https://www.google.com/url?client=internal-element-cse&cx=002725609392132588253:zwern7tg8we&q=http://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjypt7Hiuf4AhVsEGIAHQuNCrQQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw2Rb6NhHqrCH2qPs6nxaEgG
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSW> Execute Edge
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSW> Start wswedge.exe
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSW> Start wait loop
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSW> wait loop .exit file detected
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSW> Stop wait loop
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSW> Read data
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - Log from WSWEDGE:
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> CheckSinglePage begin
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Open URL: https://www.google.com/url?client=internal-element-cse&cx=002725609392132588253:zwern7tg8we&q=http://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjypt7Hiuf4AhVsEGIAHQuNCrQQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw2Rb6NhHqrCH2qPs6nxaEgG
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> cache-control: private
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> content-length: 248
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> content-security-policy: object-src 'none';base-uri 'self';script-src 'nonce-4CgW4RRkAqOUKinhMs4NVQ' 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' https: http:;report-uri https://csp.withgoogle.com/csp/gws/other
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 21:35:00 GMT
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> location: http://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> permissions-policy: unload=()
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> server: gws
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - hdr> x-xss-protection: 0
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - Statuscode: 307
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Open URL complete
    2024-07-15 17:34:58 - WSWEDGE> Wait delay: 1sec
    2024-07-15 17:34:59 - WSWEDGE> Wait delay done
    2024-07-15 17:35:01 - WSWEDGE> URL after check: https://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Get PDF from cache folder
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Could not read PDF from cache folder, try to get PDF from memory
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Save PDF to temp file
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Save PDF to temp file - done(0)
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Check done
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Current URL: https://realfile.tax.newmexico.gov/2021rpd-41369.pdf
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Manual error status code available
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Write ini files
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Write dat files
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Set done flag
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Close page - start
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Close page - stop
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> CheckSinglePage end
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSWEDGE> Save .exit file
    2024-07-15 17:35:06 - WSW> Status: ERROR

    WebSite-Watcher error message