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                                                                                GREENE COUNTY ASSESSOR 
     BRENT JOHNSON                                                              940 N Boonville Ave Rm 37                                  2023             ASSESSMENT LIST
     Assessor, Greene County, MOSpringfield, MO 65802-3802Dear Greene County Resident: This form is used by the county assessor to 
     940 North Boonville Ave., Rm. 37                                                                                                      determine the taxable value of your personal property, e.g. vehicles, recreational 
     Springfield, MO 65802-3802                                                                                                            equipment, livestock, farm machinery, etc. You are required by law to list all 
                                                                                                                                           personal property belonging to you or under your control in Greene County, 
     Phone: 417-868-4191                      Fax: 417-829-6193                                                                         Missouri, on Jan. 1st. Complete form, sign and return by March 1st to avoid                                                     penalty.
     PersonalProperty@greenecountymo.gov                                                                                                                    Read instructions below and on back.

        AVOID PENALTY Return by March 1st


                                                                                                                                           BRENT JOHNSON
     Address:                                                                                                                              GREENE COUNTY ASSESSOR
                                                                                                                                           940 NORTH  BOONVILLE AVE  RM 37
                                                                                                                                           SPRINGFIELD MO  65802-3802
     City, State, Zip:
                                                                                                                                 E-File - Scan QR code or Go to:

Email: _____________________________________________________________
Military personnel: Fill out this form only if your home of record is 
Greene County, MO.
HAS YOUR ADDRESS CHANGED?     NO    YES  (If Yes, indicate below) 
Date Moved ____________________      New Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
                                                                                                 Street                                             City                   State                 Zip
List physical   *The Assessor’saddress if DIFFERENTOffice will notfromacceptmailingany assessmentsaddress  *_______________________________________________________________________________________that have a P.O. box without a physical address also listed on the form.
IMPORTANT:                                        Last year you reported the property shown below.                                                                      HOW TO REMOVE AN ITEM:
1. Please draw a line through any items you did NOT own on Jan. 1st
2. List ANY items NOT SHOWN in this box in the areas below or on back.                                                                                                              EXAMPLE

                                                                                                                                 Please add the VIN for any items in this box that do not 
                                                                                                                                 list one. Please also add the VIN to any newly purchased 
                                                                                                                                 items that you list below. This 17 digit number can be 
                                                                                                                                 found on your insurance card.
          Please place an      in one of these boxes after completing front and back of form.  Sign before returning.
                     X CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE                                                                                              X             NO CHANGES MADE
          Items were added, deleted, or address was changed                                                                                         No new items owned on Jan. 1st
I have read and understand the instructions above and on back.  I do hereby certify that the foregoing list contains a true and correct statement of all the tangible personal property, made  
taxable by the laws of the State of Missouri, which I owned or which I had under my charge or management on the first day of January. I further certify that I have not sent or taken, or caused 
to be sent or taken, any property out of this state to avoid taxation. Any person who refuses to make the certification to the list, when required so to do by the assessor or the assessor’s 
deputy, shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and no property shall be exempt from executions issued on judgments in prosecutions pursuant  to this section.   

SIGN       HERE                                                                        SIGNATURE                                                    DATE                AREA CODE      DAYTIME PHONE NO.

      Do not re-list any items that appear correctly in yellow box above.
                       If your vehicle has a salvage title, please indicate below and attach a copy of the title.
                     VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)    **** Please Print Carefully ****                                                YEAR             MAKE           MODEL       SERIES DRIVE     SALVAGE CAB   DIESEL
                                                                                                                                                         (Chevy, Ford)  (Impala, F150) (SE, LE) Wheels          TYPE
AUTOS                                                                                                                                                                                           2WD             REG   
VANS                                                                                                                                                                                            4WD      Y   N  EXT   Y   N
                                                                                                                                                                                                AWD             CREW
                                                                                                                                                                                                2WD             REG   
SUVS                                                                                                                                                                                            4WD      Y   N  EXT   Y   N
JEEPS                                                                                                                                                                                           AWD             CREW
                                                                                                                                                                                                2WD             REG   
PICKUP                                                                                                                                                                                          4WD      Y   N  EXT   Y   N
TRUCKS                                                                                                                                                                                          AWD             CREW
Do Not                                                                                                                                                                                          2WD             REG   
List Leased                                                                                                                                                                                     4WD      Y   N  EXT   Y   N
Vehicles                                                                                                                                                                                        AWD             CREW
                     VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)    **** Please Print Carefully ****                                                YEAR             MAKE        MODEL/   APPORTIONED PLATE?      BED   AXLES GVW
                                                                                                                                                     (Peterbilt, White) TYPE     Yes   No    AUTHORITY:  TYPE

      Vehicles involved in interstate trucking:  Attach Missouri Highway Reciprocity mileage; 
                                                                  otherwise, vehicle will be assessed at 1/3 of trade-in value.
                                                                                                            CONTINUED ON BACK                                                          GREE2 - 114 (Rev 11/22) 039

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                                                                                           YEAR       MAKE                   MODEL                                LENGTH
  RVs         VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)   **** Please Print Carefully ****               (Allegro, Dutchman)                                  SERIES

              VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)   **** Please Print Carefully ****        YEAR       MAKE                   MODEL                     SERIES     CC/HP
                                                                                                    (Harley, Polaris) (Fatboy, Sportsman, etc.)
 UTVs &

              VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)   **** Please Print Carefully ****        YEAR       MAKE                   MODEL              SERIES  LENGTH    No. of  
                                                                                                    (Amtm, Bluebird)                                              Passengers

              VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)   **** Please Print Carefully ****        YEAR       MAKE            MODEL/TYPE                SERIES AXLES LENGTH      CONST
TRAILERS                                                                                                                                                                 Steel
  Utility                                                                                                                                                                Alum.
  Semi                                                                                                                                                                   Steel
              VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)   **** Please Print Carefully ****        YEAR       MAKE            MODEL/TYPE                       SERIES    LENGTH  CONST
                                                                                                                      (Jon, Bass, Ski, Pontoon)                          (Circle)
 BOATS                                                                                                                                                                   Fiber
JETSKIS                                                                                                                                                                  Alum.
CAMPERS       VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)   **** Please Print Carefully ****        YEAR       MAKE            MODEL/                   HITCH   LENGTH     # SLIDES
                                                                                                                      SERIES                   (Circle)
 TRAVEL                                                                                                                              5th Wheel
TRAILERS                                                                                                                                       Bumper
              VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)   **** Please Print Carefully ****        YEAR       MAKE            MODEL/         DESCRIPTION                 Purchase Price
                                                                                                                      SERIES         (Backhoe, Dozer, Forklift)
 HEAVY                                                                                                                                                           $


                                                              MAX. CERTIFIED GROSS  HOURS FLOWN       PURCHASE PRICE                                   CIRCLE ONE
AIRCRAFT    YEAR             MAKE         MODEL & SERIES       TAKEOFF WEIGHT                         ESTIMATED VALUE
 (Including                                                                                         $                                HISTORIC            KIT           NA
 Historic                                                                                           $
 and Kit)                                                                                           $                                HISTORIC            KIT           NA
                                  DESCRIPTION               YEAR               MAKE                   MODEL                       YEAR PURCHASED       PURCHASE PRICE
            BRUSH HOG                                                                                                                                  $
            COMBINE                                                                                                                                    $
 FARM       BALER                                                                                                                                      $
            TRACTOR                                                                                                                                    $
            RAKE                                                                                                                                       $
            OTHER                                                                                                                                      $
HISTORIC    YEAR             MAKE                       MODEL            SERIES        HISTORIC PLATES YEAR PURCHASED        PURCHASE PRICE             ESTIMATED VALUE
 AUTO                                                                                      Yes    No
            COWS/BULLS            BARROWS/GILTS         EWES                        HORSES                            POULTRY
LIVESTOCK   CALVES                SOWS                  FEEDER LAMBS                MULES                             BEE COLONIES
            YEARLINGS             PIGS                  SLAUGHTER LAMBS             GOATS                             EXOTIC ANIMALS                   OTHER LIVESTOCK
GRAIN CROPS CORN (Bu)                   WHEAT (Bu)          HAY (TON)           SOYBEAN (Bu)          SILAGE (Bu)                    OTHER
PORTABLE    YEAR       WIDTH x LENGTH    PURCHASE PRICE       LANDOWNER                                                              HOW LONG AT THIS LOCATION?
 STORAGE                                 $
            YEAR             MAKE        WIDTH x LENGTH                             LOCATION:
 HOMES      Do you own       Check one: If not, please
            real estate that  Yes    No list land owner:
            home sits on?

Failure to return your Assessment List will result in a Penalty.                        ASSESSED VALUE      PENALTY                   ASSESSED VALUE      PENALTY
                                                                                           0 – $1,000                 $15            $5,001 – $6,000              $65
        Late Personal Property Lists - Sec. 137.345 of SB 62                                $1,001 – $2,000           $25              $6,001 – $7,000            $75
      requires the assessor to assess a penalty on any person who                           $2,001 – $3,000           $35            $7,001 – $8,000              $85
                                                                                          $3,001 – $4,000             $45            $8,001 – $9,000              $95
    fails to return his personal property tax list by the first day of March.             $4,001 – $5,000             $55            $9,001 and above          $105

 Brent Johnson, Assessor                              940 N. Boonville Ave., Room                                  37   Springfield, MO 65802-3802 

 List all taxable tangible personal property belonging to or under your         Every person owning or holding tangible personal property on the 
  control on the first day of January.                                              first day of January, including all such property purchased on that 
                                                                                    day, shall be liable for taxes thereon during the same calendar year.
 Houseboats, cabin cruisers and mobile homes shall be assessed in 
    the county where they are located.                                             If you would like assistance, please come to the County Assessor’s 
                                                                                    Office or call (417) 868-4191.
 Mobile homes shall be personal property, (except mobile homes
   situated on land owned by the home owner shall be real property,                Are you leasing a vehicle?  
  statute 700.111.)  Missouri statute #137.115(6).                                     DO NOT Report Leased Vehicles on this list. Your leasing company will provide 
                                                                                            us with this information. 
                                                                                                                                     GREE2 - 114 (Rev 11/22)      039

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