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                                                                                                                                                   YEAR       MAKE                    MODEL                   BERIES            LENGTH 
                       \/IN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)  •••• Please  Print Clearly••••                                                                 (Allegro, Dutchman) 
                                                                                                                                                   YEAR       MAKE                    MODEL                        BERIES       CC/HP 
                       VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)  ••**                               Please  Print Clearly••••                                    (Harley, Polaris)   (Fatboy, Sportsman, etc) 
l�OTORCYCLES                                                                                                                           ..   --
                                                                                                                                                   YEAR       MAKE                    MODEL                SEIIIES     LENGTH     No.of 
                       VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)                             •··· Please  Print Clearly•**•                                       (Amtm, Bluebird)                                                     Passengers 
GOMMERCIAIL                                                                                                                               -

                                                                                                                                                   Y:AR       MAKE             MODEL/TYPE                  SEIIIES   AXLES    LENGTH CONST 
                       VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)                             •··• Please  Print Clearly ....                                                                                                                (Circle) 
TR,�ILERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Steel 
  Utility                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Alum. 
  Semi                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Steel 
                                                                                                                                       -                                     I 
                                                                                      .... Please ,f:'rint Clearly·••·                             YEAR       MAKE             MODEL/TYPE                          EERIES,    LENGTH CONST
                       VIN (Vehicle ID Number - Required)                                                                                                                      (Jori, Bass, Ski, Pontoon)                            (Circle) 
                                                                                                                                           -                                                                                         Wood 
BOATS                I                                                                                                                                                                                                               Fiber 
JETSKIS                                                                                                  II        I                                                                                                                 Alum. 
                                                                                                                ;�                                                                                                                   Wood 
                     I                                                                                                                                                                                                               Fiber 
                     IVIN (Vehicle ID Number - Requil'ed)                             ··•• Please Jrlrint Clearly••••                              YEAR       MAKE             MODEL/                     HITCHI     LENGTH     # SLIDES 
CAMPERS                                                                                                                                                                        SERIES                     (Circle) 
TAAi/EL                                                                                                                                                                                                   5th 
TRJllLERS                                                                                                                                                                                               Wheel 
                                                                                      ....    Please J�rint Clearly••··                            YEAR       MAKE             MODEL/             DESCRIPTION                 Purchase Price 
                       VII� (Vehicle ID Number - Required)                                                                                                                     SERIES             (Backhoe, D<,zer, Forklift) 
  HEAVY                                                                                                                                                                                                                       s 
                                                                                                                     MAX. CERTIFIED GROSS HOURS FLO'NN        PURCHASE PRICE                                       C'IRCLEONE 
AIRCRAFT               YEAR                                MA!<E                       MODEL & SERIES                   TAKEOFF WEIGHT                        ESTIMATED VALUE 
(Including Historic                  II                                                                                                                    $s                                     HISTORIC             KIT        NA 
  and Kit)                                                                                                                                                 s                                      HISTORIC             KIT        NA 
                                                                     DESCRIPTION                                   YEAR           MAKE                              MODEL                    YEAR PURCHASED            PURCHASE PRICE 
                       BRUSH HOG                                                                                                                                                                                     s 
                       COMBINE                                                                                                                                                                                       s 
  FARM                 BP,LER 
  Mt1CH.                                                                                                                                                                                    I                        s 
                     I RPH                                                                                                                                                                                           s 
                       OTHER                                                                                                                                                                I                        s 
                       YEAR                                    MAKE                                         MODEL            SERIES       IHISTORIC PLATES I      YEAR PURCHASEDI           PURCHASE PRICE           ESTIMATED VALUE 
HISTORIC             I                            I                                       I                                                   Yes  D No 
                     I COWS/BULLS                                   BARROWS/GILTS I                          EW:S                         HORSES              I         POULTRY                                    07 HER LIVESTOCK 
UVEBTOC:K              CAI.VES                                      sows                                     FEE DER LAMBS                MULES                         BEE COLONIES 
                       YEARLINGS                                    PIGS                                     SU UGHTER LAMBS              GOATS                         EXOTIC ANIIVALS 
Gl!AIN CROPS           COFIN (Bu)                                       I WHl:AT (Bu)                           HAY(TON)               I SOYBEAN (Bu)             SILAGE (Bu)                     OTHER 
F'OR ABL- E            VEAR              WIDTH x LENGTH                                uRCHASE PRICE                 LANDOWNER                                I                                   HOW LONCi AT THIS LOCATION? 
STO,A E G                                                                          I 
                       YEAR                                MAKE               WIDTH X LENGTH                       I                      LOCATION: 

HOMES                  homerealDe youestatesitsownon?t11atCheckYes one:No IflistInland, ,t, pleaseowner: 

Failur , e to return your Assessmen:t List will result in a Penalty.                                                                          ASSESSED VALUEPENALTY                            ASSESSED 1            /ALUEPENALTY 
    0 Late Personal Property Lists - Sec. 137.345 of SB 62                                                                                       0-$1,000                      $15             $5,001 - $1!,000                   $65 
                                                                                                                                                 $1,001 - $2,000               $25             $6,001 - $'.',000                  $75 
    ·equi           res the assessor                       to  sa ess       s a penaltyon anperson who                                         $2,001 - $3,000               $35             $7,001 - $11,000                   $85 
    f3ilsto return hispersonalproperty t                                              ax li   ts by the fil        st day ofaMr hc.              $3,001 - $4,000               $45             $8,001 - $!1,000                   $95 
                                                                                                                                                 $4,001 - $5,000               $55             $9,001 and above                   $105 

  a,,ent Johnson, Assessor• 940N.                                                                               Hoonville Ave., Room 37 Springfiel d,MO                                                          65802-       3802 

Li�,t all taxable tan blegi                  personal property b o                  elng gin            :o or under y uo r           Ever pey   rson ownngi     or holding       tangible personal property              on the 
  control on the first day of Ja u ryn                         a     .                                                                     first day ofJanuary      Including a       ll suc propertyh    p        urchased on that 
                                                                                                                                           day, sha  ll be liable fo r taxes the      reo,dur ngi the same c           alen   dar year. 
,,  Houseboats,  cabin cruisers and mobile homes shall be assessed in 
  the: county wlhere they are located.                                                                                                 •  If you   would like assistance, please come to the County Assessor's 
                                                                                                                                           Office or call (417) 868-4191. 
  Mobll  e homes          shallbe per osalnpr                        operty, (except           mobile ho cnes 
  situate ond        land owned by the                         home ow enshallr                be real prcperty,                       Are you leasing a vehicle? 
  statute 700.111.}  Missouri statute #137.115(6}.                                                                                         DO NOT Report Leased Vehicles on this list. Your leasing c:ompany will provide 
                                                                                                                                           us with this information. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                  GREE2-114(Rev9/23)            039

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