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IT-540ESi (2024)                                                                                                             2024

                                     Declaration of Estimated Tax for Individuals  
                                           General Information and Instructions
                                                                                                           lat ap.r e venue.louisiana.go v

This document explains the requirements for certain individuals            Exception to the January 15th Declaration Requirement
to pay estimated income tax on taxable income that is not subject          R.S. 47:116(F) provides an exception from the estimated 
to withholding, such as income from self-employment, interest,             tax payment amendment requirement or original declaration 
dividends, rents, and other taxable income such as unemployment            requirement due January 15th if the taxpayer files their individual 
compensation that the individual does not choose to make volun-            income tax return by January 31 and pays the total amount due.
tary withholding. It also provides a worksheet for estimating the          Note: Filing  a declaration, amended  declaration, or  paying the 
amount of estimated income tax to be paid.                                 last installment by January 15th, or filing an income tax return by 
                                                                           January 31st, will not relieve you of the underpayment penalty if 
Who Must Make Estimated Tax Payments                                       you failed to pay the estimated income tax that was due earlier in 
Louisiana income tax law, R.S. 47:116, requires individuals                the year.
to make estimated income tax payments if the individual’s 
estimated Louisiana income tax after credits and taxes withheld            How to Pay Estimated Tax
can reasonably be expected to exceed $1,000 for a single filer or 
$2,000 for joint filers.                                                   Pay by Check or Money Order using the Estimated Tax Payment 
Married couples should file a joint declaration of estimated income        Estimated tax payments can be paid by check or money order 
tax unless they file separately using different tax years. If a couple     to the Department of Revenue, and mailed with Form IT-540ES, 
files a joint declaration but files their income tax separately, the       Louisiana Estimated Tax Declaration Voucher. The payment must 
estimated tax paid may be treated as the estimated tax of either           be postmarked on or before the payment’s due date. The payment 
spouse or may be divided between them in any manner.                       and voucher should be mailed to the Department of Revenue, P.O. 
                                                                           Box 91007, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-9007.
Special Rules for Farmers and Fishermen
Individuals who earn at least two-thirds of their gross income             Pay Electronically
from farming or fishing are allowed to file only one estimated tax         Paying electronically ensures timely receipt of payments. When 
payment of the full amount due on or before January 15, of the             you pay electronically, there is no check to write and no voucher to 
succeeding taxable year. In addition, if the farmer or fisherman files     mail. Payments can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 
their income tax return on or before March 1, of the succeeding            proof of payment will be confirmed electronically.
year and pays the total tax due, payment of estimated tax is not 
required.                                                                  Electronic payments can be made using the following convenient, 
                                                                           safe, and secure electronic payment options:
How to Calculate Your Estimated Tax                                        •   For online transfers directly from your checking or savings 
Use  the  Worksheet  on  page  2  for  calculating  your  estimated        account at no cost to you, go to www.revenue.louisiana.gov/
income tax based on your next year’s estimated adjusted gross              latap
income to determine your Louisiana estimated tax table income.             •   For payment by credit card, go to www.revenue.louisiana.gov.
Using  the tax  tables  from  the current  year,  to determine  your 
estimated Louisiana income tax less nonrefundable and refundable           It is not necessary to file the estimated payment voucher, Form 
tax credits and estimated income tax withheld.                             IT-540ES, if the payment is made electronically.

Estimated Tax Payment Due Dates                                            When is a Penalty Applied
The estimated individual income tax may be paid in full with the           Revised Statute 47:118 provides for a 12 percent penalty for 
first declaration or in equal installments as follows:                     underpayment of estimated income tax. The penalty may be 
1st payment  ........................................... April 15, 2024    imposed if you did not pay enough estimated tax for the year or did 
2nd payment  ......................................... June 15, 2024       not make estimated payments on time or in the required amount. 
                                                                           The penalty is imposed on each underpayment for the number of 
3rd payment  .......................................... September 15, 2024 days it was unpaid.
4th payment  .......................................... January 15, 2025   For more information on calculating the underpayment penalty, see 
                                                                           the  instructions  for  Form  R-210R-i, Underpayment  of  Individual 
Note: If a due date for an estimated tax payment falls on a                Income Tax Penalty Computation, on the Department’s website. 
weekend or legal holiday, the payment is due on the next                   If you owe underpayment penalty, calculate the penalty amount 
business day.                                                              using Form R-210R.
Fiscal year filers—the estimated tax payment due dates for                 Revised Statute 47:118(I) authorizes waiver of the underpayment 
taxpayers who file on a fiscal basis are as follows:                       penalty if an application for waiver of the penalty is submitted within 
1st payment  ................15th day of the 4th month of the              one year of tax return’s due date. To qualify for penalty waiver, the 
                         fiscal year                                       taxpayer must demonstrate that they acted in good faith and that 
                                                                           the failure to make the proper estimated payments was attributable 
2nd payment  ...............15th day of the 6th month of the               to extraordinary circumstances beyond the taxpayer’s control. 
                         fiscal year                                       To request underpayment penalty waiver, use Form R-20128, 
3rd payment  ................15th day of the 9th month of the              Request for Waiver of Penalties. 
                         fiscal year
4th payment  ................15th day of the 1st month following 
                         the close of the fiscal year

Changes in Income or Exemptions Amended Declarations
If the taxpayer’s expected income or exemptions changes so that 
the taxpayer becomes liable for paying estimated income tax or 
the estimated income tax amount changes, the estimated tax 
payments should be calculated or revised using the appropriate 
worksheet and the payments adjusted as of the next estimated 
payment due date.

          You can pay your Louisiana Estimated Tax for Individuals by Credit Card, over 
          the Internet, or by phone. Visit www.revenue.louisiana.gov for more information.

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IT-540ESi (2024)
                          Worksheet for Estimating Your 2024 Louisiana Individual Income Tax
                                                   Keep for your records. Do not mail.
                                          Form IT-540 and instructions for 2023 should be used as a guide.

1.  Estimated Federal Adjusted Gross Income for 2024  .......................................................................................                   1.                 00
2.  Estimated Exempt Income for 2024  ...................................................................................................................       2.                 00
3.  Your Estimated Louisiana Tax Table Income(Subtract Line 2 from Line 1) ....................................................3.                                                  00
4.  Estimated Louisiana Income Tax  .......................................................................................................................     4.                 00
5.  Less Estimated 2024 Total Nonrefundable Credits ..........................................................................................                  5.                 00
6.  Less Estimated 2024 Total Refundable Credits  ...............................................................................................               6.                 00
7.  Adjusted Louisiana Income Tax (Subtract Lines 5 and 6 from Line 4)  .............................................................                           7.                 00

8.  Less Louisiana Income Tax to be withheld in 2024 including any  
 credit carried forward from 2023 (Round to the nearest dollar)  ........................................................................                       8.                 00
9.   Estimated Income Tax (Subtract Line 8 from Line 7)  .........................................................................................              9.                 00
         If you first become liable to       Then enter on Line 10 and in “Amount of 
10.      file a declaration on or before:        Payment” block on Form IT-540ES:
     April 15, 2024                        1/4 of Line 9 (Make 4 installments)
     June 15, 2024                         1/3 of Line 9 (Make 3 installments)
     September 15, 2024                    1/2 of Line 9 (Make 2 installments)
     January 15, 2025                      Line 9 must be paid in full                   ...........................10.                                                            00
Note: If your estimated tax should change during the year, you may use the amended computation below to determine the amended amount to be 
      entered on the declaration voucher.

                                                       Amended Computation
                             Use if estimated tax is substantially changed after the first declaration voucher is filed.

1.  Amended Estimated Tax  .....................................................................................................................................1.                 00
2.  Less:  A. Amount of last year’s overpayment carried forward to 2024 estimated tax and applied to date  ..... 2A.                                                               00
         B. Payments made on 2024 declaration  ................................................................................................ 2B.                                00
         C. Total of Lines 2A and 2B  ................................................................................................................... 2C.                      00
3.  Unpaid Balance (Line 1 less Line 2C)  .................................................................................................................     3.                 00
4.  Amount to be paid (Line 3 divided by number of remaining installments)  
   Enter here and in “Amount of Payment” block on declaration voucher, Form IT-540ES.  ....................................                                     4.                 00

                                               How to use the Declaration Voucher
1.  Fill out the worksheet above to calculate your estimated tax for 2024.  4.  Detach the voucher at the perforation and attach check or money order. 
 Form IT-540 and instructions for 2023 should be used as a guide.             Fill in the Record of Estimated Tax Payments schedule at the bottom of 
 If you prepared a 2023 return on Form IT-540 or Form IT-540B and             this page.
 expect your income in 2024 to be the same as it was for 2023, you may      5.  Insert voucher and payment into the pre-addressed envelope and mail. 
 compute your estimated tax using the information from your 2023 return.      For each later installment, you need to complete only the “Amount of 
 The figures used should be adjusted for factors that apply to 2024, but      Payment” block on the voucher, attach payment, and mail. However, if 
 did not apply to 2023. Information on how to compute your tax is also        you must amend your estimate:
 available on the Department’s web site at www.revenue.louisiana.gov.         a.  Fill out the Amended Computation Schedule above.
2.  Check your Social Security Number(s), name(s), and address on the         b.  Complete the “Amount of Payment” block on the voucher.
 voucher. Address changes can be submitted by accessing your account 
 at latap.revenue.louisiana.gov.                                              c.  Detach at the perforation and mail with the required payment. For 
3.  Enter the amount shown on Line 10 of the worksheet in the “Amount of      each later installment, complete the “Amount of Payment” block on 
 Payment” block on the voucher, Form IT-540ES.                                the voucher, attach payment, and mail.
                                                                              d.  Additional IT-540ES forms are available on the Department’s web site.

                                               Record of Estimated Tax Payments
      Voucher number               Date                           Amount                                                                                  Total amount paid to date

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