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IT-541i (1/24)  

                                                          General Information and Instructions for  
                                            Completing Form IT-541 Fiduciary Income Tax Return

Who Must File a Return                                                   even if the decedent was domiciled in another state at the time 
Louisiana Revised Statute (R.S.) 47:162 provides  that every             of death. Any trust instrument that does not specify as to which 
resident estate or trust and every nonresident estate or trust           state’s governing law prevails and that is administered in this state 
deriving income from Louisiana sources is liable for an income tax       is considered a resident trust.
under the following guidelines:
                                                                         Nonresident Bankruptcy Estate – A bankruptcy estate formed for 
1.  The net income of an estate or trust for the taxable year is         a debtor for which a petition for relief has been filed and granted 
$2,500 or more;                                                          under the Bankruptcy Code with any bankruptcy court not located 
2. The gross income of an estate or trust for the taxable year is        in Louisiana.
$6,000 or more, regardless of the amount of net income;                  Nonresident Estate –  The estate of a decedent who was not 
3. The beneficiary of an estate or trust is  a nonresident of            domiciled in Louisiana at the time of death.
                                                                         Nonresident Trust – Any trust that is not considered to be a resident 
Grantor trusts, defined in R.S. 47:187 are also required to file a       trust. If the trust instrument provides that the trust is governed by 
return if any part of the net Louisiana income is taxable to the trust   another state’s law, the trust is considered to be a nonresident trust 
or to the nonresident beneficiaries of the grantor trust.                even if the decedent was domiciled in Louisiana at the time of death.

Definitions                                                              Foreign Estates and Trusts Located Outside the United States
Bankruptcy Estate – An estate formed for a debtor for which a            Foreign estates and trusts located outside the United States are 
petition for relief has been filed and granted under chapter 7 or        generally not required to file a United States fiduciary income 
chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code (“Bankruptcy Code”).    tax return. However, if the estate or trust derived income from 
•  If the debtor is an individual, the bankruptcy estate is treated      Louisiana sources, the filing of a Louisiana fiduciary income tax 
under federal law, and thus Louisiana, as a separate taxable             return is required. The tax is imposed in the same manner as any 
entity.                                                                  other nonresident estate or trust. An alternate method of imposing 
                                                                         the tax provided under R.S. 47:300.3(3) allows estates and trusts 
•  A separate taxable entity is not created if a partnership or          located outside the United States to elect to be taxed on total gross 
corporation files a petition under any chapter of title 11 of the        income from Louisiana sources at the rate of 5%. If this election is 
U.S. Bankruptcy Code.                                                    being made, enter a "1" in the box on Line 7. 

Fiduciary – Any person, firm, partnership, or association in whom        Fiduciary Responsibility
a legal or ethical relationship of trust is established between two or   As an entity in whom a relationship of trust is established to manage 
more parties to manage and protect property or money. A fiduciary        and protect property and money, the fiduciary is responsible for the 
will have sufficient knowledge of the affairs of the trust or estate to  preparation and filing of a true and correct return. R.S. 47:300.5 
enable the preparation and filing of a true and correct return.          provides that the fiduciary of an estate or trust is personally liable 
Foreign Estate –   Estates located outside the United States that        for the payment of all taxes, penalties, and interest due by the 
derive income from Louisiana sources but are not required to file        estate or trust. The tax liability imposed on any beneficiary of the 
United States fiduciary income tax returns.                              estate and trust is not the responsibility of the fiduciary.

Foreign Trust –   Trusts located outside the United States that derive   Income Taxed To Fiduciary
income from Louisiana sources but are not required to file United        Under the provisions of R.S. 47:181 and R.S. 47:300.2, the income 
States fiduciary income tax returns.                                     tax imposed on an estate or trust for which a fiduciary will file 
                                                                         applies to the Louisiana taxable income of estates or of any kind of 
Louisiana  Taxable Income –     R.S. 47:300.6 defines Louisiana          property held in trust, including:
taxable income of a resident estate or trust as the amount of income 
taxed in accordance with federal law for the same taxable year.          1.  Income accumulated in trust for the benefit of unborn or 
R. S. 47:300.7 defines Louisiana taxable income of a nonresident         unascertained persons or persons with contingent interests, 
estate or trust as the amount of income taxed in accordance with         and income accumulated or held for future distribution under 
federal law earned within or derived from sources within Louisiana       the terms of the will or trust;
for the same taxable year.                                               2. Income that is to be distributed currently by the fiduciary to the 
Resident Bankruptcy Estate –  A bankruptcy estate formed for a           beneficiaries and income collected by a guardian of a minor 
debtor for which a petition for relief has been filed and granted under  that is to be held or distributed as the court may direct;
the Bankruptcy Code with any bankruptcy court located in Louisiana.      3. Income received by the estates of deceased persons during 
                                                                         the period of administration or settlement of the estate; and,
Resident Estate – The estate of a decedent who was domiciled in 
Louisiana at the time of death.                                          4. Income that, in the discretion of the fiduciary, may be either 
                                                                         distributed to the beneficiaries or accumulated.
Resident Trust – A trust or a portion of a trust created by the last 
will and testament of a decedent domiciled in Louisiana at the time      NOTE: Include all income from Electing Small Business  Trusts 
of death. If the trust instrument provides that the trust is governed    (ESBTs) on this return. Also, there is no special tax calculation for 
by Louisiana  law,  the trust is  considered to  be a  resident trust    this income and no need to file a separate return. 

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Tax Rates Applied to Louisiana Taxable Income                             an individual income tax return in Louisiana in the same taxable 
R.S. 47:300.1 provides the tax to be assessed, levied, collected,         year it is earned, the individual is allowed to take the exclusion 
and paid upon the Louisiana taxable income of an estate or trust          of the distributed income on their individual income tax return for 
shall be computed at the following rates:                                 that taxable year. If the income is distributed to a corporation as a 
                                                                          member, shareholder, or partner of an electing entity, the income is 
1.  1.85% on the first $10,000 of Louisiana taxable income.               taxable to the corporation. 
2. 3.5% on the next $40,000 of Louisiana taxable income.
3. 4.25% on Louisiana taxable income in excess of $50,000.                Electronic Filing Mandate
                                                                          Louisiana  Administrative Code (LAC) 61:III.1509 requires the 
Information at Source                                                     electronic filing of the Form IT-541, if the return is filed with one or 
R.S. 47:164 provides that any person, firm, partnership, trust,           more Schedule K-1s attached. 
corporation, or organization making payments totaling $1,000 or more 
during any taxable year for lease bonuses, delay rentals, mineral leases  Due Date of the Fiduciary Return
affecting lands located in Louisiana and rentals paid for real property   A 2023 calendar year return is due on May 15, 2024. Fiscal year 
located in Louisiana to a nonresident individual or a firm, partnership,  returns must be filed on or before the 15th day of the fifth month 
trust, corporation, or organization not located in Louisiana shall file   after the close of the fiscal period. If the due date falls on a weekend 
an information return with the Secretary of Revenue on or before          or legal holiday, the return is due the next business day.
June 1 of the following year for each payee. The Federal Information 
Return Form (Form 1099) used for reporting such payments to the           Where to File a Fiduciary Return
Internal Revenue Service may  be used for reporting  the required         Fiduciary returns must be filed with the Louisiana Department of 
information. A completed Federal Form 1099 should include: the name       Revenue, P. O. Box 3440, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-3440. 
and address of the entity receiving the payment, a Federal Employer       DO NOT SEND CASH. Checks or money orders should be made 
Identification Number or the Social Security Number of the payor and      payable to the Louisiana Department of Revenue. 
payee, and the amount and description of the payment made to the 
payee. Federal Form 1099 should be included with the filing of Form       An electronic payment option is available on the LDR website at 
R-1203, L-3 Transmittal of Withholding Tax Statements. Informational      www.revenue.louisiana.gov/latap. You can also pay your taxes by 
returns reporting other items of income that would normally appear on     credit card over the internet or by telephone. Visit www.revenue.
the Federal Form 1099 are required only upon the specific request of      louisiana.gov for more information.
the Secretary of Revenue.
                                                                          Extension of Time for Filing
For this purpose, amounts distributable to beneficiaries will be          If you know you cannot file your return by the due date, you do not 
reportable if the income shown on the fiduciary return is for lease       need to file for an extension. You will automatically be granted an 
bonuses, delay rentals, or royalties from mineral leases affecting        extension of six months to November 15, 2024.
lands located in Louisiana and rentals paid for the use of real 
property located in Louisiana.                                            Important:  An extension does not relieve you of your 
                                                                          obligation to pay all tax amounts due by the original due 
Annual Information Return of Service Recipient                            date. If you anticipate that you will owe additional tax on your 
R.S. 47:114.1 requires all service recipients who are required to         return, then you should submit your payment with Form R-6466V, 
file Federal Form 1099-NEC with the IRS to file any Form 1099-            Fiduciary Income  Tax Electronically Filed Extension Payment 
NEC for services provided in Louisiana or for services performed          Voucher, by May 15, 2024. An extension means only that you will 
by an individual residing in Louisiana at the time the services were      not be assessed a delinquent filing penalty for filing your return 
performed with LDR. Form 1099-NEC can be filed electronically,            after the due date but before the extended due date. Interest on 
or if you are filing less than 50, by paper with the filing of Form       the additional tax due from the due date of the return and any 
R-91001, Annual Summary and Transmittal of Form 1099-NEC. See             penalties will be assessed if applicable. If you file your return 
LDR's website for more information.                                       after the extended due date, you will be assessed delinquent 
                                                                          filing penalty from the original due date of the return. NOTE: No 
Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Road Usage Fee                                paper or electronic extension form needs to be filed to obtain the 
Louisiana imposes a road usage fee on the owner or lessee of              automatic extension.
an electric or hybrid vehicle registered and operated in Louisiana 
during the calendar year as provided by R.S. 32:461. The fee is           Amended Returns
dedicated to state and  local transportation  and development             If you file your fiduciary income tax return and later become aware of 
funds and is to supplement the “road tax” paid on gas. The fee for        any changes you must make, you must file an amended Louisiana 
2023 is due on or before May 15, 2024 and is reported by filing           return along with an explanation of the change(s) and a copy of the 
Form R-19000, Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Road Usage Fee. For             federal amended return, if one was filed. The form should be clearly 
additional information, see LAC 61:I.5501.                                marked with an "X" in the "Amended Return" box.

Pass-Through Entity Tax Election                                          Federal Tax Adjustments
If  the income  earned by  an estate  or trust  as a  member,             R.S. 47:103(C) requires taxpayers whose federal returns are adjusted 
shareholder, or partner of an electing entity is included as income       to furnish a statement disclosing the nature and amounts of such 
on the fiduciary income tax return, the trust or estate is allowed to     adjustments within 60 days after the adjustments have been made and 
take the exclusion of the income on its income tax return. Resident       accepted. This statement should accompany your amended return.
estates or trusts should refer to the instructions for Lines 2D and 
3D, nonresidents see Schedule A, Lines 4 and 5D.                          Rounding to Whole Dollars
                                                                          Round cents to the nearest whole dollar on Form IT-541.  Total 
If the income earned by an estate or trust as a member, shareholder,      prepayments, including any credit carried forward from last year, 
or partner of an electing entity is distributed to a beneficiary filing   should also be rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

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Allocation and Apportionment of Net Income                               540B does not need to be completed or attached to the Form IT-
The Louisiana income tax is imposed upon only that part of the net       541.
income of a nonresident estate or trust that is derived from sources 
within Louisiana. Nonresident estates and trusts are required to         Special Filing Instructions for a Rapid Tax Determination Request
allocate and apportion their income. Use Schedule A – Computation        To request a rapid tax determination from LDR, the bankruptcy 
of Louisiana taxable income before income distribution deduction         estate should mail a letter requesting a rapid tax determination of 
and Schedule B – Computation of apportionment percentage to              the kind provided for by Bankruptcy Code Section 505(b)(2)), along 
calculate the amount of Louisiana taxable income before the              with the tax returns for the covered tax periods to the department 
income distribution deduction.                                           at: 
Special Filing Instructions for Bankruptcy Estates of an                 Louisiana Department of Revenue
Individual Debtor                                                        Bankruptcy Section, Collection Division
If a bankruptcy estate is filing Form IT-541 for an individual debtor,   ATTN: Bankruptcy Section Supervisor
a copy of Federal Form 1041 and the attached Form 1040, must be 
attached to the return. The Louisiana income tax for the fiduciary       Post Office Box 66658
is calculated under the tax rates for fiduciaries. Form IT-540 or IT-    Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70896-6658

                                  INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM IT-541

About this Form                                                          Change” box when filing your return, or can be submitted by 
The return has been designed for electronic scanning, which permits      accessing your account at   www.revenue.louisiana.gov/latap. Mark 
faster processing with fewer errors. In order to avoid unnecessary       all applicable boxes indicating whether the trust is a resident trust 
delays caused by manual processing, taxpayers should follow the          or a nonresident trust and whether the return being filed is an initial 
guidelines listed below:                                                 return, an amended return, a final return, or a short period return. 
1.  Enter amounts only on those lines that are applicable.               Indicate the date the entity was created and the fiduciary's six 
                                                                         digit 2022 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 
2. Use only a pen with black ink.                                        Code in the spaces provided. Provide the number of Schedules 
3. Because this form is read by a machine, enter your numbers            K-1 and attach them to the return. Enter the code(s) that describes 
inside the boxes like this:                                              the entity for which you are filing the return. In some cases more 
                                                                         than one code should be entered. For each entity type checked on 
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X                                                    Federal Form 1041, Box A, enter the code(s) from the following list: 
4. All numbers should be rounded to the nearest dollar. Numbers 
                                                                             Code                    Entity Type
should  NOT  be  entered  over  the  pre-printed  zeros,  in  the 
boxes on the far right, which are used to designate cents (.00).             A                       Decedent's Estate
5. For Lines 1 and 4, mark the box to the left of the entry field            B                       Simple Trust
if the amount is less than zero. Do not use a negative sign                  C                       Complex Trust
or parentheses with the amount. For example, if your Federal                 D                Qualified Disability Trust
taxable income on Line 1 is a $10,000 loss, mark the box on                  E                       ESBT (S portion only)
Line 1 and enter 10,000.                                                     F                       Grantor Type Trust
6. To avoid any delay in processing, use this form for 2023 only.            G                Bankruptcy Estate - Ch. 7
7.  If you are filing an amended return, mark an “X” in the “Amended         H                Bankruptcy Estate - Ch. 11
Return” box on the face of the return.                                       I                       Pooled Income Fund
Period covered                                                               J                        Split-Interest Trust
Mark the box to indicate a calendar year return or a fiscal year             K                Charitable Remainder Trust
return. For fiscal year and 52 - 53 week filers, the dates on which 
the reported period begin and end must be plainly stated in the          COMPUTATION OF INCOME
appropriate space at the top of the return. The income tax period        Line 1 – Federal Taxable Income before Modifications
must be the same as that used for federal income tax purposes.           Resident bankruptcy estates enter the taxable income amount 
                                                                         reported on Line 15 of the Federal Form 1040 that is an attachment 
Returns for part of the year                                             to the Federal Form 1041.   Resident Electing Small Business 
Mark the appropriate box to indicate the filing of a short period        Trusts (ESBT) enter the combined amount of the taxable 
return or a final return. For a short period return, the dates on which  income of the S portion of the ESBT, and the amount reported 
the reported period begin and end must be plainly stated in the          for the non-S portion on Federal Form 1041, Line 23. All other 
appropriate space at the top of the return. The income tax period        resident trusts and resident estates enter the taxable income 
must be the same as that used for federal income tax purposes.           amount reported on Federal Form 1041, Line 23.
Information Required                                                     If the estate or trust is a nonresident estate or trust, DO NOT 
Provide the LDR Account Number for the Estate or Trust, its Federal      complete  Lines  1  through  3G.  Complete       Schedule  A  – 
Identification Number, and the legal name of the estate or trust. Two    Computation of Louisiana  Taxable Income before Income 
lines are provided for the name. Provide the mailing address, city,      Distribution Deduction and Schedule B - Computation of 
state, and zip code. If there is a change in your address since last     Apportionment Percent, if any of the net income is subject to 
year’s return, mark an “X” in the “Address Change” box. A direct         apportionment. See instructions for Schedule A.
address change can be accomplished by marking the  “Address 

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ADDITIONS                                                                  and the pro forma Federal Form 1041. If the difference is a loss, 
                                                                           the loss must be added to your federal taxable income on this line.
Line 2A – Net Income Tax Paid to any State or Political or 
Municipal Subdivision
                                                                           Line 2E – Federal Exemption
Enter the amount of net income tax paid to any state, political, 
                                                                           Resident bankruptcy estates enter zero "0" on this line. Resident 
or  municipal  subdivision  that  was  deducted  in  the  calculation  of 
                                                                           trusts, and all other resident estates, enter the exemption amount 
federal taxable income.
                                                                           reported on Federal Form 1041, Line 21.
Line 2B – Interest Income from other States and their Political 
                                                                           Line 2F – Federal Income Distribution Deduction
or Municipal Subdivisions
                                                                           Resident bankruptcy estates enter zero. Resident trusts, and all other 
Enter the amount of interest on obligations of a state, political, or 
                                                                           resident estates, enter the amount from Federal Form 1041, Line 18.
municipal subdivision other than Louisiana and its municipalities 
that are vested with the estate, trust, or fiduciary on or after  
                                                                           Line 2G – Total
January 1, 1980.
                                                                           Add Lines 2A through 2F.
Line 2C – Donation to School Tuition Organization Credit or 
Donation to Qualified Foster Care Charitable Organization Credit           SUBTRACTIONS
R.S. 47:6301(A)(1)(a) provides for a prohibition on double state           Line 3A – Interest and Dividends on U.S. Government Obligations
benefits for a donation to a school tuition organization (STO). If         Enter the amount of interest and dividends from U.S. government 
you claimed the credit for a donation to a STO on IT-541, Schedule         obligations or any income that is exempt from taxation under the 
NRC-P3, you must add back certain deductions taken at the federal          laws of Louisiana.
level otherwise deductible for state income tax purposes if the 
corporation’s federal deductions for charitable contributions allowed      Line 3B – Depletion in Excess of Federal Depletion
by Internal Revenue Code Section 170 included a deduction for              Enter the amount of Louisiana depletion in excess of federal depletion. 
the donation made by the corporation to the STO. See Revenue               In computing net income in the case of oil and gas wells, a deduction 
Information Bulletin 18-024 for more information.                          is allowed for cost depletion or percentage depletion, whichever is 
                                                                           greater. Percentage depletion is calculated as 22% of gross income 
R.S. 47:6042(A)(1)(c) provides for a prohibition on double state           from the property during the taxable year, excluding from such gross 
benefits for  a donation  to a  qualified foster  care organization.       income an amount equal to any rents and royalties paid or incurred 
If you claimed the credit for a donation to a qualified foster care        by the taxpayer from the property. The depletion deduction cannot 
organization on IT-541, Schedule NRC-P3, you must add back                 exceed 50% of the net income of the taxpayer computed without 
certain deductions taken at the federal level otherwise deductible         allowance for depletion from the property. In determining net income 
for state income tax purposes if the corporation’s federal deductions      from the property, federal income tax is considered an expense.
for charitable contributions allowed by Internal Revenue Code 
Section 170 included a deduction for the donation made by the              Line 3C – S Bank Exclusion
corporation to the qualified foster care organization. See LAC             Enter the amount of the S Bank shareholder exclusion that the 
61:I.1925 for more information.                                            estate or trust can claim. The amount of the exclusion is considered 
                                                                           nontaxable income. R.S. 47:297.3(B)(5) provides that  “S Bank 
The addition required to be made on Line 2C is the amount of the           nontaxable income” means: (A) the portion of the income reported 
charitable contribution made to the STO and the qualified foster           by an S Bank on Federal Form 1120S Schedule K-1 or, (B) the 
care organization claimed on the fiduciary's federal return.  The          portion of the income reported by an S Bank on an equivalent 
addition is limited to the amount of the credit claimed on the return      document, which is attributable to the net earnings used to compute 
for the corresponding donation.                                            the S Bank’s share's tax as provided in R.S. 47:1967. Attach a copy 
                                                                           of Schedule K-1 as documentation for the amount excluded. The 
Line 2D – Add Back of Pass - Through Entity Loss                           exclusion is only allowed if the entity did not make the pass-through 
R.S. 47:300.6(B)(2)(e)(i) provides an exclusion for an estate or           entity tax election under R.S. 47:287.732.2. 
trust who is a shareholder, member, or partner of an entity that           Line 3D – Pass - Through Entity Exclusion 
made the pass-through entity tax election under R.S. 47:287.732.2.         R.S. 47:300.6(B)(2)(e)(i) provides for an exclusion for an estate or 
This  election allows  S corporations, and other entities  taxed as        trust who is a shareholder, member, or partner of an entity that 
partnerships for federal income tax purposes, to pay Louisiana             made the pass-through entity tax election under R.S. 47:287.732.2. 
income tax at the entity level. The entity must have received LDR’s        This  election allows  S corporations, and other entities  taxed as 
approval of the election. The add-back amount is the Louisiana             partnerships for federal income tax purposes, to pay Louisiana 
net operating loss that was reported at the entity level for this tax      income tax at the entity level. The entity must have received LDR’s 
year that is included on Federal Form 1041. You must also include          approval of the election. The excluded amount is the income that 
any net operating loss carried forward from a tax year in which the        was taxed at the entity level that is included on Federal Form 
election was made and utilized in this tax year.                           1041. This amount should be included in the amount on Line 1. Do 
                                                                           not include income not taxed at the entity level such as interest 
This amount should be included in the amount on Line 1. Do not             and dividend income. See Revenue Information Bulletin 23-022 
include income not taxed at the entity level such as interest and          and LAC 61:I.1001 for more information. You must attach a copy 
dividend income. See Revenue Information Bulletin 23-022 and               of Form R-6981, Louisiana Statement of Owner’s Share of Entity 
LAC 61:I.1001 for more information. You must attach a copy of              Level Tax Items, and a pro forma Federal Form 1041 that excludes 
Form  R-6981,  Louisiana  Statement  of  Owner’s  Share  of Entity         any income, deductions or other tax items that were included in 
Level Tax Items, and a pro forma Federal Form 1041 that excludes           the calculation of Louisiana net income on the entity’s Louisiana 
any income, deductions or other tax items that were included in            Form CIFT-620. The amount that you can exclude is the difference 
the calculation of Louisiana net income on the entity’s Louisiana          in federal taxable incomeI calculated on your Federal Form 1041 
Form CIFT-620. The amount that you can exclude is the difference           and the pro forma Federal Form 1041. If the difference is a loss, 
in federal taxable income calculated on your Federal Form 1041             the loss must be added to your federal taxable income on Line 2D.

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Line 3E – Exemption                                                           limited to the amount of Louisiana income tax that would have been 
Enter 2,500.                                                                  imposed if the income earned in the other state had been earned 
                                                                              in Louisiana. 
Line 3F – Other Subtractions
On  a  separate  schedule,  list  the  source  and  amount  of  other         The credit is equal to the lesser of the amount of taxes paid to the 
subtractions allowed from federal net income. For the deduction               other state or the amount determined by multiplying the taxpayer’s 
for  employment  of  certain  qualified  disabled  individuals  (R.S.         Louisiana income tax liability by a fraction, the numerator of which 
47:297.13),  Form  R-10605,       Application for  Deduction  for             is the taxpayer’s Louisiana taxable income attribut able to the other 
Employment of Certain Qualified Disabled Individuals, must be                 state to which net income taxes were paid, and the denominator of 
attached to your return.                                                      which is total Louisiana taxable income. See Revenue Information 
                                                                              Bulletin 16-052 for information on qualifying states. A copy of the 
Line 3G – Total                                                               returns filed with the other states must be attached to your return 
Add Lines 3A through 3F.                                                      along with Form R-10606, Supplemental Worksheet for Credit for 
                                                                              Taxes Paid to Other States. If the taxes were paid on your behalf 
Line 4 – Louisiana Taxable Income before Income Distribution                  on a composite return to another state, copies of the return for the 
Deduction                                                                     other state and your Schedule K-1 must be attached to the return. 
For resident estates and trusts, Louisiana taxable income before 
the income distribution deduction is calculated by adding the                 Line 9 – Other Nonrefundable Priority 1 Income Tax Credits
amount on Line 1 to the amount on Line 2G and subtracting the                 Enter the amount from Schedule NRC-P1, Line 7. 
amount on Line 3G. Enter the result. For nonresident estates and 
trusts, complete Schedule A and Schedule B. Enter the result from             Line 10 – Total Income Tax after Priority 1 Credits
Schedule A, Line 13 and check the box on Line 4.                              Subtract Lines 8 and 9 from Line 7.
Line 5 – Louisiana Income Distribution Deduction                              Line 11 – Refundable Priority 2 Credits 
Enter the portion of Louisiana income that was distributed or was             Enter the amount from Schedule RC-P2, Line 9. 
required to be distributed to the beneficiaries. Complete Schedule 
C – Distributive Shares of Beneficiaries by providing information for         Line 12 – Tax Liability After Priority 2 Credits
each beneficiary.                                                             If Line 10 is greater than Line 11, subtract Line 11 from Line 10. 
                                                                              Otherwise enter zero "0".
Line 6 – Louisiana Taxable Income
Subtract Line 5 from Line 4. If less than zero, enter zero.                   Line 13 – Overpayment After Priority 2 Credits
                                                                              If Line 11 is greater than Line 10, subtract Line 10 from Line 11. 
Line 7 – Total Tax                                                            Otherwise enter zero "0".
The Louisiana taxable income from Line 6 is taxed in three distinct 
brackets, at 1.85%, 3.5%, and 4.25%, respectively. Complete                   Line 14 – Nonrefundable Priority 3 Credits
Worksheet 1 - Calculation of Income Tax to determine your income              Enter the amount from Schedule NRC-P3, Line 10. These credits 
tax liability. Enter a “1” in the box on Line 7 if a foreign estate or trust  are limited to the tax liability calculated on Line 12.
electing to be taxed on total gross income from Louisiana sources 
at the rate of 5%.                                                            Line 15 – Tax Liability After Priority 3 Credits
                                                                              Subtract Line 14 from Line 12. If the result is less than zero, enter 
Line 8 – Credit for Net Income Taxes Paid to Other States                     zero “0.” 
Resident estates or trusts are allowed a credit for net income taxes 
paid to other states. Note that you may not claim the tax withheld;           Line 16 – Overpayment After Priority 2 Credits
you must file a return with the other state and claim the tax actually        Enter the amount from Line 13.
paid. You may not claim credit for taxes paid to cities or foreign 
countries. See Revenue Ruling 02-013 for information on taxes                 Line 17 – Refundable Priority 4 Credits
paid to the District of Columbia.                                             Enter the amount from Schedule RC-P4, Line 6. 

The credit is allowed ONLY if the other state does not allow a                Line 18 – Amount of Credit Carried Forward from 2022
nonresident credit against the income taxes imposed by that state             Enter the amount of any credit carried forward from 2022. This 
for taxes paid or payable to the state of resident.  The credit is            amount is shown on your 2022 Form IT-541, Line 24.

Worksheet 1 - Calculation of Income Tax
1  Louisiana Taxable Income –     Enter the amount of taxable income from         $                                                  TAX
   Line 6. 
   First bracket:  If Line 1 is greater than $10,000, enter $10,000. If Line 1 is 
2  less than $10,000, enter the amount from Line 1. Multiply the balance     by  $                          2    1.85% 
   1.85% rounding to the nearest cent, and enter the result in the TAX column.                                   Rate  $

   Second Bracket: Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. If the balance is zero or 
3  less, enter zero “0.” If the balance is greater than zero, enter the balance                             3    3.5% 
   or $40,000, whichever is less. Multiply balance by 3.5% rounding to the        $                              Rate  $
   nearest cent, and enter the result in the TAX column.
   Third Bracket: Subtract $50,000 from Line 1, and enter the balance. If 
4  less than zero, enter zero “0.” Multiply the balance by 4.25% rounding to      $                         4    4.25% 
   the nearest cent, and enter the result in the TAX column.                                                     Rate  $

   round to the nearest dollar. Enter here and on Form IT-541, Line 7.            $
5  Total Tax: Add the amounts in the tax column on Lines 2, 3, and 4, and                                   5          $                .00


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Line 19 – For Nonresident Filers Only – Amount Paid on Your            Enter the amount from the Interest Calculation Worksheet.
Behalf by a Composite Partnership Filing
Enter the amount of any payment made on your behalf by a               Line 28 – Delinquent Filing Penalty
composite partnership filing. Enter the name of the partnership on     If you fail to file your tax return by the extended due date – on 
the line provided on the return. If more than one partnership made     or  before  November  15,  2024,  for  calendar  year  filers,  on  or 
a payment on your behalf, attach a schedule labeled with your          before your fiscal year extended due date, you may be charged 
name and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), and list       a delinquent filing penalty. Enter the amount from the Delinquent 
each partnership and payment made.                                     Filing Penalty Calculation Worksheet.

Line 20 – Amount of Louisiana Tax Withheld for 2023                    Line 29 – Delinquent Payment Penalty
Enter the amount of Louisiana income tax withheld in 2023. You         If you fail to pay the tax due by the due date – on or before May 
must attach copies of all W-2 and 1099 forms that indicate tax was     15, 2024, for calendar year filers, you may be charged delinquent 
withheld.                                                              payment penalty. Enter the amount from the Delinquent Payment 
                                                                       Penalty Calculation Worksheet.
Line 21 – Amount of Estimated Payments for 2023 and 
Amount of Extension Payment                                            Line 30 – Total Amount Due 
Enter the total amount of estimated payments made for the 2023 tax     Add Lines 26 through 29.
year and the amount of extension payment from Schedule D, Line 6. 
                                                                       Signature on Return
Line 22 – Total Refundable Tax Credits and Payments                    In order to be considered complete and to meet the requirements 
Add Lines 16 through 21.                                               of the Louisiana Income Tax Law, the return must be signed by 
                                                                       the individual or authorized officer of the organization receiving or 
Line 23 – Overpayment                                                  having custody or control and management of the income of the 
If Line 22 is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 from Line 22. If  estate or trust. If two or more individuals act jointly as fiduciaries, 
Line 22 is equal to Line 15, enter a zero "0" on Lines 23 through 30.  any one of them may sign the return.
If Line 22 is less than Line 15, enter a zero "0" on Lines 23 through 
25 and go to Line 26.                                                  Paid Preparer Instructions –   If your return was prepared by a 
                                                                       paid preparer, that person must also sign in the appropriate space, 
Line 24 – Amount to be Credited to 2024                                complete the information in the  “Paid Preparer Use Only” box 
Enter the amount of available overpayment shown on Line 23 that        and enter his or her identification number in the space provided 
you wish to credit to 2024.                                            under the box. If the paid preparer has a Preparer Tax Identification 
                                                                       Number (PTIN), the PTIN must be entered in the space provided 
Line 25 – Amount to be Refunded                                        under the box; otherwise enter the FEIN or LDR account number. 
Subtract Line 24 from Line 23. This amount is to be refunded.          If the paid preparer represents a firm, the firm’s FEIN must be 
                                                                       entered in the “Paid Preparer Use Only” box. The failure of a paid 
Line 26 – Amount Owed                                                  preparer to sign or provide an identification number will result in the 
If Line 15 is greater than Line 22, subtract Line 22 from Line 15.     assessment of the unidentified preparer penalty on the preparer. 
                                                                       The penalty of $50 is for each occurrence of failing to sign or failing 
Line 27 – Interest                                                     to provide an identification number.
Interest is charged on all tax amounts not paid by the due date. 

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE A - Computation of Louisiana Taxable Income before Income Distribution Deduction

Use Schedule A when reporting income of nonresident estates and        Line 3 – Donation to School  Tuition Organization Credit or 
trusts that earn income from Louisiana sources. R.S. 47:300.3(2)       Donation to Qualified Foster Care Charitable Organization Credit 
provides that income items of nonresident estates and trusts are       R.S. 47:6301(A)(1)(a) provides for a prohibition on double state 
subject to allocation or apportionment as determined by R.S.           benefits for a donation to a school tuition organization (STO). If 
47:241 through R.S. 47:247.                                            you claimed the credit for a donation to a STO on IT-541, Schedule 
                                                                       NRC-P3, you must add back certain deductions taken at the federal 
Line 1 – Federal Taxable Income before the Exemption and               level otherwise deductible for state income tax purposes if the 
Distribution Deduction                                                 corporation’s federal deductions for charitable contributions allowed 
Nonresident bankruptcy estates enter the taxable income amount         by Internal Revenue Code Section 170 included a deduction for 
reported on Line 15 of the Federal Form 1040 that is an attachment     the donation made by the corporation to the STO. See Revenue 
to  the Federal  Form  1041.  Nonresident  Electing  Small  Business   Information Bulletin 18-024 for more information.
Trusts (ESBT) enter the combined amount of the taxable income of 
the S portion of the ESBT, and the amounts reported for the non-S      R.S. 47:6042(A)(1)(c) provides for a prohibition on double state 
portion on Line 18, Line 21, and Line 23 of Federal Form 1041. All     benefits for  a donation  to a  qualified foster  care  organization. 
other nonresident trusts and nonresident estates enter the sum of      If you claimed the credit for a donation to a qualified foster care 
the amounts reported on Line 18, Line 21, and Line 23 of Federal       organization on IT-541, Schedule NRC-P3, you must add back 
Form 1041.                                                             certain deductions taken at the federal level otherwise deductible 
                                                                       for state income tax purposes if the corporation’s federal deductions 
Line 2 – Net Income Taxes Paid to any State or Political or            for charitable contributions allowed by Internal Revenue Code 
Municipal Subdivision                                                  Section 170 included a deduction for the donation made by the 
Enter the amount of net income taxes paid to any state or political    corporation to the qualified foster care organization. See LAC 
or municipal subdivision deducted on Federal Form 1041.                61:I.1925 for more information.


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The addition required to be made on Line 3 is the amount of the        Line 5D – Pass - Through Entity Exclusion 
charitable contribution made to the STO and the qualified foster       47:300.7(C)(2)(d)(i) provides for an exclusion for an estate or 
care organization claimed on the fiduciary's federal return.  The      trust who is a shareholder, member, or partner of an entity that 
addition is limited to the amount of the credit claimed on the return  made the pass-through entity tax election under R.S. 47:287.732.2. 
for the corresponding donation.                                        This  election allows  S corporations, and other entities  taxed as 
                                                                       partnerships for federal income tax purposes, to pay Louisiana 
Line 4 – Add Back of Pass - Through Entity Loss                        income tax at the entity level. The entity must have received LDR’s 
R.S. 47:300.7(C)(2)(d)(i) provides for an exclusion for an estate or   approval of the election. The excluded amount is the income that 
trust who is a shareholder, member, or partner of an entity that       was taxed at the entity level that is included on Federal Form 
made the pass-through entity tax election under R.S. 47:287.732.2.     1041. This amount should be included in the amount on Line 1. Do 
This  election allows  S corporations, and other entities  taxed as    not include income not taxed at the entity level such as interest 
partnerships for federal income tax purposes, to pay Louisiana         and dividend income. See Revenue Information Bulletin 23-022 
income tax at the entity level. The entity must have received LDR’s    and LAC 61:I.1001 for more information. You must attach a copy 
approval of the election. The add-back amount is the Louisiana         of Form R-6981, Louisiana Statement of Owner’s Share of Entity 
net operating loss that was reported at the entity level for this tax  Level Tax Items, and a pro forma Federal Form 1041 that excludes 
year that is included on Federal Form 1041. You must also include      any income, deductions or other tax items that were included in 
any net operating loss carried forward from a tax year in which the    the calculation of Louisiana net income on the entity’s Louisiana 
election was made and utilized in this tax year.                       Form CIFT-620. The amount that you can exclude is the difference 
                                                                       in federal taxable income calculated on your Federal Form 1041 
This amount should be included in the amount on Line 1. Do not         and the pro forma Federal Form 1041. If the difference is a loss, the 
include income not taxed at the entity level such as interest and      loss must be added to your federal taxable income on Line 4.
dividend income. See Revenue Information Bulletin 23-022 and 
LAC 61:I.1001 for more information. You must attach a copy of          Line 5E – Other Subtractions
Form  R-6981,  Louisiana  Statement  of  Owner’s  Share  of Entity     On  a  separate  schedule,  list  the  source  and  amount  of  other 
Level Tax Items, and a pro forma Federal Form 1041 that excludes       subtractions allowed from federal net income. 
any income, deductions or other tax items that were included in 
the calculation of Louisiana net income on the entity’s Louisiana      •  For the deduction for employment of certain qualified disabled 
Form CIFT-620. The amount that you can exclude is the difference       individuals (R.S. 47:297.13), Form R-10605,   Application for 
in federal taxable income calculated on your Federal Form 1041         Deduction for Employment of Certain Qualified Disabled 
and the pro forma Federal Form 1041. If the difference is a loss,      Individuals, must be attached to your return. 
the loss must be added to your federal taxable income on this line.
                                                                       •  Exclusion for  compensation for disaster services – include 
Line 5A – Income Exempt from Taxation                                  the amount of income excluded as compensation for 
Enter the amount of any income that is exempt from taxation under      disaster services. The exclusion is for income received by a 
the laws of Louisiana, or that is prohibited from taxation by the      nonresident business for performing disaster or emergency-
Constitution or laws of the United States. This amount must be         related work within the state during a declared emergency 
subtracted from federal taxable income. An example of such income      period beginning January 1, 2018. The exclusion applies only 
would be interest on U.S. government obligations. A schedule of the    for income received in exchange for disaster or emergency-
items on this line must be supplied.                                   related work related to critical infrastructure that is performed 
                                                                       during the declared disaster period, which begins within 10 
Line 5B – Depletion in Excess of Federal Depletion                     days of the first day of the declaration or proclamation made 
Enter the amount of Louisiana depletion in excess of federal           by either the governor, the president, or appropriate local 
depletion. In computing net income in the case of oil and gas wells,   government official and ends 60 days after its conclusion, 
a deduction is allowed for cost depletion or percentage depletion,     unless a longer period is subsequently authorized. Requests 
whichever is greater. Percentage depletion is calculated as 22         for written notice concerning emergency-related services are 
percent of gross income from the property during the taxable year,     posted as Revenue Information Bulletins on LDR’s website. 
excluding from such gross income an amount equal to any rents          (R.S. 47:53.5) 
and royalties paid or incurred by the taxpayer from the property. 
Percentage depletion can not exceed 50 percent of the net income       Line 5F – Total Subtractions
computed  without  allowance  for  depletion  from  the property.  In  Add Lines 5A through 5E.
determining net income from the property, federal income tax is 
considered an expense.                                                 Line 6 – Modified Federal Taxable Income before Distribution 
Line 5C – S Bank Exclusion                                             Add Lines 1, 2, 3, and 4, subtract the amount on Line 5F, and enter 
Enter the amount of the S Bank shareholder exclusion that the          the result. 
estate or trust can claim. The amount of the exclusion is considered 
nontaxable income. R.S. 47:297.3(B)(5) provides that  “S Bank          Modified Federal Taxable Income Allocated or Apportioned to 
nontaxable income” means: (A) the portion of the income reported       Louisiana
by an S Bank on Federal Form 1120S Schedule K-1 or, (B) the            In accordance with R.S. 47:300.3(2), Louisiana taxable income 
portion of the income reported by an S Bank on an equivalent           of a nonresident estate or trust for a taxable year is computed by 
document, which is attributable to the net earnings used to compute    applying the allocation and apportionment provisions of R.S. 47:241 
the S Bank’s share's tax as provided in R.S. 47:1967. Attach a copy    through R.S. 47:247 to the estate’s or trust’s federal taxable income 
of Schedule K-1 as documentation for the amount excluded. The          for the same year modified by the provisions of R.S. 47:300.7(C).
exclusion is only allowed if the entity did not make the pass-through  In order to determine Louisiana taxable income, it is necessary 
entity tax election under R.S. 47:287.732.2.                           to separate all items of income into two general classes, namely: 


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those items that can be allocated directly to the state in which they       Line 10C – Income from Estates, Trust, and Partnerships
are earned, and those items of income that arise from business              Enter the total amount of Louisiana income derived from estates, 
partly within and without Louisiana. Louisiana’s share of allocable         trusts, and partnerships. Estates, trusts, and partnerships having 
items can be determined by direct allocation. In the case of net            a corporation as a member or beneficiary must allocate and 
income from business partly within and partly without the state, a          apportion their income within and without the state in accordance 
percentage of the net income must be apportioned to Louisiana on            with the processes and formulas prescribed for corporations, and 
the basis of an apportionment percentage.                                   the share of any corporate member or beneficiary in the net income 
                                                                            from sources in this state, so computed, must be allocated to this 
If the Louisiana portion is entirely separable from the remainder, and      state in the return of the member or beneficiary.
the use of the apportionment method would produce a manifestly unfair 
result, a separate accounting may be made for Louisiana business            Line 10D – Income from Construction, Repair, Etc.
and the total net income. Prior written permission from the Secretary       Enter the amount of Louisiana income derived from construction, 
must be secured to report by the separate accounting method.                repair, or other similar services. Income from construction, repair, 
In computing net allocable income, all expenses, losses, and other          or other similar services must be allocated to the state in which the 
deductions, except federal income taxes that are directly attributable      service is performed. The phrase “other similar services” means 
to such income and a ratable portion of allowable deductions,               any work that has as its purpose the improvement of immovable 
except federal income taxes that are not directly attributable to any       property belonging to a person other than the taxpayer where 
class of income should be deducted from gross allocable income.             a substantial portion of the work is performed at the location of 
                                                                            such property, whether or not such services actually result in 
Line 7A – Net Rents and Royalties                                           improvements to the property.
Enter  the  total  amount  of  net  rents  and  royalties  earned  by  the 
estate or trust.                                                            Line 10E – Other Allocable Income
                                                                            Enter any other net Louisiana allocable income. Other items of 
Line 7B – Royalties from the Use of Patents, Trademarks, etc.               allocable income such as interest income, dividends on corporate 
Enter the total amount of royalties from the use of patents,                stock,  and  salaries,  wages,  or  other  compensations  received  by 
trademarks, etc.                                                            a nonresident individual for personal services are considered 
                                                                            allocable under the provisions of R.S. 47:243. Please attach a 
Line 7C – Income from Estates, Trust, and Partnerships                      schedule of your computations.
Enter the total amount of income derived from estates, trusts, and          Profits from sales and exchanges of capital assets consisting of 
partnerships.                                                               immovable or corporeal movable property are allocated to the state 
                                                                            where such property is located at the time the income is derived. 
Line 7D – Income from Construction, Repair, Etc.                            Profits from sales or exchanges not made in the regular course 
Enter the total amount of income derived from construction, repair,         of business, of property, other than capital assets consisting of 
or other similar services.                                                  incorporeal property or rights, are allocated to the state where 
                                                                            such property is located at the time of the sale. A mineral lease, 
Line 7E – Other Allocable Income                                            royalty interest, oil payment, or other mineral interest is considered 
Enter any other net allocable income. Other items of income such            to be Louisiana income if the property creating the mineral interest 
as interest income, dividends on corporate stock, profits from sales        is located in Louisiana. Other profits from sales and exchanges 
and exchanges of capital assets, and salaries, wages, or other              of capital assets consisting of incorporeal property or rights is 
compensations received by a nonresident individual for personal             allocated to the state in which the securities or credits producing 
services are considered allocable under the provisions of R.S. 47:243.      such income have their situs, which is the business situs of such 
                                                                            securities or credits, if they have been so used in connection with 
Line 7F – Total Allocable Income from All Sources                           the taxpayer’s business as to acquire a business situs, or, in the 
Add Lines 7A through 7E.                                                    absence of such a business situs, the legal domicile of the taxpayer. 
                                                                            Please attach a schedule showing your computations.
Line 8 – Net Income Subject to Apportionment
Subtract Line 7F from Line 6.                                               Interest on customers’ notes and accounts, except when such 
                                                                            interest is from the primary business of making loans, must be 
Line 9 – Net Income Apportioned to Louisiana                                allocated by reference to the transaction from which the receivable 
Multiply Line 8 by the percentage from Schedule B, Line 7.                  arose (to the state where delivery was made in the case of sales 
                                                                            of merchandise; where services were performed in the case of 
Line 10A – Net Rents and Royalties                                          charges for services, etc.). Interest on customers’ accounts when 
Enter the amount of Louisiana net rents and royalties. Rents and            the primary business is making loans is not allocable income.
royalties from immovable or corporeal movable property must be 
                                                                            Other interest and dividends must be allocated to the state in which 
allocated to the state where the property is located at the time the 
                                                                            the securities or credits producing such income have their situs, 
income is derived. 
                                                                            which is the business situs of such securities or credits, if they 
                                                                            have been so used in connection with the taxpayer’s business as 
Line 10B – Royalties from the Use of Patents, Trademarks, etc. 
                                                                            to acquire a business situs, or, in the absence of such a business 
Enter the amount of Louisiana royalties from the use of patents, 
                                                                            situs, the legal commercial domicile of the taxpayer. 
trademarks, etc. Royalties or  similar  revenue from the  use of 
patents, trademarks, copyrights, secret processes, and other 
                                                                            10F – Total Allocable Income from Louisiana
similar intangible rights must be allocated to the states in which 
                                                                            Add Lines 10A through 10E.
such rights are used by the licensee. Please attach a schedule 
showing your computation.


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Line  11  –  Modified  Federal  Taxable  Income  Allocated  and           Louisiana organizations. If a contribution is made to an organization 
Apportioned to Louisiana                                                  that is present within and without Louisiana, the contributions shall 
Add Lines 9 and 10F.                                                      be attributed to Louisiana if made to a Louisiana chapter or branch 
                                                                          of the organization.
Line 12 – Federal Itemized Deductions Attributable to Louisiana
Nonbusiness deductions are allowable to the extent that they are          Line 13 – Louisiana Taxable Income Before Income Distribution 
attributable to Louisiana. In particular, nonbusiness interest shall      Deduction
be attributed to Louisiana to the extent paid to persons or firms         Subtract Line 12 from Line 11. Enter the result here and Form IT-
domiciled  in this state and nonbusiness  charitable contributions        541, Line 4. Also, check the box on Line 4 indicating Schedule A 
shall be attributed to Louisiana to the extent that they are made to      was used. 

                         SCHEDULE B – Computation of Apportionment Percent 

Computation of Apportionment Percent                                      not considered. 
Your principal type of business determines which factors apply in 
                                                                          3. The Property Factor – The Louisiana factor shall be the average 
the calculation of your Louisiana apportionment percent. For Air 
                                                                          of the value of the taxpayer’s real property and tangible personal 
Transportation, use factors (1) and (3); for Pipeline Transportation, 
                                                                          property used in the production of apportionable income within this 
use factors (1), (2), and (3); for Other Transportation, use factors (1) 
                                                                          state at the beginning of the taxable year and at the end of the 
and (3); for Service Enterprises in which the use of property is not a 
                                                                          taxable year. Mark the box on Line 3 if the property factor is not 
material income producing factor, use factors (1) and (2), otherwise, 
                                                                          considered. For further information concerning the apportionment 
use factors (1), (2), and (3); for Loan Business, use factors (2) and 
                                                                          factors, refer to R.S. 47:245.
(4); for Merchandising and Manufacturing, use factors (1), (2), (3), 
and (5); and for Other Businesses, use factors (1), (2), and (3).         4. Loan Factor – In the case of a loan business, the Louisiana 
Calculate your apportionment percent using Schedule B. Mark               factor shall be the amount of loans made in this state during the 
the box on each Line if the respective ratio is not considered as         period for which the return is filed. Mark the box on Line 4 if the 
described below.                                                          loan factor is not considered. For further information concerning the 
                                                                          apportionment factors, refer to R.S. 47:245.
1. The Sales and Charges for Services Factor – The Louisiana 
sales factor shall include all sales made in the regular course of        5. Additional Sales Factor – Taxpayers whose net apportionable 
business where the goods, merchandise, or property is received            income is derived primarily from the business of manufacturing or 
in this state by the purchaser. In the case of delivery by common         merchandising (manufacturing, producing, and/or selling tangible 
carrier or by other means of transportation, including transportation     personal property) are required to use a fourth ratio. This is the 
by the purchaser, the place where the goods are ultimately                ratio of net sales made in the regular course of business and other 
received after all transportation is completed shall be considered        gross apportionable income attributable to this state to the total 
as the place at which the goods are received by the purchaser.            net sales made in the regular course of business and other gross 
The Louisiana factor shall also include all charges for services          apportionable income of the taxpayer. These sales are the same as 
performed in Louisiana.                                                   those reported on Schedule B, Line 1D. Mark the box on Line 5 if 
                                                                          the additional sales factor is not considered.
The sales factor for income from air transportation would be the 
ratio of the gross receipts derived from passenger journeys and           This provision does not apply to the following:
cargo shipments originated in Louisiana and any other items of 
apportionable income or receipts derived entirely from Louisiana          •  Any taxpayer subject to the tax imposed pursuant to Chapter 
sources to total gross apportionable income of the taxpayer.              8 of Subtitle II of Title 47 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes 
                                                                          (Tobacco Tax). 
Mark the box on Line 1D if the sales factor is not considered. 
                                                                          •  Any taxpayer whose income is primarily derived from the 
2. The Salaries and Wages Factor – There shall be included in             production or sale of unrefined oil and gas.
the Louisiana factor the total salaries, wages, and other personal 
service compensation paid during the taxable year for services            6. Total Percentages – Add the percentages under Column 3 on 
rendered in Louisiana in connection with the production of                Lines 1D, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 
apportionable income. Mark the box on Line 2 if the wage factor is 
                                                                          7. Average of Percents – Divide Line 6 by the number of factors used. 

                         SCHEDULE C – Distributive Shares of Beneficiaries
Enter the name and Social Security Number, or FEIN, of each beneficiary and his distributive share of the estate or trust income allocated 
to the State of Louisiana. Each beneficiary’s distributive share is deemed to apply to taxable and nontaxable income, and to income from 
sources within, as well as from sources without, the state. If additional space is needed, attach a separate schedule. Enter the total on 
Form IT-541, Line 5.

                     SCHEDULE D - Summary of Estimated Tax Payments and Extension Payment
Provide information regarding the estimated tax payments and extension payment that you made for the 2023 tax year. 


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                            GENERAL INFORMATION ON ALL CREDITS
If a schedule is required in the instructions below, you must attach a separate schedule for each credit claimed. The schedule should 
clearly identify the credit, the Fiduciary's name, and LDR account number. If documentation is required, you must submit the documen-
tation with your return. For faster processing, you can upload all required information when you file your return electronically. Revenue 
Information Bulletins (RIB) are posted on www.revenue.louisiana.gov/LawsAndPolicies under Policy Documents. 

A shareholder, partner or member of an S corporation or other pass-through entity must attach a copy of the Schedule K-1 and other 
documentation required to substantiate their share of any credit passed down from the entity.

An S corporation or other pass-through entity must provide their partners or members a Schedule K-1 and other documentation required 
to substantiate their share of any credit that was passed down from the entity.

Note: If you are claiming a credit that is recorded in the Tax Credit Registry, you must attach a copy of Form R-6135, Credit Registration 
Form, to the return and list the State Certification Number in the appropriate space on the return. See Revenue Information Bulletin 
14-005 for information on the Tax Credit Registry and Revenue Information Bulletin 17-008 for claiming a purchased transferable tax credit. 

Credits earned in the year the pass-through entity tax election was made or after the election was made are tax items of the entity and 
the credit and its future carryforward must be reported on the entity’s return. If the pass-through entity made the election for 2023, any 
credits earned for 2023 cannot be used on the fiduciary income tax return of any shareholder, member, or partner. Tax credits earned in 
tax years prior to the election that have previously passed through to the owners are tax items of the owners, and any credit carryforward 
remaining can only be used on the fiduciary income tax return. See Revenue Information Bulletin 19-019 and LAC 61:l.1001(C)(6) for 
more information. 

                                                                           is  used to  obtain the  credit,  it cannot  be deducted  as an 
Below is a list of nonrefundable credits available for Louisiana           expense for income tax purposes. The credit can only be 
income tax. Enter the credit description, identifying code, and            passed through to taxpayers who are shareholders or 
the dollar amount claimed in the appropriate spaces on Lines               members of certain legal entities. The amount of the credit 
1 through 6. NOTE: Use only the codes referenced in the                    is equal to 18 percent of the bone marrow donor expense 
table  of  Schedule  NRC-P1.  The  codes  listed  here  are  not           paid or incurred by the employer during the tax year.
interchangeable with other codes listed in this booklet.
                                                                     150 - Qualified Playgrounds    R.S. 47:6008 provides a credit 
Example:                                                                   for donations to assist qualified playgrounds.  The credit 
Credit Description      Code    Amount of Credit Claimed                   is  the  lesser  of  $720  or  36  percent  of  the  value  of  the 
                                                                           cash, equipment, goods, or services donated. For more 
Premium Tax          1 0 0            5 0 0           00                   information on this credit, see Revenue Ruling 02-020 
                                                                           posted on LDR’s website. 
LINE 7 OTHER NONREFUNDABLE PRIORITY 1 CREDITS                      155 - Debt Issuance     R.S. 47:6017 provides a credit for 
Add Lines 1 through 6 and enter the result here and on Form                72 percent of the filing fee paid to the Louisiana State 
IT-541, Line 9.                                                            Bond  Commission,  which  is  incurred  by  an  economic 
CODE                                                                       development corporation in the preparation and issuance of 
100 - Premium Tax   R.S. 47:227 provides a credit for premium 
      taxes paid during the preceding twelve months by an            170 - Donations to Public Schools     R.S. 47:6013 provides 
      insurance company authorized to do business in Louisiana.            a credit for qualified donations made to a public school. 
      A copy of the premium tax return and cancelled checks in             The credit is equal to 28 percent of the appraised value 
      payment of the tax must be attached to the return.                   of a qualified donation of property made to a public 
                                                                           school.  “Public school” is defined as a public elementary 
120 - Bone  Marrow       R.S.  47:287.758  provides  a credit  to         or secondary school. “Qualified donation” is defined as a 
      employers authorized to do business in the state who                 donation  of  immovable  property  purchased  or  otherwise 
      incur bone marrow donor expense by developing a bone                 acquired by a corporation and donated to a public school 
      marrow donation program, educating employees related to              immediately adjacent or contiguous to such property. The 
      bone marrow donations, making payments to a health care              credit can only be passed through to taxpayers who are 
      provider for determining tissue types of potential donors,           shareholders or members of certain legal entities. 
      and paying wages to an employee for time related to tissue 
      typing and bone marrow donation. If the wage expense           199 - Other  Reserved for Future Credits


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Below is a list of nonrefundable credits available for Louisiana        252 -  Research and Development –    R.S. 47:6015 provides a 
income tax. Enter the credit description, identifying code, and             credit for any taxpayer who earned the credit based on 
the dollar amount claimed in the appropriate spaces on Lines                participation in the Small Business Technology Transfer or 
1 through 6.   NOTE: Use only the codes referenced in the                   the Small Business Innovation Research Grant program. 
table of  Schedule NRC-P3.  The codes listed here are not                   This credit can only be claimed on Lines 7 through 9. 
interchangeable with other codes listed in this booklet.                253 -  Historic Structures – R.S. 47:6019 provides a credit if the 
Example:                                                                    taxpayer incurs certain expenses during the rehabilitation of 
                                                                            a historic structure located in either a downtown development 
Credit Description    Code        Amount of Credit Claimed                  or a cultural district, or a historic structure contributing to 
Inventory Tax Credit                                                        the National Register of Historic Places. Refer to Revenue 
Carried Forward                       5 0 0            00                   Information Bulletin 14-007 and 14-007A on LDR’s website. 
                     5 0 0                         .
                                                                            This credit can only be claimed on Lines 7 through 9.
                                                                        257 -  Capital Company –  R.S. 51:1924 provides a credit for the 
LINES 7 THROUGH 9 –    Complete Lines 7 through 9 ONLY if 
                                                                            investment in a certified Louisiana capital company.  The 
a transferable credit is claimed (credit codes 251 through 262). 
                                                                            credit must be approved by the Commissioner of the Office 
For Lines 7A, 8A, and 9A, enter the LDR State Certification                 of Financial Institutions.  A copy of the certification from 
number from Form R-6135, if applicable. For more information                the Office of Financial Institutions must be attached to the 
see  Revenue  Information  Bulletin  17-008  regarding  claiming  a         return. This credit can only be claimed on Lines 7 through 9.
purchased transferable tax credit.
                                                                        258 -  LA Community Development Financial Institution 
LINE 10 – NONREFUNDABLE PRIORITY 3 CREDITS                                  (LCDFI) – R.S. 51:3085 et seq. provide a credit for certain 
Add Lines 1 through 9 and enter the result here and on Form                 investments in an LCDFI to encourage the expansion of 
IT-541, Line 14.                                                            businesses in economically distressed areas. The Louisiana 
                                                                            Office of Financial Institutions administers this program. This 
                                                                            credit can only be claimed on Lines 7 through 9.
208 - Previously Unemployed        This credit was repealed by 
      Act 202 of the 2019 Regular Legislative Session effective         259 -  New Markets – R.S. 47:6016 provides a credit if the taxpayer 
      December 31, 2018. If you have an eligible carryover amount,          makes certain qualified low-income community investments, 
      use this code to utilize the carryover amount for any years           as defined in Section 45D of the Internal Revenue Code. The 
      you have remaining in your five (5) year carryover period.            taxpayer must be certified by the Louisiana Department of 
                                                                            Economic Development and approved by LDR. Information 
224 - New Jobs Credit       This credit is no longer available             on the program investment limits are posted as Revenue 
      because Act 403 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session               Information Bulletins on LDR’s website. This credit can only 
      ended the credit effective December 31, 2019. If you have             be claimed on Lines 7 through 9.
      an eligible carryover amount, use this code to utilize the 
      carryover amount for any years you have remaining in your         261 -  Motion Picture Infrastructure –      R.S. 47:6007(C)
      five (5) year carryover period.                                       (2) provides a credit for an approved state-certified 
                                                                            infrastructure project for a film, video, television, or digital 
228 - Eligible Re-entrants   This credit is no longer available            production or post-production facility. Taxpayers must apply 
      because Act 403 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session               to the Louisiana Department of Economic Development to 
      ended the credit effective December 31, 2019. If you have             receive certification. A copy of the certification of the credit 
      an eligible carryover amount, use this code to utilize the            must be attached to the return.  You must certify certain 
      carryover amount for any years you have remaining in your             requirements in order to use the credit. See RIB 23-023 
      five (5) year carryover period.                                       for more information and attach Form R-90150,     Taxpayer 
                                                                            Certification of Compliance of Tax Obligations for the Motion 
236 -  Apprenticeship  (2007)  –  This  credit  was  repealed  by Act       Picture Production Credit, to your return. For information on 
      357  of the 2015  Regular  Legislative Session. If  you  have         the cap, see  www.revenue.louisiana.gov/CreditCaps. This 
      an eligible carryover amount, use this code to utilize the            credit can only be claimed on Lines 7 through 9.
      carryover amount for any years you have remaining in your 
                                                                        262 -  Angel  Investor  – R.S. 47:6020  provides  a  credit  to 
      ten (10) year carryover period. Credits earned beginning with 
                                                                            encourage third party investment of taxpayers who make 
      the 2022 tax year should be claimed using credit code 463.            qualified investments to certified Louisiana entrepreneurial 
251 -  Motion Picture Investment –    R.S. 47:6007(C)(1) provides           businesses on or after January 1, 2011. To earn the Angel 
      a credit for taxpayers domiciled in Louisiana who invest              Investor Tax Credit, taxpayers must file an application with 
      in a state-certified motion picture production.  Taxpayers            the Louisiana Department of Economic Development. See 
      taking this credit may attach Form R-10611, Motion Picture            Revenue Information Bulletin 12-009 on LDR’s website. This 
      Investment Tax Credit Schedule, as documentation for this             credit can only be claimed on Lines 7 through 9.
      credit.  You  must  certify  certain  requirements  in  order  to 299 -  Other – Reserved for Future Credits
      use the  credit. See  RIB 23-023 for  more information  and 
      attach R-90150, Taxpayer Certification of Compliance of           305 -  Tax Equalization – R.S. 47:3201 et seq. provides a credit 
      Tax Obligations for the Motion Picture Production Credit, to          for tax equalization for certain businesses locating in 
      your return. For information on the cap, see www.revenue.             Louisiana. The taxpayer must enter into a contract with the 
      louisiana.gov/CreditCaps. This credit can only be claimed             Louisiana Department of Economic Development, and a 
      on Lines 7 through 9.                                                 copy of the contract showing the credit granted must be 
                                                                            attached to the return.

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CODE                                                                      CODE
310 -  Manufacturing Establishments –           R.S. 47:4301 et seq.            the Louisiana Department of Economic Development to 
       provides a credit to certain manufacturing establishments that           receive certification. A copy of the certification of the credit 
       have entered into a contract with the Louisiana Department               must be attached to the return.
       of Economic Development. A copy of the contract showing 
       the credit granted must be attached to the return.                 461 -  Work Opportunity – R.S. 47:287.750 provides a credit for a 
                                                                                business that hires participants in the work release programs 
399 - Other Reserved for Future Credits                                       provided for in R.S. 15:711, 1111, 1199.9, and 1199.10. The 
                                                                                Louisiana Department of Public Safety or applicable sheriff 
412 - Refunds by Utilities  R.S. 47: 287.664 provides a credit                 must certify that the eligible business employed an eligible 
       for certain court ordered refunds made by utilities to its               re-entrant who is participating in a work release program on 
       customers.                                                               or after January 1, 2021 in an eligible job for 12 consecutive 
424 -  Donation to School Tuition Organization – R.S. 47:6301                   months. A copy of the certification of the credit must be 
       pro vides a credit for donations made to a school tuition                attached to the return.
       organization that provides scholarships to qualified students      462 -  Youth Jobs – R.S. 47:6028 provides a credit for a business 
       to attend a qualified school. Form R-10604, Receipt for                  that hires one or more eligible youth on or after July 1, 2021. 
       Donations to School Tuition Organization Tax Credit, must                To earn the credit, the eligible youth must work at least three 
       be attached to your return. See Revenue Information                      (3) consecutive months in a full-time or part-time position at 
       Bulletin 18-024 for more information.                                    the business. The credit is equal to $1,250 for each eligible 
454 -  QMC Music Job Creation Credit – R.S. 47:6023 provides                    youth hired in a full-time position or $750 for each eligible 
       a  credit  against  corporate  income  tax  to  a  Qualifying            youth hired in a part-time position. Taxpayers must apply 
       Music Company (QMC) that is a music publisher, sound                     to the Department to receive certification.  A copy of the 
       recording studio, booking agent, or artist management                    certification of the credit must be attached to the return. See 
       that is engaged directly or indirectly in the production,                LAC 61:l.1921 for more information.
       distribution, and promotion of music. Taxpayers must apply         463 -  Apprenticeship (2022) – R.S. 47:6033 provides a credit to 
       to the Louisiana Department of Economic Development to                   employers for $1.25 for each hour of employment of an eligible 
       receive certification. A copy of the certification of the credit         apprentice, limited to $1,250 for each eligible apprentice. An 
       must be attached to the return. The credit is limited to 50              eligible apprentice is a person who has entered into a written 
       percent of the taxpayer’s tax liability.                                 apprentice agreement with an employer or an association of 
457 - Neighborhood Assistance  R.S. 47:35 and R.S. 47:287.753                  employers pursuant to a registered apprenticeship program 
       provide a credit for an entity engaged in the activities of              or who is enrolled in a training program accredited by the 
       providing neighborhood assistance, job training, education               National Center for Construction Education and Research 
       for  individuals,  community  services,  or  crime  prevention  in       which has no less than four levels of training and no less than 
       Louisiana. The credit is for up to 50 percent of the amount              500 hours of instruction. Use this code for Apprenticeship 
       contributed and cannot exceed $180,000 annually.                         credits earned for employment of eligible apprentices after 
                                                                                December 31, 2021.  Attach a copy of Form R-90005, 
458 -  Research and Development   R.S. 47:6015(K) provides a                   Apprenticeship Tax Credit Employer Certification , and the 
       credit for any taxpayer who claims a federal income tax credit           required documentation as listed on that form.
       under 26 U.S.C. §41(a) for increasing research activities 
       or for a taxpayer who employs fewer than 50 employees              464 -  Donation to Qualified Foster Care Charitable Organization 
       and who meets the requirements  of R.S. 47:6015(B)(3)                    R.S. 47:6042 provides a credit for donations made to a 
       (i). Beginning with the 2018 tax year, credits earned based              qualifying  foster  care  charitable  organization  that  provides 
       upon participation in the Small Business Technology Transfer             services to a child in a foster care placement program 
       program or the Small Business Innovative Research Grant                  established by the Department of Children and Family 
       program should be claimed using credit code 252. The credit              Services. The credit is for the amount of the donation used 
       is obtained through the Louisiana Department of Economic                 to provide the service, limited to $50,000. Form R-68009, 
       Development and documentation from that agency must be                   Receipt for Donations to Qualifying Foster Care Charitable 
       attached to the return. See Revenue Information Bulletin                 Organization Credit, must be attached to your return. 
       15-019 on LDR’s website.                                           500 - Inventory  Tax Credit Carried Forward and ITEP 
459 -  Ports of Louisiana Import Export Cargo – R.S. 47:6036(I)                 R.S. 47:6006 allows a credit against income tax for ad 
       provides a credit to encourage the use of state port                     valorem taxes paid to political subdivisions in Louisiana on 
       facilities in Louisiana. The credit is based on the number               inventory held by manufacturers, distributors, or retailers. 
       of tons of qualified cargo imported and exported from                    Manufacturers, distributors, or retailers should use this code 
       or to manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, distribution,                for the carryforward of unused nonrefundable credits (not 
       processing or  warehousing facilities  located in the  state.            current year credit) from 2015 through 2022. Manufacturers 
       Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Department of                      who claimed the property tax exemption under the Industrial 
       Economic Development to receive certification. A copy of                 Tax Exemption Program (ITEP) during the same year 
       the certification of the credit must be attached to the return.          the inventory taxes were paid and members of their 
                                                                                federal consolidated group should use this code for the 
460 -  LA Import – R.S. 47:6036.1 provides a credit to encourage                carryforward of unused nonrefundable credits from 2015 
       the utilization of Louisiana public port facilities for cargo            through 2022 and the current year credit calculated on 
       imports and the development of new port infrastructure                   the 2023 Form R-10610-ITE,     Schedule of Ad Valorem Tax 
       facilities for  the  manufacturing,  distribution,  and                  Credit Claimed by ITEP Manufacturers for Ad Valorem Tax 
       warehousing  of imported  goods. Taxpayers must apply  to                Paid  on Inventory, which  must  be attached to  the return. 

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CODE                                                                   CODE
502 - Ad Valorem Natural Gas Credit Carried Forward  R.S.            508 -  Ports of Louisiana Investor R.S. 47:6036(C) provides 
      47:6006 allows a credit for ad valorem taxes paid to political          a credit to encourage investment in state port facilities in 
      subdivisions in Louisiana on natural gas held, used or                  Louisiana. Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Department 
      consumed in providing natural gas storage services or                   of Economic Development to receive certification. A copy of 
      operating natural gas storage facilities. Use this code for the         the certification of the credit must be attached to the return. 
      carryforward of unused nonrefundable credits (not current 
      year credit) from 2015 through 2022.                             510 - Enterprise Zone –   R.S. 51:1782 et. seq. provide a credit 
                                                                              for private sector investments in certain areas, which are 
504 - Atchafalaya Trace   R.S. 25:1226.4 provides a credit to                designated as “Enterprise Zones”. The taxpayer must enter 
      certain heritage-based cottage industries that have entered             into a contract with the Louisiana Department of Economic 
      into a contract with the State Board of Commerce and                    Development and a copy of the contract showing the credit 
      Industry. A copy of the contract must  be attached  to the              granted must be attached to the return.
                                                                       550 - Recycling Credit  R.S. 47:6005 provides a credit for the 
506 -  Cane River Heritage – R.S. 47:6026 provides a credit for               purchase of certain equipment or service contracts related 
      a heritage-based cottage industry located or to be located              to recycling. The credit must be certified by the Louisiana 
      in the Cane River Heritage Area Development Zone. The                   Department of Environmental Quality, and a copy of the 
      taxpayer must enter into a contract with the Department of              certification must be attached to the return. 
      Culture, Recreation, and Tourism, and a copy of the contract 
      must be attached to the return.                                  599 - Other - Reserved for Future Credits

Below is a list of refundable tax credits available for Louisiana             A schedule must be attached stating which entity paid 
income tax. Enter the credit description, identifying code, and               the tax and obtained the credit on the taxpayer’s behalf. 
the dollar amount claimed in the appropriate spaces on Lines 1 
through 5. See Revenue Information Bulletin No. 15-021 for more        55F -  Prison Industry Enhancement –     R.S. 47:6018 allows 
information.                                                                  a refundable credit for 72 percent of the state sales and 
                                                                              use tax paid by a taxpayer on purchases by a taxpayer 
NOTE: Use only the codes referenced in the table of Schedule                  of specialty apparel items from a private sector Prison 
RC-P2. The codes listed here are not interchangeable with                     Industry Enhancement (PIE) contractor. Contact LDR for 
other codes listed in this booklet.                                           further information regarding this credit. 
Example:                                                               58F -  Milk Producers – R.S. 47:6032 allows a refundable credit 
                                                                              for a resident taxpayer engaged in the business of producing 
Credit Description   Code       Amount of Credit Claimed                      milk for sale. Those milk producers that have obtained 
                                                                              permits under the Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 
Milk Producers      5 8 F             4 0 0        00                         51 and  have met  the  requirements of  the Food and  Drug 
                                                                              Administration shall be certified by the Louisiana Department 
LINES 6 THROUGH 8 – Complete Lines 6 through 8 ONLY                           of  Health  to receive  the  credit.  For  more information  see 
if a transferable credit is claimed (credit code 62F). For Lines              Revenue Information Bulletin 08-014 on LDR’s website.
6A, 7A, and 8A, enter the LDR State Certification number from          59F -  Technology  Commercialization –  R.S.  51:2351 et seq. 
Form  R-6135,  if  applicable.  For  more  information  see  Revenue          allow a refundable credit for a qualifying business that 
Information Bulletin 17-008 regarding claiming a purchased                    invests in the commercialization of Louisiana technology. 
transferable tax credit.                                                      Taxpayers  must  apply  to  the  Louisiana  Department  of 
LINE 9 – REFUNDABLE PRIORITY 2 CREDITS –     Add Lines 1                      Economic Development to receive certification. A copy of 
through 8 and enter the result here and on Form IT-541, Line 11.              the certification of the credit must be attached to the return.
CODE                                                                   62F -  Musical and Theatrical Production –  R.S. 47:6034 
                                                                              allows  a  refundable  credit  for  the  production  expenses, 
52F -  Ad Valorem Offshore Vessels  R.S. 47:6006.1 allows a                  employment of college and vocational-technical students, 
       refundable credit for 100 percent of the ad valorem taxes              employment of residents, and for the construction, repair, 
       paid on vessels in Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act                   or renovation of facilities related to the live performance 
       Waters. Copies of the tax assessment, the canceled check in            industry. Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Department 
       payment of the tax, and a completed Form LAT 11A from the              of Economic Development to receive certification. A 
       Louisiana Tax Commission must be attached to the return.               copy of the certification must be attached to the return. 
54F -  Telephone Company Property –  R.S. 47:6014 allows                      This credit can only be claimed on Lines 6 through 8. 
       a refundable credit for up to 40 percent of the ad              70F -  Retention and Modernization –     R.S. 51:2399.1 et seq. 
       valorem taxes paid to Louisiana political subdivisions by              allow a refundable credit for an employer who incurs 
       a telephone company, with respect to that company’s                    qualified expenditures to modernize existing operations in 
       public service properties located in Louisiana. The                    Louisiana to retain the business in the state. Taxpayers 
       credit may be passed through to individuals who are                    must apply to the Louisiana Department of Economic 
       shareholders  or  members  of  certain  legal  entities.  See          Development to receive certification. A copy of the 
       Revenue Information Bulletin 01-004 on LDR’s website.                  certification of the credit must be attached to the return.

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CODE                                                                        CODE
73F -  Digital Interactive Media –  R.S. 47:6022 allows a                       effects of the pregnancy. The credit may be claimed by the 
     refundable credit for the investment in businesses                         estate of the deceased on the deceased person’s return 
     specializing in digital interactive media and software.                    or the estate’s return and if not, then by the individual who 
     Taxpayers must apply to the Louisiana Department of                        actually paid the funeral and burial expense. The credit is 
     Economic Development  to receive certification.  A copy                    equal to the actual reasonable funeral and burial expenses 
     of  the  certification  of  the  credit  must  be  attached  to  the       paid or $5,000, whichever is less, and is claimed for the 
     return. See Revenue Information Bulletin 12-017 on LDR’s                   year in which the death occurred. Reasonable funeral and 
     website.                                                                   burial expenses includes costs and fees associated with 
                                                                                transportation of the remains, embalming or cremation 
77F -  Funeral and Burial Expense for a Pregnancy-related                       services, caskets, plots, grave markers, or headstones, 
     Death –   R.S. 47:297.22 allows a refundable credit for the                funeral home facility and staff services, and other related 
     reasonable funeral and burial expenses associated with                     professional services. It does not include costs and fees 
     the pregnancy-related death of a person. A “pregnancy-                     associated with flowers, vaults, or urns. A copy of the 
     related death” means the death of a Louisiana resident                     death certificate, a schedule listing the expenses paid, and 
     while pregnant, during labor and delivery, or within one                   copies of the receipts must be attached to the return.
     year after childbirth from a pregnancy complication, 
     a chain of events initiated by the pregnancy, or the                   80F -  Other Refundable Credit – Reserved for future credits.
     aggravation of an unrelated condition by the normal 

Below is a list of additional refundable tax credits available  for             percent of any excess credit is refundable, and for total 
Louisiana  income  tax.  Enter  the  credit  description,  identifying          eligible amounts of $10,000 or more, 75 percent of 
code, and the dollar amount claimed in the appropriate spaces on                any excess credit up to a maximum of $750,000 is 
Lines 1 through 5.                                                              refundable. Copies of the tax assessment and the canceled 
NOTE: Use only the codes referenced in the table of Schedule                    check in the payment of the tax must be attached.  The 
RC-P4. The codes listed here are not interchangeable with                       inventory tax credit is nonrefundable for taxes paid on 
other codes listed in this booklet.                                             inventory  by  any  manufacturer  who  claimed  the  property 
                                                                                tax exemption under the Industrial  Tax Exemption 
Example:                                                                        program (ITEP) during the same year the inventory 
Credit Description   Code        Amount of Credit Claimed                       taxes were paid. Copies of the tax assessment and the 
                                                                                canceled check in payment of the tax must be attached. 
Inventory Tax       5 0 F           4 0 0    00                             51F -   Ad Valorem Natural Gas – You must attach Form R-10610 
                                                                                to your return. R.S. 47:6006 allows a credit against income 
LINE 6 – REFUNDABLE PRIORITY 4 CREDITS –     Add Lines 1                        tax for ad valorem taxes paid to political subdivisions in 
through 5 enter the result here and on Form IT-541, Line 17.                    Louisiana on natural gas held, used or consumed by 
                                                                                providing natural gas storage services or operating natural 
CODE                                                                            gas storage facilities. For purposes of the limitations on 
50F -   Inventory Tax – You must attach Form R-10610, Schedule                  refundability, members included in a consolidated federal 
     of Ad Valorem  Tax  Credit  Claimed by Manufacturers,                      tax return will be treated as one taxpayer. If the total amount 
     Distributors, and  Retailers,  to  your  return.  R.S.  47:6006            eligible for the credit is less than or equal to $500,000, 
     allows a credit against income tax for ad valorem taxes                    100 percent of any excess credit is refundable, and for 
     paid to political subdivisions in Louisiana on inventory held              total  eligible amounts above  $500,000,  75  percent  of  any 
     by manufacturers, distributors, or retailers. For purposes                 excess credit up to a maximum of $750,000 is refundable. 
     of the limitations on refundability, members included in                   For businesses formed or first registered to do business in 
     a consolidated federal tax return will be treated as one                   Louisiana after April 15, 2016, if the total amount eligible for 
     taxpayer. If the total amount eligible for the credit is less than         the credit is less than $10,000, 100 percent of any excess 
     or equal to $500,000, 100 percent of any excess credit is                  credit is refundable, and for total eligible amounts of $10,000 
     refundable, and for total eligible amounts above $500,000,                 or more, 75 percent of any excess credit up to a maximum of 
     75 percent of any excess credit up to a maximum of $750,000                $750,000 is refundable. 
     is refundable. For businesses formed or first registered to 
     do  business  in  Louisiana  after April  15,  2016,  if  the  total 
     amount eligible for the credit is less than $10,000, 100 


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                                             Interest and Penalty Calculation Worksheets

In general, you will be charged interest and penalties if you do not        Delinquent Filing Penalty Calculation Worksheet
pay all amounts due on or before the due date.                            1 Total penalty percentage.                       .25
1.   A 2023 calendar year return is due on or before May 15, 2024         2 Amount you owe (Form IT-541, Line 26.)                .00
  and receives an automatic six months extension to November                Total amount of delinquent filing penalty due 
  15, 2024.                                                               3 (Multiply Line 2 by Line 1 and enter  
2. Returns for fiscal years are due on or before the 15th day of the        the result on Form IT-541, Line 28.)                  .00
  fifth month after the close of the taxable year and receives an         Important Notice: The sum of both the delinquent filing and 
  automatic six months extension.                                         delinquent  payment  penalties  cannot  exceed  25  percent  of  the 
3. If the due date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the return is     tax due. Thirty-day increments are used for the calculation of the 
  due the next business day.                                              delinquent filing and delinquent payment penalties. These penalties 
Important: An extension does not relieve you of your                      are  based  on  the  date  LDR  receives  the  return  or  payment.  In 
obligation to pay all tax amounts due by the original due date.           addition  to  the  delinquent penalties mentioned above, you may 
                                                                          also  incur  an  accuracy-related  penalty  under  R.S. 47:1604.1  if 
Interest –   If your income tax is not paid by the due date, you will     circumstances indicate negligent failure to comply with rules and 
be charged interest on the unpaid tax until the balance is paid           regulations.
in full. The interest rate is variable, and the 2024 interest rate is 
posted on LDR’s website on Form R-1111, Interest Rate Schedule            Delinquent Payment Penalty –   If you fail to pay the tax due by 
- Collected on Unpaid Taxes. To compute the DAILY INTEREST                the due date of May 15, 2024, a delinquent payment penalty of 5 
RATE, multiply the 2024 monthly interest rate by 12 then divide           percent of the tax not paid by the due date will accrue for each 
the result by 365 and carry out to seven places to the right of           30 days, or fraction thereof, during which the failure to pay 
the decimal. Example: Assume the 2024 monthly interest rate is            continues. This penalty cannot exceed 25 percent of the tax due. 
0.5833 percent, multiply 0.00583 by 12 then divide the result by          Use the worksheet below to calculate that penalty.
365 to get the daily interest rate of 0.0002717. 
                                                                            Delinquent Payment Penalty Calculation Worksheet
               Interest Calculation Worksheet
                                                                          1 Number of days late from the due date.
1 Number of days late from the due date.
2 Daily interest rate (See instructions above.)       0._______           2 Divide Line 1 by 30 days.                       ÷30
3 Interest rate (Multiply Line 1 by Line 2.)                                Number of 30-day periods (If fraction of
                                                                          3 days remain, increase the amount to the 
4 Amount you owe (Form IT-541, Line 26.)             .00                    nearest whole number.) 
  enter the result on Form IT-541, Line 27).         .00
5 Total interest due (Multiply Line 4 by Line 3, and                      4 30-day penalty percentage                       .05
                                                                            Total penalty percentage (Multiply Line 3 
                                                                          5 by Line 4. The result cannot exceed 25 
Delinquent  Filing  Penalty –    A  delinquent  filing  penalty  will  be   percent.)
charged for failure to file a return on or before the extended due 
                                                                          6 Amount you owe (Form IT-541, Line 26.)
date of November 15, 2024. The penalty is five percent of the tax                                                                 .00
for each 30 days or fraction thereof during which the failure to file       Total amount of Delinquent Payment 
                                                                          7 Penalty (Multiply Line 6 by Line 5 and enter 
continues. If you file after the extended due date, the delinquent          the result on Form IT-541, Line 29.)                  .00
filing penalty that will be assessed is the maximum of 25 percent 
of the tax due.


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