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TreaTmenT of Weekends and Holidays                                assisTanCe 
If the due date of the return falls on a weekend or a Fed-        Questions about electronic funds transfer payments should be di-  electronic funds Transfer
eral Reserve holiday, the payments must be electronically         rected to the Taxpayer Services Division at (225) 219-2203 or any Payment options
transferred in time to be received by the State of Louisi-        of the following Department of Revenue Regional Offices:
ana’s bank on or before the first business day following the 
weekend or holiday.                                               Alexandria                New Orleans 
                                                                  Room B-100                Suite 2100 
                                                                  900 Murray St. 
CHanges                                                                                     1555 Poydras St. 
                                                                  Alexandria, LA  71301     New Orleans, LA  70112 
If  a  taxpayer  chooses  to  change  methods  or  if  there  are (318) 487-5333            (504) 568-5233
any  changes  to  banking  or  account  information,  an 
Authorization  Agreement  for  Electronic  Funds  Transfer        Lafayette                 Shreveport
(EFT)  of Tax  Payment  (R-20193-L)  must  be  submitted          Brandywine III, Suite 150 1525 Fairfield Ave. 
at least 60 days before the effective date of the change to       825 Kaliste Saloom Rd.    Shreveport, LA  71101 
ensure  that  payments  are  processed  accurately.  However,     Lafayette, LA  70508      (318) 676-7505
                                                                  (337) 262-5455
if  the  authorization  agreement  cannot  be  submitted  at 
least two weeks in advance, the taxpayer should notify the        Lake Charles              1418 Tiger Dr. 
Department by telephone and immediately follow-up with            Suite 1550                Thibodaux, LA  70301 
the authorization agreement. In addition, an authorization        One Lakeshore Dr.         (985) 447-0976
agreement  should  be  submitted  if  a  contact  person,         Lake Charles, LA  70601 
telephone number, or address changes.                             (337) 491-2504

relief from requiremenTs 
                                                                  Room 105 
If a taxpayer who has been mandated to make tax payments          122 St. John St. 
electronically does not believe that he meets the criteria, the   Monroe, LA  71201 
taxpayer should make a written request for reconsideration        (318) 362-3151
that includes the reasons for the request. The request should 
be addressed to the Taxpayer Services Division, P.O. Box 
3863, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-3863.
                                                                                            Louisiana Department of Revenue 
                                                                                            Post Office Box 201 
                                                                                            Baton Rouge, LA  70821-0201 

                                                                  R-20194 (8/08)
                                                                  This  public  document  was  published  at  a  total  cost  of 
                                                                  $314.24. Five thousand copies of this public document were 
                                                                  published in this first printing at a cost of $314.24.  The total 
                                                                  cost of all printings of this document, including reprints, 
                                                                  is  $314.24.  This  document  was  published  by  Division  of 
                                                                  Administration, State Printing Office, 950 Brickyard Lane, 
                                                                  Baton Rouge, LA 70802, to provide information concerning 
                                                                  electronic funds transfer payment options under authority 
                                                                  of R.S. 47:1509. This material was printed in accordance 
                                                                  with the standards for printing by state agencies established 
                                                                  pursuant to R.S. 43:31.

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                                                                 eleCTroniC funds Transfer PaymenT oPTions
                                                       {                                                                             }

eleCTroniC funds Transfer                                        2. online Business Tax Payments                                     5. aCH Credit Payment with addenda record
requiremenT                                                         Taxpayers  may  make  electronic  payments  via  the  Depart-       ACH  credit  payments  are  made  by  the  taxpayer 
Revised  Statute  47:1519  requires  payments  by  electronic       ment’s web site using the online business tax payment option        through  their  financial  institution.  Before  commit-
funds transfer if, during the preceding 12-month period,            (see https://webtax.revenue.louisiana.gov). To make online pay-     ting  to  the  ACH  Credit  payment  method,  the  tax-
the average total payments exceed $5,000 per month. The             ments, the taxpayer must first register using their tax account     payer should verify that their financial institution is 
law also provides that once a taxpayer is notified of the re-       number  and  select  new  registration  option.  Complete  the      able to correctly transmit the addenda record needed 
quirement to make payment by electronic funds transfer,             registration information including the tax type and select a        to identify the taxpayer’s account number, tax type, 
payments not made electronically will be considered delin-          personal identification number (PIN). After your information        and filing period. If proper transmittal of the addenda 
quent and subject to penalties and interest as provided un-         and PIN are accepted, you will be able to pay tax through this      record  cannot  be  confirmed,  online  filing  and  pay-
der Revised Statute 47:1601 and 1602. However, full pay-            site. Separate registrations are required for each tax type.        ments through the Department’s Louisiana Taxpayer 
ment may be made in immediately investible funds, such as                                                                               Access  Point  (LaTAP)  system  is  recommended  as  a 
cash, money orders, certified checks, and cashier’s checks,      3. Credit or debit Card Payments                                       convenient and more reliable way to comply with the 
delivered in person or by courier to the department on or           Tax payments may be made by debit or credit card from               electronic funds transfer requirements.
before the close of business on the date required to be paid.       the  Department’s  web  site, www.revenue.louisiana.gov  or 
                                                                                                                                        A taxpayer using this method must provide his financial in-
eleCTroniC funds Transfer                                           directly through the third-party vendor site at https://www.        stitution with the information necessary to initiate a timely 
regisTraTion                                                        officialpayments.com. Payments may also be made by tele-            ACH  Credit  transaction  using  the  National  Automated 
Taxpayers  who  are  required  to  make  tax  payments              phone  through  Official  Payments  at  1-888-272-9829.  A          Clearinghouse Association (NACHA) CCD+ entry and the 
electronically or those who want to do so voluntarily must          convenience  charge  (approximately  2.5  percent)  will  be        TXP Banking Convention addenda record. The payment 
complete  the  Authorization  Agreement  for  Electronic            added  to  all  debit  and  credit  card  payments.  Payments       amount authorized by the taxpayer and initiated by the tax-
Funds Transfer (EFT) of Tax Payment, Form R-20193-L,                must be initiated on or before the tax due date.                    payer’s financial institution must be received by the state’s 
indicating the payment method chosen. As soon as the                                                                                    bank on the due date of the return. If a taxpayer elects to use 
payment method has been selected, the Department will            4. aCH debit Payment                                                   the ACH Credit payment method, the taxpayer is responsi-
furnish the taxpayer with detailed instructions on how to           ACH Debit payments are made by the taxpayer using a third-          ble for ensuring that the transaction is completed timely and 
transmit  payments.  Electronic  payments  may  be  made            party data collection center. If the taxpayer elects to make        accurately. Also, any fees charged by the originating bank are 
by  immediately  investible  funds,  which  includes  cash,         payments by ACH debit, the Department of Revenue will               the responsibility of the taxpayer.
                                                                    provide the data collection center with the taxpayer’s tax ac-
money  orders,  credit  and  debit  card  payments,  bank 
drafts, certified checks, teller’s checks, electronic checks,       count and bank information and the taxpayer will be assigned     6. other immediately investible funds
and cashier’s checks, or ACH (Automated Clearinghouse)              a confidential identification number and a password. These,         If a taxpayer is required to make electronic payments and 
Debit or ACH Credit.                                                along with the taxpayer’s Revenue account number, are used          chooses not to, the taxpayer must make payment in im-
                                                                    by the taxpayer to communicate payment information to the           mediately investible funds, such as cash, money orders, 
FedWire transfers are not acceptable.                               data collection center. This ensures that only the taxpayer will    and cashier’s checks, delivered in person or by courier to 
                                                                    have the capability of authorizing debits against the taxpayer’s    the department on or before the close of business on the 
PaymenT meTHods                                                     bank account.                                                       date required to be paid. Immediately investible funds 
1. online Payments—Louisiana Taxpayer                               The taxpayer contacts the data collection center by touch-          do not include FedWire transfers.
   Access Point (LaTAP)                                             tone, voice, or personal computer and authorizes debits to 
                                                                                                                                     Note: The Department cannot take money from your bank 
   Taxpayers  may  make  electronic  payments  via  the  De-        their bank accounts for payment of taxes. After a transmis-
                                                                                                                                      account unless you initiate the transmission and we cannot re-
   partment’s web site using the  Louisiana Taxpayer Access         sion has been completed, the taxpayer is provided a verifica-
                                                                                                                                      send a transmission that fails. It will need to be re-initiated by 
   Point (LaTAP) system. LaTAP allows taxpayers to view             tion number that can be used to trace a transaction should 
                                                                                                                                      you. Initiating an EFT Transmission does not guarantee that 
   their business tax accounts, file returns, make payments,        any problems arise later. Once the taxpayer receives the veri-
                                                                                                                                      the payment will be sent to us successfully.
   and update account information using a single logon. To          fication number, the transaction is complete and the taxpayer 
   register, go to https://webtax.revenue.louisiana.gov and cre-    has no further responsibility for making payment.
   ate a login ID and password.

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