- 2 -
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS LINE 2 – Maximum percentage of 50%. This percentage
determines the maximum credit allowable by law.
K.S.A. 79-32,211a provides for a 50% income, privilege LINE 3 – Multiply line 1 by line 2 and enter the result. This is
or premiums tax credit for tax years commencing after the maximum credit.
December 31, 2006, on contributions of at least $1,000 to a
“state-owned historic site” or a 501(c)(3) organization that LINE 4 – Partners, shareholders or members: Enter the
owns and operates an historic site. The contributions are to percentage that represents your proportionate share in
be used for the purpose of restoration, preservation or the partnership, S corporation, LLC or LLP. All other
operation of such state-owned historic site or historic site or taxpayers: Enter 100%.
the establishment or maintenance of an endowment to LINE 5 – Multiply line 3 by line 4. This is your share of the
provide for the future stability of such state-owned historic credit for this year’s contributions.
site or historic site.
LINE 6 – Credit limitation of $2,500. This is the maximum
Contributions must be made to a state-owned historic
allowed by law.
site or other qualified historic site that has been awarded an
allocation of these tax credits through the annual application LINE 7 – Enter the lesser of line 5 or line 6. This is the
round conducted by the Kansas Historical Society. maximum credit allowed.
Allocations are awarded by the Partnership Historic Site
Committee at the beginning of each state fiscal year. PART B —COMPUTATION OF TOTAL CREDIT CLAIMED THIS TAX YEAR
The amount of the credit shall not exceed $2,500 for any LINE 8 – Enter your Kansas tax liability for this tax year
one taxpayer in any one taxable year. In no event shall the after all credits, other than this credit.
total amount of credits allowed under this section exceed
$200,000 in any one fiscal year. LINE 9 – Amount of credit allowable this tax year. Enter the
lesser of line 7 or line 8. Enter this amount on the
The credit allowed shall be deducted from the taxpayer’s appropriate line of Form K-40 or K-41.
income, premiums or privilege tax liability imposed for the
taxable year in which the contribution, gift or donation is PART C —COMPUTATION OF REFUND
made. If the amount of the credit allowed exceeds the
taxpayer’s Kansas income tax liability imposed, such excess LINE 10 – Excess credit to be refunded. Subtract line 9
amount shall be refunded to the taxpayer. No credit will be from line 7. Enter this amount on the appropriate line
allowed for contributions made after June 30, 2012. of Form K-40 or K-41.
Any contribution, gift or donation that is the basis of this
historic contribution credit shall not qualify as an expenditure IMPORTANT: Do not send any enclosures with this
for the purpose of qualifying for the credit provided in K.S.A. schedule, however keep copies of important
79-32,211 (Historic Preservation Credit, Schedule K-35). documentation with your records. The Kansas
Contributions, gifts or donations include monetary Department of Revenue reserves the right to request
contributions, gifts or donations and in kind contributions, additional information as necessary.
gifts or donations that have an established market value.
Historic site means any building or structure that is TAXPAYER ASSISTANCE
significant in the history, architecture, archeology or culture
of the state of Kansas or Kansas communities or the nation. For information regarding state historical sites contact:
Such historic site must be listed on the national register of
historic places or the register of historic Kansas places, be Cultural Resources Division
open to the public or have the potential to be open to the Kansas State Historical Society
public for at least 500 hours a year, and be owned and 6425 SW 6 thAve.
operated for the purpose of educating the public about a Topeka KS 66615-1099
specific aspect of Kansas and United States history.
Phone: 785-272-8681 Ext. 240
State-owned historic site means a historic site under Fax: 785-272-8682
the jurisdiction and control of the State Historical Society. Email:cultural_resources@kshs.org
Website: www.kshs.org
For information and assistance in completing this
Indicate to whom the contribution was made; include schedule contact the Kansas Department of Revenue:
name of organization, street address, city, state and zip code.
Use the additional line for contributions made to a second Taxpayer Assistance Center
organization. Scott Office Building
120 SE 10th Ave.
PO Box 750260
LINE 1 – Enter the total amount of contributions of $1,000 Topeka KS 66699-0260
or more to a “state-owned historic site” or a 501(c)(3) Phone: 785-368-8222
organization that owns and operates an historic site. Website: ksrevenue.org