- 2 -
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS LINE 4 – The credit amount is 75% of the amount contributed
during this tax year and claimed on line 3.
K.S.A. 74-50,154 provides a tax credit against the income,
privilege or premiums tax for any taxpayer contributing to an LINE 5 – Multiply line 3 by line 4 and enter the result on line 5.
organization designated and approved by the secretary of This is the maximum allowable credit.
commerce as a regional foundation. A “regional foundation”
is an organization in Kansas that meets the criteria in the law K-120 and K-130 filers STOP HERE. Enter the amount on
that demonstrates a capacity to provide economic line 5 of Schedule K-32 in Part I of Form K-120, Schedule of
development services to multi-county areas. Refundable Credits; or line 30 of Form K-130.
The credit is 75% of the total amount contributed during the
taxable year to the regional foundation eligible to offer the
credit to its contributors. The total amount of credits allowed PART B – COMPUTATION OF THIS YEAR’S CREDIT
shall not exceed $2,000,000 per year for fiscal years 2007 (K-40 AND K-41 FILERS ONLY)
through, and including, 2012 and $1,800,000 for fiscal year LINE 6 – Enter your total Kansas tax liability after all credits
2011. If the credit allowed a taxpayer exceeds their tax liability, other than this credit.
the excess will be refunded.
Contributions. A “contribution” includes the donation of LINE 7 – Enter the lesser of line 5 or line 6. Also, enter this
cash, services or property (other than used clothing) in an amount on the appropriate line of your return (for example,
amount or value of $250 or more. line 15 of Form K-40).
Addition Modification Required. Taxpayers claiming this
credit must make an addition modification on the Kansas
return for the amount of any contribution claimed on the federal
return and used as the basis for the Regional Foundation
Contribution Credit. LINE 8 – Subtract line 7 from line 5. This is the excess credit
No Required Enclosures. Do not send any to be refunded. Enter this amount on the line provided on
enclosures with this credit schedule. The Department of your return for the refundable portion of tax credit (for
Commerce will provide KDOR (Kansas Department of example, line 24 of Form K-40).
Revenue) with information required to process this
credit, however if additional information is needed,
KDOR reserves the right to request it at a later date. TAXPAYERASSISTANCE
SPECIFIC LINE INSTRUCTIONS Questions about the regional foundations eligible to offer
this credit to their contributors should be addressed to:
Complete a separate Schedule K-32 for each Kansas Department of Commerce
regional foundation you contributed to during the tax 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 100
year. Topeka, KS 66612-1354
Enter all requested information at the top of this schedule. Phone: 785-296-4100
Fax: 785-296-0186
LINE 1 – Enter the total contributions made to the regional For assistance in completing this schedule contact:
foundation this tax year.
Taxpayer Assistance Center
LINE 2 – Partners, shareholders or members: Enter the Kansas Department of Revenue
percentage that represents your proportionate share in 120 SE 10th Ave
the partnership, S corporation, LLC or LLP. All other PO Box 750260
taxpayers: Enter 100%. Topeka, KS 66699-0260
LINE 3 – Multiply line 1 by line 2, and enter the result on Phone: 785-368-8222
line 3. This is your share of the contributions made and Fax: 785-291-3614
claimed as the basis for the credit this tax year. Enter this
amount on the applicable line of your return for the Additional copies of this income tax credit schedule and
required addition modification. other tax forms are available from our website ksrevenue.at:gov