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secretarykansas                                                                                                                                                        of state
                               Annual Report
                   PA          Kansas Professional Association

                                                                                                          SUBMIT THE DOCUMENTS 
                                                                                                                   WITHOUT THIS PAGE
                        INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING

                               AN ANNUAL REPORT

       Note: All documents filed by the Secretary of State’s office is considered public record and may be viewable online. File 
       this document directly online at https://www.kansas.gov/annual-reports/index.do.

       How to complete the annual report for a professional association:                   7.  Provide the name of each individual who isn’t qualified as defined 
                                                                                             by K.S.A. 17-2707.
       Each of the numbered instructions below corresponds to a section on 
       the form.                                                                           8.  Provide the beginning date that shares or memberships were 
                                                                                             held by an individual who isn’t qualified as defined by K.S.A. 
       1.  List the entity’s ID number issued by the Kansas Secretary of                     17-2707 and the name of the individual who held the shares or 
                   State (this is not a tax ID number). ID numbers may be found by           memberships.
                   clicking on Business Entity Database at https://www.kansas.gov/
                   bess/.                                                                  9.  An authorized person on behalf of the entity must sign.

       2.  Provide the complete legal entity name, including words of 
                   formation (e.g., LLC, Inc., etc.)                                       Fee Schedule

       3.  Provide the principal office of the entity.                                     Annual Report

                   Principal office: Must be a physical address that must include the      The filing fee for the annual report is as follows:
                   building number, street, city, state, and zip code. This can’t be a PO  For-profit professional association:
                   box.                                                                       Online Annual Report: ................................ $53
                                                                                              Paper Annual Report: ................................. $55
       4.  Provide the tax closing date for the annual report. Annual reports 
                   are filed after a tax year end has passed and represent the             Not-for-profit professional association:
                   information that is true for that year end only (example:  when an         Online Annual Report: ................................ $40
                   entity’s tax year ends on the last day of December, the annual             Paper Annual Report: ................................. $40
                   report due date period would be between January 1st and April 
                   15th after each December. The report should reflect December for 
                   the month).                                                             Filing Online

       5a.  Each name of the officers of the professional association must be              The annual report may be filed directly online at https://www.kansas.
                   named along with a title for the officer and the address where they     gov/annual-reports/index.do.
                   may be regularly located.

       5b.  Provide each name of the directors for for-profit professional                 Mail to:
                   associations or members of the governing body for not-for-profit 
                   professional associations along with the address where they may         Kansas Secretary of State
                   be regularly located. The directors may be omitted if the officers      Memorial Hall, 1st Floor
                   are the same individuals.                                               120 SW 10th Avenue
                                                                                           Topeka KS 66612
       5c.  If the professional association issues shares, provide the names of 
                   each shareholder or if the professional association doesn’t issue       Only checks are accepted for payment. Make checks payable to the 
                   shares, provide the name of each member along with the address          Kansas Secretary of State.
                   of each.
       6.  Indicate if each person is a qualified person pursuant to K.S.A. 17-
                   2707 for the named individuals in section 5a, 5b, or 5c. If any of the  Fax to:
                   individuals named aren’t qualified, a response must be provided in 
                   section 7 and 8. If all individuals are qualified, review section 8 and This form can’t be faxed unless it is being filed as part of another filing 
                   provide a response if applicable.                                       (i.e., reinstatement, corrected document, foreign application, etc.) See 
                                                                                           the fax instructions with the other document for details.

                        K.S.A. 17-2718                                                                                         Please proceed to form.
       Inst.            Rev. 6/16/23 tc

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secretarykansas                                                                                    Print                                Reset              of state
                                Annual Report                                                                                                           
                   PA           Kansas Professional Association                                   Please complete the form, print, sign and mail to the 
                                                                                             Kansas Secretary of State with the filing fee.  Selecting 
                                                                                             'Print' will print the form and 'Reset' will clear the entire 
             Memorial Hall, 1st Floor              (785) 296-4564  
             120 S.W. 10th Avenue                  kssos@ks.gov
             Topeka, KS 66612-1594                 sos.ks.gov                                            50
                                                                                                         THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY.

             1.   Business entity ID/file 
                   Kansas Secretary of State 
                   issued file number.

             2.   Name of corporation:
                   Must match name on record 
                   with Kansas Secretary of State. 

                                                   Street Address (A PO box is unacceptable.)
             3.   Principal office 
                    Must be a street, rural route  City                                      State Zip   Country
                    or highway. A PO box is 

             4.   Tax closing date:                Month          Year

             5a.  Name, title, and address         Name                                      Title
                   of each officer of 
                   Title and address 
                   required for each officer       City                                      State Zip   Country

                                                   Name                                      Title


                   Do not leave blank.             City                                      State Zip   Country

                                                   Name                                      Title


                   If additional space is needed,  City                                      State Zip   Country
                   please provide attachment. 

                    K.S.A. 17-2718                                                                       Please continue to next page.
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5b.  Name and address of          Name                                          Address
 each of the directors/
 members of the 
 governing body:                  City                                          State             Zip                    Country

 Leave this question 
 blank if the directors/          Name                                          Address
 members of the 
 governing body and 
 officers are the same.           City                                          State             Zip                    Country
 If additional space is needed, 
 please provide attachment. 

5c.  Name and address             Name                                          Address
 of each shareholder/
                                  City                                          State             Zip                    Country
 Leave this question 
 blank if the                     Name                                          Address
 and officers are the 
 same.                            City                                          State             Zip                    Country
 If additional space is needed, 
 please provide attachment. 

6.  Is each officer, director/member of the governing body, and shareholder/member a qualified person as defined by 
 K.S.A. 17-2707 by the tax closing date? 
 Only a qualified person may be a shareholder of a professional corporation (K.S.A. 17-2712). Exception: A certified public accountant (K.S.A. 1-308). No 
 person may be a director or officer, other than the secretary, of a professional corporation unless that person is a shareholder (K.S.A. 17-2713).

 o Yes (Complete 8, if applicable.) o No (Complete 7 and 8, do not leave blank.)

7.  List each of the officers,    Name                                                        Name
 directors/members of 
 the governing body, and 
                                  Name                                                        Name
 who are not qualified as 
 defined by statute:              Name                                                        Name

8.  For the tax period this       Date    Name
 annual report covers, 
 list the dates that any 
 shares/memberships               Date    Name
 of the corporation 
 were no longer owned 
 by a qualified person 
                                  Date    Name
 and the names of the 

9.  I declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the state of Kansas that the foregoing is true and correct.

Signature of Authorized Person (Required) Title/Position (Required)

Name of Signer (printed or typed)                                                             Phone Number (Not required)

      K.S.A. 17-2718                                                                                  Please review to ensure completion.
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