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          kansas secretary of state                              The following form must be complete            and 
                                                                 accompanied by the correct filing fee or the 
          Not-For-Profit Corporation 
  NCC                                                            document will not be accepted for filing.
  53-13   Certificateof Correction

Kansas Office of the Secretary of State:                         Save time and money by filing your forms 
                                                                 online at www.sos.ks.gov. There, you can 
Memorial Hall, 1st Floor (785) 296-4564                          also stay up-to-date on your organization’s 
120 S.W. 10th Avenue     kssos@sos.ks.gov                        status, annual report due date, and contact 
Topeka, KS 66612-1594    www.sos.ks.gov                          addresses.

o Filing fee             The filing fee for this document is $20.

o Payment                Please enclose a check or money order payable to the Secretary of State. Forms received 
                         without the appropriate fee will not be accepted for filing. Please do not send cash. NOTICE:  
                         There is a $25 service fee for all checks returned by your financial institution. Also, to 
                         expedite processing, please do not use staples on your documents or to attach checks.

      K.S.A. 17-6003                                                           Please proceed to form.
Inst. Rev. 6/10/15 tc  

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                                                 Print                                Reset
       kansas secretary of state   
       Not-For-Profit Corporation                                                                           
 NCC                                             Please complete the form, print, sign and mail to the 
 53-13 Certificate of Correction                 Kansas Secretary of State with the filing fee.  Selecting 
                                                 'Print' will print the form and 'Reset' will clear the entire 
Kansas Office of the Secretary of State:

Memorial Hall, 1st Floor         (785) 296-4564  
120 S.W. 10th Avenue             kssos@sos.ks.gov
Topeka, KS 66612-1594            www.sos.ks.gov        THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY.

This form must be complete and accompanied by the correct filing fee or the document will not be accepted for filing.

1.   Business entity ID 
 Not Federal Employer ID 
 Number (FEIN).

2.   Name of corporation
 Must match name on record 
 with Secretary of State.

3.   State/Country of 

4.   Specify the document 
 and the inaccuracy 
 that is to be corrected:

5.   Set forth the portion 
 of the document in its 
 corrected form:

6.    I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Kansas that the foregoing is true and correct, and 
 that I have remitted the required fee.
Signature of Authorized Officer                        Month      Day                 Year
Name of Signer (printed or typed)

      K.S.A. 17-6003                                   Please review to ensure completion.
1 / 1 Rev. 6/10/15 tc  

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