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                 kansas secretary of state                                       The following form must be complete and 
                                                                                 accompanied by the correct filing fee or the 
            LP   Limited Partnership                                             document will not be accepted for filing.
            50   Annual Report

                                                                                 Save time and money by filing your annual 
                                                                                 report online at sos.ks.gov. There, you can also 
                 GENERAL FILING                                                  stay up-to-date on your organization’s status, 
                                                                                 annual report due date, and contact addresses.

      Filing fee             The filing fee for the annual report is $55.  If you are filing this annual report as part of a  
                             reinstatement due to forfeiture, you may owe a different fee (fees are listed with the reinstatement 
                             form).  For more information, please call (785) 296-4564.

      Payment                Please enclose a check or money order payable to the Secretary of State. Forms received without 
                             the appropriate fee will not be accepted for filing. Please do not send cash. NOTICE:  There is a 
                             $25 service fee for all checks returned by your financial institution. Also, to expedite processing, 
                             please do not use staples on your documents or to attach checks.

      Due date               The annual report shall be filed at the time prescribed by law for filing the annual Kansas tax 

      Forfeiture date        If the annual report is not filed and the appropriate fee is not paid within 90 days following the due 
                             date, the business will be forfeited in Kansas. If the forfeited business wishes to return to active 
                             and good standing status, a reinstatement process is required and penalties will be assessed. 
                             EXAMPLE:  If the tax closing month is December, the due date is April 15, and the 
                             forfeiture date is July 15.  A business must file the annual report and pay the annual report fee on 
                             or before the forfeiture date to avoid forfeiture.  

      Amending annual        If you wish to correct information that was erroneously provided on a previously filed annual report, 
      reports                file a completed Corrected Document form COR with a complete and correct new Annual Report 
                             form LP and submit with a $55 filing fee. 

      Additional information If additional space is needed, please provide an attachment.

      Domestic and foreign   Use this form to file for both domestic or foreign entities.

      Public information     All documents filed with our office are available to the public and may be view online at www.sos.
                             ks.gov without cost. Please consider this when providing information on our forms. Instructions and 
                             payment information are not public information and are shredded after use.

            K.S.A. 56-1a606, 56-1a607                                                               Please proceed to form.
Inst.       Rev. 2/1/23 tc  

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                                                                                      Print                                Reset
                     kansas secretary of state     
            LP       Limited Partnership                                                                                                   
            50       Annual Report                                                    Please complete the form, print, sign and mail to the 
                                                                                      Kansas Secretary of State with the filing fee.  Selecting 
                                                                                      'Print' will print the form and 'Reset' will clear the entire 
      Memorial Hall, 1st Floor             (785) 296-4564  
      120 S.W. 10th Avenue                 kssos@ks.gov
      Topeka, KS 66612-1594                sos.ks.gov                                       THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY.

      1.   Business entity ID/file         This is NOT the Federal Employer 
            number                         ID Number (FEIN).

      2.   Limited partnership             Must match name on record with 
            name                           Kansas Secretary of State.

                                           Month            Year
      3.   Tax closing date

                                           Name                             Address
      4.   Name and address 
            of each partner who 
            owns 5% or more                City                             State     Zip   Country
            of capital (Kansas 
            limited partnerships 
                                           Name                             Address
            If additional space is needed, 
            please provide attachment.
                                           City                             State     Zip   Country

                                           Name                             Address

                                           City                             State     Zip   Country

      5.   Does this limited partnership own or lease any land in Kansas that is suitable for use in agriculture?
            o Yes (Complete AG LP attachment.)              o No (Skip to Question 6.)

      6.    I/We declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the state of Kansas that the foregoing is true and 
      Signature of General Partner

      Name of Signer (printed or typed)                                                     Phone Number (Not required)

      Signature of General Partner

      Name of Signer (printed or typed)                                                     Phone Number (Not required)

      Please note that information provided on documents filed with the Secretary of State is public record that is subject to public access 
      and disclosure (per K.S.A. 45-215 through K.S.A. 45-223).

             K.S.A. 56-1a606, 56-1a607                                                      Please review to ensure completion.
1 / 1        Rev. 2/1/23 tc      

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       kansas secretary of state                Complete this form  only if the limited 
       Annual Report Agricultural Attachment    partnership owns or leases land suitable 
AG                                              for agricultural use. All information must 
       for Form LP
 LP                                             be complete or this document will not be 
                                                accepted for filing.

Note: This form must be completed if Question 6 of annual report form is answered “yes.”

1.   Provide information on each lot, tract, or parcel of agricultural land in Kansas owned or leased by limited 
 partnership, or include an attachment.

Location of tract or lot                        Number of acres in tract or lot Acquired after July 1, 1981?
County Section                   Township Range                                 Yes     No

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o See attachment

       K.S.A. 56-1a606, 56-1a607                                   Please review to ensure completion.
Att.   Rev. 2/1/23 tc      

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