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                        kansas secretary of state    
                        Annual Report
            NP          Not-for-Profit Corporation

                                                                                   SUBMIT THE DOCUMENTS 
                                                                                                     WITHOUT THIS PAGE

                        AN ANNUAL REPORT

Note: All documents filed by the Secretary of State’s office is considered public record and may be viewable online. File 
this document directly online at https://www.kansas.gov/annual-reports/index.do.

How to complete the annual report for a not-for-profit corporation:                6b.  Provide both the Business Entity name and the Kansas Secretary 
                                                                                   of State ID number for each entity that the corporation owns a 
Each of the numbered instructions below corresponds to a section on                majority ownership in. Both fields must be completed.
the form.
                                                                                   7.  Provide an indication if the entity owns land suitable for agricultural 
1.  List the entity’s ID number issued by the Kansas Secretary of                  use. Complete the form AG if answered yes or disregard the form 
            State (this is not a tax ID number). ID numbers may be found by        AG if answered no.
            clicking on Business Entity Database at https://www.kansas.gov/
            bess/.                                                                 8.  An authorized person on behalf of the entity must sign.
2.  Provide the complete legal entity name, including words of 
            formation (e.g., LLC, Inc., etc.)                                      AG - Annual Report Agricultural Attachment Instructions
                                                                                   1.  Each tract or lot must be detailed in this section. This includes 
3.  Provide the principal office of the entity.
                                                                                   a numerical response for the location, indicate if the land was 
                                                                                   acquired after July 1st, 1981, a brief description of how the land is 
            Principal office: Must be a physical address that must include the 
                                                                                   used, and an indication if the land is owned or leased.
            building number, street, city, state, and zip code. This can’t be a PO 
                                                                                   2.  Respond to each of the categories if applicable. At least one of the 
                                                                                   categories must have a numerical response.
4.  Provide the tax closing date for the annual report. Annual reports 
            are filed after a tax year end has passed and represent the 
                                                                                   3.  A numerical response must be provided, even if zero.
            information that is true for that year end only (example:  when an 
            entity’s tax year ends on the last day of December, the annual 
                                                                                   4.  Respond to each of the categories if applicable. At least one 
            report due date period would be between January 1st and June 
                                                                                   category with the value and location must have a response.
            15th after each December. The report should reflect December for 
            the month).

5a.  Each name of the officer of the corporation must be listed along 
            with a title for the officer and the address where they may be 
            regularly located.

5b.  Provide each name of the members of the governing body of the 
            corporation along with the address where they may be regularly 
            located. The directors may be omitted if the officers are the same 

6a.  Provide an indication of if the entity holds a majority ownership in 
            any other business that is currently filed with the Kansas Secretary 
            of State’s Office. Continue with section 6b if answered yes or 
            continue with section 7 if answered no.

                 K.S.A. 17-7504                                                                      Please continue to next page.
Inst.            Rev. 6/16/23 tc

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Do NotStaple
               kansas secretary of state   
               Annual Report
            NP Not-for-Profit Corporation

                                                                                    SUBMIT THE DOCUMENTS 
                                                                                             WITHOUT THIS PAGE

               AN ANNUAL REPORT

Note: All documents filed by the Secretary of State’s office is considered public record and may be viewable online. File 
this document directly online at https://www.kansas.gov/annual-reports/index.do.

Fee Schedule                                                         Mail to:

Annual Report                                                        Kansas Secretary of State
                                                                     Memorial Hall, 1st Floor
The filing fee for the annual report is as follows:                  120 SW 10th Avenue
                                                                     Topeka KS 66612
Online Annual Report: ................................... $40
Paper Annual Report: .................................... $40
                                                                     Only checks are accepted for payment. Make checks payable to the 
                                                                     Kansas Secretary of State.
Filing Online
The annual report may be filed directly online at https://www.kansas.
gov/annual-reports/index.do.                                         Fax to:

                                                                     This form can’t be faxed unless it is being filed as part of another filing 
                                                                     (i.e., reinstatement, corrected document, foreign application, etc.) See 
                                                                     the fax instructions with the other document for details.

            K.S.A. 17-7504                                                                     Please proceed to form.
Inst.       Rev. 6/16/23 tc

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Do NotStaple
                    kansas secretary of state                                             Print                                Reset
            NP      Annual Report                                                                                                              
            50      Not-for-Profit Corporation                                            Please complete the form, print, sign and mail to the 
                                                                                          Kansas Secretary of State with the filing fee.  Selecting 
                                                                                          'Print' will print the form and 'Reset' will clear the entire 
      Memorial Hall, 1st Floor             (785) 296-4564  
      120 S.W. 10th Avenue                 kssos@ks.gov
      Topeka, KS 66612-1594                sos.ks.gov
                                                                                                THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY.

      1.   Business entity ID/file         Kansas Secretary of State issued 
            number:                        file number.

      2.   Name of corporation:            Must match name on record with 
                                           Kansas Secretary of State.

                                           Street Address (A PO Box is unacceptable)
      3.   Principal office 
            Must be a street, rural route, City                                     State Zip   Country
            or highway. A PO box is 

                                           Month          Year
      4.   Tax closing date:

                                           Name                                     Title
      5a.   Name, title, and 
            address of each 
            officer of corporation:        Address
            Title and address 
            required for each              City                                     State Zip   Country
            officer named. 
                                           Name                                     Title


                                           City                                     State Zip   Country
            Do not leave blank.

                                           Name                                     Title


            If additional space is needed, City                                     State Zip   Country
            please provide attachment.

             K.S.A. 17-7504                                                                     Please continue to next page.
1 / 2        Rev. 6/16/23 tc

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                                  Name                     Address
5b.   Name and address 
  of each member of 
  governing body of               City                     State                  Zip                        Country
                                  Name                     Address
  Leave this question 
  blank if the governing 
  body members and                City                     State                  Zip                        Country
  officers are the same. 
                                  Name                     Address

  If additional space is needed,  City                     State                  Zip                        Country
  please provide attachment. 

6a.   Does this corporation hold more than 50% equity ownership in any other business entity that is filed with the 
  Kansas Secretary of State? 
o  Yes (Complete Question 6b.) o No (Skip to Question 7.)

                                  Business Entity Name                            Business Entity ID Number (Not FEIN)
6b.  Name and ID number 
  of each business:
  Name and ID # should be         Business Entity Name                            Business Entity ID Number (Not FEIN)
  provided exactly as filed with 
  Kansas Secretary of State. 
                                  Business Entity Name                            Business Entity ID Number (Not FEIN)

7.   Does this corporation own or lease land in Kansas that is suitable for use in agriculture? 
  This question does not apply to 1) tracts of land of fewer than 10 acres, 2) contiguous tracts of land that are fewer than 10 acres in aggregate, or 3) 
  state-assessed railroad operating property.
o  Yes (Complete Attachment AG.) o No (Skip to Question 8.)

8.    I declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the state of Kansas that the foregoing is true and 
Signature of Authorized Person (Required)                Title/Position (Required)

Name of Signer (printed or typed)                                                 Phone Number (Not required)

      K.S.A. 17-7504                                                                  Please review to ensure completion.
2 / 2 Rev. 6/16/23 tc

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                  kansas secretary of state                                                                         Complete this form                                                     only if the business entity 
                  Annual Report Agricultural Attachment                                                             owns or leases land suitable for agricultural 
   AG             for Forms AR or NP                                                                                use. All information must be complete or 
                                                                                                                    this document will not                                                              be accepted for filing.

Note: This form must be completed if Question 7 on annual report form is answered “yes.”

1.   Provide information on each lot, tract or parcel of agricultural land in Kansas owned or leased by corporation. 
Location of tract or lot                                                              Was this tract   Purpose for which land is owned or leased. Indicate for each tract or parcel if the tract is …
                                                                                      after July 1, 

   County Section Township   Range                    Number of acres in tract or lot  Yes          No                                            Owned by corporation           Leased to corporation             Leased from corporation                If leased from              corporation,                  indicate to whom        leased.

                                                                         A. Total acres owned or operated           B. Total acres owned or operated,                                                  and                      irrigated
2.   Total agricultural 
          Must be numeric values. 
                                                                         C. Total acres leased   theto corporation  D. Total acres leased   theto                      corporation                                                         and irrigated
          “NA” or “—” is unacceptable.

                                                                         E. Total acres leased from the corporation F. Total acres leased from the corporation                                                                             and irrigated

3.   Total number of 

                                                                         Within Kansas - Agricultural
4.        Value and location 
          of agricultural and 
                                                                         Value                                      Location
          nonagricultural assets 
          owned and controlled                                           Within Kansas - Nonagricultural
          by corporation
          Include all assets within and                                  Value                                      Location
          outside of Kansas. 
                                                                         Outside of Kansas - Agricultural
          All lines must be complete.
                                                                         Value                                      Location
                                                                         Outside of Kansas - Nonagricultural

                                                                         Value                                      Location

          K.S.A. 17-7504                                                                                                                          Please review to ensure completion.
Att.      Rev. 6/16/23 tc

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