RPD-41333 State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 09/23/2021 ADVANCED ENERGY TAX CREDIT APPLICATION Page 1 of 2 Purpose of Form. A qualified electricity generating facility located in New Mexico may be eligible to apply for and claim the advanced energy tax credit (advanced energy income tax credit, advanced energy corporate income tax credit and the advanced energy combined reporting tax credit). The credit may be applied against corporate or personal income tax due, compensating tax, withholding tax or gross receipts tax due to New Mexico. The amount of the credit is 6% of the eligible generation plant costs. See the instructions for important definitions. The aggregate amount of tax credit that may be claimed with respect to a qualified generating facility is limited to $60,000,000. To obtain approval, submit a completed Form RPD-41333, Advanced Energy Tax Credit Application, a certificate of eligibility issued by the New Mexico Environment Department and other information the Taxation and Revenue Department requires to determine the amount of tax credit allowed. See Section 3. The application must be submitted within one year following the end of the calendar year in which the eligible generation plant costs are incurred. The right to claim the credit may be allo- cated to other taxpayers who are interest owners in the qualified generating facility. The Notice of Allocation of Right to Claim Advanced Energy Tax Credits is required to be attached to Form RPD-41333 to allocate the credit to interest owners. Once approved, the qualified generating facility or other approved interest owners may use Form RPD-41334, Advanced Energy Tax Credit Claim Form, to claim the credit against tax due. If the credit amount exceeds the taxpayer’s liability, the excess can be carried forward for up to ten years. A qualified generating facility is a facility that begins construction not later than December 31, 2015, and is: 1. a solar thermal electric generating facility that begins construction on or after July 1, 2007 and that may include an as- sociated renewable energy storage facility; 2. a solar photovoltaic electric generating facility that begins construction on or after July 1, 2009 and that may include an associated renewable energy storage facility; 3. a geothermal electric generating facility that begins construction on or after July 1, 2009; 4. a recycled energy project if that facility begins construction on or after July 1, 2007; or 5. a new or repowered coal-based electric generating facility and an associated coal gasification facility. Mail Form RPD-41333, Advanced Energy Tax Credit Application, and all required attachments to: Taxation and Revenue Department, Director’s Office, P.O. Box 8485, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87198-8485. For assistance completing this form or checking the status of your application, call (505) 795-1735. Section 1. - Qualified Generating Facility Information Name of qualified generating facility Physical address City State ZIP code New Mexico Business Tax Identification Number (NMBTIN) FEIN or SSN Name of contact person Telephone number ( ) Section 2. - Computation of the Advanced Energy Tax Credit 1. Enter the first and last day of the calendar year in which the qualified expenditures were made: From _______________ To _______________ (Purchase must be made on or after July 1, 2007 to qualify.) (mm/dd/ccyy) (mm/dd/ccyy) 2. The value of eligible generation plant costs for the qualified generating facility described in this application. __________________________________$ 3. The amount of advanced energy tax credit allowed for the qualified generating facility. (Multiply line 2 by 6%. Enter here.) __________________________________$ |
RPD-41333 State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 09/23/2021 ADVANCED ENERGY TAX CREDIT APPLICATION Page 2 of 2 Section 3. - Required Attachments Mark the box to indicate the documentation is attached: F Copy of the certificate of eligibility issued by the New Mexico Environment Department; F Schedule of eligible generation plant costs. Attach a detailed schedule describing each eligible expenditure and showing the date of purchase and amount expended. Provide a depreciation schedule that can be reconciled to the schedule of qualified expenditures. Include copies of invoices to support your purchases. You may be asked to provide the Department with a copy of your federal Form 4562 at the time it is filed with the IRS. F If completing the Notice of Allocation of the Right to Claim the Approved Credit, attach proof that the taxpayers named on the notice are eligible for the credit as taxpayers holding an interest in the qualified generating facility. Section 4. - Certifications I CERTIFY THAT : Check all that apply. You must be able to certify all of the following statements. Expenditures included in this claim have not and will not be used for credits pursuant to the Investment Credit Act or any other credit against personal or corporate income tax, compensating tax, gross receipts tax or withholding tax. The New Mexico Environment Department has not revoked the certification for the generating facility to which this credit is claimed. The generating facility continues to meet the criteria as a “qualified generating facility”. The taxpayer (claimant) was eligible to claim the credit during the period in which the qualified expenditures were incurred. Claimants holding less than 100% interest in the qualified generating facility, seeAllocating the Right to Claim the Credit. I declare that I have examined this application including any accompanying schedules and attachments, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. Signature of taxpayer or agent Title Date FOR DIVISION USE ONLY This application for Advanced Energy Tax Credit was reviewed by the Taxation and Revenue Department and was: Approved in the amount of $ Adjusted and approved in the amount of $ Disapproved Reason for adjustment/disapproval______________________________________________________________ Signature of Secretary or delegate Date Approval number |
RPD-41333 Rev. 09/23/2021 COLUMN 6 Page _____ of _____ if the owner’s percentage of interest is applied. If you need more space, attach on a separate sheet of paper. Describe any differences between the owner’s allocated portion of the credit and the owner’s portion of the credit Credit COLUMN 5 Portion of the Owner's Allocated Owner’s Interest COLUMN 4 Percentage of COLUMN 3 New Mexico Business Tax if applicable. Identification No., Total for all pages Subtotal for this page NOTICE OF ALLOCATION OF RIGHT COLUMN 2 State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department TO CLAIM ADVANCED ENERGY TAX CREDITS Social Security Number/FEIN, if applicable. COLUMN 1 Name and Address of Interest Owner Name of qualified generating facility |
RPD-41333 State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 09/23/2021 ADVANCED ENERGY TAX CREDIT INSTRUCTIONS Page 1 of 3 HOW TO APPLY FOR THIS CREDIT: A qualified generating or withholding tax for the same expenditures. facility or an interest owner, on behalf of the qualified gen- erating facility, must apply for a certificate of eligibility from ALLOCATING THE RIGHT TO CLAIM THE CREDIT : A the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) before taxpayer that holds interest in a qualified generating facility applying to obtain approval to claim the advanced energy tax may be allocated the right to claim the advanced energy tax credit (advanced energy income tax credit, advanced energy credit, without regard to the taxpayer’s relative interest in the corporate income tax credit and the advanced energy com- qualified generating facility if: bined reporting tax credit). NMED determines if the facility is a • the business entity making the allocation provides notice qualified generating facility and issues a certificate within 180 of the allocation and the taxpayer’s interest in the quali- days after receiving all information necessary to determine fied generating facility to the Department; eligibility. Fees will apply, but may not exceed $150,000. For • allocations to the taxpayer and all other taxpayers allo- assistance in obtaining a certificate of eligibility and applicable cated a right to claim the credit does not exceed 100% fees, call (505) 476-4339 or write: of the credit allowed for the qualified generating facility; and New Mexico Environment Department • the taxpayer and all other taxpayers allocated a right to Technical Services Manager claim the advanced energy tax credits collectively own NMED Air Quality Bureau at least 5% interest in the qualified generating facility. 525 Camino de los Marquez, Suite 1 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Taxpayers eligible to claim an advanced energy tax credit holding less than 100% of the interest in the qualified gen- Once NMED issues a certificate, the claimant may submit a erating facility shall designate an individual to submit the completed Form RPD-41333, Advanced Energy Tax Credit application, the eligible generation plant costs incurred dur- Application, to the Taxation and Revenue Department (TRD) ing the calendar year and the relative interest of those costs for approval. The certificate of eligibility must be attached to attributed to each eligible interest holder. Any changes to the the application, along with information required to determine apportioned interest must be reported to the Department. To the amount of allowable advanced energy tax credits. The allocate the right to claim all or a portion of the advanced application must be submitted within one year following the energy tax credit, complete the Notice of Allocation of Right end of the calendar year in which the eligible generation plant to Claim Advanced Energy Tax Credits, attach it to Form costs are incurred. TRD will issue an approval for the credit, RPD-41333, Advanced Energy Tax Credit Application, and and the claimant may then use Form RPD-41334, Advanced attach proof that the transferee is eligible for the credit as a Energy Tax Credit Claim Form, to claim the credit against taxpayer holding an interest in the qualified generating facility. personal or corporate income taxes, gross receipts, compen- sating or withholding taxes due to the State of New Mexico. ADVANCED ENERGY GROSS RECEIPTS AND COM- PENSATING TAX DEDUCTION: An interest owner who Documentation required to determine the amount of ad- has been issued a certificate of eligibility from NMED, may vanced energy tax credit allowed includes but is not limited to: also be eligible to take a gross receipts or compensating tax • the certificate of eligibility issued by NMED; deduction for purchases of eligible expenses for the qualified • a detailed schedule describing each qualified expen- generating facility in lieu of claiming the Advanced Energy diture and showing the date of purchase and amount Tax Credit. See RPD-41349, Advanced Energy Deduction expended; Report, for more information. • a depreciation schedule that can be reconciled to the schedule of qualified expenditures; and HOW TO CLAIM THIS CREDIT: To claim approved ad- • copies of invoices to support the purchases. vanced energy tax credits, you must attach a completed You may be asked to provide the Department with a copy of Form RPD-41334, Advanced Energy Tax Credit Claim your federal Form 4562 at the time it is filed with the Internal Form, to the return to which you wish to apply the credit. Revenue Service. The credit may not exceed the tax liability due on the return. Excess advanced energy tax credits can then be carried forward for up to ten years and can be applied to any com- A taxpayer claiming the advanced energy tax credit is ineli- bination of personal or corporate income tax, gross receipts gible for credits pursuant to the Investment Credit Act or any tax, compensating tax or withholding tax due the claimant. other credit that may be taken against personal income tax, corporate income tax, gross receipts tax, compensating tax To claim approved advanced energy tax credit against the |
RPD-41333 State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 09/23/2021 ADVANCED ENERGY TAX CREDIT INSTRUCTIONS Page 2 of 3 CRS-1 return (prior to July 1, 2021), you must file the full- If the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) issues page version of the New Mexico CRS-1 Form. Complete a certificate of eligibility to a taxpayer stating that the facility the CRS-1 Long Form and supplemental forms, if any, ac- is a qualified generating facility and the taxpayer does not cording to the instructions. Do not reduce the tax liability sequester or control carbon dioxide emissions to the extent on the CRS-1 Long Form to reflect the advanced energy required by January 1, 2017, or 18 months after the com- tax credit claimed. For periods starting July 1, 2021, this mercial operation date of the qualified generating facility, the credit is claimed on the gross receipts tax (TRD-41413) taxpayer’s certification as a qualified generating facility shall less any taxes collected with respect to local option gross be revoked by NMED and the taxpayer shall refund to the receipts taxes, compensating tax (TRD-41412), and with- state tax credits granted. If the taxpayer demonstrates to the holding taxes (TRD-41409 or TRD-41414). Instead, un- derpay the tax liability shown on the return by the amount NMED that the taxpayer made every effort to sequester or of tax credit claimed and attach a completed Form RPD- control carbon dioxide emissions to the extent feasible and 41334, Advanced Energy Tax Credit Claim Form. Do not the facility’s inability to meet the sequestration requirements enter a negative number or claim more credit than the tax of a qualified generating facility was beyond the facility’s due shown on the CRS-1 Long Form for the current report control, NMED shall determine, after a public hearing, the period. When computing the amount of advanced energy amount of the tax credit that should be refunded. NMED, in combined reporting tax credit that may be claimed against its determination, shall consider the environmental perfor- the gross receipts reported on a return, compute the credit mance of the facility and the extent to which the inability to at 3.9% of the gross receipts if the taxpayer’s business is meet the sequestration requirements of a qualified generat- located in a municipality, and 5.125% of the gross receipts if ing facility was in the control of the taxpayer. The refund as the taxpayer’s business location is anywhere else within or determined by NMED shall be paid within 180 days following outside New Mexico. a final order by NMED. To claim approved advanced energy tax credit against Form IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS: PIT-1, attach a completed Form RPD-41334, Advanced En- “Eligible generation plant costs” means expenditures for ergy Tax Credit Claim Form, to Form PIT-1, New Mexico the development and construction of a qualified generating Personal Income Tax Return, or to Form FID-1, New Mexi- facility, including permitting; site characterization and assess- co Fiduciary Income Tax Return. Enter the amount of credit ment; engineering; design; carbon dioxide capture, treatment, claimed against the current return on Schedule PIT-CR or compression, transportation and sequestration; site and FID-CR. Do not claim more credit than the tax due shown equipment acquisition; and fuel supply development used on Form PIT-1 or FID-1. Married individuals who file sepa- directly and exclusively in a qualified generating facility; rate returns for a tax year in which they could have filed a joint return may each claim only one-half of the advanced Value of “eligible generation plant costs”. The value of energy income tax credit that would have been allowed on a joint return. eligible generation plant costs is the adjusted basis estab- lished for the qualified generating facility under the applicable To claim approved advanced energy tax credit against provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Forms CIT-1 or S-Corp, attach a completed Form RPD- 41334, Advanced Energy Tax Credit Claim Form, to Form Eligible generation plant cost must be “subject to depre- CIT-1, New Mexico Corporate Income and Franchise Tax ciation”. For purposes of the advanced energy tax credit, Return, or to Form S-Corp, New Mexico Subchapter S Cor- eligible generation plant costs must be subject to deprecia- porate Income and Franchise Tax Return. Enter the amount tion. “Subject to depreciation” means the taxpayer’s federal of credit claimed against the current return on Schedule income tax return must include a depreciation expense with CIT-CR or S-Corp-CR. Do not claim more credit than the respect to the eligible generation plant costs for which an corporate income tax due shown on Form CIT-1, or more advanced energy tax credit is sought or claimed. Equipment than the corporate income tax due and withholding tax depreciated under the accelerated cost recovery system, due shown on Form S-Corp. The credit cannot be applied Internal Revenue Code Section 168, and property for which against any franchise tax due. the taxpayer makes an election under Internal Revenue Code Section 179 is “subject to depreciation”. Mail the return and the claim form, RPD-41334, to the ad- dress on the tax return to which you wish to apply the credit. “Qualified generating facility” is a facility that begins con- For assistance call (505) 476-3683. struction no later than December 31, 2015, and is: 1. a solar thermal electric generating facility that begins RECAPTURE: construction on or after July 1, 2007, and that may include |
RPD-41333 State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 09/23/2021 ADVANCED ENERGY TAX CREDIT INSTRUCTIONS Page 3 of 3 an associated renewable energy storage facility; to a qualified generating facility; a leasehold interest in a 2. a solar photovoltaic electric generating facility that begins qualified generating facility; an ownership interest in a busi- construction on or after July 1, 2009, and that may include ness or entity that is taxed for federal income tax purposes an associated renewable energy storage facility; as a partnership that holds title to or a leasehold interest 3. a geothermal electric generating facility that begins con- in a qualified generating facility; or an ownership interest, struction on or after July 1, 2009; through one or more intermediate entities that are each taxed 4. a recycled energy project if that facility begins construc- for federal income tax purposes as a partnership, in a busi- tion on or after July 1, 2007; or ness that holds title to or a leasehold interest in a qualified 5. a new or repowered coal-based electric generating facility generating facility. and an associated coal gasification facility. “Coal-based electric generating facility” means a new or “Recycled energy” means energy produced by a genera- repowered generating facility and an associated coal gasifica- tion unit with a name-plate capacity of not more than fifteen tion facility, if any, that uses coal to generate electricity and megawatts that converts the otherwise lost energy from the that meets the following specifications: exhaust stacks or pipes to electricity without combustion of • emits the lesser of: additional fossil fuel. 1. what is achievable with the best available control technology, or “Sequester” means to store, or chemically convert, carbon 2. thirty-five thousandths pound per million British ther- dioxide in a manner that prevents its release into the atmo- mal units of sulfur dioxide, twenty five thousandths sphere and may include the use of geologic formations and pound per million British thermal units of oxides of enhanced oil, coal bed methane or natural gas recovery nitrogen and one hundredth pound per million British techniques. thermal units of total particulates in the flue gas; • removes the greater of: “Name-plate capacity” means the maximum rated output of 1. what is achievable with the best available control the facility measured as alternating current or the equivalent technology, or direct current measurement. 2. ninety percent of the mercury from the input fuel; • captures and sequesters or controls carbon dioxide emis- “Solar photovoltaic electric generating facility” means sions so that by the later of January 1, 2017, or 18 months an electric generating facility with a name-plate capacity of after the commercial operation date of the coal-based one megawatt or more that uses solar photovoltaic energy electric generating facility, no more than one thousand to generate electricity. one hundred pounds per megawat-hour of carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere, “Solar thermal electric generating facility” means an • all infrastructure required for sequestration is in place electric generating facility with a name-plate capacity of one by the later of January 1, 2017, or 18 months after the megawatt or more that uses solar thermal energy to gener- commercial operation date of the coal-based electric ate electricity, including a facility that captures and provides generating facility, solar energy to a preexisting electric generating facility using • includes methods and procedures to monitor the disposi- other fuels in part. tion of the carbon dioxide captured and sequestered from “Interest in a qualified generating facility” means title the coal-based electric generating facility, and • does not exceed a name-plate capacity of 700 net megawatts. |