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                          2022 Form NJ-1080-C Instructions
Qualified nonresident individuals who are members of general and limited partnerships, professional athletic teams, 
limited liability partnerships, limited liability companies, New Jersey electing S corporations, estates, and trusts can 
participate in a composite return. Any composite return that is filed on behalf of 25 or more participants must be filed on 
diskette. See general diskette specifications.

Only individuals are eligible to file as part of a composite make an election to be included in the composite return 
return. To qualify for participation in a composite return,  after April 15 following the close of the tax year. 
the nonresident must be a member of one of the speci-
fied entities and satisfy all of the following conditions:
                                                             Permission to File not Required
1.  The individual was a nonresident for the entire tax      Written permission to file a composite return is not re-
year;                                                        quired. Any entity that is eligible to file a composite re-
                                                             turn can do so without first putting the Division on notice.
2.  The individual did not maintain a permanent place 
of abode in New Jersey at any time during the tax 
year;                                                        When to File
                                                             Returns for calendar year 2022 are due April 18, 2023. 
3.  The individual was not a fiscal year filer;              No fiscal composite returns will be accepted.
4.  The individual did not have income derived from or 
connected with New Jersey sources other than the             Postmark Date
income reported on composite return(s);                      All New Jersey Income Tax returns postmarked on or be-
                                                             fore the due date of the return are considered to be filed 
5.  The individual waives the right to claim any New         on time. Tax returns postmarked after the due date are 
Jersey personal exemption, credit, or deduction              considered to be filed late. When a return is postmarked 
and agrees to have the tax calculated directly on            after the due date, the filing date for that return is the 
the individual’s income reported on the composite            date the return was received by the Division, not the 
return at the highest tax rate in effect for single tax-     postmark date of the return.
payers for the tax year; and

6.  The individual elects to be included in a composite      Extension of Time to File
return by completing and delivering to the filing en-        An extension of time to file will be granted on a compos-
tity a Form NJ-1080E (Election to Participate in a           ite basis only. The request for an extension of time to file 
Composite Return) prior to the filing of the compos-         must be made on Form NJ-630 on or before the origi-
ite return by the entity.                                    nal due date of the return. The request must be made 
                                                             under the filing entity’s federal identification number. A 
An individual can participate in other New Jersey Gross      six-month extension of time to file the NJ-1080-C will be 
Income Tax composite returns, provided that the require-     granted if at least 80% of the actual tax liability is paid in 
ments of subsections 1 through 6 above are satisfied.        the form of estimated or other payments by the original 
Once a nonresident elects to participate in a composite      due date of the return.
return, the election is binding on the individual’s heirs, 
representatives, assigns, successors, executors, and ad-     Taxpayers who file Form NJ-630 will not receive an ap-
ministrators and constitutes an express consent to per-      proved copy. The Division will only send notification if the 
sonal jurisdiction in New Jersey for New Jersey personal     request for extension is denied. 
Income Tax purposes.
                                                             If the requirements for extension are not satisfied, or 
                                                             if the return is not filed by the extended due date, the 
Election to Participate
                                                             extension will be denied and penalties and interest 
Every participating member must make the election to 
                                                             will be imposed from the original due date of the re-
be part of the composite return in writing each year by 
                                                             turn. See Penalty and Interest Charges.
filing Form NJ-1080E with the filing entity. The elections 
must be maintained in the filing entity’s files. When filed, 
the composite return must include a list of the members      Where to File
who are participating, as well as a list of those who have   Mail Form NJ-1080-C to:
not elected, or are not qualified, to participate in the     State of New Jersey 
composite return. The list must include each member’s        Division of Taxation
name, address, and federal identification number. A          Revenue Processing Center
qualified electing nonresident participant cannot revoke     PO Box 188
an election to be included in the composite return or        Trenton, New Jersey 08646-0188

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How to Pay                                                    Accounting Method
The balance of tax can be paid either electronically          The accounting method used for Form NJ-1080-C must 
(e-check or credit card) or by check or money order.          be the same as the accounting method used by the par-
Payment must be made by April 18, 2023. .If paying by         ticipants for federal income tax purposes.
check or money order, make payable to State of New 
Jersey – TGI and include the federal employer identifi-
cation number. Complete a payment voucher (Form NJ-           Accounting Periods
1040NR-V), and include the voucher and payment with           The accounting period for a nonresident composite re-
your return. Do not include the payment voucher if you        turn is the calendar year.
are paying electronically.
                                                              Forms and Assistance
                                                              Forms are available on our website, by calling 1 (800) 
Penalties and Interest Charges
Penalties and interest should be included with the            323-4400, or by writing to the New Jersey Division of 
payment of any tax due. The Division may impose the           Taxation, 3 John Fitch Way, PO Box 269, Trenton, NJ 
following:                                                    08695-0269, Attention: Forms Distribution Center.

Late filing penalty: 5% per month (or part of a month)        Assistance is available by calling the Division’s Cus-
up to a maximum of 25% of the outstanding tax liability       tomer Service Center at (609) 292-6400.
when a return is filed after the due date or extended due 
                                                              A composite return, Form NJ-1080-C, must be 
date. Also, a penalty of $100 per month for each month 
                                                              paper-filed. The directory information for a composite 
the return is late may be imposed.
                                                              return filed on behalf of 25 or more participants must be 
Late payment penalty: 5% of the outstanding tax bal-          submitted on diskette or rewritable CD. See general dis-
ance may be imposed.                                          kette specifications.

Interest: 3% above the prime rate for every month or 
                                                              Rounding off to Whole Dollars
part of a month the tax is unpaid, compounded annually.       The money items on the return and schedules can be 
At the end of each calendar year, any tax, penalties and      shown in whole dollars. This means that any amount un-
interest remaining due (unpaid) will become part of the       der 50 cents can be eliminated and amounts of 50 cents 
balance on which interest is charged.                         or more should be increased to the next higher dollar.

Estimated Tax                                                 Amended Returns
If the filing entity has filed a composite return in the pre- An amended Form NJ-1080-C must be filed if an 
vious years and the amount estimated to be the total In-      amended federal return is filed for any filing entity, or if 
come Tax liability for the composite return for the current   the Internal Revenue Service changes or corrects any 
tax year exceeds $400, the filing entity must make quar-      item of income, gain, or loss previously reported. The 
terly estimated tax payments using Form NJ-1040-ES.           amended New Jersey return must be filed within 90 
Instructions for calculating the estimated tax and making     days of the date the amended federal form is filed or, in 
the payments are included with that form. Failure to          the case of a federal audit, within 90 days after the final 
make estimated payments when required or pay all or           determination of the change. To amend the original com-
part of an underpayment will result in interest charges on    posite return, use a blank Form NJ-1080-C for the tax 
the underpayment.                                             year that is to be amended and write “Amended” across 
                                                              the top. Complete the form by entering the correct infor-
Underpayment of Estimated Tax                                 mation and enclose an explanation of the changes.
If the filing entity failed to make the required estimated 
tax payments as described above, the entity must com-         An amended composite return should also be filed if the 
plete Form NJ-2210, Underpayment of Estimated Tax             filing entity issues amended or corrected information 
by Individuals, Estates, or Trusts. Completing Form           returns (e.g., Form W-2, federal Schedule K-1, etc.) that 
NJ-2210 will allow you to determine if interest on the        affect Total New Jersey Taxable Income (line 17).
underpayment is due and if so, to calculate the amount. 
If you complete and enclose Form NJ-2210 with your            Signatures
return, fill in the oval below line 19. Credit will not be    Form NJ-1080-C is not considered to be a return unless 
given on the composite return for estimated tax pay-          it is signed and dated. If the filing entity is a general 
ments made by any of the qualified electing nonresi-          partnership, a limited partnership, or a limited liability 
dent participants.                                            partnership, the return must be signed by a general 
                                                              partner or the partner designated for tax matters. If the 
                                                              filing entity is an electing New Jersey S corporation, the 
                                                              return must be signed by an officer of the corporation; if 
                                                              a limited liability company, by an authorized member; if 

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an estate, by the executor or administrator; if a trust, by    the request is being made and how the information is 
a trustee. If a receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, or assignee   being used.
controls the organization’s property or business, that 
person must sign the return. If the filing entity is a pro-    Social Security numbers are used primarily to account 
fessional athletic team, the return must be signed as          for and give credit for tax payments. The Division of 
required above depending on the type of entity.                Taxation also uses Social Security numbers in the ad  -
                                                               ministration and enforcement of all tax laws for which it 
Anyone who prepares a composite return for a fee must          is responsible.
sign the return as a “Paid Preparer” and must enter their 
Social Security number. The company or corporation 
name and federal employer identification number must           Federal/State Tax Agreement
be included, if applicable. The preparer required to sign      The New Jersey Division of Taxation and the Internal 
the composite return must sign it by hand; signature           Revenue Service have entered into a Federal/State 
stamps or labels are not acceptable. If someone pre-           Agreement to exchange income tax information in order 
pares the return at no charge, the paid preparer’s area        to verify the accuracy and consistency of information re      -
does not need to be completed. A tax preparer who fails        ported on federal and New Jersey Income Tax returns.
to sign the return or provide a correct tax identification 
number may incur a $25 penalty for each omission.              Fraudulent Return
                                                               Any person who willfully fails to file a return, files a fraud-
                                                               ulent return, or attempts to evade the tax in any manner 
Privacy Act Notification
The Federal Privacy Act of 1974 requires an agency re-         may be liable for a penalty not to exceed $7,500 or impris-
questing information from individuals to inform them why       onment for a term between three and five years, or both.

                                General Instructions for Form NJ-1080-C
General Information                                            For more information on the Gubernatorial Public Fi-
Enter the exact legal name, trade name, if any, and ad-        nancing program, contact the New Jersey Election Law 
dress of the entity filing the return on behalf of its partic- Enforcement Commission at (609) 292-8700 or online. 
ipating members. The legal name is the name in which 
the business owns property or acquires debt. Enter the         Enclosures 
trade name or d/b/a (doing-business-as) name if different      For each qualified electing nonresident partici-
from the entity’s legal name.                                  pant, a copy of the following must be enclosed with 
                                                               Form NJ-1080-C:
Enter the entity’s federal employer identification number 
                                                                 Schedule NJK-1, Form NJ-1065, if the filing entity is 
                                                                a partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited 
Enter the number of nonresident individuals participating       liability company;
in the composite return in the space provided.                   Form W-2, if the filing entity is a professional athletic 
Check the appropriate box to indicate the type of entity         Schedule NJ-K-1, Form CBT-100S, if the filing entity 
that is filing the return.                                      is a New Jersey electing S corporation;
                                                                 Schedule NJK-1, Form NJ-1041;
Gubernatorial Elections Fund                                     Schedule PTE-K-1, Form PTE-100, if the filing entity 
If you want to designate $1 to go to help candidates for        is a pass-through entity that filed an election to pay 
governor pay expenses, check the “Yes” box in the Gu-           the Business Alternative Income Tax.
bernatorial Elections Fund section of the return. Check-
ing the “Yes” box will not in any way increase your tax 
liability or reduce your refund.

Instructions for Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, and Limited Liability Partnerships 

The income entered on line 12, Distributive Share of           Line 12 – Distributive Share of Partnership Income. 
Partnership Income, will be the combined income re-            Enter on this line the composite amount of income from 
ported in column B of Schedule NJK-1, Form NJ-1065,            the partnership that was reported on line 4, column B, 
for each qualified electing nonresident partner.               Schedule NJK-1, Form NJ-1065, for all participating part-
                                                               ners. If the composite amount is a loss, enter “0” (zero).
Lines 8 through 11. Enter “0” (zero) on each of these 
lines.                                                         Lines 13 through 16. Enter “0” (zero) on each of these 

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Line 17 – Total New Jersey Taxable Income. Enter on         Credit will not be given on the composite return for esti-
line 17 the total of lines 8 through 16.                    mated tax payments made on an individual basis by any 
                                                            of the participating partners during the tax year.
Line 18 – Tax. Calculate the tax by multiplying the 
amount on line 17 by 10.75%.                                Line 23 – Tax Paid on Partners’ Behalf by Partner-
                                                            ship. Enter on line 23 the total amount of New Jersey 
Line 19 – Interest on Underpayment of Estimated Tax.        Income Tax paid on participating partners’ behalf by the 
New Jersey’s Income Tax is a “pay-as-you-go” tax. You       partnership, as shown on line 1, Part III of Schedule 
must pay the tax as you earn or receive income through-     NJK-1s. Enclose a copy of Schedule NJK-1 for each par-
out the year. If you do not pay enough tax on the income    ticipating partner for which a credit is being claimed.
you received, you may owe interest (see Estimated Tax).
                                                            Line 24 – Pass-Through Business Alternative Income 
To determine the amount of interest for the underpay-       Tax Credit. Enter the total shares of tax for participating 
ment of estimated tax, complete Form NJ-2210, Under-        members from Schedule PTE-K-1s received from the 
payment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, or        pass-through entity, as well as the total shares of tax 
Trusts. Enter on line 19 the amount of interest due from    for participating partners from line 4, Part III of Sched-
line 19, Form NJ-2210. Fill in the oval at line 19 and en-  ule NJK-1s. Enclose a copy of Schedule PTE-K-1 and 
close Form NJ-2210 with your return.                        Schedule NJK-1 for each member for which a credit is 
                                                            being claimed.
Line 20 – Total Tax Due. Enter on line 20 the total of 
lines 18 and 19.                                            Line 25 – Total Payments/Credits. Enter on line 25 the 
                                                            total of lines 21 through 24.
Line 21 – Total New Jersey Tax Withheld. Enter “0” 
(zero) on line 21.                                          Line 26 – Amount Due. If line 20 is more than line 25, 
                                                            there is a balance due. Make your check for the total 
Line 22 – Estimated Payments/Credit from 2021               amount payable to “State of New Jersey – TGI.”
Composite Return. Enter on line 22 the total of:
                                                            Line 27 – Overpayment. If line 20 is less than line 25, 
  Estimated tax payments made by the partnership for 
                                                            there is an overpayment.
  Credit, if any, applied from the partnership’s 2021      Line 28 – Refund. Enter on line 28 the amount from line 
 composite return;                                          27 that you want refunded to the partnership.
  Amount, if any, paid to qualify for an extension of time 
                                                            Line 29 – Credit to 2023 Tax. Subtract line 28 from line 
 to file.
                                                            27. Enter the result on line 29. This is the amount that 
                                                            will be credited to the 2023 composite tax liability.

                   Instructions for New Jersey Electing S Corporations 
Lines 8 through 12. Enter “0” (zero) on each of these       throughout the year. If you do not pay enough tax on the 
lines.                                                      income you received, you may owe interest (see Esti-
                                                            mated Tax).
Line 13 – Net Pro Rata Share of S Corporation In-
come. Enter on this line the combined amount of S           To determine the amount of interest for the underpay-
Corporation Income that was reported on line 1, Part II,    ment of estimated tax, complete Form NJ-2210, Under-
Schedule NJ-K-1, Form CBT-100S for all participating        payment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, or 
shareholders. If the combined amount of S Corporation       Trusts. Enter on line 19 the amount of interest due from 
Income is a loss, enter “0” (zero).                         line 19, Form NJ-2210. Fill in the oval at line 19 and en-
                                                            close Form NJ-2210 with your return.
Lines 14 through 16. Enter “0” (zero) on each of these 
lines.                                                      Line 20 – Total Tax Due. Enter on line 20 the total of 
                                                            lines 18 and 19.
Line 17 – Total New Jersey Taxable Income. Enter on 
line 17 the total of lines 8 through 16.                    Line 21 – Total New Jersey Tax Withheld. Enter “0” 
                                                            (zero) on line 21.
Line 18 – Tax. Calculate the tax by multiplying the 
amount on line 17 by 10.75%.                                Line 22 – Estimated Payments/Credit from 2021 
                                                            Composite Return. Enter on line 22 the total of:
Line 19 – Interest on Underpayment of Estimated 
Tax. New Jersey’s Income Tax is a “pay-as-you-go” tax.        Estimated tax payments made by the New Jersey 
You must pay the tax as you earn or receive income              electing S corporation for 2022;

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  Amount, if any, paid to qualify for an extension of       Line 24 – Pass-Through Business Alternative Income 
    time to file;                                            Tax Credit. Enter the total shares of tax for participating 
  In addition, the total on line 22 must include any        members from Schedule PTE-K-1s received from the 
    payments made by an S corporation on behalf of           pass-through entity, as well as total shares of tax for 
    any nonresident nonconsenting shareholders who           participating shareholders from line 8, Part II of Sched-
    have elected to participate in the composite return.     ule NJ-K-1s. Enclose a copy of Schedule PTE-K-1 and 
    If a nonresident nonconsenting shareholder elects        Schedule NJ-K-1 for each member for which a credit is 
    to participate in a composite return, the share-         being claimed.
    holder’s Social Security number reported on Form 
    NJ-1040-SC (Payment on Behalf of Nonconsenting           Line 25 – Total Payments/Credits. Enter on line 25 the 
                                                             total of lines 21 through 24.
    Shareholders) must be the same as the number 
    shown on Form NJ-1080-C as the entity’s federal 
                                                             Line 26 – Amount Due. If line 20 is more than line 25, 
    identification number. If the shareholder’s Social 
                                                             there is a balance due. Make your check for the total 
    Security number and the entity’s identification num-
                                                             amount payable to “State of New Jersey – TGI.”
    ber are not the same, credit will not be given on 
    Form NJ-1080-C.                                          Line 27 – Overpayment. If line 20 is less than line 25, 
                                                             there is an overpayment.
Credit will not be given on the composite return for esti-
mated tax payments made on an individual basis by any        Line 28 – Refund. Enter on line 28 the amount from line 
of the participating shareholders during the tax year.       27 that you want refunded to the S corporation.

Line 23 – Tax Paid on Partners’ Behalf by Partner-           Line 29 – Credit to 2023 Tax. Subtract line 28 from line 
ship. Enter “0” (zero) on line 23.                           27. Enter the result on line 29. This is the amount that 
                                                             will be credited to the 2023 composite tax liability.

                                   Instructions for Estates and Trusts 
Lines 8 through 14. Enter “0” (zero) on each of these        Line 20 – Total Tax Due. Enter on line 20 the total of 
lines.                                                       lines 18 and 19.

Line 15 – Net Gains or Income Derived Through                Line 21 – Total New Jersey Tax Withheld. Enter “0” 
Estates or Trusts. Enter on this line the combined           (zero) on line 21.
amount of estate or trust income that was distributed to 
all participating beneficiaries, but only to the extent that Line 22 – Estimated Payments/Credit from 2021 
those items were attributable to New Jersey sources and      Composite Return. Enter on line 22 the total of:
included in the amounts reported on Schedule E, Form 
NJ-1041. If no estate or trust income was distributed,         Estimated tax payments made by the estate or 
enter “0” (zero).                                                trust for 2022;
                                                               Amount, if any, paid to qualify for an extension of 
Line 16 – Other Income. Enter “0” on this line.                  time to file. 
                                                             Credit will not be given on the composite return for esti-
Line 17 – Total New Jersey Taxable Income. Enter on 
                                                             mated tax payments made on an individual basis by any 
line 17 the total of lines 8 through 16.
                                                             of the participating beneficiaries during the tax year.
Line 18 – Tax. Calculate the tax by multiplying the 
                                                             Line 23 – Tax Paid on Partners’ Behalf by Partner-
amount on line 17 by 10.75%.
                                                             ship. Enter on line 23 the total shares of tax for par-
Line 19 – Interest on Underpayment of Estimated              ticipating beneficiaries from Schedule NJK-1s, Form 
Tax. New Jersey’s Income Tax is a “pay-as-you-go” tax.       NJ-1041. Enclose a copy of Schedule NJK-1 for each 
You must pay the tax as you earn or receive income           beneficiary for which a credit is being claimed.
throughout the year. If you do not pay enough tax on the 
                                                             Line 24 – Pass-Through Business Alternative Income 
income you received, you may owe interest (see Esti-
                                                             Tax Credit. Enter the total shares of tax for participating 
mated Tax).
                                                             beneficiaries from Schedule NJK-1s, Form NJ-1041.  
To determine the amount of interest for the underpay-        Enclose a copy of Schedule NJK-1 for each beneficiary 
ment of estimated tax, complete Form NJ-2210, Under-         for which a credit is being claimed.
payment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, or 
                                                             Line 25 – Total Payments/Credits. Enter on line 25 the 
Trusts. Enter on line 19 the amount of interest due from 
                                                             total of lines 21 through 24.
line 19, Form NJ-2210. Fill in the oval at line 19 and en-
close Form NJ-2210 with your return.

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Line 26 – Amount Due. If line 20 is more than line 25,        Line 28 – Refund. Enter on line 28 the amount from 
there is a balance due. Make your check for the total         line 27 that you want refunded to the estate or trust.
amount payable to “State of New Jersey – TGI.”
                                                              Line 29 – Credit to 2023 Tax. Subtract line 28 from line 
Line 27 – Overpayment. If line 20 is less than line 25,       27. Enter the result on line 29. This is the amount that 
there is an overpayment.                                      will be credited to the 2023 composite tax liability.

                         Instructions for Professional Athletic Teams

Line 8 – Wages, salaries, tips and other employee             Line 22 – Estimated Payments/Credit from 2021 
compensation. Enter on this line the combined amount          Composite Return. Enter on line 22 the total of:
of wages that was paid by the team to the participating 
athletes as a result of duty days spent in New Jersey           Estimated tax payments, if any, made by the team 
during the tax year.                                              for 2022;
                                                                Amount, if any, paid to qualify for an extension of 
Lines 9 through 16. Enter “0” (zero) on each of these             time to file;
                                                                 Credit, if any, applied from the team’s 2022 com
lines.                                                                                                               -
Line 17 – Total New Jersey Taxable Income. Enter on               posite return. Credit will not be given on the com   -
line 17 the total of lines 8 through 16.                          posite return for estimated tax payments made on 
                                                                  an individual basis by any of the participating non-
Line 18 – Tax. Calculate the tax by multiplying the               resident athletes during the tax year.
amount on line 17 by 10.75%.
                                                              Line 23 – Tax Paid on Partners’ Behalf by Partner-
Line 19 – Interest on Underpayment of Tax. New Jer-           ship. Enter “0” (zero) on line 23.
sey’s Income Tax is a “pay-as-you-go” tax. You must pay 
the tax as you earn or receive income throughout the          Line 24 – Enter “0” (zero) on line 24.
year. If you do not pay enough tax on the income you re-
                                                              Line 25 – Total Payments/Credits. Enter on line 25 the 
ceived, you may owe interest (see Estimated Tax).
                                                              total of lines 21 through 24.
To determine the amount of interest for the underpay-
                                                              Line 26 – Amount Due. If line 20 is more than line 25, 
ment of estimated tax, complete Form NJ-2210, Under-
                                                              there is a balance due. Make your check for the total 
payment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, or 
                                                              amount payable to “State of New Jersey – TGI.”
Trusts. Enter on line 19 the amount of interest due from 
line 19, Form NJ-2210. Fill in the oval at line 19 and en-    Line 27 – Overpayment. If line 20 is less than line 25, 
close Form NJ-2210 with your return.                          there is an overpayment.

Line 20 – Total Tax Due. Enter on line 20 the total of        Line 28 – Refund. Enter on line 28 the amount from 
lines 18 and 19.                                              line 27 that you want refunded to the team.

Line 21 – Total New Jersey Tax Withheld. Enter on             Line 29 – Credit to 2023 Tax. Subtract line 28 from line 
line 21 the total New Jersey Income Tax withheld.             27. Enter the result on line 29. This is the amount that 
                                                              will be credited to the 2023 composite tax liability.

                                Instructions for Schedules A and B 

Schedule A                                                    Schedule B
Participant Directory                                         Nonparticipant Directory
List all participants. Be sure to include their name, princi- List all members of the filing entity, including partner-
pal address, and Social Security number. Indicate each        ships and corporations, that have not elected to or are 
participant’s share of New Jersey taxable income and          not qualified to participate in the composite return. Be 
the amount of New Jersey Gross Income Tax liability.          sure to include each member’s name, principal address, 
Enclose additional sheets if necessary.                       and Social Security number or EIN. Enclose additional 
                                                              sheets if necessary.
Any composite return that is filed on behalf of 25 or more 
participants must be filed on diskette. See general dis-      If Schedule A is required to be submitted on diskette 
kette specifications.                                         because there are 25 or more participants, Schedule B 
                                                              must also be submitted on diskette. 

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                       Instructions for Completing Form NJ-1080E 
Every qualified nonresident who chooses to participate in a composite return must read and complete Form NJ-1080E (or 
a form substantially similar), and return it to the filing entity. Form NJ-1080E must be completed and returned to the filing 
entity no later than April 15 following the close of the tax year. The election to participate cannot be revoked after April 15.

    General Diskette Specifications for Participant and Nonparticipant Directory 
The New Jersey Division of Taxation requires Participant and Nonparticipant Directory information (Schedules A and B of 
Form NJ-1080-C) to be filed on diskette or rewritable CD when there are 25 or more participants. Form NJ-1080-C (com-
posite return) cannot be filed on a diskette or rewritable CD, but must be filed on the paper return. A filing entity with less 
than 25 participants can also file on diskette or rewritable CD, but is not required to do so.

In addition to the standard format, Form NJ-1080-C Participant and Nonparticipant Directory information can be filed using 
an EXCEL spreadsheet. (Note: An EXCEL spreadsheet must be saved as a ‘Formatted Text (Space Delimited)’ file (prn).

To be compatible, a diskette file must meet the following specifications:

(a)  Only one “A” record and one “T” record must exist per file. The “A” record identifies the entity for which the partici-
    pant and nonparticipant directories are being reported and must be the first record on the file. A “D” record for each 
    individual must follow the “A” record. A “D” record must be written for each participant and nonparticipant. The “T” 
    record contains the number of “D” records reported and must be written after the last “D” record.

(b)  If a diskette was used previously for other data, reformat it before using it for an NJ-1080-C Participant/Nonpartici-
    pant Directory submittal.

(c)  All diskettes and rewritable CDs should be virus scanned before submission to the New Jersey Division of Taxation. 
    If the Division of Taxation detects a virus, the diskette(s) may be returned unprocessed.

(d)  Data must be recorded in UPPERCASE.

(e)  Each file must contain composite return information for a single tax year only. A file containing multiple tax years will 
    be rejected.

(f) The external label must indicate the file name, return year, federal EIN, name of the entity submitting the file, and 
    personal computer operating system/software package used (Example: Windows 10/Excel 2013).

(g)  A diskette file can consist of multiple diskettes. The external diskette label must indicate the proper sequence (e.g., 
    VOL 1 of 3). If a file consists of multiple diskettes the “A” record must be the first record on the first diskette in the se-
    quence. The “T” record must be the last record on the last diskette in the sequence.

(h)  Use the column width indicated for each column for the entire file.

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