Enlarge image | ■ CLGS-32-5 (-10 23) ■ Keystone Collections Group PO Box 559 EMPLOYER QUARTERLY RETURN Irwin, PA 15642-0559 Local Earned Income Tax Withholding You are entitled to receive a written explanation of your rights with regard to the audit, appeal, enforcement, refund and collection of local taxes by contacting your Tax Officer. Check if making any corrections to EMPLOYER’S Name & Address File ONLINE at Business.KeystoneCollects.com EMPLOYER BusINEss NAME (use federal ID Name) EMPLOYER BusINEss LOCATIONNo - sTREET ADDREss ( PO Box, RD or RR) sECOND LINE Of ADDREss CITY OR POsT OffICE sTATE zIP WORKPLACE LOCATION (city, Borough, township) enter physical address of workplace facility COuNTY BusINEss PHONE NuMBER BusINEss fAx NuMBER EMPLOYER PsD CODE fEDERAL EIN OR sOCIAL sECuRITY # ACCOuNT NuMBER YEAR AND QuARTER INCLUDE ONLY W-2 WAGE EARNERS FROM BUSINESS PAYROLL - USE EMPLOYEE STREET ADDRESS (No PO Boxes) 1. Total Earned Income Tax Withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8. Date Period Ended (MMDDYYYY) . . . . . . . . . . 2. Credit or Adjustment (attach detail) . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9. Total Pages of This Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Total of Earned Income Tax Due (line 1 minus line 2) . $ 10. Total Number of Employees Listed . . . . . . . 4. Total Payments Made this Quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ If there has been a change of ownership or other transfer of business during . 5. Adjusted Total of EIT Due (line 3 minus line 4) . . . . . . $ the quarter, attach explanation and give name of present owner and date the . change took place. CHANGE NO CHANGE per month after 6. Penalty & Interest ( ___% due date x line 5 ) . . . . . $ . 7. Balance Due with Return (Add lines 5 and 6) . . . . $ Do you expect to pay taxable wages next quarter? Yes No . under penalties of perjury, I (we) declare that I (we) have examined this information, including all accompanying schedules and statements and to the best of my (our) belief, they are true, correct and complete. PRIMARY CONTACT INDIvIDuAL (first Name, Last Name) TITLE PRIMARY CONTACT PHONE NuMBER PRIMARY CONTACT EMAIL ADDREss sIGNATuRE Of PRIMARY CONTACT INDIvIDuAL DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) INCLUDE ONLY W-2 WAGE EARNERS FROM BUSINESS PAYROLL - USE EMPLOYEE STREET ADDRESS (No PO Boxes) (11)EMPLOYEE SOCIAL (12)EMPLOYEE NAME/ADDRESS (13) GROSS (14) EITWITHHELD (15) RESIDENT Check box if making any corrections to EMPLOYEE’S COMPENSATION PAID THIS SECURITY NUMBER Name/Address, SSN, or Resident PSD THIS QUARTER QUARTER PSD CODE Include 9 digits $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . (16) FIRST PAGE TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ $ . . Make check payable to: KEYSTONE COLLECTIONS GROUP There will be a $29 bank fee for returned payments and checks. TOTAL Amount Enclosed . . . . . . . $ . ■ ■ |
Enlarge image | ■ ■ CLGS-32-5 (-10 23) EMPLOYER QUARTERLY RETURN for Local Earned Income Tax Withholding Employer federal EIN: ___________________________________________________________________________ Year and Quarter: ______________ INCLUDE ONLY W-2 WAGE EARNERS FROM BUSINESS PAYROLL - USE EMPLOYEE STREET ADDRESS (No PO Boxes) (11)EMPLOYEE SOCIAL (12)EMPLOYEE NAME/ADDRESS (13) GROSS (14) AMOUNT OF EIT (15) RESIDENT Check box if making any corrections to EMPLOYEE’S COMPENSATION PAID WITHHELD THIS SECURITY NUMBER Name/Address, SSN, or Resident PSD THIS QUARTER QUARTER PSD CODE Include 9 digits $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . . (16) THIS PAGE TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ $ . . File online at businessKeystoneCollects.com. INCLUDE ONLY W-2 WAGE EARNERS FROM BUSINESS PAYROLL - USE EMPLOYEE STREET ADDRESS (No PO Boxes) ■■ |