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                 kansas secretary of state                                                              MAIL ONLY
                 Copy Order
 CO              Request Form
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                                                                                       Please complete the form, print and mail to the Kansas 
                                                                                       Secretary of State with the filing fee.  Selecting 'Print' 
 Memorial Hall, 1st Floor              (785) 296-4564                                  will print the form and 'Reset' will clear the entire form.
 120 S.W. 10th Avenue                  https://sos.ks.gov 
 Topeka, KS 66612-1594 
                                                                                             THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY.

 1.   Contact name and                                                                                  Phone
  daytime phone number:

 2.   Business entity name             Entity Name                                                      ID Number (Not FEIN)
  and Kansas ID number:
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 3.   Document type:                     Plain Copy Articles & Amendments *            o Certified Copy Articles & Amendments *
 Plain copies = $20 per document.                                    Date Filed                                         Date Filed
 Certified copies = $35 per            o Plain Copy Amendment                          o Certified Copy Amendment
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 Credit card = $5 minimum for  
 all credit card orders.
                                                                     Fiscal Month/Year                                  Fiscal Month/Year
 Document cannot be emailed.             Plain Copy Annual Report                      o Certified Copy Annual 
                                       o                                                       Report
 * Includes original articles and all 
 subsequent amendments filed to        o Certificate of Good Standing ($15)
 the date of copy request. If articles 
 have been restated, includes latest 
 restated articles and subsequent 
 amendments from date of restated 
 articles unless otherwise indicated.

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  (include an additional $7.50 for each document)

 4.   Payment Method
  Credit card:                         Credit Card Number                       Expiration Date (MM/YY) Billing Zip Code
  ($5 minimum for all credit 
  card orders)

          K.S.A. 17-7506                                                                     Please continue to next page.
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5.   Please indicate preferred delivery method:  
                                     FedEx Account Number
  o Regular mail:      o  FedEx

  Delivery address:    Attention Name

                       Company/Firm Name


                       City                                      State Zip Code

  o Will pick up in the Secretary of State’s Office              

      K.S.A. 17-7506                                                   Please review to ensure completion.
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