- 1 -
Month: Account #: Bus. Name:
1 Gross sales of tangible personal property, leases, rentals and services
as reported to the State of Louisiana
2 Sales for resale Business Closed Date Closed:
3 Cash discounts, sales returns and allowances Comments
4 Sales delivered or shipped outside of Vermilion Parish
5 Sales of gasoline and motor fuels
6 Sales to U.S. Govt. and State of Louisiana
Other deductions authorized by law (explain briefly)
11 Total allowable deductions (lines 2 thru 10)
State ID#: Signature:
12 Adjusted Gross Sales (line 1 minus line 11)
Notes: A A1 A2 B C D E F G
Report all Hotel/Motel School Board Hospital Dist #1 Hospital Dist #2 Gueydan Kaplan Abbeville Erath Delcambre Maurice
sales in column H on Police Jury Parish & Parish & & Parish & Parish & Parish & Parish & Parish &
separate Hotel/Motel Tax Sheriff’s Dept. Outside Kaplan Outside Abbeville Parish Hospital Dist. #1 Hospital Dist. #2 Hospital Dist. #2 Hospital Dist. #2 Hospital Dist. #2
Report form in addition to (Parish)
respective columns (A-G)
3.75% 4.75% 4.25% 4.75% 5.75% 6.00% 5.25% 5.25% 5.75%
13 Adjusted Gross Sales
14 Use Tax Sales
15 Total (lines 13 + 14)
16 Tax
17 Excess tax collected
18 Total (lines 16 + 17)
19 Vendor’s Comp Rate 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
19a V.C. (lines 18 * 19)
(if payment not delq)
20 Tax Due (lines 18 - 19a)
21 Delinquent Penalty
(see note 1)
22 Interest (see note 2)
23 Total lines 20 + 21 + 22
24 Debit or Credit (note 3)
25 Total (lines 23 + 24)
26 Remittance attached $ Sales Tax Division Make all remittances payable to
Vermilion Parish School Board Vermilion Parish School Board
P.O. Box 1508
Abbeville, Louisiana 70511-1508 Sales Tax Division
To avoid penalties be sure that you transmit or Note 1: 5% of tax for each 30 days or fraction thereof, 25% max.
postmark this return on or before the 20th of
each month following the period covered. Note 2: Daily rate of .000411 from due date. SALES AND USE TAX REPORT
Note 3: Authorized memo must be attached.