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Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office
NEWELL NORMAND Bureau of Revenue and Taxation
Sheriff and Ex-Officio Tax Collector P.O. Box 248 9500F
Parish of Jefferson Gretna, LA 70054
Voice: (504) 376-2459
1. Date of application ________/________/________ Fax: (504) 376-2469
2. Application For: A. ❏ Sales/Use Tax B. ❏ Occupational License Tax
C. ❏ Chain Store Tax D. ❏ General Registration
3. Reason for applying: A. ❏ Started new business C. ❏ Other (specify): ______________________________________________
B. ❏ Purchased ongoing business: Name of previous owner: _______________________________________________
Have you ever registered with this office? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, list below the business name.
Business name: ___________________________________________________ If closed, enter date closed: ______/______/______
4. Federal Employer ID Number ❏ None 5. LA Sales Tax Number ❏ None 6. Local Tax Number ❏ None
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7. A. Taxpayer Name/Corporate Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
B. Trade name of business: ________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ( _____ ) ______________________
8. A. Business address (NO P.O. Box or General Delivery): ________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: __________________–___________
B. Address for receiving tax forms/correspondence: ____________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: __________________–___________
C. Website: __________________________________________ D. Location of accounting records: Check one as noted in ❏ 8A ❏ 8B
If other, list complete address below. ........................
9. Type of organization: ❏ Sole Proprietor ❏ Partnership ❏ Corporation ❏ LLC ❏ LLP ❏ LP
❏ Governmental ❏ Nonprofit (IRS Ruling must be attached) ❏ Other _____________________________________
10. If sole owner/individual: Name: ______________________________________________________________ SSN: _________________________________
(Attach copy of valid photo I.D.)
Home address: ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ( _____ ) _______________________
City: _____________________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: __________________–___________
11. If corporation, LLC, LLP, Name Title SSN: _____________________________
LP or partnership: name,
title, Social Security Address Telephone: ( ____ ) __________________
Number, home address
and telephone number of Name Title SSN: _____________________________
officers, members, man-
agers or partners Address Telephone: ( ____ ) __________________
Attach additional sheets
if necessary to complete Name Title SSN: _____________________________
this information.
Address Telephone: ( ____ ) __________________
12. Tax Contact Person: ______________________________________________________________________ Title: _________________________________
Telephone: ( _____ ) __________________________ Email address: ________________________________________________________________
13. Agent for service of process: Name: _________________________________________________________ Telephone: ( _____ ) ______________________
Physical Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: __________________–___________
14. Emergency Contact Person: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone: ( _____ ) ______________________
15. Date business started/acquired at 16. Number of other business locations 17. Number of retail business locations
this location: _______/_______/_______ in Jefferson Parish? ______________ nationwide? (incl. this location) ____________
18. A. Description of business activity: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
B. NAICS Code: _____________________________________ C. Food/Beverage Sales: ❏ Yes ❏ No D. Firearm Sales: ❏ Yes ❏ No
I affirm that the information
given on this application is
true and correct. Signature of applicant: _______________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________
I request the Emergency
Contact telephone number Signature of preparer: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________
be kept confidential.