Executive Order - COVID-19 Local Sales Tax Penalty Amnesty Program
View the Executive Order issued by Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome on August 18, 2020.
Executive Order - Local Sales Tax Remittance
View the Executive Order issued by Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome on March 17, 2020.
Active Peddler Permits
Find information about active peddler permits.
New Business Registration
Those looking to register a new business can find important forms here.
New Business Reports
These reports contain the names of the new businesses that have registered with East Baton Rouge.
No Solicitation Subdivisions
View a list of subdivisions that have provided the resolution to the Finance Department Revenue Division designating their subdivision as a "No Solicitation" subdivision.
Occupational License Tax
The Finance Department Revenue Division collects occupational license taxes from businesses located in East Baton Rouge Parish. New businesses must obtain their occupational license one month prior to opening their business.
Sales & Use Tax
View sales and use tax information for businesses.
Tax Forms
View and download tax forms from the Revenue Division.
Taxing Ordinances
Find information about local tax ordinances.
Tax Facts Newsletters
Since December 1990, the Revenue Division has published and distributed the Tax Facts Newsletter. The newsletter is designed to keep taxpayers up-to-date on important sales/use tax and occupational license tax matters.
Taxing Jurisdiction Street Lookup
You can enter the street number and street name to determine the applicable taxing jurisdiction for that address.