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City of Baton Rouge – Parish of East Baton Rouge
Dept of Finance-Revenue Division
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-2590
Phone 225-389-3084 Fax 225-389-5369
EBR City-Parish Business
Account Number: Name:
Business Address:
Contact Person: Contact Telephone:
Type of Tax: Contact Email Address:
Preferred Refund Method:
Total Taxes Remitted
Total Taxes Due, as amended Credit Memo
Difference (Total Refund Requested) Refund Check
This refund is claimed for the following reasons (check all that apply):
Mathematical error on return or supporting documents
Taxpayer failed to claim properly documented eligible deductions on original return (resales, returns, etc)
Taxpayer construction of the law contrary to the collector’s construction of the law at the time of payment
Error, omission, or mistake of fact of consequence to the determination of the tax liability by the taxpayer or
Change made by the collector in an assessment, notice or billing issued
Subsequent determination that taxpayer was entitled to pay a tax at a reduced rate
Payment exceeded the amount on the face of the return
Bad debt write-off
Other (describe):
Include the following documents with the application:
• An amended return for applicable periods
• If this application for refund is for multiple months, please attach a monthly detail of taxes remitted, amended
taxes due, and refund amounts
• All documentation needed to adequately determine that a refund is due. This may include, but is not limited to
original invoices, credit invoices, original tax return, proof of payment, customer exemption certificates, and
monthly sales summary.
• For bad debt write-offs, please supply the State’s approval letter and the corresponding federal income tax return.
If all necessary documentation is not simultaneously submitted with this application, the refund request will not be
considered as received and ready for review.
Under the penalty of perjury, I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all the facts alleged above as a basis for
reasonable cause (including all accompanying documentation) are true, correct, and complete.
Printed Name of Applicant Signature of Applicant
Title Date