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RPD-41281            State of New Mexico  - Taxation and Revenue Department
Rev. 08/17/2015
                                 Job Mentorship Tax Credit Claim Form
Purpose of Form. Form RPD-41281, Job Mentorship Tax Credit Claim Form, is used by a taxpayer who is not a dependent 
of another taxpayer and who is an owner, partner or associate of a  New Mexico business that employs qualified students     
in a career preparation education program sponsored by an accredited New Mexico secondary school. The taxpayer may 
claim a Job Mentorship Tax Credit for each taxable year in which the business employs one or more qualified students. (*See 
Important Definitions in the instructions.) To claim the credit, the taxpayer must submit this form and all required attachments 
with its personal or corporate income tax return. Form RPD-41280, Job Mentorship Tax Credit Certificate, must be at-
tached for each qualified student employed and included in this claim. See the instructions.
 Name of Qualified New Mexico Business (Employer)                        New Mexico CRS Identification No. 

Street Address                                     City, State and ZIP Code

Mailing Address                                    City, State and ZIP Code

Name of Contact                                   Phone Number                                   E-mail Address
1.  Enter the beginning and ending dates of the tax year of this claim:           From                          to

2.  Enter the amount from line 6, Form RPD-41281, Job Mentorship Tax Credit Claim Form, 
   Detail Report. You must attach a copy of the detail report to this claim form.                2.

3. Calculate the total unused credit available for carry forward from prior years from 
   the worksheet on Schedule A and enter here. Include a copy of Schedule A with this 
   claim form.                                                                                   3.

4.  Enter the sum of lines 2 and 3. This is the total credit available in the current tax year 
   for the qualified New Mexico business.

5.  Enter the portion of total credit available (from line 4) claimed on your current New Mexico 
   income tax return. The aggregate credit claimed by a business in any tax year cannot be 
   greater than $12,000. If the credit is to be claimed by two or more owners, partners or 
   associates, complete the Division of Total Available Credit Report in Schedule A. Each 
   owner, partner or associate enters on this line only the amount claimed on the individual 
   return. Include a copy of Schedule A with each claim form filed.                              5.

Enter the credit claimed on the applicable line of the New Mexico income tax form, PIT-1, FID-1, CIT-1 or S-Corp. The Job 
Mentorship Tax Credit may only be deducted from the taxpayer’s New Mexico income tax liability. NOTE: Failure to attach 
this form and required attachments to your return will result in denial of the credit. For assistance, call (505) 827-0792.

   I certify that:   (You must check the box.)
          the hiring of the qualified student(s) included in this claim does not displace or replace a current employee.

   Under penalty of perjury I declare that I have examined this claim, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is 
   true, correct and complete.   

   Signature of claimant                                                Date 

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Rev. 08/17/2015

                                                                                                                                                                       Column F
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             allowed for this                                                                               column D by 0.5 
                                                                                                                                                                                           Amount of the credit                                                                                             employee. Multiply 

                                                                                                                                                                       Column E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             employed for which 
                                                                                                                                                                                           Number of hours                                                                                                  you reported gross                              wages in column D.

                                                                                                                                                                       Column D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of employment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               on page 1 of RPD-41281.   
                                                                                                                                                                                           Gross wages paid to                                               the qualified student                          during the tax year, for                        no more than 320 hours 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Total job mentorship tax credit allowed. Enter the sum 

                                                                                                                                                Detail Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Line 6.                                                                of column F, but not more than $12,000. Also enter this amount 
                                                                                                                                                                       Column C 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             social security                                number (SSN)
                                                                                                                                                                                           Qualified student’s 

                                                                                                            Job Mentorship Tax Credit Claim Form
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Enter the                          number of                       years the 
                                                                                                                                                              Column B          Claim year                                                                                                                                           student has                                   been claimed.                  (Enter 1, 2 or 3)

                                                      State of New Mexico  - Taxation and Revenue Department

                                                                                                                                                                       Column A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Name of qualified student

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RPD-41281              State of New Mexico  - Taxation & Revenue Department
Rev. 08/17/2015
                                    Job Mentorship Tax Credit Instructions

To encourage New Mexico businesses to hire youth participating in career preparation education programs, a New Mexico 
business may claim a credit equal to fifty percent of gross wages paid to qualified students who are employed by the busi-
ness during the taxable year. See Important Definitions below. For assistance completing this form, call (505) 827-0792.

The following restrictions apply:
The credit cannot be allowed for more than 10 qualified students by a business in a taxable year,
The credit cannot be allowed for more than 50% of gross wages paid on the first 320 hours of employment for each 
  qualified student,
A credit for a qualified student cannot be allowed for more than three tax years, and
No taxpayer may claim a credit in excess of $12,000 in any taxable year. 

Important Definitions
Career Preparation Education Program means a work-based learning or school-to-career program designed for second-
ary school students to create academic and career goals and objectives and find employment in a job meeting those goals 
and objectives. 
New Mexico Business means a corporation, a partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company treated as a partner-
ship for federal income tax purposes, S corporation or sole proprietorship that carries on a trade or business in New Mexico 
and employs in New Mexico fewer than 300 full-time employees at any one time during the tax year.
Qualified Student means an individual who is at least 14 years old, but not more than 21 years old, who is attending an 
accredited New Mexico secondary school full-time and who is a participant in a career preparation education program sanc-
tioned by the secondary school. 

The Taxation and Revenue Department issues certificates to a school according to the number of qualified students in the 
program on October 15 of that school year. To obtain the certificates, the school principal completes and submits Form 
RPD-41279, New Mexico Job Mentorship Tax Credit Certificate Request Form, to a local district tax office. See the 
local district office information included with these instructions. The Job Mentorship Tax Credit Certificate (Form 
RPD-41280) is executed by the school principal and transferred to a New Mexico business (employer) participating in the  
school-sanctioned career preparation education program sponsored by the school. A certificate specifies the qualified student 
and the school year to which the certificate applies. A certificate cannot be transferred to another business, another school 
year or another qualified student.

To claim the credit, the employer must complete Form RPD-41281, Job Mentorship Tax Credit Claim Form, the accompanying 
Detail Report, and attach them to the personal, corporate or fiduciary income tax return for the tax year in which the quali-
fied student was employed. Attach Schedule A to RPD-41281, Job Mentorship Tax Credit Claim Form, if you have unused 
job mentorship tax credit available for carry forward from prior years, or your total available credit can be claimed by one or 
more owners, partners or associates. 

Married individuals who file separate returns for a tax year in which they could have filed a joint return may each claim only 
one-half of the credit that would have been allowed on a joint return. A taxpayer who qualifies for and claims a job mentorship 
tax credit for employment of qualified students by a partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, S corporation 
or other business association of which the taxpayer is a member may claim a credit only in proportion to his interest. The 
total credit claimed by all owners, partners or associates of the business shall not exceed the maximum credit allowed by 
the employer in any tax year.

Also attach a copy of an executed Form RPD-41280, Job Mentorship Tax Credit Certificate, for each qualified student em-
ployed during the tax year of the claim. The job mentorship tax credit may only be deducted from the taxpayer’s New Mexico 
income tax liability for the tax year. Any unused portion of the credit allowed may be carried forward for three consecutive 
tax years, under certain conditions.

Form RPD-41279, New Mexico Job Mentorship Tax Credit Certificate Request Form, and Form RPD-41281, Job Mentorship 
Tax Credit Claim Form, can be found on the Department’s web site, www.tax.newmexico.gov. Click on “Forms and Publica-
tions”, then click “Tax Credits”, and click on Job Mentorship.

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RPD-41281                   State of New Mexico  - Taxation & Revenue Department
Rev. 08/17/2015
                                Job Mentorship Tax Credit Claim Form
                                                      Schedule A

Attach Schedule A to RPD-41281, Job Mentorship Tax Credit Claim Form, if you have unused job mentorship tax credit 
available for carry forward from prior years, or your total available credit can be claimed by one or more owners, partners 
or associates.
Worksheet to calculate the total unused credit available for carry forward from prior years
(a) Tax year of previously allowed credit. Enter the tax year for each credit allowed in a previous tax year. Do not include 
any credit allowed for a tax year more than three years prior to the current tax year. Enter the tax year if the credit was al-
lowed for a full calendar year. For fiscal-year and short-year returns, enter the beginning and ending dates of the tax year. For 
example, enter 2003 if the tax year is a calendar year, or enter July 1, 2002, to June 30, 2003, if the tax year is a fiscal year.
(b) Credit allowed in the previous tax year. For each credit allowed in a previous tax year listed in column (a), enter the 
total amount of credit allowed by the Department for the business on Form RPD-41281, filed for that year.
(c) Total credit claimed in previous tax years  . For each credit allowed in a previous tax year listed in column (a), enter 
the total amount of credit claimed on prior year returns. For each tax year, current-year credits are applied before applying 
carry forward credits.
(d) Unused credit available for carry forward from prior years. Subtract column (c) from column (b). Enter the sum of all 
amounts in column (d) on line 3 of the current year claim form, RPD-41281.   
If the prior year credit allowed was divided between the owners, partners or associates eligible to claim the job mentorship 
tax credit, enter only the portion of the credit that you were allowed and have claimed in prior tax years in this schedule. 

    (a) Tax year of             (b) Credit allowed in      (c) Total credit claimed in  (d) Unused credit available for carry 
previously allowed credit       previous tax year            previous tax years                  forward [(b) - (c)] 

Division of the Total Available Credit Report
If the job mentorship tax credit for the New Mexico business is divided among two or more owners, partners or associates, 
complete the following information for each eligible owner, partner, or associate below. Enter the name and address of 
all business owners, partners or associates eligible to claim a portion of the total job mentorship tax credit available to be 
claimed in the current tax year. Enter the federal employer identification number (FEIN) or the social security number (SSN) 
used to file each owner’s, partner’s or associate’s New Mexico income tax return. Enter the percentage which represents 
the owner’s, partner’s or associate’s interest in the partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, S corporation 
or other business association. If additional space is needed, attach a separate schedule. 
Name and address of owner, partner or associate                   FEIN or SSN               Percentage of interest

Name and address of owner, partner or associate                   FEIN or SSN               Percentage of interest

Name and address of owner, partner or associate                   FEIN or SSN               Percentage of interest

Name and address of owner, partner or associate                   FEIN or SSN               Percentage of interest

Name and address of owner, partner or associate                   FEIN or SSN               Percentage of interest

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