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Taxation and Revenue Department
P.O. Box 25128        l    Santa Fe, New Mexico  87504-5128        l             1-866-285-2996
Taxation and Revenue Division web site:    http://www.tax.newmexico.gov/
Taxpayer Access Point (TAP):    https://tap.state.nm.us/Tap/_/

                                                    CRS-1 FILER'S KIT
                For Reporting Gross Receipts, Withholding and Compensating Taxes

                                           January through June 2021


                                                      GROSS RECEIPTS TAX RATE CHANGES
                                                              EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2021
                                                    The following tax rate location is NEW:
                                                    Los Diamantes Tax Increment Development District (Sandoval Co)
In This Kit:
in order of appearance                              The gross receipts tax rates will increase for the following locations:
—  Announcements
                                                    •  Eagle Nest (Colfax County)
—  Due Dates
                                                    Aztec, Bloomfield, Farmington, Kirtland, Valley Water and Sanitation 
—  Department Office Locations
                                                      District, Valley Water and Sanitation District -Town of Kirtland, 
—  Gross Receipts Tax Rate Schedule
                                                      Remainder of County (San Juan County).
—  Form CRS-1 Instructions
—  Form CRS-1 Reports
—  Form CRS-1 Long                                    CHANGES ARE COMING JULY 1, 2021
—  Other Forms & Information
 w Business Tax Registration Application            Changes are coming to how you will file your gross receipts tax, withholding 
   and Update Form                                  tax, and compensating tax. These changes are anticipated to take effect in 
 w Taxpayer Bill of Rights                          July 2021.
 w Application for Tax Refund 
                                                    The combined reporting system (CRS) return as you see it in this filer’s kit 
 w Application for Nontaxable                       may look very different the next time you receive a packet. The changes are 
   Transaction Certificates                         being designed to help streamline filing and paying for both taxpayers and 
                                                    the department.

                                                    There will also be changes to the online filing system Taxpayer Access Point 
                                                    (TAP) that will provide a cleaner, more flexible and intuitive payment experi-
 All of the above forms and information 
                                                    ence. The Department encourages you to explore the TAP system between 
   are available on our website at                  now and July 2021 and create an account to file and pay.
The Taxation and Revenue Department offers          The Taxation and Revenue Department will provide updates on our website 
 publications on our website that includes          as they become available: www.tax.newmexico.gov
information on certain topics. You can locate 
 these brochures, bulletins, and FYI's on our 
            website at: 


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                 MONTHLY FILING STATUS

 PERIOD BEGINS          PERIOD ENDS               DUE DATE
 January 1st            January 31st           February 25th
 February 1st           February 28 thor 29th  March 25th
 March 1st              March 31st             April 25th                                NOTES:
 April 1st              April 30th             May 25th
       st               May 31st               June 25th                1. Your  filing  status  can  be  located  on 
 May 1
        st              June 30th              July 25th                   your  Registration  Certificate  received 
 June 1                                                                    from  the  Department.  The  filing  fre-
 July 1st               July 31st              August 25th                 quency  will  be  monthly,  quarterly  or 
 August 1st             August 31st            September 25th              semiannually. 
 September 1st          September 30th         October 25th
           st           October 31st           November 25th            2.  Each Form CRS-1 is due on or before 
 October 1                                                                 the 25th of the month following the end 
 November 1st           November 30th          December 25th               of the tax period that is being reported 
 December 1st           December 31st          January 25th
                                                                        3.  If  your due date falls on a weekend, 
                                                                           a legal, state or national holiday, your 
                                                                           Form CRS-1 and payment due date will 
 PERIOD BEGINS          PERIOD ENDS               DUE DATE                 be extended to the next business day.
 January 1st            March 31st             April 25th               4.  No Penalty will be imposed for report-
 April 1st              June 30th              July 25th                   ing and paying early.  However,  you 
 July 1st               September 30th         October 25th                cannot file online until after the period 
 October 1st            December 31st          January 25th                you are filing for has ended. Example: 

                                                                           For the filing period that begins on Jan-
                 SEMI-ANNUAL FILING STATUS                                 uary 1st and ends January 31st your 
                                                                           Form CRS-1 can not be filed online un-
 JanuaryPERIOD1stBEGINS JunePERIOD30th ENDS    JulyDUE25th DATE            til February 1st.
 July 1st               December 31st          January 25th

LOCAL TAXATION AND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OFFICES: Tax District Field Offices and the Department’s call 
center can provide full service and general information about the Department's taxes, taxpayer access point, programs, 
classes, and forms. Information specific to your filing situation, payment plans and delinquent accounts.

                                           Call Center: 1-866-285-2996
                                         Call Center Fax: 1-505-841-6327

ALBUQUERQUE:                               FARMINGTON:                          LAS CRUCES:
Taxation & Revenue Department              Taxation & Revenue Department       Taxation & Revenue Department
10500 Copper Pointe Avenue NE              3501 E. Main Street, Suite N        2540 S. El Paseo, Bldg. #2
Albuquerque, NM 87198                      Farmington, NM  87499-0479          Las Cruces, NM  88004-0607

                 ROSWELL:                                    SANTA FE:
                 Taxation & Revenue Department              Taxation & Revenue Department
                 400 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 200           1200 South St. Francis Drive
                 Roswell, NM  88202-1557                    Santa Fe, NM  87502-5374


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        GROSS RECEIPTS TAX RATE SCHEDULE                                                  Effective January 1 ,2021 through June 30, 2021
               Municipality or County         Location Rate                  Municipality or County                  Location Rate
                                              Code                                                                   Code
                                   BERNALILLO                                               CURRY - Continued
Albuquerque                                   02-100   7.8750%  Remainder of County                                  05-005   6.1250%
Edgewood (Bernalillo)                         02-334   7.8750%                              DE BACA
19 Pueblos District (AISD Property) (1)a c    02-905   7.8750%  Fort Sumner                                          27-104   8.0000%
19 Pueblos District (AISD Property) (2)a c    02-906   7.8750%  Remainder of County                                  27-027   6.6875%
Laguna Pueblo (2)                             02-952   6.4375%                              DONA ANA
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque                    02-200   7.4375%  Anthony                                              07-507   8.3750%
Lower Petroglyphs TID District                02-420   7.8750%  Anthony (Water & Sanitation District) Municipality b 07-517   8.6250%
Mesa Del Sol TID District 1                   02-606   7.8750%  Anthony (Water & Sanitation District) Co Remainder   07-527   7.0000%
Rio Rancho (Bernalillo)                       02-647   8.1250%  Downtown TIDD - Las Cruces                           07-132   8.3125%
Sandia Pueblo (1)                             02-901   6.4375%  Hatch                                                07-204   7.8125%
Sandia Pueblo (2)                             02-902   6.4375%  Las Cruces                                           07-105   8.3125%
State Fairgrounds                             02-555   6.4375%  Mesilla                                              07-303   8.1875%
Santolina TID District 1                      02-621   6.4375%  Sunland Park                                         07-416   8.4375%
Santolina TID District 2                      02-622   6.4375%  Remainder of County                                  07-007   6.7500%
Santolina TID District 3                      02-623   6.4375%                                      EDDY
Santolina TID District 4                      02-624   6.4375%  Artesia                                              03-205   7.8958%
Santolina TID District 5                      02-625   6.4375%  Carlsbad                                             03-106   7.6458%
Santolina TID District 6                      02-626   6.4375%  Hope                                                 03-304   6.8333%
Santolina TID District 7                      02-627   6.4375%  Loving                                               03-403   7.0208%
Santolina TID District 8                      02-628   6.4375%  Remainder of County                                  03-003   5.9583%
Santolina TID District 9                      02-629   6.4375%                              GRANT
Santolina TID District 10                     02-630   6.4375%  Bayard                                               08-206   7.8750%
Santolina TID District 11                     02-631   6.4375%  Hurley                                               08-404   7.6250%
Santolina TID District 12                     02-632   6.4375%  Santa Clara                                          08-305   7.6250%
Santolina TID District 13                     02-633   6.4375%  Silver City                                          08-107   8.0000%
Santolina TID District 14                     02-634   6.4375%  Remainder of County                                  08-008   6.5625%
Santolina TID District 15                     02-635   6.4375%                              GUADALUPE
Santolina TID District 16                     02-636   6.4375%  Santa Rosa                                           24-108   8.5000%
Santolina TID District 17                     02-637   6.4375%  Vaughn                                               24-207   8.2500%
Santolina TID District 18                     02-638   6.4375%  Remainder of County                                  24-024   6.4375%
Santolina TID District 19                     02-639   6.4375%                              HARDING
Santolina TID District 20                     02-640   6.4375%  Mosquero (Harding)                                   31-208   6.9375%
Upper Petroglyphs TID District 1              02-607   6.4375%  Roy                                                  31-109   7.3125%
Upper Petroglyphs TID District 2              02-608   6.4375%  Remainder of County                                  31-031   6.1250%
Upper Petroglyphs TID District 3              02-609   6.4375%                              HIDALGO
Upper Petroglyphs TID District 4              02-610   6.4375%  Lordsburg                                            23-110   7.7500%
Upper Petroglyphs TID District 5              02-611   6.4375%  Virden                                               23-209   6.6875%
Upper Petroglyphs TID District 6              02-612   6.4375%  Remainder of County                                  23-023   6.1875%
Upper Petroglyphs TID District 7              02-613   6.4375%                                      LEA
Upper Petroglyphs TID District 8              02-614   6.4375%  Eunice                                               06-210   7.3125%
Upper Petroglyphs TID District 9              02-615   6.4375%  Hobbs                                                06-111   6.8125%
Village of Tijeras                            02-318   7.8750%  Jal                                                  06-306   7.4375%
Winrock Town Center TID District 1            02-035   7.8750%  Lovington                                            06-405   7.2500%
Winrock Town Center TID District 2            02-036   7.8750%  Lovington Industrial Park                            06-158   5.5000%
Remainder of County                           02-002   6.4375%  Tatum                                                06-500   6.8125%
                                       CATRON                   Remainder of County                                  06-006   5.5000%
Pueblo of Acoma (1)                           28-923   5.6875%                              LINCOLN
Pueblo of Acoma (2)                           28-924   5.6875%  Bonito Lake - Alamogordo  d                          26-508   5.5000%
Reserve                                       28-130   7.3750%  Capitan                                              26-211   6.8125%
Remainder of County                           28-028   5.6875%  Carrizozo                                            26-307   7.0000%
                                       CHAVES                   Corona                                               26-406   6.9375%
Dexter                                        04-201   7.3958%  Ruidoso                                              26-112   8.4375%
Hagerman                                      04-300   7.5833%  Ruidoso Downs                                        26-501   7.4375%
Lake Arthur                                   04-400   6.8958%  Remainder of County                                  26-026   5.5000%
Roswell                                       04-101   7.8333%                              LOS ALAMOS
Remainder of County                           04-004   6.5208%  City and County                                      32-032   7.3125%
                                       CIBOLA                                                       LUNA
Grants                                        33-227   8.1250%  Columbus                                             19-212   7.9375%
Milan                                         33-131   8.0000%  Deming                                               19-113   8.2500%
Laguna Pueblo (2)                             33-902   6.8125%  Remainder of County                                  19-019   6.8750%
Pueblo of Acoma (1)                           33-909   6.8125%                              McKINLEY
Pueblo of Acoma (2)                           33-910   6.8125%  Gallup                                               13-114   8.3125%
Pueblo of Zuni (1)                            33-911   6.8125%  Pueblo of Zuni (1)                                   13-901   6.7500%
Pueblo of Zuni (2)                            33-912   6.8125%  Pueblo of Zuni (2)                                   13-902   6.7500%
Remainder of County                           33-033   6.8125%  Remainder of County                                  13-013   6.7500%
                                       COLFAX                                                       MORA
Angel Fire                                    09-600   7.7708%  Wagon Mound                                          30-115   7.7708%
Cimarron                                      09-401   8.1458%  Remainder of County                                  30-030   6.7708%
Eagle Nest*                                   09-509   7.8833%                              OTERO
Maxwell                                       09-202   6.8333%  Alamogordo                                           15-116   8.1250%
Raton                                         09-102   8.5083%  Alamogordo Landd                                     15-322   6.3125%
Raton Municipal Airport                       09-152   6.0833%  Cloudcroft                                           15-213   7.7500%
Surgarite Canyon - Raton                      09-172   6.0833%  Tularosa                                             15-308   7.7500%
Springer                                      09-301   7.7708%  Remainder of County                                  15-015   6.3125%
Remainder of County                           09-009   6.0833%                                      QUAY
                                       CURRY                    House                                                10-407   8.0000%
Clovis                                        05-103   8.1875%  Logan                                                10-309   8.3750%
Clovis Airport                                05-154   6.1250%  San Jon                                              10-214   8.3750%
Grady                                         05-203   6.9375%  Tucumcari                                            10-117   8.3750%
Melrose                                       05-402   7.7500%  Remainder of County                                  10-010   6.6875%
Texico                                        05-302   7.5625%

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       GROSS RECEIPTS TAX RATE SCHEDULE                                                                                              Effective January 1 ,2021 through June 30, 2021
                  Municipality or County                  Location Rate                                          Municipality or County                                                                          Location          Rate
                                                          Code                                                                                                                                                   Code
                                      RIO ARRIBA                                                                                                           SANTA FE - Continued
Chama                                                     17-118   8.5625%  Santa Fe Indian School/Nineteen Pueblos of NM (2)a c                                                                                 01-908            8.4375%
Espanola (Rio Arriba)                                     17-215   8.9375%  Pueblo of Tesuque (1)                                                                                                                01-953            7.1250%
Espanola/Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo (1)a                        17-943   8.9375%  Pueblo of Tesuque (2)                                                                                                                01-954            7.1250%
Espanola/Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo (2)a                        17-944   8.9375%  Remainder of County                                                                                                                  01-001            7.1250%
Espanola/Santa Clara Grant (1)a                           17-903   8.9375%                                                                                                      SIERRA
Espanola/Santa Clara Grant (2)a                           17-904   8.9375%  Elephant Butte                                                                                                                       21-319            8.1875%
Jicarilla Apache Nation (1)                               17-931   6.8750%  Truth or Consequences                                                                                                                21-124            8.5000%
Jicarilla Apache Nation (2)                               17-932   6.8750%  Truth or Consequences Airport                                                                                                        21-164            6.9375%
Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo (1)                                  17-941   6.8750%  Williamsburg                                                                                                                         21-220            8.1875%
Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo (2)                                  17-942   6.8750%  Remainder of County                                                                                                                  21-021            6.9375%
Pueblo de San Ildefonso (1)                               17-975   6.8750%                                                                                                    SOCORRO
Pueblo de San Ildefonso (2)                               17-976   6.8750%  Magdalena                                                                                                                            25-221            7.4375%
Santa Clara Pueblo (1)                                    17-901   6.8750%  Pueblo of Acoma (1)                                                                                                                  25-933            6.5000%
Santa Clara Pueblo (2)                                    17-902   6.8750%  Pueblo of Acoma (2)                                                                                                                  25-934            6.5000%
Remainder of County                                       17-017   6.8750%  Socorro (city)                                                                                                                       25-125            7.8125%
                                      ROOSEVELT                             Socorro Industrial Park                                                                                                              25-162            6.5000%
Causey                                                    11-408   7.1250%  Remainder of County                                                                                                                  25-025            6.5000%
Dora                                                      11-310   7.3750%                                                                                                      TAOS
Elida                                                     11-216   8.0000%  El Prado Water and Sanitation District                                                                                               20-415            7.7500%
Floyd                                                     11-502   7.1250%  El Prado Water and Sanitation Districtb                                                                                              20-425            8.9375%
Portales                                                  11-119   8.1875%  El Valle de Los Ranchos Water & Sanitation District                                                                                  20-419            7.7500%
Remainder of County                                       11-011   6.6250%  El Valle de Los Ranchos Water & Sanitation Districtb                                                                                 20-429            8.9375%
                                      SANDOVAL                              Picuris Pueblo (1)                                                                                                                   20-917            7.5000%
Bernalillo (City)                                         29-120   7.1875%  Picuris Pueblo (2)                                                                                                                   20-918            7.5000%
Corrales                                                  29-504   7.8125%  Questa                                                                                                                               20-222            8.5625%
Cuba                                                      29-311   8.3125%  Questa Airport                                                                                                                       20-160            7.5000%
Edgewood (Sandoval)                                       29-335   7.1875%  Red River                                                                                                                            20-317            8.8125%
Jemez Springs                                             29-217   7.4375%  Taos (city)                                                                                                                          20-126            8.6875%
Jicarilla Apache Nation (1)                               29-931   6.3750%  Taos Airport                                                                                                                         20-163            7.5000%
Jicarilla Apache Nation (2)                               29-932   6.3750%  Taos Pueblo (1)                                                                                                                      20-913            7.5000%
Laguna Pueblo (2)                                         29-922   6.3750%  Taos Pueblo (2)                                                                                                                      20-914            7.5000%
Los Diamantes TIDD*                                       29-530   7.6875%  Taos/Taos Pueblo (1)a                                                                                                                20-915            8.6875%
Pueblo de Cochiti (1)                                     29-971   6.3750%  Taos/Taos Pueblo (2)a                                                                                                                20-916            8.6875%
Pueblo de Cochiti (2)                                     29-972   6.3750%  Taos Ski Valley                                                                                                                      20-414            9.4375%
Rio Rancho (Sandoval)                                     29-524   7.6875%  Taos Ski Valley TIDD                                                                                                                 20-430            9.4375%
Pueblo de San Ildefonso (1)                               29-975   6.3750%  Remainder of County                                                                                                                  20-020            7.5000%
Pueblo de San Ildefonso (2)                               29-976   6.3750%                                                                                                    TORRANCE
San Ysidro                                                29-409   6.8750%  Encino                                                                                                                               22-410            7.3125%
Sandia Pueblo (1)                                         29-911   6.3750%  Estancia                                                                                                                             22-503            8.1875%
Sandia Pueblo (2)                                         29-912   6.3750%  Moriarty                                                                                                                             22-223            7.6875%
Santa Ana Pueblo (1)                                      29-951   6.3750%  Mountainair                                                                                                                          22-127            7.9375%
Santa Ana Pueblo (2)                                      29-952   6.3750%  Willard                                                                                                                              22-314            7.5625%
Stonegate Communities TIDD                                29-038   7.6875%  Remainder of County                                                                                                                  22-022            6.7500%
Kewa Pueblo (1)                                           29-973   6.3750%                                                                                                      UNION
Kewa Pueblo (2)                                           29-974   6.3750%  Clayton                                                                                                                              18-128            8.1250%
Village at Rio Rancho TIDD                                29-525   7.6875%  Des Moines                                                                                                                           18-224            7.7500%
Remainder of County                                       29-029   6.3750%  Folsom                                                                                                                               18-411            7.5000%
                                      SAN JUAN*                             Grenville                                                                                                                            18-315            7.5000%
Aztec*                                                    16-218   8.3750%  Remainder of County                                                                                                                  18-018            6.0625%
Bloomfield*                                               16-312   8.3125%                                                                                                      VALENCIA
Farmington*                                               16-121   8.3750%  Belen                                                                                                                                14-129            8.3125%
Kirtland*                                                 16-323   6.7500%  Bosque Farms                                                                                                                         14-505            8.5500%
Valley Water and Sanitation District*                     16-321   6.9375%  Laguna Pueblo (2)                                                                                                                    14-902            6.8750%
Valley Water and Sanitation District (Town of Kirtland)b* 16-322   7.0000%  Los Lunas                                                                                                                            14-316            8.6750%
Remainder of County*                                      16-016   6.6875%  Peralta                                                                                                                              14-412            7.9375%
                                      SAN MIGUEL                            Rio Communities                                                                                                                      14-037            7.6875%
Las Vegas                                                 12-122   8.3958%  Remainder of County                                                                                                                  14-014            6.8750%
Mosquero (San Miguel)                                     12-418   7.3958%                                              STATE GROSS RECEIPTS TAX RATE = 5.125%
Pecos                                                     12-313   7.7708%                                       COMPENSATING TAX RATE ON PROPERTY = 5.125%
Remainder of County                                       12-012   6.8333%                                         COMPENSATING TAX RATE ON SERVICES = 5.00%
                                      SANTA FE                                            SPECIAL TAX RATES & REPORTING LOCATIONS                                                                                                  Location Code
Edgewood (Santa Fe)                                       01-320   8.1875%   Leased Vehicle Gross Receipts Tax - 5.00%                                                                                                               44-444
Espanola (Santa Fe)                                       01-226   9.0625%   Leased Vehicle Surcharge - $2.00/day/vehicle                                                                                                            44-455
Espanola/Santa Clara Grant (1)a                           01-903   9.0625%   Governmental Gross Receipts Tax - 5.00%                                                                                                                 55-055
Espanola/Santa Clara Grant (2)a                           01-904   9.0625%   Out-of-State Business (R&D Services) - 5.125%                                                                                                           77-777
Kewa Pueblo (1)                                           01-973   7.1250%   Out-of-State Business (All Other) - 5.125%                                                                                                              88-888
Kewa Pueblo (2)                                           01-974   7.1250%                                                                                                      NOTE KEY
Nambe Pueblo (1)                                          01-951   7.1250%   (1) Sales to tribal entities or members
Nambe Pueblo (2)                                          01-952   7.1250%   (2) Sales to tribal non-members by tribal non-members
Pojoaque Pueblo (2)                                       01-962   7.1250%    a Businesses located on Pueblo land within the city limits.
Pueblo de Cochiti (2)                                     01-972   7.1250%
Pueblo de San Ildefonso (1)                               01-975   7.1250%
Pueblo de Cochiti (1)                                     01-971   7.1250%    c  bd  BusinessesPropertyLand ownedownedbylocatedAlamogordoby thewithin19 PueblostheoutsidewaterofAlamogordodistrictNM.and theboundaries.city limits.
Pueblo de San Ildefonso (2)                               01-976   7.1250%   * Indicates rate change due to enactment/expiration of local option 
Santa Clara Pueblo (1)                                    01-901   7.1250%     taxes and/or change in the state gross receipts tax rate.
Santa Clara Pueblo (2)                                    01-902   7.1250%     NOTE: See the listing of Special Location Codes used to report certain gross receipts 
Santa Fe (city)                                           01-123   8.4375%  tax deductions in the CRS-1 Form Instructions located in the current CRS-1 Filer's Kit at 
Santa Fe Indian School/Nineteen Pueblos of NM (1)a c      01-907   8.4375%                                              www.taxnewmexico.gov/forms-publications.aspx. 


- 5 -
REV. 01/2021
            FORM CRS-1 INSTRUCTIONS                               •  Businesses reporting a gross receipts tax deduction for 
               FOR PAPER FILING                                     electricity conversion under Section 7-9-103.1 enter 
This document provides instructions for the New Mexico            •  Businesses  reporting  a  gross  receipts  tax  deduction 
combined reporting system (Form CRS-1) which includes               for electricity exchange under Section 7-9-103.2 enter 
gross receipts, withholding, and compensating  tax.                 "ELEXCH".
Each Form  CRS-1 is  due on  or  before the  25th  of  the 
month following the end of the tax period being reported.         COLUMN B: Enter the alpha Special Code from below 
Certain  taxpayers  are  required  to  file  the  Form  CRS-1     Do not use these codes unless they apply to you. These 
electronically. For more information on whether electronic        codes alert the Department’s computer system to a special 
filing is required for your business, please see   FYI-108,       rate, distribution or reporting requirement that may apply 
Electronic Filing Mandate which is available through your         to your industry or to the type of deduction being reported
local district office or online at
www.tax.newmexico.gov/forms-publications.aspx                     S - Transportation – Information on special reporting 
                                                                    requirements is available in FYI-290.
NOTE: If  your business has more than three business              T - Interstate Telecommunications  – Information on 
locations, special codes, or lines of detail to report, you         special  reporting  requirements  is  available  in FYI-
will need to complete Form CRS-1 Long instead of the                403.
condensed regular Form CRS-1.                                     M - Certain Health Care Practitioners - Only licensed 
Even if you are not required to file and pay your Form              health care practitioners reporting deductions under 
CRS-1  taxes  online  you  may  use  the  free  online  filing      Section 7-9-93 NMSA  1978 use this special code. 
option by going to our web site at                                  For more information on who qualifies for the special 
https://tap.state.nm.us/TAP/_/                                      code “M” deduction, see FYI-202. When using  this 
                                                                    special code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns F 
Please note:  When completing your form,  all pertinent             and H for the respective line. Note: Do NOT use the 
columns must be clearly filled out and completed or your            special code in Column B for other receipts reported 
Form CRS-1 may be rejected and returned for correction              by licensed health care practitioners. Use a separate 
and will need to be resubmitted.                                    line for other types of medical-related deductions. 
                                                                  F - Food Retailers -  Only  food  retailers  reporting 
                                                                    deductible receipts under Section 7-9-92 NMSA 1978 
            CRS-1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR                                  need to use this special code. For more information on 
            COLUMNS A THROUGH H                                     who qualifies, please see FYI-201. When using this 
                                                                    special code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns F 
COLUMN A: On separate lines, enter the name of each                 and H for the respective line. Note: Do NOT claim this 
municipality or county where you have a business location.          deduction for federal food stamp sales paid for with 
The Gross Receipts Tax Rate Schedule on pages 3 and                 food cards. Not all food retailers qualify for the special 
4 has the listing of counties, municipalities and location          code “F” deduction.
codes  for each. For more  detail,  see FYI-200,         Your 
Business  Location  and  the  Appropriate  Rate available         NH  -  Sales  by  a  non-profit  hospital  –  "nonprofit 
online at www.tax.newmexico.gov/forms-publications.aspx             hospital" means a hospital that has been granted 
or through your local district office. Report all receipts at       exemption from  federal income  tax  by  the  United 
your business location(s) even when goods or services               States commissioner  of internal revenue  as an 
are delivered elsewhere. (Corresponds to Column C)                  organization  described in Section 501(c)(3) of the 
                                                                    Internal Revenue Code.
The only exceptions are:
                                                                  GH - Sales  by a government hospital  – A hospital 
•  Construction - the location is the construction site.            license by the Department of Health that is run by 
•  Real estate sales - the location is the site of each property    a New Mexico state or local  government  agency, 
  sold.                                                             institution,  instrumentality  or political  subdivision. 
Telecommunications  -  the  location  is  the  customer’s         (On  the  Taxpayer  Access  Point you must  select 
  receiver. For cellular telephone service, the business            the location code of 55-055 before you will see this 
  location is the customer’s place of primary use.                  special code.)
•  Utilities - the location is the meter recording the amount of  Note: only manufacturers who have entered into a Form 
  service the customer consumes.                                  RPD-41377,  Manufacturers  Agreement  to Pay Gross 
•  A transaction  that occurs  on the territory  of  an  Indian   Receipts Tax on Behalf of a Utility Company for Certain 
  tribe, pueblo or nation that has entered into a cooperative     Utility Sales with a utility company can use the following 
  agreement  with  the Taxation  and  Revenue Department          special codes:
  (TRD) - the location is where services are performed and/       E - Certain  Sales of Electricity to a Manufacturer - 
  or where the property is delivered.                               Please refer to FYI-275 for detailed special reporting 
                                                                    requirements  for  qualified  transactions  that  require 
Certain situations or types of receipts require a special           the use of this special code. When using this special 
notation in Column A that has no relation  to a county,             code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns F and H for 
municipality or other physical location. Below is a listing         the respective line.
of those special notations.
                                                                  G - Certain Sales of Natural Gas to a Manufacturer – 
•  Business without locations or resident sales personnel in        Please refer to FYI-275 for detailed special reporting 
  New Mexico enter "Out of State".                                  requirements  for  qualified  transactions  that  require 
•  Governments or other entities reporting governmental             the use of this special code. When using this special 
  gross receipts enter "GGRT".                                      code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns F and H for 
•  Businesses reporting leased vehicle gross receipts tax use       the respective line.
  "LVGRT". Enter "LVSur" for the leased vehicle surcharge.        W  -  Certain Sales of  Water to  a Manufacturer – 
•  Businesses reporting a gross receipts tax deduction for          Please refer to FYI-275 for detailed special reporting 
  the  sale  of  uranium  hexafluoride  under  Section  7-9-90      requirements  for  qualified  transactions  that  require 
  enter "URHF".

- 6 -
  the use of this special code. When using this special                •  D0-011 - If you provide health care services as a third-
  code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns F and H for                party  administrator  for  the TRICARE  program  and  your 
  the respective line.                                                 receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-77.1(B).
O - Certain Sales of Other Utilities to a Manufacturer –             •  D0-012 - If you provide health care services to Indian 
  Please refer to   FYI-275 for detailed special reporting             Health  Service  beneficiaries  and  your  receipts  are 
  requirements  for  qualified  transactions  that  require            deductible under Section 7-9-77.1(C).
  the use of this special code. When using this special 
  code, be sure to indicate zero in Columns F and H for                •  D0-013 - If you are a clinical laboratory and provide health 
  the respective line.                                                 care services to Medicare beneficiaries and your receipts 
                                                                       are deductible under Section 7-9-77.1(D).
COLUMN C: Enter the Location Code from the current                     •  D0-014 - If you are a home health agency and provide 
Gross Receipts Tax Rate Schedule  (pages 3 and 4).                     medical, other health and palliative services to Medicare 
Make sure that  the location code corresponds with the                 beneficiaries and your have receipts are deductible under 
municipality  or county (written in Column A) where  you               Section 7-9-77.1(E).
have a business location or, when applicable, use one of               •  D0-015 - If you are a dialysis facility and you provide medical 
the following special locations and/or deduction codes:                and other health services to Medicare beneficiaries and 
•  88-888 – If you are reporting for an out-of-state business          your receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-77.1(F).
  location. Rate - 5.125%                                              •  D0-016 - If you sell or rent durable medical equipment or 
•  77-777 – If you are performing research and development             medical supplies and your receipts are deductible under 
  services outside NM. Rate - 5.125%                                   Section 7-9-73.3.
•  55-055 – If you are reporting Governmental Gross                    •  D0-017 - If you perform research and development, test 
  Receipts Tax. Rate – 5.00%                                           and  evaluation  services  at  New  Mexico  major  range 
                                                                       and test facility bases and your receipts are from military 
•  44-444  –  If  you  are  reporting  Leased  Vehicle  Gross          transformational  acquisition  programs  and  deductible 
  Receipts Tax. Rate - 5.00%                                           under Section 7-9-94.
•  44-455 – If you are reporting the Leased Vehicle Surcharge.         •  D0-018 - If you sell goods and services to the United 
  Rate $2.00 per day per vehicle                                       States Department of Defense related to directed energy 
•  If you transact business with tribal non-members on tribal          or satellites and your receipts are deductible under Section 
  territory, use the tribal location of the sale or delivery rather    7-9-115.
  than your principle business location. If a tribe, pueblo, or        •  D0-019 - If you are a trade-support company and have 
  nation has entered into a cooperative agreement with New             receipts  from  business  activities  and  operations  at  the 
  Mexico they will have a separate location code listed.               business' border location and your receipts are deductible 
                                                                       under Section 7-9-56.3.
DEDUCTION CODES:  Must  be used when claiming a                        •  D0-020 –If you are a qualified small business and have 
deduction that has a separate reporting requirement. The               receipts from the sale at retail of certain tangible personal 
following deduction's must be claimed on their own line:               property on the first Saturday after Thanksgiving and your 
                                                                       receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-116. 
•  D0-001 - If you sell uranium hexafluoride and your receipts 
  are deductible under Section 7-9-90.                                 •  D0-021 – If you sell construction services to implement a 
                                                                       fighter aircraft pilot training mission project at a New Mexico 
•  D0-002 - If you sell tangible personal property to a                Military installation and your receipts are deductible under 
  manufacturer  who  incorporates  the  property  as  an               Section 7-9-106.
  ingredient or component part of a manufactured product 
  and your receipts are deductible under Section 7-9-46(A).
                                                                       COLUMN D: For Column D there are two types of entries:
•  D0-003  -  If  you  sell  tangible  personal  property  that  is    1. For receipts  that  do not  need  special  codes, enter the 
  consumed in the manufacturing process and your receipts              total gross receipts excluding tax. This includes taxable 
  are deductible under Section 7-9-46(B).                              gross receipts and deductible gross receipts. Do include 
•  D0-004 - If you transmit electricity and provide ancillary          receipts  that  are  required  to  be  reported  with  a  special 
  services and your receipts are deductible under Section              code. Column B must be left blank.
  7-9-103.1.                                                           2. For receipts needing special codes, list a separate entry 
•  D0-005 - If you operate a market or exchange for the sale           for each business location and each special code. Enter 
  or  trade  of  electricity  and  your  receipts  are  deductible     the appropriate special code in Column B. See Column B 
  under Section 7-9-103.2.                                             instructions.
•  D0-006 - If you sell agricultural implements, vehicles or           Excluded from gross receipts reported in Column  D 
  aircraft  and  your  receipts  are  deductible  under  Section       are gross receipts tax, governmental gross receipts tax 
  7-9-62(A).                                                           and leased vehicle gross receipts tax. There are seven 
                                                                       categories of receipts reported on the Form CRS-1 or 
•  D0-007  -  If  you  sell  aircraft,  provide  flight  support  and  Form CRS-1 Long:
  training  and  your  receipts  are  deductible  under  Section 
  7-9-62(B).                                                           1. “Regular” Gross Receipts is the total amount of money 
•  D0-008 - If you sell aircraft parts, provide maintenance            plus the monetary value of other consideration received 
  services for aircraft and aircraft parts and your receipts are       from the following transactions: selling property in New 
  deductible under Section 7-9-62(C).                                  Mexico  (including  certain  intangible  personal  property); 
•  D0-009 - If you sell or provide services for commercial             leasing or licensing property employed in New Mexico; 
  and military aircraft and your receipts are deductible under         granting a right to use a franchise employed in New 
  Section 7-9-62.1.                                                    Mexico; performing services in New Mexico, or performing 
                                                                       research and development services out of state when 
•  D0-010 - If you provide health care services to Medicare            initial use of the research and development service occurs 
  beneficiaries  and  your  receipts  are  deductible  under           in New Mexico;
  Section 7-9-77.1(A).

- 7 -
2. Governmental Gross Receipts are receipts of governments         AMENDED REPORT: Check the box if you are amending a 
from selling tangible personal property and performing             previously filed report for the same tax filing period. NOTE: 
specified services;                                                If your amended report will result in an overpayment of tax 
3. Interstate  Telecommunications Gross Receipts are               you will have to complete form RPD-41071, Application for 
receipts of interstate telecommunications companies from           Tax Refund and submit it with the completed Form CRS-1. 
providing interstate telecommunications services that              Remember to include all supporting documentation with 
originate or terminate in New Mexico or that are charged           your submittal.
to a telephone or account in New Mexico;
4. Tribal/Pueblo Gross Receipts are receipts from transactions     TAX  PERIOD:  Enter  the  dates  for  the  filing  period  that 
on tribal land that are collected by the Department when           the tax is being reported. The tax period  should  match 
the entity has entered into a cooperative agreement with           the filing frequency listed on your Registration Certificate 
the tribe or pueblo;                                               for  your  CRS  identification  number.  Filing  periods  are: 
                                                                   monthly, quarterly or semiannually (see page 2).
5. Leased  Vehicle  Gross  Receipts  are  receipts  from  the 
short-term rental of passenger automobiles that are part of                                      Remember  to clearly  print 
a fleet of five or more vehicles;                                  CONTACT INFORMATION:
                                                                   and sign your name, write your assigned  New Mexico 
6. Leased Vehicle Surcharge is the total due at $2.00 per          CRS ID number, telephone number, and e-mail address. 
day that each vehicle subject to the leased vehicle gross          This information will be used to contact you if there are 
receipts tax is rented. Carry the leased vehicle surcharge         any questions during the processing of your Form CRS-1.
directly to Column H. Columns E, F & G should be left 
blank, and                                                           CRS-1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR LINES 1 - 7
7. Gross  receipts  that  require  a  special  code  (other  than 
Interstate Telecommunications Gross Receipts).                     LINE 1: TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX.
                                                                   Enter  the  sum  of  all  Column  H  on  Line  1  for  the  total 
COLUMN E: All deductions that do not require separate              amount of gross receipts tax due. Remember to include 
reporting  can be claimed  in this column.  Taxpayers              all of the Column H in your calculation from any additional 
reporting deductions using a special code(s) from Column           or supplemental pages  for the reporting  period.  This 
B will have to report the associated gross receipts and            lines total  includes: amounts  from  governmental gross 
deductions for that special code(s) on a separate line.            receipts tax, interstate telecommunications gross receipts 
Note: If you are claiming a deduction that requires separate       tax, leased vehicle gross receipts tax and leased vehicle 
reporting (Column C) the associated gross receipts and             surcharge.
deduction will have to be reported on a separate line.
                                                                   LINE 2: COMPENSATING TAX.
A taxpayer must maintain in their possession a nontaxable          1. Take 5.125% of the value of:
transaction certificate (NTTC), other acceptable evidence          •  property that was manufactured by the person using the 
or documentation for  each deduction claimed in this                 property in New Mexico;
column. Deductions cannot exceed the gross receipts                property  acquired  inside  or  outside  of  this  state from a 
reported in Column D for that same location. Business                person located outside New Mexico  that  would  have 
expenses are not deductible from gross receipts.                     been subject to gross receipts tax had the property been 
                                                                     acquired from a person with nexus in New Mexico; or
For a listing of available deductions, please see FYI-105:         property  acquired  or  purchased  in  a  transaction    with  a 
Gross Receipts  & Compensating  Taxes - An Overview,                 person located out of state that was not originally subject 
available at your local district office or online at                 to  compensating  tax  or  gross  receipts  tax  but  is  later 
www.tax.newmexico.gov/forms-publications.aspx.                       used by the buyer for personal use. (Example: An item is 
                                                                     purchased out of state for resale. The item is then removed 
COLUMN F: Column D minus Column E.                                   from inventory for personal use. Compensating tax is due 
Note: This amount can never be less than zero.                       on the value of the item.)
COLUMN G: Enter the rate from the Gross Receipts Tax               2. Take 5.00% of the value of services acquired or purchased 
Rate Schedule or a special tax rate if you entered “S” or            from a person located out of state for nontaxable use and 
“T” in Column B. See the instructions for Column B.                  then converted to use by the buyer.

COLUMN H: Enter the Gross Receipts Tax Due for each                For more information  on compensating  tax, please  see 
line by multiplying Column F by Column G.                          FYI-230 Compensating Tax available  through your local 
                                                                   district office or online at 
PAYMENT MADE BY: If submitting payment via Automated               www.tax.newmexico.gov/forms-publications.aspx.
Clearinghouse  Deposit or Federal Wire  Transfer check 
the appropriate box and enter the date of transfer.                LINE 3: WITHHOLDING TAX.
                                                                   Every employer doing business in New Mexico or deriving 
See  FYI-401: Special Payment  Methods  for  more                  income  from within  New  Mexico  who  pays wages  or 
information on Automated Clearinghouse (ACH).                      other remuneration to an employee and who is required 
                                                                   to withhold  federal income tax must withhold  New 
NOTE: When you provide  a check as payment, you                    Mexico income tax.  In  addition, operators of  gambling 
authorize  TRD either to use information from your check           establishments must, on behalf of the state, withhold 6% 
to  make a one-time electronic fund transfer from  your            from winnings if required to withhold for federal purposes. 
account, or to process the payment as a check transaction.         Gaming operators must  include copies of  IRS  Forms 
In the memo section of your check, print"CRS" to identify          1099, W2-G or 1042S. Withholding  tax tables can be 
the tax  program,  include your CRS number and the                 found in publication FYI-104,  New Mexico Withholding 
filing  period  the  check  should  be  applied  to.  Including    Tax available through your local district office or online at 
this information will ensure that your payment is applied          www.tax.newmexico.gov/forms-publications.aspx. Use Line 
correctly to  your tax  account  should the Form  CRS-1            3  only to report tax withheld  from wages and gambling 
become separated from your check.                                  winnings.

- 8 -
LINE 4: TOTAL TAX DUE.                                                                       BUSINESS TAX CREDITS
Add Lines 1, 2 and 3.
                                                                   If you are claiming a business tax credit you will have to 
LINE 5: PENALTY.                                                   include the appropriate claim form with your Form CRS-1 
Penalty is applied for failure to pay or file on time. Penalty     submittal (See table below). 
is calculated at a rate of 2% of Line 4 per month or partial 
month (any fraction of a month is a full month) the Form           Tax Credits                                           Claim Form
CRS-1 or payment is late, up to 20% of the tax due or a            Advanced Energy           RPD-41334:Advanced Energy Tax Credit Claim Form
minimum of $5.00, whichever is greater.                                                      RPD-41301: Affordable Housing Tax Credit Claim 
                                                                   Affordable Housing        Form
THE  MINIMUM  $5.00 PENALTY  IS  ALSO  IMPOSED                     Alternative Energy        RPD-41331: Alternative Energy Product Manufactur-
FOR FAILURE TO FILE THIS FORM EVEN IF NO TAX                       Product Manufac-          ers tax Credit Claim Form
IS DUE.                                                            turer’s
LINE 6: INTEREST.                                                  Biodiesel Blending        RPD-41321: Biodiesel Blending Facility Tax Credit 
Interest is calculated daily but the rate will be set at the       Facility                  Claim Form
rate established for individual  income tax purposes by            High-wage Jobs            RPD-41290: High-Wage Jobs Tax Credit Claim Form
the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC). The interest rate            Investment Credit         RPD-41212: Investment Credit Claim Form
changes on a quarterly basis. Please visit TRD's web site 
at www.tax.newmexico.gov for the current quarterly and             Laboratory Partner-       RPD-41325: Laboratory with Small Business Tax 
daily rate.                                                        ship with Small           Credit
Example: Taxpayer’s tax due on Line 4 is $1,000.                   Research &                RPD-41298: Research and Development Small Busi-
              The payment due is fifteen days late.                Development Small         ness Tax Credit
    To calculate the interest due: multiply $1,000                 Rural Jobs                RPD-41243: Rural Jobs Tax Credit Claim Form
    by the daily rate of 0.01643856%  (the daily 
    interest rate for the 2nd quarter of 2019). The                Technology Jobs           RPD-41244: Technology Jobs Tax Credit Claim Form
    result is  $0.16438356, which is the interest                  Technology Jobs           RPD-41386: Technology Jobs and Research and 
    due for one day. Multiply $0.1643856 by fifteen                and Research and          Development Tax Credit Claim Form
    (the number of days the payment is late). The                  Development
    interest is $2.465753425. (Round this number                   Technology                TRD-41407: Technology Readiness Gross Receipts 
    to the nearest cent) Enter the interest due of                 Readiness Gross           Tax Credit Application 
    $2.47 on Line 6.                                               Receipts Tax Credit
                                                                   Unpaid Doctor             RPD-41323: Gross Receipts Tax Credit for Certain 
Tax Due X Quarterly Interest X Number of Days Late = Interest Due  Services Credit           Unpaid Doctor Services
      $1,000 X 0.00016438356 X 15 = $2.465753425 

NOTE: You are not liable for interest if the total interest        If the credit is being applied to part of your tax due, only 
due is less than $1.00.                                            pay the tax due that you are liable for. You can file your 
                                                                   return and attach the completed form from the list above 
LINE 7: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE.                                          online at:
Add Lines 4, 5 and 6.                                              https://tap.state.nm.us/Tap/_/
A CRS-1 payment should not be combined on the same                 Tax credits and deductions that may be taken against tax 
check or money order with any other tax or fee being paid          programs reported on the Form CRS-1 require additional 
to the Department. If possible include your CRS number             processes and forms that must be completed in order to 
and the tax period the payment is for in the note section of       apply for and claim these credits and deductions.
your check or money order.
                                                                   NOTE: If you pay the full amount  of tax due and then 
Please send your completed Form CRS-1 with payment                 submit the claim forms  to  the Department it  will results 
to:                                                                in an overpayment and Form RPD-41071, Application for 
        NM Taxation and Revenue Department                         Tax Refund will need to be submitted.
        P.O. Box 25128
        Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128                                    For more general information on credits, the application 
                                                                   process, and the claiming process see FYI-106, Claiming 
You can file Form CRS-1 and pay CRS liability online at:           Business-Related  Tax Credits for  Individuals  and 
https://tap.state.nm.us/Tap/_/                                     Businesses.               This publication is available through  your 
                                                                   local district office or online at                    www.tax.newmexico.gov/

            Additional Forms                                                                 Form Title
Advanced Energy Gross Receipts Tax Deduction RPD-41349: Advanced Energy Gross Receipts Tax Deduction Report
Gross Receipts Tax Holiday Deduction         RPD-41299: Gross Receipts Tax Holiday Claim Form
Manufacturing Deduction - Section 7-9-46(B)  RPD-41377: Manufacturers Agreement to Pay Gross Receipts Tax on Behalf of a Utility Company for Certain Utility Sales; 
                                             RPD-41378: Application for Type 11 or 12 Nontaxable Transaction Certificates
Solar Energy Systems Deduction               RPD-41341: Solar Energy Tax Deduction Purchase and Use Statement

- 9 -
                                                 Go Paperless!

                 File the Form CRS-1 online through the Department's web site:


Municipality / County   Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name            B Code*   C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.
      *See instructions for column B.          $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                 Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:  Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________

  Municipality / County Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name              B Code* C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.                $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
      *See instructions for column B.
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                     Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:   Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________


- 10 -
                 Form are available for download at our website: www.tax.newmexico.gov.
u You will receive more Form CRS-1 in the CRS-1 Filer's Kit that is mailed every June and December.
u File your Form(s) CRS-1 in accordance with your filing status: 
  i.e., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually. If you do not know your filing status, please contact your local district office.
u To e-file, visit the TRD web page at https://tap.state.nm.us.
                 You can register for online filing by clicking the "sign up now" link.
u Remember to sign, date, and enter your e-mail address on the form before mailing it to:
                          NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                          P.O. Box 25128
                          Santa Fe, NM  87504-5128
u Make check payable to New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Remember to include your CRS
  number on your check 
                          Penalty will be assessed for nonpayment of timely reports. 

                          Do not make address changes on Form CRS-1.
                 Use the ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration Application and Update Form 
                          to update any changes to your business.
 NAME                                                            NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO. 

                                                  TAXPAYER'S COPY

                          Keep top portion as a copy for your records.

                          Tear at perforation and return bottom portion only to:

                                       NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                                       P.O. Box 25128, 
                                       Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-5128


                                                                 NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO.
 STREET / BOX                                                                        Please complete if not preprinted

                 Please complete if not preprinted
        Mail to:  NM Taxation and Revenue Department, P.O. Box 25128, Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
                                                                 Do not write in this area


- 11 -
                                                 Go Paperless!

                 File the Form CRS-1 online through the Department's web site:


Municipality / County   Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name            B Code*   C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.
      *See instructions for column B.          $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                 Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:  Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________

  Municipality / County Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name              B Code* C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.                $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
      *See instructions for column B.
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                     Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:   Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________


- 12 -
                 Form are available for download at our website: www.tax.newmexico.gov.
u You will receive more Form CRS-1 in the CRS-1 Filer's Kit that is mailed every June and December.
u File your Form(s) CRS-1 in accordance with your filing status: 
  i.e., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually. If you do not know your filing status, please contact your local district office.
u To e-file, visit the TRD web page at https://tap.state.nm.us.
                 You can register for online filing by clicking the "sign up now" link.
u Remember to sign, date, and enter your e-mail address on the form before mailing it to:
                          NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                          P.O. Box 25128
                          Santa Fe, NM  87504-5128
u Make check payable to New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Remember to include your CRS
  number on your check 
                          Penalty will be assessed for nonpayment of timely reports. 

                          Do not make address changes on Form CRS-1.
                 Use the ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration Application and Update Form 
                          to update any changes to your business.
 NAME                                                            NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO. 

                                                  TAXPAYER'S COPY

                          Keep top portion as a copy for your records.

                          Tear at perforation and return bottom portion only to:

                                       NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                                       P.O. Box 25128, 
                                       Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-5128


                                                                 NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO.
 STREET / BOX                                                                        Please complete if not preprinted

                 Please complete if not preprinted
        Mail to:  NM Taxation and Revenue Department, P.O. Box 25128, Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
                                                                 Do not write in this area


- 13 -
                                                 Go Paperless!

                 File the Form CRS-1 online through the Department's web site:


Municipality / County   Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name            B Code*   C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.
      *See instructions for column B.          $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                 Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:  Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________

  Municipality / County Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name              B Code* C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.                $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
      *See instructions for column B.
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                     Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:   Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________


- 14 -
                 Form are available for download at our website: www.tax.newmexico.gov.
u You will receive more Form CRS-1 in the CRS-1 Filer's Kit that is mailed every June and December.
u File your Form(s) CRS-1 in accordance with your filing status: 
  i.e., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually. If you do not know your filing status, please contact your local district office.
u To e-file, visit the TRD web page at https://tap.state.nm.us.
                 You can register for online filing by clicking the "sign up now" link.
u Remember to sign, date, and enter your e-mail address on the form before mailing it to:
                          NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                          P.O. Box 25128
                          Santa Fe, NM  87504-5128
u Make check payable to New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Remember to include your CRS
  number on your check 
                          Penalty will be assessed for nonpayment of timely reports. 

                          Do not make address changes on Form CRS-1.
                 Use the ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration Application and Update Form 
                          to update any changes to your business.
 NAME                                                            NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO. 

                                                  TAXPAYER'S COPY

                          Keep top portion as a copy for your records.

                          Tear at perforation and return bottom portion only to:

                                       NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                                       P.O. Box 25128, 
                                       Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-5128


                                                                 NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO.
 STREET / BOX                                                                        Please complete if not preprinted

                 Please complete if not preprinted
        Mail to:  NM Taxation and Revenue Department, P.O. Box 25128, Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
                                                                 Do not write in this area


- 15 -
                                                 Go Paperless!

                 File the Form CRS-1 online through the Department's web site:


Municipality / County   Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name            B Code*   C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.
      *See instructions for column B.          $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                 Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:  Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________

  Municipality / County Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name              B Code* C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.                $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
      *See instructions for column B.
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                     Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:   Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________


- 16 -
                 Form are available for download at our website: www.tax.newmexico.gov.
u You will receive more Form CRS-1 in the CRS-1 Filer's Kit that is mailed every June and December.
u File your Form(s) CRS-1 in accordance with your filing status: 
  i.e., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually. If you do not know your filing status, please contact your local district office.
u To e-file, visit the TRD web page at https://tap.state.nm.us.
                 You can register for online filing by clicking the "sign up now" link.
u Remember to sign, date, and enter your e-mail address on the form before mailing it to:
                          NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                          P.O. Box 25128
                          Santa Fe, NM  87504-5128
u Make check payable to New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Remember to include your CRS
  number on your check 
                          Penalty will be assessed for nonpayment of timely reports. 

                          Do not make address changes on Form CRS-1.
                 Use the ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration Application and Update Form 
                          to update any changes to your business.
 NAME                                                            NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO. 

                                                  TAXPAYER'S COPY

                          Keep top portion as a copy for your records.

                          Tear at perforation and return bottom portion only to:

                                       NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                                       P.O. Box 25128, 
                                       Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-5128


                                                                 NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO.
 STREET / BOX                                                                        Please complete if not preprinted

                 Please complete if not preprinted
        Mail to:  NM Taxation and Revenue Department, P.O. Box 25128, Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
                                                                 Do not write in this area


- 17 -
                                                 Go Paperless!

                 File the Form CRS-1 online through the Department's web site:


Municipality / County   Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name            B Code*   C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.
      *See instructions for column B.          $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                 Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:  Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________

  Municipality / County Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name              B Code* C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.                $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
      *See instructions for column B.
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                     Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:   Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________


- 18 -
                 Form are available for download at our website: www.tax.newmexico.gov.
u You will receive more Form CRS-1 in the CRS-1 Filer's Kit that is mailed every June and December.
u File your Form(s) CRS-1 in accordance with your filing status: 
  i.e., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually. If you do not know your filing status, please contact your local district office.
u To e-file, visit the TRD web page at https://tap.state.nm.us.
                 You can register for online filing by clicking the "sign up now" link.
u Remember to sign, date, and enter your e-mail address on the form before mailing it to:
                          NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                          P.O. Box 25128
                          Santa Fe, NM  87504-5128
u Make check payable to New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Remember to include your CRS
  number on your check 
                          Penalty will be assessed for nonpayment of timely reports. 

                          Do not make address changes on Form CRS-1.
                 Use the ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration Application and Update Form 
                          to update any changes to your business.
 NAME                                                            NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO. 

                                                  TAXPAYER'S COPY

                          Keep top portion as a copy for your records.

                          Tear at perforation and return bottom portion only to:

                                       NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                                       P.O. Box 25128, 
                                       Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-5128


                                                                 NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO.
 STREET / BOX                                                                        Please complete if not preprinted

                 Please complete if not preprinted
        Mail to:  NM Taxation and Revenue Department, P.O. Box 25128, Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
                                                                 Do not write in this area


- 19 -
                                                 Go Paperless!

                 File the Form CRS-1 online through the Department's web site:


Municipality / County   Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name            B Code*   C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.
      *See instructions for column B.          $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                 Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:  Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________

  Municipality / County Special       Location   Gross Receipts    Total                          Taxable Gross   Tax       Gross Receipts
A     Name              B Code* C     Code     D (Excluding Tax) E Deductions                   F Receipts      G Rate    H Tax

      TOTAL COLUMNS D, E and H.                $                 $                              1 TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS TAX
      *See instructions for column B.
Payment made by:     Automated Clearinghouse Deposit        Date _________________             2 COMPENSATING TAX
                     Federal Wire Transfer                              Date _________________ 
                                                                                                3 WITHHOLDING TAX
Check if applicable:   Amended Report 
                                                                                                4 TOTAL TAX DUE
                                        through                                                 5 PENALTY
          Month         Day     Year             Month Day         Year                         6 INTEREST
Print                           NM CRS                 Phone                                    7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE
Name ________________________  ID No. _____________________  No. _________________
                                                                                                                            Rev. 01/2019
I declare that I have examined this return including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it 
is true, correct and complete.
Signature of taxpayer or agent _______________________  Title _____________  Date ____________ E-mail address ___________________


- 20 -
                 Form are available for download at our website: www.tax.newmexico.gov.
u You will receive more Form CRS-1 in the CRS-1 Filer's Kit that is mailed every June and December.
u File your Form(s) CRS-1 in accordance with your filing status: 
  i.e., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually. If you do not know your filing status, please contact your local district office.
u To e-file, visit the TRD web page at https://tap.state.nm.us.
                 You can register for online filing by clicking the "sign up now" link.
u Remember to sign, date, and enter your e-mail address on the form before mailing it to:
                          NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                          P.O. Box 25128
                          Santa Fe, NM  87504-5128
u Make check payable to New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Remember to include your CRS
  number on your check 
                          Penalty will be assessed for nonpayment of timely reports. 

                          Do not make address changes on Form CRS-1.
                 Use the ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration Application and Update Form 
                          to update any changes to your business.
 NAME                                                            NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO. 

                                                  TAXPAYER'S COPY

                          Keep top portion as a copy for your records.

                          Tear at perforation and return bottom portion only to:

                                       NM Taxation and Revenue Department
                                       P.O. Box 25128, 
                                       Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-5128


                                                                 NEW MEXICO
                                                                 CRS ID NO.
 STREET / BOX                                                                        Please complete if not preprinted

                 Please complete if not preprinted
        Mail to:  NM Taxation and Revenue Department, P.O. Box 25128, Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
                                                                 Do not write in this area


- 21 -
State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department 

Rev. 09/2010
  Mail to:  Taxation and Revenue Department, 
  P.O. Box 25128, Santa Fe, NM 87504-5128
                                                                             NEW MEXICO
                                                                                CRS ID NO.

                      T A X    P E R I O D                           Check if applicable:   Amended report 
                        through                                      Payment made by: 
                                                                      Automated clearinghouse deposit               Date ________________
Month     Day   Year                     Month   Day  Year
                                                                      Federal wire transfer                                   Date ________________ 

If additional space is needed, use the supplemental page.
Do not submit a photocopy of these forms to the Department. If additional space is needed, please obtain an original form 
from your local district office or download the form from our web site at www.tax.newmexico.gov/.

Municipality / county Special          Location    Gross receipts      Total          Taxable gross   Tax                           Gross 
A       name          B code* C          code    D (excluding tax) E deductions     F  receipts     G rate                     H    receipts tax

  Enter total of columns D, E and H, this page.
        * See instructions for column B.         $                 $                                                           $
If supplemental pages are attached, enter total 
        of all columns D, E and H from this page 
           and all supplemental pages.           $                 $                                                           $

I declare that I have examined this return including any accompany-            TOTAL GROSS RECEIPTS
ing schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and      1        TAX ALL PAGES
belief, it is true, correct and complete.
                                                                       2       COMPENSATING TAX

                                                                       3       WITHHOLDING TAX
Signature of Taxpayer or Agent
                                                                       4       TOTAL TAX DUE

                                                                       5       PENALTY
Print name                                       Phone
                                                                       6       INTEREST

Title                                            Date                  7       TOTAL AMOUNT DUE


- 22 -
State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department 

CRS-1 - LONG FORM Supplemental

 Page ____ of _____

 NAME                                                                     NEW MEXICO
                                                                               CRS ID NO.

                       T A X    P E R I O D
 Month Day  Year                          Month Day Year

Use this page if additional space is needed to report gross receipts from multiple locations. 
Attach this page to Page 1 of the CRS-1 Long Form. 
Do not submit a photocopy of these forms to the Department. If additional space is needed, please obtain an original form 
from your local district office or download the form from our web site at www.tax.newmexico.gov/.

 Municipality / county Special   Location         Gross receipts    Total      Taxable gross     Tax    Gross 
A      name            B code* C        code    D (excluding tax) E deductions F receipts    G   rate H receipts tax

       Total columns D, E and H this page.
       * See instructions for column B.         $                 $                                   $

- 23 -
ACD-31015                             New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
Rev. 04/23/2020
                                      BUSINESS TAX REGISTRATION
                                      Application and Update Form (Page 1)

NM TRD ID: 0            -                        - 00-           Date Issued:

Section I: Complete all applicable fields, see instructions on page 4 and 5
Please print legibly or type the information on this application.
1.  BUSINESS NAME                                                2.  Please Check One: 
                                                                          New Registration                    Registration Update
3.  DBA                                                          4.  FEIN, SSN, or ITIN

5.  Telephone Number- Business                                   6.  Cell, Fax, Or Other Phone Number
     (               )                                                  (               )
7.  Business E-mail Address                                      7a. Alternate E-mail Address

8.  Type Of Ownership: (check one)
          Bail Bonds               Corporation               Estate                                           General Partnership
          Government             Indian Tribe               Individual                                      Limited Partnership
          Limited Liability Company (LLC)               Non Profit Organization Exempt 501 (c)                                    
          Risk Retention Group (RRG)                    S Corporation                                Trust

9.  Mailing Address                                              10. Physical Address
City                                                               City
State                                           Zip Code           State                                           Zip Code
County                                                             County
11.  Date business activity started or is anticipated to start   12a. Change the business status to: (Check One)
in New Mexico:                                                          Active           Closed
Month                         Day                    Year          Effective Date (MM/DD/CCYY): 
12b. Change the business registration status for:                13. Select CRS Filing Status:
     (Check All That Apply)
                                                                       Monthly                      Quarterly   
           CRS               Corporate Income Tax
                                                                       Seasonal*                  Semiannual           
           Weight Distance Tax         Workers’ Compensation    
                                                                       Special Event*           Temporary
14a. Will the business have 3 or more employees in New
     Mexico?                                                     *If Seasonal/Special Event, indicate month(s) in which you 
                          Yes                No                  will file (MM/DD/CCYY):

14b. Is the business a construction contractor?
                          Yes                No

14c. Will the business be required to obtain Workers’ Compensation Insurance within 12 months?          Yes              No
     Effective Start Date:
15. List Owners, Partners, Corporate Officers, Association Members, Shareholders, Managers, Officers, General 
Partners, and Proprietors.(Attach separate sheet if necessary)

SSN (Required)         Name                               Title    Address                                E-Mail Address


- 24 -
ACD-31015                                    New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
Rev. 04/23/2020
                                             BUSINESS TAX REGISTRATION
                                             Application and Update Form (Page 2)

16. Method of accounting                               17. Please check all that apply:                            Yes     No
   Cash                                                a. Does the business have a physical presence in New Mexico?
                                                       b. Is the business a marketplace provider?
   Accrual                                             c. Is the business a marketplace seller?
18. Give a brief description of nature of business:

19. I declare that the information reported on this form and any attached supplement(s) are true and correct:

Print Name                                             Signature                                  Title   Date

Section II: Complete this section if you answered question 13 as a monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual filer.
20. Liquor License Type/Number                         21. Secretary of State Business ID         22. Contractor’s License Number

Add          Delete          Change                    Add          Delete          Change          Add          Delete          Change

Special Tax Programs:                                                                                     Yes     No
23. Will business sell Gasoline? Note: Bond may be required.
If yes, is business:        Distributor                        Indian Tribal                 Rack Operator
                                     Retailer                            Wholesaler
24. Will business sell Special Fuels? Note: Bond may be required.
If yes, is business:        Supplier                           Wholesaler                  Rack Operator
25. Will business sell Cigarettes?
If yes, is business:        Distributor                        Manufacturer               Retailer  
26. Will business sell Tobacco Products?
If yes, is business:        Distributor                        Manufacturer                Retailer
27. Will business be a Water Producer? 
If yes, Type of Water System: 
28. Will business be involved in Gaming Activities?
If yes, is business:        Bingo and Raffle              Distributor                    Gaming Operator
29. Will business sell Liquor?
If yes, if business:        Direct Shipper                  Manufacturer                Retailer
30. Will business sell Prepaid Wireless Communication, Landline, or Wireless Services?
If yes, E-911 registration is required.
Oil and Gas:
31. Will business engage in Serving Natural Resources?
32. Will business engage in Processing Natural Resources?
33. Will business be a Natural Gas Processor?
34. Will business be an Oil and Gas Taxes Filer?
35. Will business be a Master Operator (Equipment tax)?


- 25 -
ACD-31015                          New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
Rev. 04/23/2020
                                   BUSINESS TAX REGISTRATION
                                   Application and Update Form (Page 3)

36. If applicable, provide former  37. Are you operating any other                                 38. Primary type of business in NM
owner’s:                           business(es) in New Mexico?                                     (Check all that apply)
NM TRD ID No.:                            Yes
                                          No                                                       Add Delete
                                   If yes, provide:                                                          Accommodation, Food 
Business Name:                     NM TRD ID No.                                                             Services, and Drinking 
                                   Business Name:                                                            Administrative and Sup-
                                                                                                             port Services   
39. Is the business a Government Entity?                                            Yes         No           Agriculture, Forestry, 
                                                                                                             Fishing and Hunting
40. Is the business a Government Hospital?                                          Yes         No
                                                                                                             Arts, Entertainment and 
41. Is the business a Non-Profit Hospital?                                          Yes         No           Recreation Management
42. Is the business a Retail Food Store?                                            Yes         No           Construction
43. Is the business a Health Care Practitioner who will deduct receipts under                                Educational Services
Section 7-9-93 NMSA 1978?                                             Yes          No
                                                                                                             Extraction of Natural 
If yes, please briefly explain the type of health care services provided.                                    Resources

                                                                                                             Finance and Insurance

                                                                                                             Health Care and 
Effective date (MM/DD/CCYY):                                                                                 Social Assistance
Explain where the payments that will be deducted are coming from:                                            Information


                                                                                                             Oil and Gas Extraction 
44. Health Care Quality Surcharge: See instructions                                                          and Processing
Is this business a health care facility?                               Yes           No                      Professional, Scientific 
If yes, provide:                                                                                             and Technical Services
New Mexico Department of Health License Number                                                               Real Estate and Leasing 
                                                                                                             of Real Property

List the following:                                                                                          Rental and Leasing 
DBA:                                                                                                         of Tangible Personal 
Administrator Name: 
                                                                                                             Retail Trade
Administrator Phone Number: 
                                                                                                             Transportation and 
Administrator Email Address:                                                                                 Warehousing
45. Insurance Premium Tax:                                                                                   Utilities
Is this business licensed through the Office of the Superintendent of                                        Wholesale Trade
Insurance?                                                                        Yes           No           Other Services
If yes, provide:
National Association of Insurance Commissions (NAIC) Number:

Check all that apply:
          Life and Health          Property               Casualty          Vehicle
Surplus Lines?                                                                   Yes          No
If yes, provide National Producer Number (NPN)

Check all that apply:          Agency         Agent          Broker


- 26 -
Rev. 04/23/2020                 New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
                                BUSINESS TAX REGISTRATION
                                          Instructions (Page 4)

Who is required to submit ACD-31015:                             3.  If entity operates under a different name than the busi-
This Business Tax Registration Application & Update Form             ness name, list the name the business is “doing busi-
is for the following tax programs: Cigarette, Compensating,          ness as” (DBA).
E911 Service,   Gaming  Taxes, Gasoline, Gross  Receipts,        4.  Enter Federal ID Number (FEIN), Social Security Num-
Special  Fuels,  Tobacco Products, Withholding,  Workers             ber (SSN), or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number 
Compensation Fee,  Master of Operations Natural,   Gas,              (ITIN). 
Resources, Severance, Special Fuels, Tobacco Products,           5.  Enter the business telephone number.
Telecommunications  Relay Service, and Water Producer.           6.  Enter a cell phone contact number for the business.
Registration  is required  by New Mexico Statute, Section        7.  Enter business e-mail address.
7-1-12 NMSA 1978. Supplemental information and general           8.  Check the type of ownership for the business you are 
instructions on reporting will be provided to you.                   registering  (choose  only  one). If the entity type has 
                                                                     changed, the ID must be closed and a new registration 
Should you need assistance completing  this application,             must be completed for the new entity type. If non-profit, 
please contact the Department:                                       please include letter of determination from the IRS.
                                                                 9.  Enter the address at which the business  will receive 
Phone:1-866-285-2996                                                 mail from the Department (registration certificate, CRS 
E-mail: Business.Reg@state.nm.us                                     Filer’s Kits, etc.). 
                                                                 10. Specify the physical location address of the business. 
Once the completed  forms and  attachments have  been                (Not a PO Box). If you have multiple locations, please 
reviewed  and  processed  a  registration  certificate  will  be     attach an additional sheet.  
mailed to the address provided.                                  11.  Enter the date you initially derived receipts from per-
                                                                     forming services, selling  property in New Mexico or 
New Applications:                                                    leasing property employed in New Mexico; or the date 
Please complete the form in full. Provide completed pag-             you anticipate deriving such receipts; or the period in 
es 1 through 3 to the: NM Taxation and Revenue Depart-               which the taxable event occurs. Enter month, day and 
ment, Attn: Compliance  Registration  Unit, PO Box 8485,             year.
Albuquerque, NM 87198 . All attachments must contain the         12. a) Enter the date business will close if you check TEM-
business name. Mark questions which do not apply with n/a            PORARY or SPECIAL EVENT on filing status in box 13. 
(not applicable).                                                    If closing a business, request a Letter of Good Standing 
                                                                     or a Certificate of No Tax Due.
Apply for a Business Tax ID Online:                                  b) Specify the tax program the business status
You can apply  for a Combined  Reporting  System (CRS)               refers to in 12a.
number online using the Departments website,Taxpayer             13. Filing status:  Please select the appropriate filing sta-
Access Point (TAP) https://tap.state.nm.us. From the TAP             tus for reporting, submitting and paying the business’s 
homepage, under   Businesses select Apply for a CRS ID.              combined gross receipts, compensating and withhold-
Follow the steps to complete the business registration.              ing taxes.
                                                                     a) Monthly  - due  by the 25th of the following  month 
                                                                     if combined  taxes due  average  more than $200  per 
Updating Business Registration:
If this is an update to an existing registration, answer ques-       month, or if you wish to file monthly regardless of the 
tions  1  through  4  and  then  any  additional  fields  where      amount due.
changes are being made.                                              b) Quarterly – due by the 25th of the month following the 
                                                                     end of the quarter if combined taxes due for the quarter 
                                                                     are less than $600 or an average of less than $200 per 
Line Instructions:
                                                                     month in the quarter.  Quarters are January - March; 
                                                                     April - June; July - September; October - December.
Section I
                                                                     c) Semiannually – due by the 25th of the month follow-
1.  Enter business name of the entity.  If business name 
                                                                     ing the  end of  the  6-month period if  combined taxes 
is an individual’s name, enter first name, middle initial, 
                                                                     due are less than $1,200 for the semiannual period or 
and last name.
                                                                     an average less than $200 per month for the 6-month 
2.  Please mark the appropriate box indicating if this is a 
                                                                     period.  Semiannual periods are January - June; July – 
new registration  or an update to an existing registra-
tion. Note:     If updating existing registration provide the 
                                                                     d) Seasonal – indicate month(s) for which you will be 
NM TRD ID and Date Issued at the top of page 1 in the 
space provided.


- 27 -
Rev. 04/23/2020                    New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
                                   BUSINESS TAX REGISTRATION
                                      Instructions (Page 5)

    e) Temporary – enter close date on # 12.  The month in      Section II:
    which the business files must be a period in which the      Complete this section if you answered question 13 as a 
    registration is active.                                     monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual filer.
    f) Special event – enter close date on # 12.  The month 
    in which the business files must be a period in which the   20. If  applicable, provide your Liquor License  Type and 
    registration is active.                                       Number assigned by the Alcohol and Gaming Division 
14. a) Indicate whether or not you will have 3 or more em-      21. If applicable, provide your Secretary of State Business 
    ployees in New Mexico.                                        ID Number.  They may be contacted at www.sos.state.
    b) Indicate whether the business is a construction con-       nm.us or by phone at 1-800-477-3632.
    tractor.                                                    22. If applicable, provide your Contractor’s License Num-
    c) Indicate whether or not you will be required to pay        ber assigned by the Construction Industries Division.
    the Workers’ Compensation fee to New Mexico.  Every         23-30. The programs listed in this section are 
    employer who is covered by the Workers’ Compensa-             considered Special Tax Programs. Many of these pro-
    tion Act, whether by requirement or election must file        grams are required to file monthly. Please contact the 
    and pay the assessment fee and file form RPD-41054            Special Tax Programs Unit at (505) 827-0764 with any 
    Workers’ Compensation Fee Form (WC-1).  For more              questions.
    information  contact the Workers’ Compensation  Ad-         31-35. Answer the questions regarding Oil and Gas, if 
    ministration at (505) 841-6000 or https://workerscomp.        applicable.
    nm.gov.                                                     36. If this is not a new business, enter the former owner’s 
15. Required: Enter the Social Security Number (SSN) or           New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department CRS 
    Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) for individu-     ID Number (NM TRD ID Number) and business name. 
    als; Name and Title, Address, Phone #, and E-mail ad-         You may want to complete a form  ACD-31096  Tax 
    dress for all Owners, Partners, Corporate Officers, As-       Clearance Request.
    sociation Members, Shareholders, Managers, Officers,        37. Specify whether you are operating or have operated 
    General Partners, and Proprietors. This information is        any other businesses in New Mexico. If so, enter NM 
    required.  Attached additional pages if necessary.            TRD ID number and business name.
16. Check the method of accounting used by the business.        38. Select the primary type(s) of business in which you will 
    a)  Cash -  report  all cash and  other consideration  re-    engage.  You may select more than one if necessary. 
    ceived but exclude any sales on account (charge sales)      39-42. Please indicate if the business is one of these 
    until payment is received.                                    specific types, which use special reporting codes.
    b) Accrual - report all sales transactions, including cash  43. Answer the questions regarding  activities as health 
    sales and sales on account (charge sales) but exclude         care practitioner, if applicable.
    cash received on payment of accounts receivable.            44. If you are unsure if you are subject to the Healthcare 
17. a)  Indicate if  the  business has physical presence in       Quality Surcharge please contact our Special Tax Pro-
    New Mexico.                                                   grams Unit at (505) 827-0764.
    b) Indicate if the business  is a marketplace  provider,    45. Answer the questions regarding  Insurance Premium 
    meaning a  person who facilitates the  sale,  lease or        Tax, if applicable. 
    license of tangible personal property or services or li-
    cense for use of real property on a marketplace seller’s    Form submission:
                                                                You can apply for and update your Business Registration 
    behalf, or on the marketplace provider’s own behalf by 
                                                                online using TAP, https://tap.state.nm.us.
    listing or advertising the sale, or collecting payment from 
    the customer and transmitting payment to the seller.        You can also mail or email your application to the Depart-
    c) Indicate if the business is a marketplace seller, mean-  ment: Important: Please return completed pages 1, 2, and 
    ing a person who sells, leases or licenses tangible per-    3 of the ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration Application 
    sonal property or services or     licenses the  use         & Update form.
    of real property through a marketplace provider.
                                                                  Mail: NM Taxation and Revenue Department
18. Briefly describe the nature of the type(s) of business in 
                                                                      Attn: Compliance Registration Unit
    which you will be engaging.
                                                                      PO Box 8485
19. The application should be signed by an Owner, Partner,            Albuquerque, NM 87198
    Corporate Officer, Association Member, Shareholder, or 
    Authorized Representative.                                    E-mail: Business.Reg@state.nm.us


- 28 -
                            New Mexico Taxpayer Bill of Rights
Most  tax  transactions happen  without problems. Sometimes,          suppliers or distributors and the number of gallons of gasoline 
thought, troubles arise through misunderstanding, mathematical        and other fuels are public record. The Department may reveal to 
error, missed deadlines, lost papers, high volume of transactions     the Gaming Control Board the tax returns of license applicants 
and many other situations. Changes in the law may make earlier        and their affiliates.
information  outdated. Over the years the Legislature  and the        Audit Provisions:
Department have created ways to handle difficulties according to      The Department must provide you with written, dated notice that 
the provisions of the state tax code. Following are some of your      an audit is about to begin on a specific date, and the notice must 
rights as outlined in Sections 7-1-4.1 through 7-1-4.3 NMSA 1978:     tell you which tax programs and reporting periods will be covered. 
Ø  The right to available  public  information  and prompt and        We must issue a second notice, which states any outstanding 
  courteous tax assistance;                                           records or books of account requested  and not yet received, 
Ø  The right to representation and advice by counsel or other         between 60 and 180 days after the audit begins. If you do not 
  qualified representatives at any time during your interactions      produce the records within 90 days, the Department can issue an 
  with the Department according to provisions of Section 7-1-24       assessment of tax on the basis of the information as it stands. If 
  NMSA 1978, or with the Administrative Hearings Office in            you need additional time, you must submit a specific request in 
  accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Hearings       writing. Interest on outstanding liabilities accrues if the Department 
  Office Act;                                                         does not issue an assessment within 180 days of the notice of 
Ø  The right to have audits, inspections of records and meetings      outstanding records or books, or within 90 days after time has 
  conducted at a reasonable time and place according to Section       expired under your request for additional time; however, you are 
  7-1-11 NMSA 1978;                                                   entitled to an abatement of interest for the period of time after 
Ø  The right to have the Department conduct its audits in a timely    you have complied with Department requests and the Department 
  and efficient manner and be entitled to the correct calculation     has not acted on the audit.
  of interest as provided in the Tax Administration Act under 
  Section 7-1-67 and 7-1-68 NMSA 1978;                                Administrative Hearing Procedures:
Ø  The  right to  simple, non-technical  information explaining       A hearing officer may not engage or participate in any way in the 
  procedures, remedies and rights during audit, protest , appeals     enforcement or formulation of general tax policy other than to 
  and collection proceedings under the Tax Administration Act;        conduct hearings. You may request the Chief Hearing Officer of 
Ø  The right to receive an explanation of audit results and the       the Administrative Hearings Office determine if a hearing officer 
  basis for  audits,  assessments or  denials of  refunds that        has engaged or participated in the enforcement or formulation 
  identify tax, interest or penalty due;                              of tax policy and if the hearing officer’s activities have affected 
Ø  The right to seek review through formal or informal proceedings    his or her impartiality. The Chief Hearing Officer may designate 
  of findings or unfavorable decisions arising from determinations    another hearing officer for the matter. Hearing officers may not 
  during audit or protest procedures according to Section 7-1-24      communicate unilaterally  about  a matter you have protested 
  NMSA 1978 and the Administrative Hearings Office Act;               while that matter is still pending. The chief hearing officer may 
Ø The right to have your tax information kept confidential unless     appoint another hearing officer if that occurs. You may request a 
  otherwise specified by law in Sections 7-1-8 through 7-1-8.11       written ruling on any contested question of evidence in matters 
  NMSA 1978;                                                          in which you have filed a pending written protest. You also may 
Ø  The right to an abatement of an assessment of taxes incorrectly,   request that two or more protests on related issues be combined 
  erroneously or illegally made (Section 7-1-28 NMSA 1978)            and heard jointly, and the hearing officer shall grant the request 
  and a right to seek a compromise of an asserted tax liability.      unless it creates an unreasonable burden on the Department.
  When the Secretary of Taxation and Revenue in good faith            Credit Claims:
  doubts that you owe us what we claim you owe, you also              The Department has 180 days from the filing date to approve or 
  have the right to seek a compromise if one exists in your           deny a statutory tax credit. If it does not act, the credit is approved. 
  particular case (Section 7-1-20 NMSA 1978);                         The Secretary decides whether a refund of tax due you may 
Ø  The right to clear information of the consequences if a tax        be offset against your other tax liabilities, and you will receive 
  assessment is  not  paid, secured, protested or  otherwise          notice that the refund will be made accordingly. You are entitled 
  provided for according to Section 7-1-16 NMSA 1978. If you          to interest until the tax liability is credited with the refund amount. 
  become a delinquent taxpayer, upon notice of delinquency            Please see the paragraph above on “Audit Provisions” for interest 
  you have the right to timely notice  of collection  actions         due to you if the Department does not offset a refund or credit 
  that require sale or seizure of your property under the Tax         against your other tax liabilities within the prescribed time. The 
  Administration Act, and                                             Department may make a direct refund of overpaid taxes to the 
Ø  The right to apply to pay your tax obligations by installment      taxpayer without requiring the taxpayer to file a refund claim. The 
  payment agreements according to the provisions of Section           Department does not have to pay interest on credits or refunds if it 
  7-1-21 NMSA 1978.                                                   applies the amount to a tax interception program, to an estimated 
Confidentiality Provisions:                                           payment, or to offset prior liabilities of the taxpayer.
Statutes protecting the privacy of your taxes are strict and are      Awarding of Costs and Fees:
outlined in Sections 7-1-8 through 7-1-8.11 NMSA 1978. Section        If you prevail in an administrative or court proceeding brought by you 
7-1-8.2 NMSA 1978 limits requiring the Department to answer           or against you after July 1, 2003, under the Tax Administration Act, 
questions about whether a taxpayer is registered to do business       you may be entitled to a judgment or a settlement for reasonable 
in New Mexico or is registered for other tax programs. It does        administrative costs connected to the action.
not  allow  employees  to  say  whether  you  have  filed  a  return. 
Employees may discuss your account only with you or your              Penalty:
                                                                      The Department may not assess penalty against you if you fail 
authorized representative. A hearing officer’s written ruling on      to pay tax when due because of a mistake of law made in good 
questions of evidence or procedure pursuant to the Administrative     faith and on reasonable grounds. If the Secretary determines that 
Hearings  Office Act  are  in  the  public  domain. The  name  and    it is unfair to hold a spouse or former spouse liable for payment 
identification number of the taxpayer requesting the ruling are       of unpaid taxes, the Secretary may decline to take action against 
not public record. Public record includes the monthly gasoline tax    the spouse or former spouse of the person who actually owes the 
reports of numbers of gallons of gasoline and ethanol-blended         tax. In extreme cases of delinquency under Section 7-1-53 NMSA 
fuels received and deducted, and the tax paid by each filer or        1978 the Department may enjoin a taxpayer from continuing in 
taxpayer pays. Identities of rack operators, importers, blenders,     business after a hearing and until the delinquency is cleared.

- 29 -
Rev. 06/28/2017
                                           APPLICATION FOR REFUND
Who Must File This Form. Use this form to apply for a refund of most tax, fees, or surcharges paid to the New Mexico Taxation and 
Revenue Department. Unless your claim is an exception (described next), you are required to complete this form or submit a letter 
with substantially the same information to apply for a tax refund. 
Exceptions for Filing This Form. If your refund claim is the result of overstating the tax due on a previously filed income tax or an oil 
and gas tax return and you are filing an amended return, you do not need to complete and attach this application for a tax refund. A 
complete amended return is sufficient to support a valid claim for tax refund. Other exceptions to filing this application are the tax, fee, 
and surcharge programs listed in the instructions. 
How to File This Form. See the requirements list in Information Required to Claim a Refund on the first page of the instructions. 
The taxpayer or the authorized agent must sign this Application for Refund.
Attach to this application all documentation that supports your refund claim. A claim for refund is not valid unless it is complete and 
verifiable. See the instructions for more information. 
To apply all or any part of your refund to another report period, liability, or another tax, fee, or surcharge program, please state in detail 
the report period, liability, or other tax, fee, or surcharge program to which you want to apply the refund.

 Name of business or taxpayer                                                        Taxpayer identification no. (CRS ID or SSN)

 Mailing address on file

 City, state, ZIP code

 Contact name, if applicable                                                          Phone number

I hereby certify that the State of New Mexico was overpaid the sum of _________________________________________

dollars ($ ___________) in ____________ taxes, fees, or surcharges for the period(s)  ____________ to _____________
                                     (type of program) 
                             see top back of this page for list 
                             of tax, fee, surcharge programs
Basis for refund. Briefly state the facts. 





Is an amended return submitted with this request? (for previously filed returns, one amended return required for each affected period)

 Yes                              No                            Previously Mailed                 Not Required

 I declare that the information reported on this form and any attached supplements are true and correct.
 ________________________________________   ________________________________   ___________________
 Signature of taxpayer or agent                                       Title                       Date 

 ________________________________________   ________________________________   ___________________
 Type or print name                                                   Email address               Phone

                        Return this form and attachments to the Taxation and Revenue Department,
                                      P.O. Box 630, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-0630.

- 30 -
Rev. 06/28/2017                     Request For Direct Deposit
If you are requesting a refund of tax, fees, or surcharges paid to the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department for any of the 
programs listed below and would like your refund deposited directly into your bank account located at a financial institution inside 
the territorial jurisdiction of the United States (U.S.), complete the information. If the information below is incomplete or incorrect, the 
Department mails the refund to the address on file. 
Programs: Combined Report System (CRS) Tax, Personal Income Tax (PIT), Corporate Income and Franchise Tax (CIT), Oil and Gas Proceeds 
Withholding (OGP) Tax, Enhanced 911 Surcharge (E911), Telecommunication Relay Service Surcharge (TRS), Water Conservation Fee (WCF), 
Weight Distance Tax (WDT), and Workers' Compensation Fee (WKC).
                                                                                   Required: Will this refund go to or 
1.  Routing number:                                                                through an account located outside 
                                                                                   the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.?  
2.  Account number:                                                                If yes, you may not use this refund 
                                                                                   delivery option. 
3.  Type:       Checking           Savings                           4.     Required:                   Yes           No

                                           FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY

I analyzed the records of the Taxation and Revenue Department on ____________________________________ , 20 _______
and verified the amount of tax overpayment. I hereby certify that a tax refund is due as claimed according to Section 7-1-26 NMSA 
1978. The amount of overpayment is for the following taxes:

    TAX, FEE, or SURCHARGE PROGRAM                             AMOUNT

 1.                                                 $
                                                                                   Claim number
                                                                                   Serial number
                                                                                   Warrant number
                         Total interest to refund

                         Total amount to refund     $

Analysis of reason for overpayment:

Valid overpayment:       o  YES    o  NO            o  Need additional information Credit amount $_______________

Amended returns on file: o  YES    o  NO            o   N / A                      Credit key____________________

                         Date requested ______________________________________

 Documents supporting this refund are on file:
                                                                                   GENERAL APPROVAL
 I recommend refund:

 Initiated by                                                                      Secretary or Delegate

 Section supervisor                                  Date                          IF REQUIRED

 Bureau Chief                                        Date                          Attorney General's Office


- 31 -
Rev. 06/28/2017
                                  APPLICATION FOR REFUND Instructions

Exceptions to Filing RPD-41071                                      Interest on Overpayment 
The following tax, fee, or surcharge programs require you to file a The Department requires a complete and approved refund claim 
special form instead of this RPD-41071, Application for Refund, to  before calculating interest on an overpayment. The Department 
claim a refund for their program:                                   does not pay interest on refunds for the following tax credits:
● For a refund of oil and gas taxes other than the oil and gas      ● Investment
  proceeds withholding tax, use RPD-41136, Application for          ● Laboratory partnership with small business 
  Tax Refund - Oil and Gas.                                         ● Technology jobs and research and development
● For a refund of withholding tax on the net income of a            ● Film production
  pass-through entity (PTE) reported on    PTE New Mexico           ● Affordable housing
  Information Return for Pass-Through Entities, use                 ● Rural job
  RPD-41373, Application for Refund of Tax Withheld From            ● High-wage jobs
  Pass-Through Entities. 
● For an overpayment of tax withheld on RPD-41367,                  Requirements for Requesting CRS-1 Tax Refunds
                                                                    The documents to attach when you request a CRS-1 tax refund 
  Pass-Through Entity Withholding Detail (PTW-D) Report,            depend on the reason for your refund claim. To claim a refund of 
  use RPD-41373, Application for Refund of Tax Withheld             gross receipts tax paid because you did not claim: 
  From Pass-Through Entities. 
                                                                    ● An allowable deduction, attach a copy of either of the 
● For a refund of vehicle-related or driver-related taxes or fees,    following, if applicable: 
  use MVD-10208, Request for Refund. 
                                                                      ♦     The nontaxable transaction certificate (NTTC) the 
● For a refund of Tobacco Products Tax, use RPD-41318,                      buyer executed so the Department can verify the buyer 
  Application for Tobacco Products Tax Refund.                              executed it properly and timely 
● For a refund of a spoiled or damaged cigarette stamp, use           ♦     Any other documentation necessary to support the 
  RPD-41211, Application for Refund of Cigarette Tax.                       deduction (for example, a farmer or rancher statement)
Follow the instructions for the applicable refund form to apply for ● An exemption, attach documentation necessary to support 
your refund and find out about required attachments.                  the exemption (for example, invoices or contracts) 

Information Required to Claim a Refund                              E-filing CRS Returns
According to Section 7-1-26 NMSA 1978, the following                If the Department requires you to e-file a CRS-1 return, this 
information is required to claim a refund:                          requirement extends to e-filing all CRS-1 amended returns.
● Taxpayer's name, address, and identification number               NOTE: You can only mail RPD-41071, Application for Refund, 
                                                                    with its required attachments to the Department.
● Type of tax for which the refund is claimed, the credit or 
  rebate denied, or the property levied upon                        CRS Resources
● Sum of money or other property claimed                            To find out if you are required to e-file CRS-1 returns, see  
                                                                    FYI-108, Electronic Filing Mandate. You can find FYI-108 at 
● Period(s) for which the overpayment was made                      www.tax.newmexico.gov/forms-publications.aspx. On that page, 
● Brief statement of the facts and law on which the                 click Publications FYIs, , and 100 Series-General Information    . 
  claim is based, referred to as the basis for refund, and 
  documentation to support and substantiate the taxpayer's          The following publications describe allowable deductions, 
  basis for the refund                                              exemptions, and credits against these taxes and the required 
● If applicable, a copy of an amended return for each tax           documentation to support a refund claim:
  period for which the refund is claimed.                           ● Overview of Gross Receipts & Compensating Taxes 
                                                                      published in the CRS Filers Kit
When to Attach an Amended Return                                    ● FYI-105, Gross Reciepts & Compensating Taxes - An 
If your refund is the result of overstating the tax, fees, or         Overview
surcharges due on a previously filed return, you are required         
to attach a fully completed amended return for each affected        Request for Direct Deposit
period. Regardless of the number of amended periods, only one       If you want your refund directly deposited into your checking or 
Application for Refund is required per refund claim.                savings account, complete the Request For Direct Deposit 
IMPORTANT: When filing an amended return, submit all                section. Failure to complete all lines and boxes in this section 
supporting forms, schedules, and backup as requested by the         results in the Department mailing a paper check to the address 
instructions.                                                       on file.


- 32 -
Rev. 06/28/2017
                                 APPLICATION FOR REFUND Instructions

NOTE: Direct deposits are only allowable to the taxpayer’s             ●   If you answer the question incorrectly, the National 
account. The Department is not responsible if a financial                  Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) or the 
institution refuses a direct deposit, or if misapplication of a direct     Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) may delay, reject, or 
deposit refund was caused by a taxpayer's error, negligence, or            freeze your refund.
malfeasance.                                                           ●   If your bank does not accept your Request For Direct 
                                                                           Deposit entries, the Department mails a check to you.
Lines 1 and 2 and Boxes 3 and 4
Line 1. The routing number, for bank identification, has nine digits. 
If the first two digits are not 01 through 12 or 21 through 32, the    Your Rights and Refund Claims 
system rejects the direct deposit and you receive a check.             This sections gives you information about your rights regarding 
                                                                       tax liabilities and offsets and about denials of claims.
NOTE: If your check states it is payable through a different bank 
than the financial institution where you have your checking or         Tax Liabilities
savings account, do not use the routing number on that check.          If you have any tax liability, the Taxation and Revenue 
Instead, contact your financial institution for the correct routing    Department may offset all or part of an allowed refund against 
number to enter on this line.                                          such liability. 
                                                                       To claim a refund of an overpayment due to an offset by the 
Line 2. Your account number has up to 17 characters. Include           Department, please attach a copy of the offset notice.
hyphens, but omit spaces and special symbols as you enter the 
number from left to right. Leave unused boxes blank. On the            Refund Claim Denials
sample check, the account number is 2015551517. Do not include         If the Department denies your claim for refund in whole or in 
the check number.                                                      part, you may file a protest with the Department within 90 days of 
                                                                       either mailing or delivery of the denial, or you may file a lawsuit in 
Box 3. Mark an  Xin the  Checking or Savings box to indicate the       Santa Fe District Court.
type of account.
                                                                       If the Department does not take action on your completed claim 
                                                                       within 180 days of receiving your claim, you may elect to treat the 
Box 4. Mark an  Xin the  YES or NO box to answer whether the 
                                                                       refund claim as denied, which allows you to pursue the remedies 
funds for your refund would go to or through an account located 
                                                                       stated in the preceding paragraph.
outside the U.S. Marking NO means the financial institution's 
location is within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., which     If the Department requests additional relevant documentation 
includes any of the following:                                         from you, the claim in not complete. If you submit the requested 
                                                                       documentation within the required time period, the Department 
● W  ithin the U.S.
                                                                       uses the date the Department received the complete 
● On a U.S. military base                                              documentation as the start of the 180 days. If you do not provide 
● In Ame   rican Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands,            the additional relevant documentation, the claim for refund 
     Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands                           remains incomplete.
                                                                       For more information about your remedies, please see 
What Happens for Different Answers in Box 4                            FYI-402, Taxpayer Remedies. You can find FYI-402 at
                                                                       www.tax.newmexico.gov/forms-publications.aspx. Click 
●    If you mark an  Xin the YES box, you cannot use direct 
                                                                       Publications FYIs, , and then 400 Series-Tax Administration      .
     deposit. Either use a different bank account or to leave the 
     Request For Direct Deposit section blank to receive a 
     paper check at the address on file.                               For More Information, Forms, and Instructions
                                                                       If you have any questions, including which documents to file with 
●    If you do not answer the question, the Department mails           a refund application or an amended return, call the Department 
     your refund to you in a paper check. To comply with federal       toll free at (866) 809-2335 or visit your local district office. 
     banking rules, anyone who wants their refund directly 
     deposited into their account must answer this question.           To find copies of tax forms on the Department website, click  
                                                                       www.tax.newmexico.gov/forms-publications.aspx. Then select the 
                                                                       tax program or click the magnifying glass icon and enter the form 


- 33 -
ACD-31050                                             New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
Rev. 04/23/2020
REQUIREMENTS: All New Mexico buyers/lessees who wish to execute Nontaxable Transaction Certificates (NTTCs) are required to register with 
the Taxation and Revenue Department using Form ACD-31015, Application for Business Tax Identification Number. Once the registration process 
has been completed and a New Mexico business tax identification number (CRS number) has been issued for your business you can complete the 
Application for Nontaxable Transaction Certificates below and submit it to your closest district office.
CAUTION: Fraudulent statements made to obtain certificates, or fraudulent use of certificates received pursuant to this application with intent to 
evade or defeat the tax may subject the person or business to a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or imprisonment for not more 
than five (5) years or both (Sections 7-1-72 NMSA 1978 and 7-1-73 NMSA 1978).

NTTC DESCRIPTIONS AND AUTHORIZED USES: See reverse for complete descriptions of NTTC types.
 • Type  2: for tangibles for resale, lease or re-lease, or for purchase by manufacturer.
 • Type  5: for services for resale, for export, or for services performed on manufactured products.
 • Type  6: for construction contractor’s purchase of construction materials, construction services, construction-related services or for the lease of 
  construction equipment
 • Type  9: for purchase of tangible personal property by New Mexico or United States governments, 501(c)(3) organization, or credit unions
 • Type 10: for purchase or lease of tangible personal property or services by a person who holds an interest in a qualified generating  facility 
 • Type 11: for purchase of tangible personal property that is consumed in the manufacturing process1
 • Type 12: for purchase of utilities that are consumed in the manufacturing process1
 • Type 15: for tangible personal property purchased by qualified federal contractors
 • Type 16: for sales of property, services and leases to qualified film production companies, accredited foreign missions, and their accredited members
 • Type 17: for government agencies’ or 501(c)(3) organizations’ purchases of construction material that is tangible personal property¹
 • Type OSB NTTCs are issued to registered New Mexico sellers/lessors to execute to Out-of-State Buyers who are not registered with the Depart-
  ment, but who will resell tangible personal property outside of New Mexico
1 To request the Type 11, 12 and 17 NTTCs: Please submit below specified forms: 
 • Type 11: Requires Form RPD-41378, Application for Type 11 or 12 Nontaxable Certificates
 • Type 12: Requires Form RPD-41378, Application for Type 11 or 12 Nontaxable Certificates and RPD-41377,  Manufacturing Agreement to Pay 
  Gross Receipts on Behalf of a Utility Company for Certain Utility Sales
 • Type 17: Requires Form RPD-41250, Application for Type 17 Nontaxable Transaction Certificates and ACD-31050, Application for Nontaxable 
  Transaction Certificates 
Above forms are available online www.tax.newmexico.gov or from your local district office.

Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) for NTTCs: The Department encourages all taxpayers to use TAP to apply for, execute, record, print and request 
additional NTTCs online. If you know the seller’s/lessor’s CRS identification number to whom you wish to execute a NTTC, you may immediately 
execute the NTTC online. When the recipient’s CRS identification number is known, there is no limit to executing NTTCs on TAP, but you may re-
quest up to five (5) NTTCs to be executed at a later date if the seller’s/lessor’s name and CRS identification number is not known. You must first 
record executed NTTC information before applying for additional NTTCs to be executed at a later date.  Please note that on the TAP system third 
parties (e.g., CPAs, accountants, bookkeepers, etc.) cannot request or execute NTTC’s on behalf of their clients/employers. For instructions on 
how to obtain NTTCs online, go to https://tap.state.nm.us. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE INTERNET ACCESS COMPLETE THE APPLICATION FORM 

HOW TO APPLY OR REORDER: If you do not yet have the name and CRS identification number of the vendor to whom you wish to execute the 
NTTC, complete the application below, providing all information requested. Mail the application to the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Depart-
ment, P.O. Box 5557, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-5557, or you may deliver it to your local district office.
NOTE: You may reorder additional NTTCs ONLY after your executed NTTCs have been recorded with the Department. To record your executed 
NTTCs, submit the Nontaxable Transaction Certificate Report or record them online. The Department will only issue a maximum of five (5) NTTCs 
to be executed at a later date.

                                  To be executed at a later date (All information below must be completed)

  Name:          ______________________________________________________________           0 __ - __  __  __  __  __  __ - 0 0 - __
  Address:       ______________________________________________________________           …   New Application                      CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBER                          
                                                                                                                                                                      (if applicable)
  City:              _______________________   State:   ____________  Zip: _______________
                                                                                          …   Reorder
                                                                                                                                ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  
  Date:             _______________________   Phone No:   ____________________________    Type of NTTC            Quantity Requested: 5 combined maximum  
                                                                                                                                 (circle number)
  Print Name:  ______________________________________________________________
                                                                                                 ________           1     2                                        3          4          5

  Signature:     ______________________________________________________________                ________             1     2                                        3          4          5   

               New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department, PO Box 5557, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-5557

- 34 -
ACD-31050                                      New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
Rev. 04/23/2020                                                                                                        1
                                                          NTTC TYPE DESCRIPTIONS 
TYPE 2 certificates may be executed:                                                            Revenue Department and submit proof of Internal Revenue Service 501(c)(3) nonprofit 
1) By manufacturers for the purchase of tangible personal property that will become an          determination before they may execute Type 9 NTTCs. Those 501(c)(3) organizations 
ingredient or component of the manufactured product. (7-9-46)                                   that are organized for the purpose of providing homeownership opportunities to low-
2) For the purchase of tangible personal property or licenses for resale either alone or        income families may purchase construction materials incorporated into these construction 
in combination with other tangible personal property or licenses in the ordinary course         projects. 
of business. (7-9-47)                                                                           3) Federal or state-chartered credit unions. (7-9-54 and 7-9-61.2)
3) By a lessee for the lease of tangible personal property or licenses for subsequent lease     4) Indian tribes, nations or pueblos when purchasing tangible personal property for use 
in the ordinary course of business, except for the lease of furniture or appliances, the        on Indian reservations or pueblo grants. (7-9-54)
receipts from the rental or lease of which are deductible under Subsection C of Section         TYPE 10 certificates may be executed by a person that holds an interest in a qualified 
7-9-53, the lease of coin-operated machines, and for the purchase of manufactured               generating facility for the purchase or lease of tangible personal property or services 
homes as defined in Section 7-9-3(G). (7-9-50)                                                  that are eligible generation plant costs. In addition to required reporting on the CRS-1 
4) For the purchase of tangible personal property or licenses for subsequent lease in the       Form, sellers who accept this certificate for a qualified purchase must also report this 
ordinary course of business, except for the lease of furniture or appliances, the receipts      deduction on form RPD-41349 Advanced Energy Deduction. (7-9-114)
from the rental or lease of which are deductible under Subsection C of Section 7-9-53;          TYPE 11 certificates may be executed by manufactures for the purchase of tangible 
the lease of coin-operated machines, and for the purchase of manufactured homes as              personal property that will be consumed in the manufacturing process and may not 
defined in Section 7-9-3(G). (7-9-49)                                                           be used to purchase tools or equipment that may be used to create the manufactured 
5) By a person who is licensed to practice medicine, osteopathic medicine, dentistry,           product. The Type 11 NTTC is not to be used for the purchase of utilities. (7-9-46B)3
podiatry, optometry, chiropractic or professional nursing for the purchase of prosthetic        TYPE 12 certificates may be executed by manufactures for the purchase of utilities 
devices. (7-9-73)                                                                               that will be consumed in the manufacturing process. (7-9-46B)4
6) By a common carrier for the purchase of fuel that is to be loaded or used in a locomotive    TYPE 15 certificates may be executed by qualified federal contractors on a contract-
engine. (7-9-110.1 & 7-9-110.3)                                                                 by-contract basis for the purchase of tangible personal property. A copy of the federal 
TYPE 5 certificates may be executed:                                                            contract is required. The Taxation and Revenue Department may contact you for additional 
1) For the purchase of services for resale if the subsequent sale by the buyer is in the        information. (7-9-47) (Regulation NMAC)
ordinary course of business and the subsequent sale of the service is subject to gross          TYPE 16 certificates may be executed by:
receipts tax or governmental gross receipts tax. (7-9-48)                                       1) Qualified film production companies to purchase property, lease property or purchase 
2) For the purchase of services for export when sold to an out-of-state buyer and  delivery     services. A qualified production company must submit proof of registration with the New 
and initial use of the product of the service occurs outside New Mexico. (7-9-57)               Mexico Film Division of the Economic Development Department. (7-9-86)
3) By manufacturers for the purchase of services performed directly upon tangible personal      2) Accredited diplomats or missions for the purchase of property or services or the leasing 
property they are in the business of manufacturing or upon ingredient or component              of property. (7-9-89)
parts thereof. (7-9-75)                                                                         TYPE 17  certificates  may  be  executed  by  government  agencies  or  501  (c)(3) 
4) For the purchase of aerospace services for resale if the subsequent sale by the buyer        organizations:
is in the ordinary course of business and the services are sold to a 501(c)(3) organization,    1) For government agencies the purchases of construction material that is tangible 
other than a national laboratory, or to the United States. (7-9-54.1)                           personal property. ((7-9-54 (A)(3))4
TYPE 6 certificates may be executed by a construction contractor:                               2) For 501(c)(3) organizations purchases of construction material that is tangible personal 
1) For the purchase of construction materials that will become ingredients or components        property. (7-9-60 (B))5
of a construction project that is either subject to gross receipts tax upon completion or       TYPE NTTC-OSB certificates may be executed by OUT-OF-STATE BUYERS for 
that takes place on Indian tribal territory. (7-9-51) Enter your contractor’s license number    the purchase of tangible personal property that will be resold or become an ingredient 
on the application or submit proof that such a number is not required.2                         or component of a manufactured product, or for services performed on a manufactured 
2) For the purchase of construction services that are directly contracted for or billed to      product. Type NTTC-OSBs must be obtained by the seller.
a construction project that is either subject to gross receipts tax upon completion, upon       1 For more information on the use of different types of NTTCs and special reporting 
the sale in the ordinary course of business of the real property upon which the project is        requirements please see publication FYI-204: Nontaxable Transaction Certificates 
constructed or that takes place on Indian tribal territory. (7-9-52) Enter your contractor’s      online at http://www.tax.newmexico.gov/SiteCollectionDocuments/Publications or 
license number on the application or submit proof that such a number is not required.2            request it from your local district tax office.
3) For the purchase of construction-related services that are directly contracted for or billed   Proof that a construction contractor's license is not required includes a detailed 
to a construction project that is either subject to gross receipts tax upon completion, upon      written statement explaining the circumstances that exclude the contractor from 
the sale in the ordinary course of business of the real property upon which the project is        the jurisdiction or application of New Mexico statutes which provide for construction 
constructed or that takes place on Indian tribal territory. (7-9-52) Enter your contractor’s      contractor's licensing and regulation of construction activity.
license number on the application or submit proof that such a number is not required.2            Type 11 NTTCs require the completion of an alternative application, Form RPD-41378, 
                                                                                                  Application for Type 11 or 12 Nontaxable Transaction Certificates, available online 
4) For the lease of construction equipment that is used at the construction location of a         at www.tax.newmexico.gov or from your local district office.
construction project that is either subject to gross receipts tax upon completion, upon         4 Type 12 NTTCs require the completion of an alternative application, Form RPD-
the sale in the ordinary course of business of the real property upon which the project is        41378, Application for Type 11 or 12 Nontaxable Transaction Certificates, and Form 
constructed or that takes place on Indian tribal territory. (7-9-52.1) Enter your contractor’s    RPD-41377,  Manufacturing Agreement to Pay Gross Receipts on Behalf of a Utility 
license number on the application or submit proof that such a number is not require.              Company for Certain Utility Sales available online at www.tax.newmexico.gov or from 
TYPE 9 certificates may be executed for the purchase of tangible personal property                your local district office.
only and may not be used for the purchase of services, the purchase of a license or               Type 17 NTTCs require the completion of an alternative application, Form RPD-41250, 
other intangible property, for the lease of property or to purchase construction materials        Application for Type 17 Nontaxable Transaction Certificates, and Form ACD-31050, 
                                                                                                  Application for  Nontaxable Transaction Certificates, available online at www.tax.
for use in construction projects (except as provided in #2 below). The following may              newmexico.gov or from your local district office.
execute Type 9 NTTCs:
1) Governmental agencies. (7-9-54 (A))                                                                         New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department 
2) 501(c)(3) organizations. (7-9-60 (A)) These organizations register with the Taxation and                 P.O. Box 5557 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-5557


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