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                                    INSTRUCTIONS FOR 2020 PIT-RC
                               NEW MEXICO REBATE AND CREDIT SCHEDULE
General Information
You can find general information about Form PIT‑RC, New          Modified gross income is different from federal adjusted 
Mexico Rebate and Credit Schedule, starting on this page.        gross  income,  federal  taxable  income,  or  New  Mexico 
                                                                 taxable income. For details, see What is Modified Gross 
The instructions later in this document provide additional,      Income? on page RC‑4.
specific eligibility requirements for each rebate and credit. 
Instructions are given for lines when additional guidance is     SECTION VI
helpful or if the item is unique to New Mexico.                  To claim the refundable tax credits in Section VI, you do not 
                                                                 need to meet the basic qualifications for Sections I to V. You 
SECTIONS I TO V                                                  also do not need to complete Section I. For details about 
To claim any of the rebates or credits reported in Sections II   Section VI, see page RC‑10, and the instructions for lines 
to V, you must answer the questions in SECTION I.                23 and 24 later in this document. 

Basic Qualifications                                             SECTION VII
To claim any refundable rebates and credits in Sections II to    All claimants must complete line 25.
V, you must meet all these qualifications:
You must have been a resident of New Mexico during             PREPARING YOUR SCHEDULE  PIT-RC
  the tax year.                                                  Follow these steps to prepare and complete Schedule PIT‑
You must have been physically present in New Mexico            RC:
  for at least six months during the tax year (except to         1. Prepare your federal return. Even if you are not required 
  claim the child day care credit).                                        to file a federal return, it is easier to complete the PIT‑
You were not eligible to be claimed as a dependent of                    RC after you fill out a sample federal return.
  another taxpayer for the tax year.                             2. In the PIT‑1 instructions, read page 19, What To Do 
You were not an inmate of a public institution for more                  Next.
  than six months of the tax year.                               3. Refer to the table on the next page to find the informa‑
                                                                           tion you need to support the rebates and credits you can 
Allowable Household Members and Extra Exemptions,                          claim.
Lines 1 to 3                                                     4. Complete PIT‑RC by using the instructions starting on 
To claim the Section II, Low Income Comprehensive Tax Re‑                  page RC‑3.
bate, you must calculate total allowable household members       5. Check these entries on your PIT‑RC:
and extra exemptions. In Section I, complete lines 1 to 3 to               Make sure your arithmetic is correct.
calculate the total so you can claim this rebate.                          When required, make sure you limited your calcula‑
                                                                             tions to the maximum amount allowed for the rebate 
NOTE: New Mexico uses the same definitions and qualifica‑                    or credit.
tions as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to determine if                On pages 1 and 2, make sure your name and social 
someone is your dependent. For dependent definitions and                     security number are correct.
qualifications, see federal Form 1040 or 1040SR instructions.              If you are claiming one or more rebates and credits in 
                                                                             Sections II to V, make sure Section I is complete and 
Modified Gross Income, Line 12                                               that you answered all required questions. 
Eligibility for all rebates and credits in Sections II through V             If you claim the additional low income property tax 
depends on Modified Gross Income, line 12.                                     rebate for Los Alamos or Santa Fe County residents 

                Modified Gross Income Limitations for 2020                               Refundable Tax Credits 
                                                                                              in Section VI
  If your modified
  gross income is:     You may qualify for:                                            Refundable medical care  
                                                                                         credit for persons age 65 or 
  $22,000 or less         Low Income Comprehensive Tax Rebate (Section II)               older
  $16,000 or less      Property Tax Rebate, if you are 65 or older (Section III)       Special needs adopted child 
  $30,160 or less      New Mexico Child Day Care Credit (Section V)                      tax credit 

          Los Alamos or Santa Fe County Residents Only  
  $24,000 or less      Low Income Property Tax Rebate for Los Alamos or
                                     Santa Fe County Residents (Section IV)

PIT-RC                                                    RC‑1                                           www.tax.newmexico.gov

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in Section IV, make sure you mark the box indicating            any part of the tax year, mark the box. If married filing jointly 
the county where you reside.                                    and if both spouses were residents of New Mexico during 
6. Transfer the amount on line 25 to your PIT‑1, line 24.       the tax year, mark both boxes.
Make sure you copy the amount correctly.
7. Submit the PIT‑RC and other required documents with          Statement B. If you were physically present in New Mexico 
your PIT‑1.                                                     for at least six months during 2020, mark the box. If married 
                                                                filing jointly and if both spouses were physically present in 
TOP OF PAGE 1                                                   New Mexico for at least six months during 2020, mark both 
Enter the primary taxpayer’s name and social security num‑      boxes.
ber exactly as they appear on your PIT‑1 return.
                                                                Statement C. If you were  not a dependent, or if you do 
If you are claiming rebates and credits under Sections II to    not qualify as a dependent of another person for federal 
V, complete all of  Section I to avoid denial of the rebate     income tax purposes, mark the box. If you are married filing 
or credit. If you are only claiming refundable tax credits in   jointly and if both spouses were not eligible to be claimed 
Section VI, skip Sections I to V.                               as a dependent of another taxpayer for income tax purposes 
                                                                in 2020, mark both boxes. 
Qualifications  for  Credits  and  Rebates  Reported  in        If you were a dependent of another taxpayer, you do not 
Sections II to V                                                qualify: 
If statement A, B, C, or D is true for you, mark the TAX-       For any rebates 
PAYER box(es). If you are married filing jointly, mark the true For the child day care credit
statements in the SPOUSE box(es). If you are not married,       As a household member, for purposes of rebates or cred‑
leave those boxes blank. If a statement is false, leave the       its 
box blank. 
                                                                Whether or not you were actually claimed as a dependent on 
Statement A.  If you were a resident of New Mexico during       another person’s federal return, you qualify as a dependent. 

 If you received any of the following in 2020                                          You need
Salary or wages                                                 All 2020 wage and tax statements

An annuity, pension, retirement pay, IRA distributions,         Federal Form(s) 1099‑R, RRB‑1099, and SSA‑1099
Railroad Retirement or sick pay, or social security benefits
Gambling or lottery winnings                                    Records of the amounts and, if issued to you, Form W‑2G

Public  assistance  from Temporary Assistance  to  Needy  Records of the amounts you received
Families (TANF), New Mexico Works Act or similar program, 
welfare benefits, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Any  other  income—whether  or  not  taxable—such  as  an  Records of the amounts you received
insurance settlement, a scholarship or grant, VA benefits, 
income from an inheritance or trust, gifts of cash or market‑
able property, alimony, or child support

       To claim the following rebates and credits                                      You need
Low Income Property Tax Rebate for Los Alamos or Santa  Records of property tax billed for 2020 on your principal place 
Fe County Residents                                             of residence in Los Alamos or Santa Fe County.
Property Tax Rebate For Persons 65 or Older                     Records of the property tax billed for 2020 or rent paid on 
                                                                your principal place of residence.
New Mexico Child Day Care Credit                                Child Day Care Credit Worksheet and Form PIT‑CG, New 
                                                                Mexico Caregiver’s Statement, from each person who pro‑
                                                                vided child day care during 2020.
Refundable Medical Care Credit for Persons 65 or Older          Receipts and records of your qualifying expenses. See in‑
                                                                structions for line 23.

Special Needs Adopted Child Tax Credit for a qualifying         Copy of certificate issued by Children Youth and Families 
adopted child during the first year of your claim               Department or the licensed child placement agency for each 
                                                                child you adopted that year. See instructions for line 24.

PIT-RC                                                    RC‑2                                      www.tax.newmexico.gov

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If you are a dependent with a spouse who was not a de‑          Income Comprehensive Tax Rebate.
pendent of another taxpayer, your spouse may still qualify 
to claim rebates or credits.                                    Example 1. A married couple filing a joint return reports six 
                                                                exemptions (which includes their four children) on PIT‑RC, 
Statement D. If you were not an inmate of a public institution  line 1. One spouse lived out of state for seven months of 
for more than six months in 2020, mark the box. If married      the tax year, and the other spouse lived in New Mexico with 
filing jointly and if both spouses were not inmates of a public their four children. Because the out‑of‑state spouse was not 
institution for more than six months in 2020, mark both boxes.  physically present in New Mexico for at least six months, the 
                                                                couple makes these entries:
If you were an inmate of a public institution for more than         Line 1 is 6.
six months, you do not qualify for rebates or credits, and          Line 2a is 1.
you do not qualify as a household member for purposes of        The allowable household members on line 2b is 6 ‑ 1 = 5. 
rebates or credits. If you were an inmate and your spouse 
was not an inmate, your spouse may still qualify to claim       These 5 exemptions are for the spouse who lives in New 
rebates or credits.                                             Mexico  with  the  couple’s  four  children.  Five  household 
                                                                members are allowed when claiming the low income com‑
LINES 1 TO 3                                                    prehensive tax rebate.
Calculate Allowable Household Members and Extra                  
Exemptions                                                      If both taxpayers lived out of state for seven months, no 
Use lines 1 to 3 to calculate household members and extra       household members qualify for the rebate as shown with 
exemptions for Section II so that you can claim the low in‑     these entries:
come comprehensive tax rebate.                                      Line 1 is 6.
                                                                    Line 2a is 6.
LINE 1. Number of Exemptions                                        Line 2b is 0. 
Enter the number of exemptions from PIT‑1, line 5. This         The allowable household members on line 2b is 6 ‑ 6 = 0. 
includes you, your spouse if filing a joint return, your quali‑
fying dependents, and your qualifying other dependents as       Example 2. The taxpayer qualifies for tax rebates, but has a 
reported on your federal return.                                dependent who is out of state temporarily to attend school. 
                                                                The dependent is still a resident of New Mexico. Although 
LINES 2 and 3                                                   the dependent may be out of state for most of the year, the 
Allowable Household Members and Extra Exemptions                taxpayer may claim a rebate counting that dependent as a 
for Purposes of Claiming Low Income Comprehensive               household member.
Tax Rebates
                                                                Example 3. If a citizen of another country is a resident of 
LINE 2a. Enter the number of household members who              New Mexico, that person may claim the tax rebates. If the 
DO NOT qualify. If all household members qualify, leave         citizen’s spouse, children, or other dependents are not 
this field blank.                                               residents of New Mexico, the citizen cannot claim a rebate 
                                                                based on exemptions for them.
Household members who do not qualify: You or your 
spouse must meet the general qualifications listed below, or    LINE 2c.If you  oryour spouse (if filing a joint return), but not 
all members of your household do not qualify. You or your       both, are blind as defined for federal income tax purposes, 
spouse must:                                                    enter 1. 
be a resident of New Mexico during the tax year;
be  physically  present  in  New  Mexico  for  at  least  six If you and your spouse are blind as defined for federal in‑
  months during 2020;                                           come tax purposes, enter 2. 
be neither eligible to be claimed, nor actually claimed, as 
  a dependent of another taxpayer for 2020, and;                LINES 2e and 2f. Additional special exemptions are avail‑
not be an inmate of a public institution for more than six    able if you or your spouse (if filing a joint return) are age 
  months during 2020.                                           65 or older on the last day of the tax year. Enter   on2  the 
                                                                lines that apply.
If either you or your spouse meet the general qualifications, 
but not both, then the non‑qualifying spouse is not eligible.   LINE 2h. If you and your spouse are filing separately, you 
                                                                must subtract the number of household members and extra 
Dependents  who  are  non‑residents  of  New  Mexico  DO        exemptions your spouse claimed on the spouse’s Schedule 
NOT qualify as a household member for purposes of claim‑        PIT‑RC, line 2g. 
ing the Low Income Comprehensive Tax Rebate. Include 
nonresident dependents on line 2a of Schedule PIT‑RC.           LINES 3. Combine the total of lines 2g and 2h and enter the 
Dependents who are residents of New Mexico, but are not         amount on line 3.
physically present in New Mexico for six months, qualify 
as household members for purposes of claiming the Low‑

PIT-RC                                                         RC‑3                                www.tax.newmexico.gov

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LINES 4 TO 12                                                  LINE 6. Enter your unemployment benefits from all sources 
Calculate Modified Gross Income                                and any workers’ compensation benefits you received. Do 
Before you complete lines 4 to 12, read New Mexico’s defini‑   not include medical benefits.
tion of modified gross income that follows.
                                                               LINE 7.  Enter the amount you received from public as‑
What is Modified Gross Income?                                 sistance, TANF or a similar program, general assistance 
Modified gross income (also called MGI) is unique to New       benefits, and SSI. Do not include medical care benefits, rent 
Mexico law. In general, modified gross income is all income    subsidies, weatherization, energy, or housing rehabilitation 
and other compensation you receive from    all sources (re‑    benefits.
gardless of whether that income is taxable by the U.S. Gov‑
ernment or the State of New Mexico) for you, your spouse,      LINE 8. Enter your net profit from business, farm, or rentals. 
and your dependents.                                           This includes income from self‑employment. If it is a loss, 
                                                               enter zero. If you have more than one business, farm, or 
You may not reduce modified gross income by deductions or      rental property, you may not offset the loss of one business, 
offset modified gross income by losses allowed for income      farm, or rental against the profit of another business, farm, 
tax purposes under the New Mexico Income Tax Act or under      or rental or against any other source of income.
the Internal Revenue Code.
                                                               LINE 9. Enter your gross capital gains. Do not reduce them 
When calculating modified gross income, include the modi‑      by capital losses. Include in capital gains any gain on the 
fied gross income of the taxpayer and all household mem‑       sale of a personal residence in 2020 that is deferred or not 
bers. Even if you are married and filing separate returns, the subject to federal income tax.
total modified gross income of both spouses must appear in 
the calculation.                                               LINE 10. Enter all gifts of cash or marketable tangible items 
                                                               no matter who gave them to you. You must give a reason‑
Because the following items are excluded from the defini‑      able value to the gifts. 
tion of modified gross income, you do not  need to report 
any of them:                                                   LINE 11. Enter all income not included on lines 4 to 10, re‑
Money lent to you that you are legally bound to repay        gardless of whether it is taxable as federal or state income. 
Supplemental  Nutrition  Assistance  Program  (SNAP)         This income may include, but is not limited to:
  benefits or Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) vouch‑        Interest, including interest from U.S. Government obliga‑
  ers                                                            tions and interest on state and municipal bonds
Payments by any party or by Medicare or any similar plan     Dividends
  for hospital, dental, medical, or drug expenses whether or   Gross gambling, gaming, and lottery winnings from any 
  not the payment is made directly to the insured/recipient      source without reducing winnings by any losses
  or to a third‑party provider, and whether or not a premium   Insurance or court settlements
  is paid                                                      Scholarships, fellowships, prizes, awards, or grants
Money received during the year as low income or prop‑        Other cash prizes and awards
  erty tax rebates or as child day care credit                 VA benefits
Medical care payments made by Medicaid, the State Hu‑        Income from an estate or trust
  man Services Department, the County Indigent Hospital        Alimony, separate maintenance, and child support pay‑
  Claims Fund, CHAMPUS, Veterans Administration (VA),            ments
  or Workers’ Compensation                                     Receipt of contribution withdrawals from deferred com‑
Rent subsidies, weatherization, energy, and housing re‑        pensation plans
  habilitation benefits, such as Section 8 housing assis‑      Royalties from any source
  tance                                                        Distributions  from  employee  stock ownership  plans  or 
Stipends paid to foster grandparents                           other employee benefit plans, except for medical benefits
Free room and board when not considered compensa‑            Income from discharge of indebtedness not involving bank‑
  tion                                                           ruptcy
                                                               Value  of  a  legacy,  devise,  bequest,  or  inheritance  re‑
LINE 4. Enter your wages, salaries, tips, etc. If your wages,    ceived
salaries, tips, etc. were exempt or deducted from federal      Distributions from partnerships, S corporations, or similar 
adjusted gross income on Schedule PIT‑ADJ, you must in‑          pass‑through entities
clude them on line 4 to calculate your modified gross income.  Amounts received from endowment contracts
                                                               The value of room and board received as compensation
LINE 5. Enter the gross amount of social security benefits,    All ordinary gains from dealing in or selling property
pensions, annuities, and Railroad Retirement benefits. If      Cost‑of‑living, moving, or other allowances received as 
Medicare or other deductions were taken out of pensions or       compensation.
annuities, show the full pension or annuity amount before 

PIT-RC                                                     RC‑4                                   www.tax.newmexico.gov

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SECTION II                                                     65 or older, principal place of residence is the dwelling and 
Low Income Comprehensive Tax Rebate                            related  structures—whether  owned  or  rented—and  only 
                                                               the amount of surrounding land reasonably necessary to 
LINE 14. To qualify for this rebate, all of the following must use the dwelling as a home. The surrounding land may not 
be true:                                                       exceed five acres. 
You have a modified gross income of $22,000 or less.         If you have more acreage than is reasonably necessary to 
You were a resident of New Mexico during the tax year.       maintain a dwelling, adjust the amount of property tax billed 
You were physically present in New Mexico for at least       to reflect the principal place of residence only. You may use 
  six months in 2020.                                          only this smaller amount to calculate the tax rebate.
You are not eligible to be claimed as a dependent of an‑
  other taxpayer for 2020.                                     Example. If a taxpayer’s principal place of residence is 
You were not an inmate of a public institution for more      located on 25 acres, include the total amount of property 
  than six months in 2020.                                     tax billed for the house alone plus the part of the land that 
                                                               is reasonably necessary to maintain the residence, but not 
To find the amount of your low income comprehensive tax        more than 5 acres. 
rebate, follow these steps:
1. In the left column of Table 1, 2020 Low Income Compre-      If only one acre is reasonably necessary to maintain the 
  hensive Tax Rebate Table, find the line that includes the    residence, divide the tax due on the land by the total number 
  modified gross income you entered on line 13.                of acres for which property tax was billed. 
2. Read across to the column that shows the number of ex‑
  emptions you calculated on line 13a. This amount is your     Add the property tax billed on the home to the amount of 
  low income comprehensive tax rebate.                         property tax billed on the land. The total is the amount of 
3. All taxpayers, other than married couples filing separate   property tax billed. Use this total amount to calculate your 
  returns, enter this rebate amount on PIT‑RC, line 14. Mar‑   rebate. 
  ried couples filing separate returns divide this amount by 
  2 and then enter the result on  PIT‑RC, line 14. 
                                                     TABLE 1. 2020 Low Income Comprehensive Tax Rebate Table
NOTE:    Include your rebate amount on PIT‑RC,       Modified Gross Income        Number of Exemptions from PIT‑RC, Line 
line 25.                                             from PIT‑RC, Line 13                   13a
                                                                                                                    6 or 
SECTION III                                                          But not over 1   2   3    4             5
Property Tax Rebate for Persons 65 or Older                    0          500     120 160 200  240           280    320
This rebate is for property tax billed or rent paid            501     1,000      135 195 250  310           350    415
during tax year 2020 on your principal place of                1,001   1,500      135 195 250  310           350    435
residence in New Mexico. The property tax rebate               1,501   3,500      135 195 250  310           350    450
cannot exceed $250 or, for a married taxpayer filing           3,501   4,500      135 195 250  310           355    450
a separate return, the rebate cannot exceed $125.
                                                               4,501   5,000      125 190 240  305           355    450
IMPORTANT: No property tax rebate is available                 5,001   5,500      115 175 230  295           355    430
for property that is not subject to property tax.              5,501   6,000      105 155 210  260           315    410
                                                               6,001   7,000      90  130 170  220           275    370
To qualify for a rebate all of the following must be           7,001   8,000      80  115 145  180           225    295
                                                               8,001   9,000      70  105 135  170           195    240
You have a modified gross income of $16,000 
  or less.                                                     9,001   10,000     65  95  115  145           175    205
You were age 65 or older on the last day of the      10,001          11,000     60  80  100  130           155    185
  tax year.                                               11,001       12,000     55  70  90   110           135    160
You were a resident of New Mexico during the         12,001          14,000     50  65  85   100           115    140
  tax year.
                                                       14,001          15,000     45  60  75   90            105    120
You were physically present in New Mexico for 
  at least six months in 2020.                         15,001          16,000     40  55  70   85            95     110
You are not eligible to be claimed as a depen‑       16,001          17,000     35  50  65   80            85     105
  dent of another taxpayer for 2020.                   17,001          18,000     30  45  60   70            80     95
You were not an inmate of a public institution for   18,001          19,000     25  35  50   60            70     80
  more than six months in 2020.
                                                       19,001          20,000     20  30  40   50            60     65
What is Principal Place of Residence?                  20,001          21,000     15  25  30   40            50     55
For purposes of the property tax rebate for persons    21,001          22,000     10  20  25   35            40     45

PIT-RC                                                    RC‑5                              www.tax.newmexico.gov

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LINE 15. Complete line 15 only if you own your principal         Subtract line 17b (maximum property tax liability) from line 
place of residence and you were billed property tax. The         17a (allowable amount of property tax billed and rent paid), 
property tax you claim on line 15 is only that part of the an‑   and then divide the difference by 2. Enter this amount on 
nual property tax billed for the period you lived there.         line 17c.
For the definition of “principal place of residence,” seeWhat    If the amount is less than zero, enter 0. If the amount is $125 
is Principal Place of Residence? beginning on page RC‑5.         or over, enter $125 (the maximum allowed).

Changes in Your Principal Place of Residence                        TABLE 2.    2020 Maximum Property Tax Liability 
If you paid rent for your principal place of residence for part                             Table
of the year, and you were billed property tax for your princi‑                                             Maximum Property
pal place of residence for the other part of the year, you can      Modified Gross Income from PIT‑RC
                                                                                                              Tax Liability
claim both for the parts of the year you lived in the residence. 
                                                                                       But Not Over
If you were billed property tax on your manufactured home                         0               1,000                    20
and you also paid rent for your lot or space, you can claim                1,001                  2,000                    25
both.                                                                      2,001                  3,000                    30
                                                                           3,001                  4,000                    35
LINE 16. Complete line 16 only if you rented your principal 
                                                                           4,001                  5,000                    40
place of residence in 2020. 
                                                                           5,001                  6,000                    45
LINE 16a. Complete line 16a only if you paid rent on your                  6,001                  7,000                    50
principal place of residence.                                              7,001                  8,000                    55
                                                                           8,001                  9,000                    60
Enter the total amount of rent you paid during 2020, including 
any rent subsidy paid by a government entity to your landlord.             9,001                 10,000                    75
                                                                           10,001                11,000                    90
LINE 16b. If a government entity paid a subsidy, mark an                   11,001                12,000                    105
X in box 16b.                                                              12,001                13,000                    120
LINE 16c. Multiply line 16a by 0.06, and enter the product                 13,001                14,000                    135
in 16c.                                                                    14,001                15,000                    150
                                                                           15,001                16,000                    180
LINE 17. This rebate is for the property tax billed during tax 
year 2020. The property tax rebate may not exceed $250           SECTION IV
or, for a married taxpayer filing a separate return, the rebate  Additional Low Income Property Tax Rebate for Los 
may not exceed $125.                                             Alamos and Santa Fe County Residents Only
                                                                 This low income property tax rebate is for property tax paid 
IMPORTANT: Make  sure  to  include  the  amount  on line         during tax year 2020 on your principal place of residence 
17c in the amount on PIT‑RC, line 25.                            (defined later in this section) in Los Alamos or Santa Fe 
                                                                 County. This property tax rebate may not exceed $350 or, 
LINE 17b. To find your maximum property tax liability, follow    for a married taxpayer filing a separate return, $175.
these steps:
1. On Table 2,  2020 Maximum Property Tax Liability Table,       IMPORTANT: No property tax rebate is available for property 
   find the Modified Gross Income range for the amount you       that is not subject to property tax. 
   entered on PIT‑RC, line 13. 
2. Read  across Table  2, 2020 Maximum Property Tax  Li-         No Age Limit
   ability Table to the Maximum Property Tax Liability col‑      You do not need to be 65 or older to be eligible for this re‑
   umn, and enter the amount on line 17b.                        bate. If you are a Los Alamos or Santa Fe County resident 
                                                                 who is age 65 or older on the last day of the tax year, you 
LINE 17c. Subtract the amount on line 17b from the amount        may be eligible for this rebate and the property tax rebate 
on line 17a. Enter the amount of the difference on line 17c.     for persons 65 or older on line 17c. 

If the amount is less than zero, enter 0 . If the amount is $250 Requirements
or over, enter $250 (the maximum allowed).                       To qualify for the rebate, all of the following must be true:
                                                                  You have a principal place of residence in Los Alamos or 
Married Couples Filing Separately                                   Santa Fe County.
Married couples filing separate returns calculate the property    You have a modified gross income of $24,000 or less.
tax rebate in a different way than other taxpayers.               You were a resident of New Mexico during the tax year.

PIT-RC                                                      RC‑6                                      www.tax.newmexico.gov

- 7 -
 You were physically present in New Mexico for at least six  follow these steps:
   months in 2020.                                             1. On Table 3, 2020 Low Income Property Tax Rebate Ta-
 You were not eligible to be claimed as an other dependent      ble for Los Alamos or Santa Fe County Residents Only, 
   of another taxpayer for 2020.                                  find the Modified Gross Income range that includes the 
 You were not an inmate of a public institution for more        amount you entered on PIT‑RC, line 13. 
   than six months in 2020.                                    2. Read across to the  Property Tax Rebate Percentage 
                                                                  column, and enter this percentage on line 18b.
Mailing Address Not In Counties
If the mailing address on your 2020 PIT‑1 return is not a      LINE 18c. Multiply the percentage on line 18b (property tax 
Los Alamos or Santa Fe County address, you must attach         rebate percentage) by the amount on line 18a (allowable 
a property tax statement to your return.                       property tax billed). Enter the product on line 18c. 

Definition of “Principal Place of Residence” For This          If the amount is less than zero, enter 0. If the amount is $350 
Rebate                                                         or over, enter $350 (the maximum allowed). 
For the purposes of the low income property tax rebate for 
Los Alamos and Santa Fe Country residents only, principal      Married Couples Filing Separately
place of residence is the dwelling and related structures the  Married couples filing separate returns calculate the property 
taxpayer owns and occupies, and only that amount of sur‑       tax rebate in a different way than other taxpayers.
rounding land reasonably necessary to use the dwelling as 
a home. The surrounding land may not exceed five acres.        Multiply 18a  by 18b, and then divide the product by 2. Enter 
For purposes of this credit, a principal place of residence    this amount on line 18c. 
does not include rented land or structures. 
                                                               If the amount is less than zero, enter 0. If the amount is $175 
If you have more acreage than is reasonably necessary to       or over, enter $175 (the maximum allowed).
maintain a dwelling, adjust the amount of property tax billed 
to reflect the principal place of residence only. You are re‑  Example. The property tax billed to Los Alamos Resident A 
quired to use this smaller amount to calculate the tax rebate. on her principal place of residence was $800 for  calendar 
                                                               year 2020. On line 18a,  Resident A enters $800. Because 
       Table 3.  2020 Low Income Property Tax                  her modified gross income for2020 was $19,000, Resident 
       Rebate Table for Los Alamos or Santa Fe                 A  enters on line 18b the property tax rebate percentage 
               County Residents Only                           of 45%. 
       Modified Gross             Property Tax 
                                                               To calculate line 18c, Resident A multiplies $800 by 0.45 
       Income from PIT-RC,       Rebate Percentage 
                                                               (45%). The result is $360, but because the maximum rebate 
               Line 13           (of property tax liability)
                                                               allowable is $350, she enters $350 on line 18c.
                   But Not 
                   Over                                        IMPORTANT: Include the amount on line 18c in the amount 
               0       8,000                     75%           on PIT‑RC, line 25. 
           8,001       10,000                    70%
                                                               SECTION V
       10,001          12,000                    65%           New Mexico Child Day Care Credit
       12,001          14,000                    60%           The child day care credit may not exceed $1,200 or, for a 
                                                               married taxpayer filing a separate return, $600.  
       14,001          16,000                    55%
       16,001          18,000                    50%           Married individuals maintaining a household for one or more 
                                                               qualifying dependents, but filing separate returns for a tax 
       18,001          20,000                    45%
                                                               year, may each claim only half the credit allowed on a joint 
       20,001          22,000                    40%           return.
       22,001          24,000                    35%
                                                               To qualify for the credit, all of the following must be true:
                                                                You have a modified gross income of $30,160 or less.
Boxes 18. Mark either the Los Alamos County box or the 
                                                                You were a resident of New Mexico during any part of the 
Santa Fe County    box to indicate the county where your 
                                                                  tax year.
principal place of residence was located and for which you 
are claiming the additional low income property tax rebate.     You provided over half the cost of maintaining a house‑
                                                                  hold for one or more qualifying dependents for the part of 
LINE 18a. For property you own that is your principal place       the tax year for which you are claiming the credit (either 
of residence, enter the tax billed for the calendar year.         separately or jointly with a spouse).
                                                                You were gainfully employed for the part of the tax year 
LINE 18b. To find the percentage of your property tax rebate,     for which you are claiming the credit.

PIT-RC                                                      RC‑7                                 www.tax.newmexico.gov

- 8 -
You were not a recipient of public assistance under TANF,           “Cost of maintaining a household” means the expenses for 
  the New Mexico Works Act, or a similar program during               operating the principal place of residence for the mutual ben‑
  the part of the tax year for which you are claiming the             efit of its occupants. These expenses include property taxes, 
  credit.                                                             mortgage interest, rent, utility charges, upkeep and repairs, 
You have not been reimbursed or compensated for the                 property insurance, and food. Cost of maintaining a household 
  amount  of  child  day  care  expense  for  which  you  are         does not include cost of clothing, education, medical treatment, 
  claiming the credit.                                                vacations, life insurance, transportation, or principal payments 
                                                                      on mortgages.
Reimbursed or compensated child day care expenses, like 
those paid with pre‑tax dollars under cafeteria and similar           “Disabled person” means a person who has a medically de‑
benefit plans, are also ineligible.                                   terminable physical or mental impairment, as certified by a 
                                                                      licensed physician or an advanced practice registered nurse, 
Residency Requirement                                                 certified nurse‑midwife or physician assistant working within 
If you qualify as a first‑year, full‑year, or part‑year resident      that person’s scope of practice, that renders the person unable 
of New Mexico, you may claim the child day care credit.               to engage in gainful employment. 
For definitions of residency, see PIT‑1 instructions, page 3, 
Definitions.                                                          NOTE: The Department may ask you to provide certification of 
                                                                      your disability, but do not include it with your return.
Public Assistance
The Department checks with appropriate state agencies to              “Caregiver” means either an individual 18 years of age or older, 
verify if you are receiving public assistance.                        or a corporation that receives compensation from the credit 
                                                                      claimant for providing direct care and supervision to a qualify‑
Caregiver Qualifications                                              ing dependent in New Mexico. A caregiver may be related to, 
You cannot claim a credit for amounts paid to a caregiver             but not a dependent of, the claimant.
unless all of the following are true for the caregiver:
                                                                      Example of Attending School and Working. You are a 
If an individual, the caregiver was at least 18 years old 
                                                                      single parent who provides over 50% of the support for a 
  when providing the care.
                                                                      dependent child. You attended school from January through 
The caregiver provided the day care service in New Mex‑             May, and became gainfully employed full time on June 1. You 
  ico.                                                                had child care expenses for the entire year from a caregiver 
The caregiver provided day care for less than 24 hours              located in New Mexico. You were not compensated or reim‑
  daily.                                                              bursed for child day care services during the tax year. 
You or your spouse could not claim  the  caregiver  as  a 
  dependent for federal income tax purposes.                          You can claim the credit for child care only for expenses 
                                                                      from June through December, while you were employed. You 
Married Couples Filing Separately                                     cannot count expenses for child care from January through 
If spouses file a joint return, both must have been gainfully         May, while you were attending school and not working.
employed unless one was disabled for the part of the tax year 
for which you are claiming the credit. Couples who maintain           Calculating and Claiming the Credit
a household for one or more qualifying dependents, but file           To calculate and claim your allowable Child Day Care Credit, 
separate returns for a tax year, may each claim only half the         follow these steps:
credit allowed for a joint return.                                    1. From each caregiver, get a Form PIT‑CG, New Mexico 
                                                                      Caregiver’s Statement (see page RC‑12).  
Keep Copies of Your Receipts                                          2. Use  the  information  on  the  PIT‑CGs  to  complete  the 
In  case  you  are  selected  for  audit  or  verification  of  the   Child Day  Care  Credit Worksheet  (see  page  RC‑11). 
expenses you claim, make sure to keep copies of all your              Only include qualifying day care expenses performed in 
receipts with your records.                                           New Mexico.
                                                                      3. Make copies of the Child Day Care Credit Worksheet and 
Definitions for Child Day Care Credit                                 all PIT‑CGs. Keep the originals for your records.
“Qualifying dependent” means a person under the age of 15             4. Submit copies of both    the Child Day Care Credit Work-
at the end of the tax year who has received the services of a         sheet and all PIT‑CG’s with your PIT‑1 return.
caregiver. “Dependent” includes a child of divorced or legally 
separated parents when the taxpayer meets all requirements            For more information, see   Brochure 12, New Mexico’s In-
for claiming a federal child care credit.                             come Tax Child Day Care Credit 6-18, on www.tax.newmex‑
                                                                      ico.gov. At the top, click  FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS, 
“Gainfully employed” means working for others for compensa‑           click on then select Brochures from the Publications folder.
tion, either full‑time or part‑time, or being self‑employed. Actively 
seeking employment or school attendance does not qualify as           LINE 19. From your Child Day Care Credit Worksheet, en‑
gainful employment.                                                   ter the sum of the amounts in Column G, but no more than 

PIT-RC                                                 RC‑8                                                www.tax.newmexico.gov

- 9 -
$1,200. This is your child day care credit.                       200 x $8 = $1,600 (amount allowed)

LINE 20. Enter the total of your qualified dependents under       For column G, first find 40% of $1,600, as shown next:
age 15 who received child day care services in 2020.              0.40 x $1,600 = $640 (40% of $1,600)

LINE 21. Enter the amount of the federal child and dependent      Because $640 is greater than $480 (the maximum allowable 
care credit you claimed on your federal Schedule 3, line 1.       amount per child), enter $480 in column G.

First-Year Residents Only                                         Calculate the credit amounts for the second and third child 
To calculate your federal child and dependent care credit         in the same way. The total for the three children is $1,440 
adjustment, use For First-Year Residents Only Worksheet           (3 x $480). Because this is more than $1,200 (the maximum 
to Adjust the Federal Credit for Child and Dependent Care         allowable credit amount), you enter $1,200 on line 19.
Credit. Enter the amount from line 5 of the worksheet.
                                                                  Example For Paying Different Rates.
         For First-Year Residents Only                            You paid more than one rate for child care. Your child re‑
Worksheet to Adjust the Federal Credit for Child and Dependent    ceived 100 days of care at $7 per day and 50 more days at 
                    Care Credit
                                                                  $10 per day. 
1.  Enter the amount of federal child and 
dependent care credit allowed on the 
                                                                  On the Child Day Care Credit Worksheet, enter the child’s 
federal Schedule 3, line 2.                         $
                                                                  name and age in columns A and B. In columns C and D, enter 
2.  Enter the number of days during the tax                       100 (days of care) and $7 (amount paid per day). 
year  that  you  were  a  resident  of  New 
                                                                  For column E, calculate the amount allowed for the year, 
3.  Enter the number of days during the tax                       as shown here:
year,  either  365  days or 366 days for a 
leap year.                                                             100 x $7 = $700 (amount allowed)
4.  Divide  line  2  by  line  3.  Round  to  three 
decimal places                                      __ . __ __ __ For Column G, first find 40% of 700, as shown next:
5.  Multiply line 4 by line 1. Enter this amount                       0.40 x $700 = $280 (40% of $700)
on PIT‑RC, line 21.                                 $
                                                                  On the next line of the worksheet write “same child.” In 
                                                                  column C, enter 50 for days of care. In column D, enter $8 
LINE 22. The maximum New Mexico day care credit amount            (maximum daily amount) even though the actual amount 
is $1,200, where a maximum of $480 is allowable per child.        you paid was $10. 

To find the amount of New Mexico child day care credit you        For column E, calculate the amount allowed for the year, 
can claim, subtract line 21 from line 19.                         as shown here:
                                                                       50 x $8 = $400 (amount allowed)
Married Couples Filing Separately
If married filing separately, subtract line 21 from line 19, 
and divide by 2. Enter this amount on line 22. Couples who        For column G, first find 40% of $400, as shown next:
maintain a household for one or more qualifying dependents,            0.40 x $400 = $160 (40% of $400)
but file separate returns for a tax year, may each claim only 
half the credit allowed for a joint return.                       Then add the two partial credit amounts in column G and 
                                                                  enter $440 (the sum) on line 19.
Example For More Than One Child.                                       $280 + $160 = $440
You have three children and each child received 200 days 
of care. You were not compensated or reimbursed for child         SECTION VI
day care services during the tax year. The fee was $10 daily      Refundable Tax Credits
for each child.                                                   Complete lines 23 and 24 to claim the refundable tax credits. 

On the Child Day Care Credit Worksheet, enter your first          If  you  are  claiming  only  the  refundable  tax  credits  on 
child’s name and age in columns A and B. Enter the number         lines 23 and 24 and no other refundable rebate or credit,  
of days of care (200) in column C. Even though the actual         follow the special procedures described next to complete 
amount you paid was $10, enter $8 in column D because             PIT‑RC:
the maximum allowable daily amount for calculating the 
credit is $8.                                                     1. Enter the primary taxpayer’s name on page 1 and social 
                                                                       security number on pages 1 and 2. 
For column E, calculate the amount allowed for the year,          2. Complete applicable lines 23 and 24.
as shown here:                                                    3. On line 25, enter the total of lines 23 and 24. 

PIT-RC                                                            RC‑9                              www.tax.newmexico.gov

- 10 -
4. On PIT‑1, line 24. enter the amount from PIT‑RC, line        Definitions
  25.                                                           “Special needs adopted child” means an individual who may 
                                                                be over 18 years of age and who is certified by the New 
LINE 23. Refundable Medical Care Credit for Persons             Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) or 
65 or Older                                                     a licensed child placement agency as meeting the definition 
If you or your spouse are 65 years of age or older, and you     of a “difficult to place child” pursuant to the Adoption Act. The 
paid unreimbursed and uncompensated medical care ex‑            classification is based on physical or mental impairment or an 
penses of $28,000 or more during tax year 2020, you may         emotional disturbance that is at least moderately disabling. 
claim a tax credit of $2,800. The medical care expenses can 
be for the care of any combination of you, your spouse, or      Attach the Certificate the First Year
dependents.                                                     In the first year you claim the special needs adopted child 
                                                                tax credit for a qualifying adopted child, you must attach 
The tax credit is allowed for non‑residents with income tax     a copy of the certificate issued by CYFD or the licensed 
responsibility to New Mexico.                                   child placement agency for each qualifying adopted child. 

If you qualify for the credit, enter $2,800. Married couples    If you claimed the credit for adoption of special needs chil‑
filing separate returns may each claim one‑half of the credit   dren for a qualifying adopted child in a prior year, you do not 
($1400) that would have been allowed on a joint return.         need to attach the supporting documentation to the return. 
                                                                Keep it in your files. 
Additional Benefit on PIT-ADJ
If you are eligible to claim the refundable medical care credit SECTION VII
for persons age 65 years or older, you are also eligible to     Total Rebates and Credits Claimed
claim  the  medical  care  expense  exemption  for  persons     Follow these steps to complete PIT‑RC:
65 years or older reported on Schedule PIT‑ADJ, line 17.        1. Add the amounts, if any, on lines 14, 17c, 18c, 22, 23, 
To claim the tax exemption, you must complete Schedule          and 24. 
PIT‑ADJ.                                                        2. Enter the total on line 25. 
                                                                3. On PIT‑1, line 24, enter the amount from PIT‑RC, line 
Types of Medical Expenses Allowed                               25. 
The types of medical expenses that you may include are          4. Submit PIT‑RC and any required documentation with 
described in the instructions for PIT‑1, line 16 with one ex‑   your PIT‑1 to the Department.
ception. You may also include the part of unreimbursed and 
uncompensated medical care expenses which have been 
included in your itemized deductions on federal Schedule A.

To calculate the unreimbursed and uncompensated medi‑
cal care expenses for purposes of this credit, the following 
expenses may be included:
Qualified expenses used to calculate the medical care 
  expense exemption for persons 65 years or older you 
  reported on PIT‑ADJ, line 17 
Qualified expenses used to calculate the medical care 
  expense deduction you claimed on PIT‑1, line 16

LINE 24. Special Needs Adopted Child Tax Credit
If you qualify for the special needs adopted child tax credit, 
enter $1,000 for each special needs adopted child. If you are 
married filing separately, enter $500 for each child. Married 
individuals who file separate returns may each claim one‑
half of the credit.   

You may claim the special needs adopted child tax credit if 
all of the following are true:
•  You file a New Mexico PIT‑1 return.
•  You are not a dependent of another taxpayer.
•  You adopted a special needs child.
You claimed the special needs adopted child as a de‑
  pendent on your federal tax return. 

PIT-RC                                                   RC‑10                                 www.tax.newmexico.gov

- 11 -
Rev. 07/15/2020                           New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
                                             Child Day Care Credit Worksheet

Purpose of this worksheet: Use the Child Day Care Credit Worksheet  along with the PIT‑CG, New Mexico Caregivers Statement when 
claiming the New Mexico Child Day Care Credit on the PIT‑RC. Please print legibly using blue or black ink. Keep original forms for your 
records and submit copies with your PIT‑1 return.
First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name                                                             Social Security Number (SSN)

You must answer both questions: (Required)
1. The child day care expenses were not reimbursed or otherwise paid by another party. (You may only claim un‑
   compensated and unreimbursed child day care expenses.)                                                                True

2. Public assistance was not received under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, New Mexico Works Act, 
   or a similar program during that part of the tax year for which you are claiming the credit. You may only claim child 
   day care expenses during periods when you did not receive assistance from one of these programs. (Note: The           True
   Department checks with appropriate state agencies to verify whether you are receiving public assistance.)

   COLUMN  A          COLUMN  B COLUMN  C                    COLUMN  D     COLUMN  E       COLUMN  F                 COLUMN  G
   Name of Child      Age of Child        Number of    Amount paid per       Day Care               Multiply             Available day 
                                          days of care day not to exceed     Expenses               Column E             care credit 
                                                             $8.00           Multiply               by 0.40 and          not to exceed 
                                                                             Column C      enter in Column               $480/child
                                                                           by Column D                G








                                          Total Day Care Credit Available. Enter the sum of Column G. 
                                          (If you attach additional pages, enter the sum of Column G from all pages.)

This worksheet must be completed using the PIT‑CG,     New Mexico Caregiver's Statement  your caregiver(s) complete. Keep in mind 
depending on your situation you may need to use multiple Child Day Care Credit Worksheets and PIT‑CG's Important: Child Day Care 
Credit Worksheet and PIT-CG, New Mexico Caregiver Statement must be submitted with your PIT-1 return.

Column A: Enter the name of the qualified dependent child who received day care during tax year. If you need more space, attach a 
                worksheet in the same format.
Column B: Enter the age of the child at the end of the tax year.
Column C: Enter the total number of days of qualified child day care service provided for the child.
Column D: Enter the amount paid per day for the child. The maximum is $8 per child per day. Only include amounts actually paid by you. 
                Do not include amounts that were reimbursed or paid for by another party, such as your employer or the State of New Mexico. 
                Even if you paid more than $8, only enter $8.
Column E: Multiply Column C by Column D and enter the result. 
Column G: Multiply Column E by Column F (0.40) and enter the result, but no more than $480 per child. If the computed amount is more 
                than $480, enter $480.
Total Day Care Available: Add the amounts in Column G and enter the total in SECTION V: NEW MEXICO CHILD DAY CARE CREDIT 
                of your PIT‑RC, amount cannot be more than $1,200. If the total amount of Column G is more than $1,200, enter $1,200.

PIT-RC                                                          RC‑11                                        www.tax.newmexico.gov

- 12 -
Rev. 09/13/2016
The caregiver must complete this PIT‑CG and give it to the taxpayer to attach to the PIT‑1 Return and Schedule PIT‑RC. Each caregiver who 
provides daycare services for which a credit amount is claimed completes a separate PIT‑CG. Failure to attach the required PIT‑CG to the 
PIT‑1 will cause the amount claimed for the child daycare credit to be disallowed. Attach the Child Day Care Credit Worksheet to the PIT‑CG.
The caregiver must furnish the information on the number of days care was provided each month and the compensation received for 
each child for whom the credit is claimed. The caregiver must answer the three qualification questions; enter their name, address, phone  
number, and New Mexico CRS identification number; and sign this PIT‑CG.  The name and social security number for each child receiving  
daycare services is required on this PIT‑CG. The taxpayer must also sign.
Do not include any charges for childcare for periods of unemployment or for childcare provided either before or after work (plus any necessary 
travel time) or for periods the taxpayer is attending school.
Taxpayer's first name and initial (as it appears on Form PIT‑1) Taxpayer's last name                        Taxpayer's  social security number

Caregiver's name           Caregiver's address                                                    Caregiver's New Mexico CRS ID or SSN

 1.  Were you, as a caregiver, age 18 or over at the time the care was performed?                           YES              NO
 2.  Did you, as a caregiver, provide daycare service for less than 24 hours daily?                         YES              NO
 3.  Were you a dependent of the above taxpayer for whom you provided childcare services?                   YES              NO

 TAX YEAR        CHILD 1 Name and SSN   CHILD 2 Name and SSN                    CHILD 3 Name and SSN        CHILD 4  Name and SSN
                        Compensation                            Compensation                  Compensation         Compensation 
     Month       No. of Amount Received No. of                  Amount Received No. of Amount Received      No. of Amount Received 
                 Days      Per Month    Days                    Per Month       Days          Per Month     Days   Per Month

Caregiver's signature _____________________________________          Caregiver's phone number __________________ __________

If you made all reasonable attempts to complete this PIT‑CG schedule, and you are still unable to locate the caregiver or to obtain the 
required information, complete Parts I and II of this schedule based on previous billings or other records, provide the name and address 
of the caregiver, and explain below why the caregiver did not complete the statement.

                                                                Taxpayer's signature ___________________________________________

PIT-RC                                                          RC‑12                                       www.tax.newmexico.gov

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