RPD-41167 New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 07/01/2023 Application for Investment Credit A taxpayer who qualifies for an Investment Tax Credit completes and submits this application within one year following the end of the calendar year in which the qualified equipment for the manufacturing operation is purchased or introduced into New Mexico. See instructions for more detail. Section 1: Identifying Information 1. Name of Taxpayer 2. FEIN, SSN or ITIN 3. NMBTIN 4. Mailing Address - City, State, Zip Code 5. Physical Address - City, State, Zip Code 6. Name of Contact Person 7. Telephone Number 8. Email Address Section 2: Qualifying Information 9. Description of your manufacturing operation: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 10. Qualified Equipment (Section 7-9A-6 NMSA 1978) Yes No 10a. Was the qualified equipment previously used in New Mexico? 10b. Was the qualified equipment previously approved for a credit under the Investment Credit Act? 10c. Was the qualified equipment owned by the taxpayer (listed above)? 10d. Was the qualified equipment owned by the United States, the State of New Mexico or a political subdivision thereof and leased or subleased to the taxpayer? 10e. Was the qualified equipment incorporated into the taxpayer's manufacturing operation within one year of being introduced into New Mexico? 10f. Were the employment requirements met per Section 7-9A-7.1 NMSA 1978? 10g. Were the requirements met per Section 7-9A-3(C) NMSA 1978? Section 3: Calculation of Credit Claimed 11. Total number of new full-time employees from Schedule A, cell H16 12. Total value of equipment claimed from Schedule B, cell D12 13. Total amount of credit claimed from Schedule B, cell F12 Page 1 of 7 |
RPD-41167 New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 07/01/2023 Application for Investment Credit Section 4: Required Attachments for a Completed Application 14. Please place a checkmark next to all required attachments that are being submitted. q A completed RPD-41168, Application for Investment Credit Schedule A and B. q Federal Form 4562, Depreciation and Amortization Schedule and a detailed depreciation worksheet that reconciles to the Federal Form 4562 q Payroll register for all New Mexico employees listing hours worked for the pay period ending on the date the application was sub- mitted or post marked. q Payroll register for all New Mexico employees listing hours worked for the same pay period one year prior to the submission or post marked date. q ACD-31102, Tax Information Authorization Tax Disclosure, will need to be submitted if the contact person for this application is not the taxpayer, a corporate officer, partner, or fiduciary who has been previously identified as such to the Department or an autho- rized individual representative with the authority to perform all authorized acts that the taxpayer can perform. Section 5: Signature This application must be signed by the taxpayer, a corporate officer, partner, or fiduciary who has been previously identified as such to the Department or an authorized individual representative with the authority to receive Federal and State confiden- tial information on behalf of the taxpayer. I declare that I have examined this claim, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct, and complete. 15. Printed Name 16. Title 17. Signature 18. Date Page 2 of 7 |
RPD-41167 New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 07/01/2023 Application for Investment Credit Instructions About This Credit FORM INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the Investment Credit Act is to provide a Section 1 favorable tax climate for manufacturing businesses and to 1. Enter taxpayer's name. If taxpayer is an individual, en- promote increased employment in New Mexico. ter first name, middle initial, and last name. 2. Enter taxpayer's Federal Employer Identification Num- The Investment Credit Act, Sections 7-9A-1 to 7-9A-11 ber (FEIN), Social Security Number (SSN), or Individual NMSA 1978 provides a credit for taxpayers for qualifying Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) equipment purchased or brought into New Mexico in con- 3. Enter taxpayer's New Mexico Business Tax Identifica- nection with a manufacturing operation. tion Number (NMBTIN). 4. Enter taxpayer's mailing address including city, state The investment credit provided for in the Investment Credit and zip code. Act may be claimed by a taxpayer carrying on a manufactur- 5. Enter taxpayer's physical address including city, state ing operation in New Mexico in an amount equal to: and zip code. 1. The product of the sum of the compensating tax rate 6. Enter contact person's name. and, beginning July 1, 2021, any municipal or county 7. Enter contact person's telephone number. compensating tax rate multiplied by the value of the 8. Enter contact person's email address. qualified equipment; or 2. If the sale is subject to the gross receipts tax, the prod- Section 2 uct of the sum of the gross receipts tax rate and, begin- 9. Briefly describe your manufacturing operation. ning July 1, 2021, any municipal or county local option 10. Check either the yes or no column next to each ques- gross receipts tax rates multiplied by the seller's gross tion about the qualified equipment. receipts from the sale of the qualified equipment. 3. If the purchase or the introduction into New Mexico of Section 3 the qualified equipment is not subject to the gross re- 11. Enter the total number of full-time employees hired from ceipts tax or compensating tax, the rate to determine RPD-41168, Schedule A tab, cell H16. the amount of the credit shall be equal to a rate of five 12. Enter the total value of the equipment from RPD-41168, and one-eighth percent. Schedule B tab, cell D12. 13. Enter the total amount of credit claimed from RPD- Prior to July 1, 2030, to be eligible to claim a credit pursu- 41168, Schedule B tab, cell F12. ant to the Investment Credit Act, the taxpayer shall employ the equivalent of one full-time employee who has not been Section 4 counted to meet this employment requirement for any prior 14. Place a checkmark next to all required attachments that claim in addition to the number of full-time employees em- are being submitted. See table below for more informa- ployed on the day one year prior to the day on which the tion. taxpayer applies for the credit for every: Required Documents 1. Seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000), or portion of that amount, in value of qualified equipment RPD-41167 RPD-41167, Application for Investment claimed by the taxpayer in a taxable year in the same Credit claim, up to a value of thirty million dollars ($30,000,000); RPD-41168 RPD-41168, Application for Investment and Credit Schedule A and Schedule B 2. One million dollars ($1,000,000), or portion of that Federal Form • Federal Form 4562, Depreciation amount, in value of qualified equipment over thirty mil- 4562 and Amortization Schedule lion dollars ($30,000,000) claimed by the taxpayer in a • A detailed depreciation worksheet taxable year in the same claim. that reconciles to the Federal Form 4562. Application A taxpayer who qualifies for the Investment Tax Credit may apply to the Taxation and Revenue Department (Depart- ment) within one year following the end of the calendar year in which the qualified equipment for the manufacturing op- eration is purchased or introduced into New Mexico. Apply to the Department by completing RPD-41167, Application for Investment Credit. Page 3 of 7 |
RPD-41167 New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 07/01/2023 Application for Investment Credit Instructions Payroll • Payroll registers for all New Mexico Mail: Taxation and Revenue Department employees listing hours worked for Attn: ACD Business Credit the pay period ending on the date P.O. Box 8575 the application was submitted or Albuquerque, New Mexico 87198-8575 post marked. The payroll informa- tion should reconcile to the hours Processing Time claimed. The Department will make a determination within 120 days • Payroll registers for all New Mexico of the date on which the completed application is received. employees listing hours worked for For status of the application please contact the Business the same pay period one year prior Credit unit by email or by phone 505-795-1735. If approved, to the submission or post marked the applicant will be issued a document granting the tax date. The payroll information should credit. reconcile to the hours claimed. To Claim the Credit ACD-31102 ACD-31102, Tax Information Authori- The holder of the credit may claim all or a portion of the In- zation Tax Disclosure, will need to be vestment Credit to a maximum of 85% gross receipts, com- submitted if the contact person for this pensating, and withholding taxes due, less any local op- application is not the taxpayer, a corpo- tions tax. Local options tax is imposed by a municipality or rate officer, partner, or fiduciary who has county. Any amount of available credit not claimed against been previously identified as such to the the taxpayer's tax liabilities for a reporting period may be Department or an authorized individual claimed in subsequent reporting periods. When claiming representative with the authority to per- an investment credit RPD-41212,Investment Credit Claim form all authorized acts that the taxpay- Form must be submitted with the return. Any amount of er can perform. available credit not claimed against the taxpayer's tax lia- Additional documentation may be requested if needed. bilities for a reporting period may be claimed in subsequent A site visit will be required. reporting periods Section 5 A taxpayer may apply by September 30 of the current cal- Before submission, this application must be signed by the endar year for a refund of the unclaimed balance of the taxpayer, a corporate officer, partner, or fiduciary who has available credit up to a maximum of two hundred fifty thou- been previously identified as such to the Department or sand dollars ($250,000) if on January 1 of the current cal- an authorized individual representative with the authority endar year: to perform all authorized acts that the taxpayer can per- (1) the taxpayer's available credit is less than five hundred form on behalf of the taxpayer. By signing this application thousand dollars ($500,000); and you are certifying that this application is true, correct, and (2) the sum of the taxpayer's tax liabilities for the previous complete. calendar year was less than thirty-five percent of the tax- payer's available credit but more than ten thousand dollars 15. Enter the printed name of signer ($10,000). 16. Enter the title of signer 17. Enter signature If a taxpayer claims any amount of research and develop- 18. Enter the date application is signed. Use the date for- ment small business tax credit with respect to a reporting mat mm/dd/ccyy period, the taxpayer may not claim any amount of approved investment credit with respect to that same period. If for the Form Submission same reporting period an amount of investment credit is Submit the completed RPD-41167, Application for Invest- claimed in addition to any amount of research and develop- ment Credit; RPD-41168 Application for Investment Credit ment small business tax credit, the amount of investment Schedule A and Schedule B; and all required documents credit will be disallowed by the department, which may re- listed in the table above using Taxpayer Access Point sult in an underpayment of tax. The taxpayer is not barred (TAP), https://tap.state.nm.us, via email, or mail. NOTE: from applying for approval of new or additional investment You must have an account to apply for the credit using TAP. credit with respect to qualified equipment purchased or in- troduced into New Mexico during that reporting period. Forms and Publications can be located on our website: https://www.tax.newmexico.gov/forms-publications/. Transfer Of Credit Any amount of investment credit claimed and approved may Email: TRD-BusinessCredit@state.nm.us be applied by the claimant only against the gross receipts, compensating and withholding taxes owed by the claimant. Page 4 of 7 |
RPD-41167 New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 07/01/2023 Application for Investment Credit Instructions The credit amount may not be transferred to any other per- son, including an affiliate. Definitions Equipment - means an essential machine, mechanism or tool, or a component or fitting thereof, used directly and ex- clusively in a manufacturing operation and subject to depre- ciation for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code by the taxpayer carrying on the manufacturing operation. Equip- ment does not include any vehicle that leaves the site of the manufacturing operation for purposes of transporting persons or property or any property for which the taxpayer claims the credit pursuant to Section 7-9-79 NMSA 1978. Manufacturing - means combining or processing com- ponents or materials, including recyclable materials, to in- crease their value for sale in the ordinary course of busi- ness, including genetic testing and production, but not including: • construction; • farming; • power generation, except for electricity generation at a facility other than one for which both location approval and a certificate of convenience and necessity are re- quired prior to commencing construction or operation of the facility, pursuant to the Public Utility Act and the Electric Utility Industry Restructuring Act of 1999; or • processing natural resources, including hydrocarbons. Manufacturing Operation - means a plant, including a ge- netic testing and production facility, employing personnel to perform production tasks, in conjunction with equipment not BeginningpreviouslyJuly 1, 2023existingtheatDepartmentthe site, towillproducemakegood.a determi- nation within 120 days of the date on which the completed application QUALIFIEDand all EQUIPMENTrequired attachments are received. If the department requests additional relevant documentation For purposes of Section 7-9A-6, "Qualified Equipment" is from a taxpayer who has submitted an incomplete appli-equipment not previously used in New Mexico and not pre- cation for a tax credit, the application shall be considered viously approved for a credit under the Investment Credit complete on the date that the taxpayer mails or delivers Act that is owned by the taxpayer or owned by the United sufficient information for the department to consider the ap-States or an agency or instrumentality thereof or the state or a political subdivision thereof and leasedplication.or subleased to the taxpayer is qualified equipment if it is in New Mexico The secretary or the secretary's delegate may approve or and is incorporated or to be incorporated within one year deny anintoapplicationa manufacturingfor a taxoperation.credit in whole or in part. An approval or denial will be sent in writing. Per Section 7-1- 29.2(E)SubjectNMSA 1978to Depreciationif the application is denied in whole or in part, the taxpayer shall not refile the denied application, For purposes of Section 7-9A-3, “subject to depreciation” but the taxpayer, within 120 days after the mailing or deliv-means the taxpayer’s federal income tax return must in- ery of the denial of all or any part of the application submit clude a depreciation expense with respect to equipment for a written protest or commence a civil action in the district which an investment credit is sought or claimed. Equipment depreciated under the accelerated court for Santacost Ferecovery county. system, I.R.C. Section 168, and property for which the taxpayer For status of the application please contact the Business makes an election under Internal Revenue Code Section 179 are “subject to depreciation”.Credit unit by email or by phone 505-795-1735. Page 5 of 7 |
RPD-41167 New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 07/01/2023 RPD-41168, Application for Investment Credit Schedule A Instructions RPD-41168, Application for Investment Credit, Schedule Columns A through F A, must accompany the RPD-41167, Application for Invest- Columns A through H rows 17 and below are completed for ment Credit, to the Department. Complete all information each full-time employee who has not been counted to meet requested on the spreadsheet and attach the spreadsheet this employment requirement for any prior claim in addition to the application along with the other required documents. to the number of full-time employees employed on the day one year prior to the day on which the taxpayer applies for For the Department to verify that employment requirements the credit. for claiming the investment credit are met, please provide DO NOT ENTER DATA IN ROWS 14 - 16. Cells H14, H15, the requested information for each new employee. and H16 are formulated cells that total the numbers for their respective columns. The formula goes to line 200, if The employees used to meet the employment requirement additional lines are used, the formula should be extended. for this claim cannot have been counted toward the em- These totals will be used to complete the RPD-41167. ployment requirement for any prior claim and must be in addition to the number of full-time employees employed on ROW 15, COLUMN H FORMULA: The formula is set up to the day one year prior to the day on which the taxpayer ap- calculate the number of full time employees for a bi-weekly plied for the credit. pay period (80 hours). If employees are paid weekly, for- mula in cell H15 needs to be changed to be divided by 40 Section 7-9A-7.1(B) NMSA 1978 states, "The department hours instead of 80 hours. may require evidence showing compliance with this sec- tion. The department may find that an additional employee Column A. Enter employee's last name. meets the requirements of this section, although employed Column B. Enter employee's first name. earlier than one year prior to the day on which the tax- Column C. Enter employee's middle initial. payer applies for the credit, if the employee was only being Column D. Enter employee's Social Security Number or trained prior to that date or the employee's employment Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. If was necessitated by the use of the qualified equipment." providing only the last 4 digits, prefill the num- ber with asterisks. The investment credit is available only to manufacturers Column E. Enter the date that the employee was hired. who increase employment in the relevant periods. Manu- Use the date format mm/dd/ccyy. facturers who do not meet the employment requirement Column F. Enter an "X" in this column if the employee is do not qualify for the investment credit, regardless of the currently still employed with you at the time of amount of equipment acquired. this application. Column G. Enter an "X" in this column if the employee is SPREADSHEET INSTRUCTIONS not currently employed with you at the time of Rows 5 through 8 this application. Make sure the information in these rows matches the infor- Column H. Enter the average hours worked per week or mation for the taxpayer on RPD-41167. expected to be worked by employee in a pay period. Row 5. Enter taxpayer's name. If taxpayer is an individu- al, enter first name, middle initial, and last name. Row 6. Enter taxpayer's Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), Social Security Number (SSN), or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Row 7. Enter taxpayer's New Mexico Business Tax Iden- tification Number (NMBTIN). Row 8. Enter the date from the signature section of the RPD-41167. Use the date format mm/dd/ccyy. Page 6 of 7 |
RPD-41167 New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Rev. 07/01/2023 RPD-41168, Application for Investment Credit Schedule B Instructions RPD-41168, Application for Investment Credit, Schedule Column D. Enter the value of the equipment. Use the B, must accompany the RPD-41167, Application for Invest- equipment's adjusted basis for federal income ment Credit, to the Department. Complete all information tax purposes as reflected in the depreciation requested on the spreadsheet and attach the spreadsheet schedule filed with your federal income tax to the application along with the other required documents. return. The value of qualified equipment shall be adjusted basis established under the appli- For the Department to verify that the qualified equipment cable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code requirements for claiming the investment credit are met, of 1986 (Section 7-9A-7 NMSA 1978). please provide the requested information for each piece of Column E. If the sale was subject to gross receipt tax qualified equipment. rate, enter the gross receipt tax rate. If the sale was not subject to gross receipt tax enter the To qualify for the credit, equipment must be subject to de- compensating tax rate. If the purchase or the preciation for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code. introduction into New Mexico of the qualified equipment is not subject to the gross receipts Prior to July 1, 2030, the value of qualified equipment shall tax or compensating tax, enter five and one- be the adjusted basis established for the equipment under eighth percent. the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of Column F. Enter the amount of credit claimed. Multiply 1986. amount in column D by the tax rate in column E to determine credit amount. SPREADSHEET INSTRUCTIONS Rows 5 through 8 Make sure the information in these rows matches the infor- mation for the taxpayer on RPD-41167. Row 5. Enter legal name of taxpayer. If taxpayer is an individual, enter first name, middle initial, and last name. Row 6. Enter taxpayer's Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), Social Security Number (SSN), or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Row 7. Enter taxpayer's New Mexico Business Tax Iden- tification Number (NMBTIN). Row 8. Enter the date from the signature section of the RPD-41167. Use the date format mm/dd/ccyy. Columns A through F Columns A through F row 13 and below are completed for each piece of qualified equipment. DO NOT ENTER DATA IN ROW 12. Cells D12 and F12 are formulated cells that total the numbers for their respective columns. The formula goes to line 200, if additional lines are used, formula should be extended. These totals will be used to complete the RPD-41167. Column A. Enter a brief description of the qualified equip- ment. Column B. Enter the asset number for the qualified equip- ment. The asset number listed should corre- spond to the asset number listed on the de- tailed depreciation worksheet that reconciles to the Federal Form 4562. Column C. Enter the date the qualified equipment was purchased or introduced into New Mexico. Use the date format mm/dd/ccyy. Page 7 of 7 |