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New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
Application for Refund of Tax Withheld From Pass-Through Entities
Who May Use This Form. A pass-through entity (PTE) To Claim a Refund for Tax Withheld on a PTE Return
may use RPD-41373, Application for Refund of Tax If you received a 1099-MISC, RPD-41359, Annual
Withheld From Pass-Through Entities, to request a refund Statement of Pass-Through Entity Withholding, or RPD-
of tax withheld from its net income according to the Oil 41285, Annual Statement of Withholding of Oil and Gas
and Gas Proceeds and Pass-Through Entity Withholding Proceeds, showing income tax withheld on the PTE’s net
Tax Act. If tax was withheld from the net income received income or withholding on New Mexico oil and gas proceeds
from another PTE, or if tax was withheld from oil and gas received, and you want a refund of the tax withheld, do the
proceeds received, the PTE may request a refund or pass following:
the tax withheld to its owners. Enter the refund amount on the PTE return.
You may also use RPD-41373 to apply for a refund if you 2. If you want direct deposit of your refund, complete the
overpaid withholding tax from a PTE owner’s allocable net RPD-41373 Request For Direct Deposit section. If the
income on RPD-41367, Pass-Through Entity Withholding information is incomplete or incorrect, the Department
Detail (PTW-D) Report; Fiduciary Pass-Through mails the refund.
Withholding Detail (FID-D) Report; or PTW-EXT, New 3. The PTE’s owner or the PTE’s authorized representative
Mexico Annual Withholding of Net Income From a signs RPD-41373.
Pass-Through Entity Detail Report Extension Payment
4. Attach the completed RPD-41373 to the PTE return and
submit them to the Department at the address below.
About Direct Deposit. A direct deposit of your refund may 5. Issue to the PTE forms 1099-MISC, RPD-41359, or RPD-
not go to a bank account located at a financial institution 41285.
outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States To Claim a Refund for Overpayment on a PTW-D or
(U.S.). A financial institution is located within the territorial FID-D PTW Detail Report, or a PTW-EXT Voucher
jurisdiction of the U.S. if it is located within the U.S., located If you overpaid the tax to withhold from a PTE owner’s
on a U.S. military base, or located in American Samoa, allocable net income on the PTW or FID-D PTW detail
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, or the report or on PTW-EXT, do the following:
U.S. Virgin Islands.
1. On RPD-41373, under Basis for Refund, explain the
To comply with federal banking rules, anyone who wants reason for overpayment with a brief statement of facts.
a refund directly deposited must answer an additional If you need more space, attach another sheet.
question when completing the Request For Direct 2. If you want direct deposit of your refund, complete the
Deposit section of this application for a tax refund. The RPD-41373 Request For Direct Deposit section. If the
question asks whether the refund will go to, or through, information is incomplete or incorrect, the Department
an account located outside the territorial jurisdiction of the mails the refund.
U.S. The PTE’s owner or the PTE’s authorized representative
signs RPD-41373.
If Yes, RPD-41373 states, “ ... you may not use this refund
delivery option.” Your other options are to use a different 4. Attach the completed RPD-41373 to the PTW or FID-D
bank account or to leave the Request for Direct Deposit PTW detail report and submit them to the Department.
section blank, in which case the Department mails a paper
IMPORTANT: To validate the claim for refund on a PTW-D
check to the address on the taxpayer’s records.
or FID-D PTW detail report, the Department may require
you to file both the appropriate income tax return and the
If you do not answer the question, the Department also
detail report. The Department compares the information
mails your refund to you as a paper check. Answering the
provided on both forms to verify the validity of the refund
question incorrectly may delay your refund, or the National
Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) or the
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) may reject or
freeze your refund.
New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
P.O. Box 25127
Santa Fe, NM 87504-5127