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                                  New Jersey Office of the Attorney General
                                              Division of Consumer Affairs
                                              Office of Consumer Protection
                                              Charities Registration Section                                                                 
                                          124 Halsey Street, 7 thFloor, P.O. Box 45021
                                                     Newark, NJ  07101
                                                     (973) 504-6215
                                              Extension Form CRI-400 
   Instructions for Requesting an Extension of Time to File the Renewal Registration Statement  
                             and Financial Report for Charitable Organizations
                                                     (Revised April 2008)
           Read These Instructions Carefully Before Completing and Submitting Form CRI-400
 Charitable organizations, pursuant to the Charitable Registration and Investigation Act (C.R.I. Act), must file an annual Renewal 
 Registration Statement and Financial Report within six (6) months of the end of the organization’s fiscal year unless an extension 
 of time has been granted for good cause, and at the discretion of the Attorney General. The time for filing may be extended for 
 a period not to exceed 180 days.  If granted, the Renewal Registration Statement and Financial Report would be due exactly 
 one year from the end of the fiscal year being reported and the previous registration remains in effect during this period.
 An extension of time to file the annual Renewal Registration Statement and Financial Report will not be granted if any of the 
 following situations exist: 
  a. The organization has not filed an initial registration;
  b. The organization has not filed the previous year’s renewal registration;
  c. The organization has not satisfied all of the Division’s requests for information;
  d. The organization has not paid all fees and penalties owed to the Division;
  e. The request for an extension does not contain full and accurate information;
  f.  Payment of the registration fee for the fiscal year being reported has not been sent along with Form CRI-400 or
    has not been previously received by this office; or
  g. The organization receives $10,000 or less in gross contributions.

  Note: Your application for an extension of time will be denied if any prior year’s renewal registrations, fees or other 
  documents are due.  Please bring all prior years’ registrations up to date before submitting an application for an 
  extension of time to file on a more current year.
 When applying for an extension of time to file, you may use Charities Registration Form CRI-400 or you may submit the request 
 for an extension on the charity’s letterhead. However, the request for an extension of time must be submitted in writing and the 
 registration fee due for the annual filing must be submitted with the request for an extension.  The fee, which may be made with 
 a check or money order (no cash or credit/debit card payments), is based on the organization’s estimated gross contributions for 
 the filing year. All payments should be made payable to the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs and include the charity’s 
 registration number on the face of the check.
                                                     FEE SCHEDULE
                Registration Form                 Estimated Gross Contributions        Fee Due
             Short-Form CRI-200                   $0 - $25,000                           $30.00
             Long-Form CRI-300R                   $25,001 - $100,000                     $60.00
             Long-Form CRI-300R                   $100,001 - $500,000                    $150.00
             Long-Form CRI-300R                   more than  $500,000                    $250.00
 Any charitable organization that has not submitted a request for an extension of time to file within 30 days of the renewal 
 registration due date (180 days after the end of the organization’s fiscal year) must enclose a late-fee payment of $25.00 along 
 with the applicable registration fee due.
 A request for an extension of time to file will be deemed approved (unless the applicant is notified in writing by certified mail 
 that the extension of time to file has been denied) within 15 business days of the receipt of the extension request by the Charities 
 Registration Section.
 Should  you  have  questions  regarding  charities  registration  in  New  Jersey,  please  visit  our  Web  site  at   
 http://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/ocp/charities.htm where registration information, instructions, forms and a fee schedule  
 may be viewed and/or downloaded. After reading through all of the information on our Web site, if you have further questions, 
 please contact the Charities Registration Section at our hotline number (973)-504-6215 during regular business hours.  

                                  Form CRI-400                  Page 1 of 3

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                                                             New Jersey Office of the Attorney General
                                                                  Division of Consumer Affairs
                                                                  Office of Consumer Protection
                                                                  Charities Registration Section                                                                 
                                                              124 Halsey Street, 7 th                     Floor, P.O. Box 45021
                                                                         Newark, NJ  07101
                                                                         (973) 504-6215

                                                                       Form CRI-400 
                                                                         (Revised April 2008)

 Application for an Extension of Time to File the Annual Renewal Registration 
                       Statement and Financial Report for a Charitable Organization
                                                              All questions must be answered.

         Important: Effective July 9, 2006, changes were made to the Charitable Registration and Investigation Act.  
                                Carefully review the attached instructions before completing and submitting this form. 
Short-form filers, which take in $10,000 or less per year in gross contributions, will no longer be granted an extension of time to 
file their renewal registration, pursuant to changes in the Charitable Registration and Investigation Act effective July 9, 2006, for 
fiscal years ending January 31, 2006, and after. Please Note: Extensions of time to file cannot be granted for Initial Registrations.

Date fiscal year ends: ____/____/____  Date of this application: ____/____/____ N.J. Charities Registration Number: CH- ___________________

Charity’s Full Legal Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________

Other Names Used (d.b.a.)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:  

               In care of:                                    Address                                    City                                       State                                            ZIP Code

Street Address:  
                             Street address                                                           City                                       State                                            ZIP Code

                              £ Check this box to flag a change of address or other vital information.

Contact Person:__________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________
                                                                                                                                                          (include area code)
E-mail: ____________________________________________  Federal Tax ID (EIN): _____________________________________
Web site:_____________________________                           _________________    Fax Number: _________________________________________   
                                                                                                                                              (include area code) 

1.  A six-month extension of time to file the Renewal Statement and Financial Report(s), for the fiscal year-end shown above, is hereby 
 requested for the following reason(s):
                                                              Form CRI-400                  Page 2 of 3

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2.  Has the organization filed all renewal registration statements for years prior to the fiscal year ending on the date shown on the first    
     page of this application?                                                                                         £  Yes    £  No
     If “No,” please stop: if any prior years’ filings are delinquent, the extension request will be denied. Please bring the renewal 
     registration filings for all previous years up to date before submitting a request for an extension on a more current year.  

3.    Has the organization submitted all previous years’ registration fees and/or penalties owed to the Charities Registration Section of 
     the Division of Consumer Affairs?                                                                                 £  Yes    £  No     

4.    Has the organization previously filed an initial registration with the Charities Registration Section?            £  Yes    £  No
     If “No,” please stop: You must immediately file an initial registration for which an extension  of time to file cannot be granted.

5.  Final Check List - please review and check off each of the five items below as they  are confirmed and accomplished. 
     £ I have read the instructions for the extension of time to file the Registration Statement and Financial Report(s).
     £ All of the questions on this application have been answered. 
     £ The charity has filed all previous renewal registrations and required documents.
     £ The charity has paid all previous years’ fees and penalties owed to the Division.
     £ Payment of the registration fee due for the fiscal year being requested on this application is enclosed and has been made payable 
        to the “New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs.”
We hereby certify that all of the above statements are true.  I further certify that the organization has filed all previous years’ reports, has 
paid all fines and penalties owed to the Division, and that this extension request contains true and accurate information. We are aware 
that if any of the above statements are willfully false, we are subject to punishment.

Signature_____________________________________  Title __________________________________ Date ___________________

Signature_____________________________________  Title __________________________________ Date ___________________

                                  This form must be signed by at least one (1) officer of the charity.

Should  you  have  questions  regarding  charities  registration  in  New  Jersey,  please  visit  our  Web  site  at  
http://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/ocp/charities.htm  where  registration  information,  instructions,  forms  and  a  fee  schedule  may  
be viewed and/or downloaded. After reading through all of the information on our Web site, if you have further questions, please  
contact the Charities Registration Section at our hotline number (973)-504-6215 during regular business hours.  

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