BFC-150 2020 Instructions Whomustfile Underpaymentofestimatedtax Corporations whose accounting periods begin in Any taxpayer who is required to file a statement of 2020 and whose prior year tax liability is greater than estimated tax must file each estimate together with $500 must make four 25% estimated tax payments remittance covering the estimated tax due on the in the 4th, 6th, 9th and 12th months of its accounting required due date. Failure to remit such estimated period towards the current year’s tax, except for cor- payment or making an underpayment of such tax or porations with gross receipts of $50,000,000 or more any installment thereof, will result in the imposition for the prior privilege period shall make installment of interest at an annual rate of three percent (3%) payments as follows: 25% in the 4th month, 50% in above the average predominant prime rate for each the 6th month and 25% in the 12th month. A corpora- month or fraction thereof that the underpayment ex- tion whose prior year tax liability is $500 can, in lieu ists. The average predominant prime rate to be used of making these estimated tax payments, make a sin- is the rate as determined by the Board of Governors gle estimated tax payment of 50% of the prior year’s of the Federal Reserve System, quoted by commer- tax liability. This option must be made and the 50% cial banks to large businesses on December 1st of payment must be remitted no later than the original the calendar year immediately preceding the calen- due date of the prior year’s tax return. dar year in which the payment was due or as rede- termined by the Director in accordance with N.J.S.A. Purpose 54:48-2. The average predominant prime rates will be published periodically. These forms are provided for your convenience for remitting estimated tax payments on a current basis. In general, a taxpayer will be considered as having underpaid if the total amount of the estimated tax Howtodetermineyourestimatedtax payments for the taxable year are less than 90% of the total tax liability reported on the current year’s Computation of the estimated tax should be made tax return and less than 100% of the total tax liability on the basis of a full accounting period. Taxpayers reported on the prior year’s tax return. The addition should determine their expected liabilities on the to the tax on any underpayment of any installment basis of circumstances existing at the time prescribed payment is computed on Form BFC-160 and must be for filing. Use the Estimated Tax Worksheet for com- paid with the return. puting each installment due. Whentofile Estimatedtaxworksheet For all fiscal year taxpayers, the appropriate due A worksheet is provided to assist in computing the dates applicable to each installment due can be amounts of installment payments due for any tax- found in the Calendar of Due Dates in this packet. payer required to file a statement which has an accounting year beginning after December 31, 2018. Wheretofile OverpaymentcreditfromBFC-1 A statement of estimated tax shall be filed with the State of New Jersey, Division of Taxation-BFC, Rev- If the prior year’s return is overpaid and the taxpayer enue Processing Center, PO Box 247, Trenton, NJ elected to apply that overpayment as a credit to the 08646-0247. current tax year, that credit may be applied to any installment. Enter the amount of the overpayment on Electronicfundstransfers line 2 of the Statement of Estimated Tax. However, if the taxpayer elected to have any portion or all of the The Division of Revenue has established procedures overpayment on the prior year’s return refunded, this to allow the remittance of tax payments through amount may not be claimed as a credit. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Taxpayers with a prior year’s liability of $10,000 or more in any one tax 6. All taxpayers should enter the appropriate tax year are required to remit all tax payments using EFT. If that the remittance should be credited to in the estimated tax payments are remitted using EFT, the space provided on the front of the voucher. Fiscal BFC-150 vouchers should not be sent to the Division year taxpayers must also enter the beginning and of Taxation. If you have any questions concerning the ending dates of their accounting period in the space EFT program, call (609) 984-9830 or write to the Divi- provided. sion of Revenue, EFT Section, PO Box 191, Trenton, NJ 08646-0191. 1 |
Specific Instructions For Completion Of Tax Vouchers a. Figure your estimated tax for the current accounting e. Enter the overpayment from last year applied to the year using the estimated tax worksheet on page 3 or voucher on Line 2. page 4, whichever is applicable. f. Subtract the overpayment credit (Line 2) from the On the Voucher: amount of installment (Line 1) and enter the amount b. Enter your full name, address, New Jersey serial on Line 3. number and Federal Identification number. g. Sign the bottom of the voucher. c. Enter the appropriate tax year and accounting period in the spaces provided. h Fill in the record of Estimated Tax Payment below the worksheet. NOTE: Please print your numbers like this: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i. Mail your statement of estimated tax along with your check or money order to the State of New Jersey, Di- d. Enter the amount shown on the line of the worksheet vision of Taxation-BFC, Revenue Processing Center, applicable to that voucher on Line 1 of the voucher. PO Box 247, Trenton, New Jersey 08646-0247. CALENDAR OF DUE DATES ForYourCurrentTax INSTALLMENT DUE DATES* YearEnded Voucher1 Voucher2 Voucher3 Voucher4 12/31/20 4/15/20 6/15/20 9/15/20 12/15/20 1/31/21 5/15/20 7/15/20 10/15/20 1/15/21 2/28/21 6/15/20 8/15/20 11/15/20 2/15/21 3/31/21 7/15/20 9/15/20 12/15/20 3/15/21 4/30/21 8/15/20 10/15/20 1/15/21 4/15/21 5/31/21 9/15/20 11/15/20 2/15/21 5/15/21 6/30/21 10/15/20 12/15/20 3/15/21 6/15/21 7/31/21 11/15/20 1/15/21 4/15/21 7/15/21 8/31/21 12/15/20 2/15/21 5/15/21 8/15/21 9/30/21 1/15/21 3/15/21 6/15/21 9/15/21 10/31/21 2/15/21 4/15/21 7/15/21 10/15/21 11/30/21 3/15/21 5/15/21 8/15/21 11/15/21 *When any date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, substitute the next regular workday. AMOUNT OF INSTALLMENTS DUE - For corporations with gross receipts less than $50,000,000 in the prior privilege period, a 25% installment payment of the current accounting year’s estimated tax liability must be submitted with each of the four vouchers on or before the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, 9th and 12th months of that year. For corporations with gross receipts of $50,000,000 or more for the prior privilege period, estimated payment should be made as follows: a 25% installment in the 4th month, a 50% installment in the 6th month and a 25% installment in the 12th month. If any due date prescribed for filing these vouchers falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday recognized by the State of New Jersey, the next succeeding business day will be considered the due date. 2 |
EstimatedTaxWorksheetforCorporationsWithGrossReceipts LessThan$50,000,000inthePriorPrivilegePeriod (Keepforyourrecords)-DONOTFILE 1. Total Estimated Tax for the current taxable year ............................................... 1. 2. Voucher 1 Due (enter 25% of Line 1) ................................................................ 2. 3. Voucher 2 Due (enter 25% of Line 1) ................................................................ 3. 4. Voucher 3 Due (enter 25% of Line 1) ................................................................ 4. 5. Voucher 4 Due (enter 25% of Line 1) ................................................................ 5. Record of Estimated Tax Payments (c) (d) Voucher (a) (b) Overpayment Credit From Total Amount Paid and Credited For Number Date Amount Last Year’s Return This Installment (Add (b) & (c)) 1 2 3 4 Total AmendedComputation (Use if your estimated tax changes after you have filed one or more estimated tax vouchers.) 1. Enter the amended estimated tax......................................................................... 2. Less (a) Amount of overpayment credit from last year’s return (see instruction 5) ............. (b) Previous estimated tax payment(s) made this year: From Voucher 1 ..................................... From Voucher 2 ..................................... From Voucher 3 ..................................... (c) Total Lines 2(a) and 2(b) ......................................................................... 3. Unpaid balance (Line 1 minus Line 2(c)) ............................................................... 4. Unpaid balance to be paid as follows: (a) On Voucher 2 if unused – 50% of amended estimated tax (Line 1) less payments made (Line 2(c)) ................... (b) On Voucher 3 if unused – 75% of amended estimated tax (Line 1) less payments made .................................... (c) On Voucher 4 – 100% of amended estimated tax (Line 1) less payments made ..................................................... (d) Total of Lines 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c) ............................................................ 5. Subtract Line 4(d) from Line 3. (If result is not zero, review calculations) ............. 3 |
EstimatedTaxWorksheetforCorporationsWithGrossReceipts of$50,000,000orMoreinthePriorPrivilegePeriod (Keepforyourrecords)-DONOTFILE 1. Total Estimated Tax for the current taxable year .............................................. 1. 2. Voucher 1 Due (enter 25% of Line 1) ............................................................... 2. 3. Voucher 2 Due (enter 50% of Line 1) ............................................................... 3. 4. Voucher 4 Due (enter 25% of Line 1) ............................................................... 4. Record of Estimated Tax Payments (c) (d) Voucher (a) (b) Overpayment Credit From Total Amount Paid and Credited For Number Date Amount Last Year’s Return This Installment (Add (b) & (c)) 1 2 4 Total AmendedComputation (Use if your estimated tax changes after you have filed one or more estimated tax vouchers.) 1. Enter the amended estimated tax......................................................................... 2. Less (a) Amount of overpayment credit from last year’s return (see instruction 5) ............ (b) Previous estimated tax payment(s) made this year: From Voucher 1 ..................................... From Voucher 2 ..................................... (c) Total Lines 2(a) and 2(b) ......................................................................... 3. Unpaid balance (Line 1 minus Line 2(c)) ............................................................... 4. Unpaid balance to be paid as follows: (a) On Voucher 2 if unused – 75% of amended estimated tax (Line 1) less payments made (Line 2(c)) ................... (b) On Voucher 4 – 100% of amended estimated tax (Line 1) less payments made ..................................................... (c) Total of Lines 4(a) and 4(b) .................................................................... 5. Subtract Line 4(c) from Line 3. (If result is not zero, review calculations) ............. 4 |
StateofNewJersey CorporationBusinessTaxReturn forBankingandFinancialCorporations BFC-150 StatementofEstimatedTax For Tax Year For accounting period beginning , , and ending , Federal Employer ID Number NJ Corporation Number State and Date of Inc. Fiscal Year Corporation Name FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Mailing Address D F City State ZIP Code 4 Check One: Banking Corporation Financial Corporation ComputationofEstimatedTax Any taxpayer required to file a return which has an accounting year that begins in 2020 and has a tax liability of $500or morefortheprioryear must file a Statement of Estimated Tax. Computation of the Estimated Tax should be made on the basis of a full accounting period. Taxpayers should determine their expected liabilities on the basis of the circumstances existing at the time prescribed for filing this statement. WARNING: Interest is assessed for underestimation of tax. See instruction 7. 1. Amount of this installment payment.................................................................................. 1. 2. Amount of overpayment credit (See Instruction 5) ........................................................... 2. Amount of this installment payment 3. (line 1 minus line 2) .....................................................Paythisamount .......................... 3. RemittancetocoverthefullamountofpaymentdueonLine3mustaccompanythisstatement. Make check or money order payable: State of New Jersey – BFC Mail to: State of New Jersey Division of Taxation – BFC Revenue Processing Center PO Box 247 Trenton, NJ 08646-0247 SignatureandVerification I declare under the penalties provided by law, that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete return. If the return is prepared by a person other than the taxpayer, his declaration is based on all the information relating to the matters required to be reported in the return of which he has knowledge. Date Signature of Duly Authorized Officer of Taxpayer Title Date Signature of Individual or Firm Preparing Return Address Preparer’s ID Number |
StatementofEstimatedTax StatementofEstimatedTax–4 Calendaryeardue– April15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–6 Calendaryeardue–June15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–9 Calendaryeardue–September15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–12 Calendaryeardue–December15,2020 |
StateofNewJersey CorporationBusinessTaxReturn forBankingandFinancialCorporations BFC-150 StatementofEstimatedTax For Tax Year For accounting period beginning , , and ending , Federal Employer ID Number NJ Corporation Number State and Date of INC. Fiscal Year Corporation Name FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Mailing Address D F City State ZIP Code 6 Check One: Banking Corporation Financial Corporation ComputationofEstimatedTax Any taxpayer required to file a return which has an accounting year that begins in 2020 and has a tax liability of $500or morefortheprioryear must file a Statement of Estimated Tax. Computation of the Estimated Tax should be made on the basis of a full accounting period. Taxpayers should determine their expected liabilities on the basis of the circumstances existing at the time prescribed for filing this statement. WARNING: Interest is assessed for underestimation of tax. See instruction 7. 1. Amount of this installment payment.................................................................................. 1. 2. Amount of overpayment credit (See Instruction 5) ........................................................... 2. Amount of this installment payment 3. (line 1 minus line 2) .....................................................Paythisamount .......................... 3. RemittancetocoverthefullamountofpaymentdueonLine3mustaccompanythisstatement. Make check or money order payable: State of New Jersey – BFC Mail to: State of New Jersey Division of Taxation – BFC Revenue Processing Center PO Box 247 Trenton, NJ 08646-0247 SignatureandVerification I declare under the penalties provided by law, that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete return. If the return is prepared by a person other than the taxpayer, his declaration is based on all the information relating to the matters required to be reported in the return of which he has knowledge. Date Signature of Duly Authorized Officer of Taxpayer Title Date Signature of Individual or Firm Preparing Return Address Preparer’s ID Number |
StatementofEstimatedTax StatementofEstimatedTax–4 Calendaryeardue– April15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–6 Calendaryeardue–June15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–9 Calendaryeardue–September15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–12 Calendaryeardue–December15,2020 |
StateofNewJersey CorporationBusinessTaxReturn forBankingandFinancialCorporations BFC-150 StatementofEstimatedTax For Tax Year For accounting period beginning , , and ending , Federal Employer ID Number NJ Corporation Number State and Date of INC. Fiscal Year Corporation Name FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Mailing Address D F City State ZIP Code 9 Check One: Banking Corporation Financial Corporation ComputationofEstimatedTax Any taxpayer required to file a return which has an accounting year that begins in 2020 and has a tax liability of $500or morefortheprioryear must file a Statement of Estimated Tax. Computation of the Estimated Tax should be made on the basis of a full accounting period. Taxpayers should determine their expected liabilities on the basis of the circumstances existing at the time prescribed for filing this statement. WARNING: Interest is assessed for underestimation of tax. See instruction 7. 1. Amount of this installment payment.................................................................................. 1. 2. Amount of overpayment credit (See Instruction 5) ........................................................... 2. Amount of this installment payment 3. (line 1 minus line 2) .....................................................Paythisamount .......................... 3. RemittancetocoverthefullamountofpaymentdueonLine3mustaccompanythisstatement. Make check or money order payable: State of New Jersey – BFC Mail to: State of New Jersey Division of Taxation – BFC Revenue Processing Center PO Box 247 Trenton, NJ 08646-0247 SignatureandVerification I declare under the penalties provided by law, that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete return. If the return is prepared by a person other than the taxpayer, his declaration is based on all the information relating to the matters required to be reported in the return of which he has knowledge. Date Signature of Duly Authorized Officer of Taxpayer Title Date Signature of Individual or Firm Preparing Return Address Preparer’s ID Number |
StatementofEstimatedTax StatementofEstimatedTax–4 Calendaryeardue– April15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–6 Calendaryeardue–June15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–9 Calendaryeardue–September15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–12 Calendaryeardue–December15,2020 |
StateofNewJersey CorporationBusinessTaxReturn forBankingandFinancialCorporations BFC-150 StatementofEstimatedTax For Tax Year For accounting period beginning , , and ending , Federal Employer ID Number NJ Corporation Number State and Date of INC. Fiscal Year Corporation Name FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Mailing Address D F City State ZIP Code 12 Check One: Banking Corporation Financial Corporation ComputationofEstimatedTax Any taxpayer required to file a return which has an accounting year that begins in 2019 and has a tax liability of $500or morefortheprioryear must file a Statement of Estimated Tax. Computation of the Estimated Tax should be made on the basis of a full accounting period. Taxpayers should determine their expected liabilities on the basis of the circumstances existing at the time prescribed for filing this statement. WARNING: Interest is assessed for underestimation of tax. See instruction 7. 1. Amount of this installment payment.................................................................................. 1. 2. Amount of overpayment credit (See Instruction 5) ........................................................... 2. Amount of this installment payment 3. (line 1 minus line 2) .....................................................Paythisamount .......................... 3. RemittancetocoverthefullamountofpaymentdueonLine3mustaccompanythisstatement. Make check or money order payable: State of New Jersey – BFC Mail to: State of New Jersey Division of Taxation – BFC Revenue Processing Center PO Box 247 Trenton, NJ 08646-0247 SignatureandVerification I declare under the penalties provided by law, that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete return. If the return is prepared by a person other than the taxpayer, his declaration is based on all the information relating to the matters required to be reported in the return of which he has knowledge. Date Signature of Duly Authorized Officer of Taxpayer Title Date Signature of Individual or Firm Preparing Return Address Preparer’s ID Number |
StatementofEstimatedTax StatementofEstimatedTax–4 Calendaryeardue– April15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–6 Calendaryeardue–June15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–9 Calendaryeardue–September15,2020 StatementofEstimatedTax–12 Calendaryeardue–December15,2020 |