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L-108 NJSA 42 (03/2013)
New Jersey Division of Revenue & Enterprise Services
Limited Liability Company
To file electronically:
1. Enter the information requested below and sign by typing your name in the signature field. The form can only be filled in using the free Adobe
Acrobat Reader 9.1 or greater. (See the pages following this form for field by field instructions, and notes on delivery and processing of work requests.)
2. Click the "Add Attachments" button to add attachments if required (Check the field by field instructions to see if you must include an attachment(s)).
3. After the form has been filled in properly, please save a copy to your computer so that you can upload the form to the State of New Jersey Division of
Revenue & Enterprise Services Central Forms Repository Web application by following the instructions in the next step.
4. Click the "Open the Central Forms Repository Home Page to start the Form Submission Process" button at the bottom of the form.
(This action will launch the State of New Jersey Division of Revenue & Enterprise Services Central Forms Repository Web application. If you have not
created an account in the application, you will need to do so before using the online Web application. Once your account is created, please login to the
application and follow the instructions for submitting your form and payment online.)
This form may be used to correct a Certificate of Formation of a Limited Liability Company on file with the
Department of the Treasury, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services. Applicants must insure strict compliance
with NJSA 42, the New Jersey Limited Liability Act, and insure that all applicable filing requirements are met.
1. Name of Limited Liability Company:
2. NJ 10 Digit ID Number:
3. Correction to the Certificate of Formation (provide attachments if needed):
a. Article being corrected: __________________________________________________________
b. Certificate of Formation is corrected as follows (provide attachments if needed):
4. Other Provisions:
The undersigned represent(s) that this filing complies with State law as detailed in NJSA 42 and that they
are authorized to sign this form on behalf of the Limited Liability Company.
Signature: ________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Date: ____________________________________
Add Attachments Open the Central Forms Repository Home Page to start the Form Submission Process