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                                              New Jersey New Hire Reporting Form 
  Federal  and state      legislation     (N.J.S.A.  2A:     17 56.61)  ‐ requires  all New      Jersey  employers,   both public  and  private,  to  report                
  to the   State  of      New Jersey  all newly      hired,  contracted,  rehired,  or returning         to work      employees.  Information   about new                   
                          hire  reporting and        online  reporting    is available      on our  website:        www.njcsesp.com  

Send completed        forms     to:         
New Jersey     Child Support Employer CenterServices
PO  Box 4654     Trenton,     NJ      08650 4901‐              
Toll‐ free fax:  800  304‐    4901‐           

Reports must          be      submitted       within   20    days   of hire      or rehire      date. Failure     to report      could result  in a  fine.                 
                          REPORTS WILL          NOT    BE    PROCESSED           IF REQUIRED          INFORMATION          IS MISSING                  
                                                     Questions?       Call us  toll free     at (877)      NJ HIRES                     
                                                                                                                                                                    Rev 3/12    

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