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Is my pension or annuity taxable to New Jersey?
If you will recover 100% of your contributions to your pension or annuity within 36 months of your
first payment, your pension does not become taxable until you exceed your contributions. If it will
take longer than 36 months from the date of your first payment to recover 100% of your
contributions, use the General Rule Method to determine the taxable portion of your pension.
If your income for the entire year is not more than $20,000 ($10,000 if your filing status is single or
married/CU partner filing separate return), you have no tax liability to New Jersey.
Your pension is not subject to New Jersey tax if:
You were not a resident of New Jersey while receiving your pension or annuity payments.
It is a military pension resulting from service in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force,
Marine Corps or Coast Guard.
It is a pension received because of total and permanent disability and you are less than 65
years of age. Note: If you continue to receive pension payments after you turn 65, your
disability pension is then treated as an ordinary pension and taxable beginning that year.
For more information on the taxability of your pension or annuity, visit publication GIT-1, Pensions
and Annuities.
What amount of tax should I withhold?
To determine the amount of income tax to withhold, first estimate your expected New Jersey taxable
income and tax liability. Be sure to consider all sources of income you (and your spouse, if filing
jointly) have in the tax year and subtract any New Jersey tax exemptions, exclusions, and/or
deductions. Refer to the NJ-1040 instructions or use publication GIT-8, Estimating Income Taxes to
help estimate your income and tax liability.
If you have an estimated New Jersey tax liability, use the worksheet below to calculate the amount
of tax to withhold:
1. Estimated tax liability for the tax year $ ___________
2. New Jersey Income Tax paid/withheld by other sources $ ___________
3. Balance of tax (Subtract line 2 from line 1) $ ___________
4. Number of pension or annuity payments in the tax year ___________
5. Amount of tax to withhold from each payment
(Divide line 3 by line 4) $ ___________
What if I have questions?
If you have general questions, contact the New Jersey Division of Taxation Customer Service
Center at (609) 292-6400. Agents are available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. –
except State holidays.